HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-12-01, Page 15Wednesday, December 1, 2004 Exeter Times–Advocate
"A baby is
not part
of its
Dear Editor:
Those in favor of pro -
choice often claim
"women have the right to
control their own body,"
and since a fetus is con-
sidered a part of the
woman's body, therefore
women have the
right to choose fo
or against an
abortion. Research
in the late `90s
however, unravels
this argument.
The research focused on
the body's immune sys-
tem. When "foreign"
organisms or tissue enter
the body, our immune
system goes on the defen-
sive and seeks to destroy
the invader. Today, we
call this immune defense
mechanism the "killer T
cell." Some 50 years ago
Nobel prize winning biol-
ogist Sir Peter Medawar
commented that the sur-
vival of a 'genetically dif-
ferent' child within its
mother's womb contra-
dicted our understanding
of the immune defense
system. All early trans-
plant experiments had
failed because the killer T
cell faithfully attacked
and destroyed that which
had been transplanted.
But why was this not hap-
pening to the tissue of a
developing embryo in the
We now know that it
does! In fact, this is fre-
quently the cause for mis-
carriage. Using mice in
their experiments, a land-
mark paper was deliv-
ered in 1998 by
researchers at the
Medical College of
Georgia USA. They found
that the embryo pro-
duces a special
enzyme name
"IDO" which
suppresses the
mother's T cell
reaction and allows preg-
nancy to proceed (D.H.
Munn, Science 281
(5380):1122-1124, 1998).
Further research on
humans indicated that
IDO was produced on the
embryo side of the pla-
cental membrane. The
embryo actually produces
the IDO as a defense
against the mother's
immune system!
What does this prove? It
clearly shows that a baby
is not part of its mother's
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body! Since only half a
baby's chromosomes
come from the mother,
and the other half from
the father, each combina-
tion is unique. Being dif-
ferent, a mother's
immune system identifies
baby as "foreign". Only
because baby is well pro-
tected by IDO, can the
pregnancy go to a full and
healthy term. The unique
genetic makeup of the
child exists from the
moment of conception,
but it's not until day six
that IDO is first produced.
Why day six? In prepara-
tion for day seven! That's
when the new embryo
attaches it self to moth-
er's womb and begins to
draw nutrients from her
bloodstream. This same
bloodstream contains the
killer T cells, and were it
not for the presence of
IDO, baby would not sur-
The sequence of events
during a baby's growth in
the womb, with each
event occurring in its
proper time, is another
example of "intelligent
design." No doubt about
it, we are "fearfully and
wonderfully made" by our
creator God. How long
then will it be, before
these new findings will be
put to the test in our
courts, to prove that a
human embryo becomes
a unique person the
moment it connects to
mother's womb? The
longer we wait to clarify
this, the longer we allow
the killing of innocent
baby's to continue! So I
ask, is there anyone out
there with enough human
compassion and legal
wherewithal, willing to
champion for so worthy a
cause as to clarify that
forced removal from a
womb, after day seven, is
the blatant denial of a
baby's life? When without
legal cause, one denies
another the right to live,
it's murder, is it not?
JERRY DE Boer, Exeter
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