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The Times Advocate, 2004-10-27, Page 29
Wednesday, October 27, 2004 Exeter Times -Advocate 29 Classifieds 16 For Sale LIVING ROOM SET - includes navy, green & bur- gundy plaid couch/loveseat, wingback chair/ottoman, 3 pc. coffee tables. Reasonable offers considered. 235-4964. (40-47SA) MUST SELL - Whirlpool stacking washer/dryer, York weight bench, leather sectional, 5' table c/w 4 high back chairs, Tuffy BB net & pole. 235- 2445 ext. 266. (43;44*) POOL EQUIPMENT SALE - Double D. Co., new location - 4 McGivern St., Walkerton. Trade any old or broken cue and receive $6.00 off a new cue. Trade any old set of cue balls and receive $30.00 off new set of cue balls. Call 881- 2113 Duffy. (34-50x) POOL OWNER? - No more buying and storing chlorine with a Zodiac Salt Chlorinator. Clear water just by adding salt. Only $1,995. Blue Horizon Pools 524-9804. (16tfn) RENT TO OWN - New, used and reconditioned appliances, furniture, tools, anything we sell. Good Choice Appliances 519-482-5599. (4ltfn) $$SAVE$$ - Raincoats, 3/4 length, unisex sizes S-XXXL with hood, commercial weight only $10.95! MUKLUKS are here: ladies sizes to 11. Huge selection of WINTER COATS ladies to size 20, men's to size 3XL. Open Saturdays 9:30- 5:00 Caralot Country Clothier, between Mt. Carmel & Corbett, 35619 Salem Rd., 294-0494. (43) SMALL 4' 3PTH BUSH HOG - good for small utility tractor, up to 25 hp. $600 obo. Call 284-8076. (38-45SA) THE FUEL GENIE - decreases in fuel consumption 30-50%. For cars and trucks. Will also install. 519-595-4553. (19tfx) 16 For Sale WINDBREAK TREES - Fall is a great time to plant. 2' and up. $4.95 and up. Grower prices. Quantity discounts. 519-271-9018. (37-44SA) WOOD LATHE - Rockwell 1/2 hp., 6 speed, 36" with stand, chisels and 10" face plate. Excellent condition. $300 obo. 284-3342. (43- 50SA) WOOD, OVEN READY CHICKENS, - awning 14'. Different household articles. 225-2609. (39-46SA) WOODSHOP - 1 hp. sawdust collector with gates, tees and piping. One fine dust filter. $100 for all. 238-8879. 10 NORWAY SPRUCE - 12' high. $150 each plus the cost of moving. 284-4844. (40- 47SA) 17 Wanted To Buy USED SCAFFOLDING IN GOOD CONDITION - 236- 4607. (43) WANTED: CARS & TRUCKS - for wrecking. Any condition. Will buy any scrap metal. You will be surprised at our prices. Pickups can be arranged. 234-6252 Advanced Auto Parts. (14tfn) WANTED - OLD GUNS, - Lee -Enfield rifles, other enfield rifles, Indian trade guns, rifles with brass frames and barrels and other old guns and pistols. Call 271-2705. (42-45*) 19 Property For Sale 1/2 ACRE COUNTRY LOT - 100'x200'. Bronson Line south of Dashwood. $29,900. Build this spring. (519)235- 3633. (13tfn) EXETER - 269 RIVERS BLVD - 3 bedroom bungalow, double garage. Workshop, central air, gas fireplace. 2 bathrooms, modern kitchen, open concept. 235-3042. 19 Property for Sale © ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. The Mortgage People 1ST 2ND AND 3RD MORTGAGES ALL TYPES OF PROPERTIES FAST SERVICE - PRIME RATES DIFFICULT MORTGAGES - PRIVATE FUNDS INVESTOR INQUIRIES WELCOME CONTACT FRANK ROWLEY 519-238-5851 - GRAND BEND 1-800-361-5114- KITCHENER 19 Property for Sale NEED A MORTGAGE? First & Seconds GET THE LOWEST RATE CONSOLIDATE DEBTS Borrow '100,000. - Pay '625. per month "HARD TO APPROVE" Whatever your needs, Give Us A Try. MORTGAGE NETWORK 519-482-7675/1-866-623-0589 www.garywalden.com 20 Property For Rent COUNTRY LIVING - 1 1/2 storey 3 bedroom brick house. 10 min. S of Exeter. $675/month. 227-4353. (42- 44*) 20 Property for Rent EXETER 2 BEDROOM HOUSE - Gas heat. Available Nov. lst. First and last, refer- ences. 235-3220. (43tfn) 19 Property for Sale 1st & 2nd Mortgage MONEY AVAILABLE at 3.25% interest or less Personal Loans and Mortgages if you qualify, Monthly payments as low as Amt App. Mthly Payt. $5,000 $13.55 $10,000 $27.08 $50,000 $135.42 $100,000 $270.83 We Specialize in difficult mortgages. Local 364-0448 1(800)387-1932 Astral Funding Inc. RETIREMENT LIVING 2-39461 Dashwood Rd., 12x60+add on rm, 3 bdrm, L&K, 4 pc. bath + Idry rm, 4 appl., close to shopping, snow removal and lawn care available. New gas furnace, hot water tank & fireplace. For info and viewing - leave message 237-3741 20 Property for Rent 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX - available Dec. 15. Fridge & stove. $640/month plus utili- ties. Large one bedroom apt., available Dec. 1. Fridge & stove. $510/month plus hydro. 235-1854. (43tfn) 20 Property for Rent ASHWOOD APARTMENTS - 1 bedroom $425.00, 1 bedroom furnished $525.00, 2 bedroom $475.00 plus hydro. Fridge and stove included. Call Marlene Parsons, Re/Max Bluewater Realty Inc. at 235- 3777. (32tfn) DOWNTOWN EXETER - Available 6 Nov. One bed- room apartment suitable for single person on second floor. Fridge, stove, water & sewer charges included. Pay own hydro. $420/month. References. First/last required. Call 235-1354 after 7 pm. (43tfn) "EXCELLENT RENT" START FROM $400. AVAILABLE BACHELOR 1 BEDROOM, 2 BEDROOM APT. - Pay only FIRST rent and move in. Country setting in Clandeboye. Easy payment for the last month. Flexible credit check. Call 1-800-262- 3047. (43tfn) EXETER - 1 & 2 bedroom apartments with fridge & stove, freshly cleaned and painted, Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349. (3tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom, main floor. Fridge, stove and heat included. References, first and last. 235-1950. (36tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. ADULT BUILDING - $550 monthly includes w/s plus utilities. 1 st/last months rent. No pets, references required. 235-3293. (40tfn) GRAND BEND - 3 BED- ROOM HOME - nestled in trees at Oakwood Park. Fully furnished. Newly renovated. Pets allowed. Available imme- diately to May/05. $600/month plus utilities. Trevor 416-627-5291. (41-43*) LUCAN - 1 BEDROOM APT. - Available Oct. lst. Parking. $300 plus hydro. 227-4766. (39-46*) Ask TheEx ert Learn more from those who have the answers! REACH THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITH YOUR MESSAGE CALL 235-1331 Ask TheExert Learn more from those who have the answers! INSOLVENCY • • M• • IN ■ ■■■■ ■ ■■■ • • • • • II • PAUL J. PICKERING LIMITED TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY KAROL MICHROWSKI, CGA CIRP RESIDENT TRUSTEE AT 8 KING STREET, CLINTON BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT BY CALLING PHONE 519-482-8459 TOLL-FREE 1-800-561-7451 Fax 519-482-8460 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE IN EXETER AND OUR LONDON HEAD OFFICE PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CONSUMER PROPOSALS FINANCIAL COUNSELLING SIGNS ART EC H Signs & Graphics 1 12 High St. Seaforth A FULL ERUICE SERVICCaII1-519-527-2200 SOON Fax 1-519-527-1411 COMPANY artech@tcc.on.ca STEEL Brander Steel td Main St. S Exeter 235-1462 or 1-800-556-9330 All types of steel products. Shearing & Bending Service Max. 1/2" capacity WELL DRILLING W. D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. WATER WELL DRILLING Seaforth: 519-522-1737 Toll Free: 888-522-1737 Stratford: 519-271-7860 Toll Free: 888-271-7860 • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES GRUNDFOS STAINLESS STEEL • 4 MODERN ROTARY DRILLS PUMPS • LICENCED WELL TECHNICIANS ©SALES & SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES WATER GUARANTEED Ontario SINCE 1915 TREE REMOVAL Southwestern Tree Service * Total Tree Removal * Complete Tree Maintenance * Bucket Truck Service *Fully Insured * Brush Clipping GREG TAYLOR - FREE ESTIMATES 482-3822 482-1723 PAINTING & DECORATING RENOVATIONS M & M PAINTING & DECORATING LTD. Residential, Commercial Industrial, Airless Spray Painting, Baking Soda Cleaning & Blasting, Vinyl Wallcovering, Drywall Repairs, Wallpapering, Floor Sanding, Graffiti Removal Free Estimates 235-1701 Fax: 235-4538 Partners Paint & Paper Residential - Commercial Industrial Maintenance Coatings Need a painter? We give out names of area professionals who use our Premium Quality products Partners Paint & Paper 451 Main St. Exeter 235-0181 or 888-203-5782 Open 7 days a week RUDY'S PAINTING •INTERIOR...EXTERIOR • COMMERCIAL... RESIDENTIAL •FREE ESTIMATES... SENIORS DISCOUNT • LINE PAINTING • 234-6571 COMPLETE WATER TREATMENT Mark Heimrich & Associates Since 1986 WHY LUG A JUG ??? SAVE NOW INSTALL A DISTILLER OR REVERSE OSMOSIS UNIT CaII and book your free in home water test today. • Whole House Carbon Filters • Softeners/Iron & Sulphur Removers • Ultraviolet/Peroxide/Ozonation • No Charge Testing & Consultation LIFETIME HOME PRODUCTS EXETER tr.werry' MEMBER OF vas KEY DEALER TEAM 213 Carling St., Exeter 519.235.0699 or 1.800.529.9292 www.lifetimehomeproducts.com WINDOWS & DOORS 11 ■■ Free SOUTH HURON Window & Door Centre Sales * Service * Installation 235-3502 y .N'OUTIi STAR Estimates Toll Free 1-800-790-4668 • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Garage Doors • New Construction Windows •Insulated Glass Replacement • Steel Door Entrance Systems • Sun Rooms • Decks • Patio Doors • Terrace Doors • Roof Windows • Shutters • Aluminum Storm Doors • Siding/Soffit/Fascia Visit Our Showroom at 432 Main St. S., EXETER Renovations & Repairs Subcontracting Stump Grinding Service, 36" access Siding•Soffit•Fascia •Windows•Roofing 282-6084 OR 237-3410 WEB DESIGN nexus designs innovative web solutions PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE DESIGN businesses community organizations not for profit groups personal consultations are free www.nexusdesigns.ca info@nexusdesigns.ca Phone:519-234-6341 EXPERTS AT YOUR SERVICE Talent FOUND ON THESE EXPERTS' PAGES PHONE 235-1331 FOR ALL YOUR kADVERTISING NEEDS Teamwor SOMERSET GARDEN HOMES MODEL SUITES AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT 1 i Ali Luxurious Freehold Townhouses IN EXETER are now For Sale. Sand rz s St. Located on a new Street Only four blocks from downtown. IDEAL FOR ADULTS! r e q - No EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE - NEW UNITS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Joe Durand PLEASE CALL Doug Geoffrey 1-519-565-5062 OR 1-519-235-2961 20 Property For Rent COUNTRY LIVING - 1 1/2 storey 3 bedroom brick house. 10 min. S of Exeter. $675/month. 227-4353. (42- 44*) 20 Property for Rent EXETER 2 BEDROOM HOUSE - Gas heat. Available Nov. lst. First and last, refer- ences. 235-3220. (43tfn) 19 Property for Sale 1st & 2nd Mortgage MONEY AVAILABLE at 3.25% interest or less Personal Loans and Mortgages if you qualify, Monthly payments as low as Amt App. Mthly Payt. $5,000 $13.55 $10,000 $27.08 $50,000 $135.42 $100,000 $270.83 We Specialize in difficult mortgages. Local 364-0448 1(800)387-1932 Astral Funding Inc. RETIREMENT LIVING 2-39461 Dashwood Rd., 12x60+add on rm, 3 bdrm, L&K, 4 pc. bath + Idry rm, 4 appl., close to shopping, snow removal and lawn care available. New gas furnace, hot water tank & fireplace. For info and viewing - leave message 237-3741 20 Property for Rent 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX - available Dec. 15. Fridge & stove. $640/month plus utili- ties. Large one bedroom apt., available Dec. 1. Fridge & stove. $510/month plus hydro. 235-1854. (43tfn) 20 Property for Rent ASHWOOD APARTMENTS - 1 bedroom $425.00, 1 bedroom furnished $525.00, 2 bedroom $475.00 plus hydro. Fridge and stove included. Call Marlene Parsons, Re/Max Bluewater Realty Inc. at 235- 3777. (32tfn) DOWNTOWN EXETER - Available 6 Nov. One bed- room apartment suitable for single person on second floor. Fridge, stove, water & sewer charges included. Pay own hydro. $420/month. References. First/last required. Call 235-1354 after 7 pm. (43tfn) "EXCELLENT RENT" START FROM $400. AVAILABLE BACHELOR 1 BEDROOM, 2 BEDROOM APT. - Pay only FIRST rent and move in. Country setting in Clandeboye. Easy payment for the last month. Flexible credit check. Call 1-800-262- 3047. (43tfn) EXETER - 1 & 2 bedroom apartments with fridge & stove, freshly cleaned and painted, Glenn Haven Apts. 235-0349. (3tfn) EXETER - 2 bedroom, main floor. Fridge, stove and heat included. References, first and last. 235-1950. (36tfn) EXETER - 2 BEDROOM APT. ADULT BUILDING - $550 monthly includes w/s plus utilities. 1 st/last months rent. No pets, references required. 235-3293. (40tfn) GRAND BEND - 3 BED- ROOM HOME - nestled in trees at Oakwood Park. Fully furnished. Newly renovated. Pets allowed. Available imme- diately to May/05. $600/month plus utilities. Trevor 416-627-5291. (41-43*) LUCAN - 1 BEDROOM APT. - Available Oct. lst. Parking. $300 plus hydro. 227-4766. (39-46*) Ask TheEx ert Learn more from those who have the answers! REACH THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITH YOUR MESSAGE CALL 235-1331 Ask TheExert Learn more from those who have the answers! INSOLVENCY • • M• • IN ■ ■■■■ ■ ■■■ • • • • • II • PAUL J. PICKERING LIMITED TRUSTEE IN BANKRUPTCY KAROL MICHROWSKI, CGA CIRP RESIDENT TRUSTEE AT 8 KING STREET, CLINTON BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT BY CALLING PHONE 519-482-8459 TOLL-FREE 1-800-561-7451 Fax 519-482-8460 APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE IN EXETER AND OUR LONDON HEAD OFFICE PERSONAL BANKRUPTCY CONSUMER PROPOSALS FINANCIAL COUNSELLING SIGNS ART EC H Signs & Graphics 1 12 High St. Seaforth A FULL ERUICE SERVICCaII1-519-527-2200 SOON Fax 1-519-527-1411 COMPANY artech@tcc.on.ca STEEL Brander Steel td Main St. S Exeter 235-1462 or 1-800-556-9330 All types of steel products. Shearing & Bending Service Max. 1/2" capacity WELL DRILLING W. D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. WATER WELL DRILLING Seaforth: 519-522-1737 Toll Free: 888-522-1737 Stratford: 519-271-7860 Toll Free: 888-271-7860 • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES GRUNDFOS STAINLESS STEEL • 4 MODERN ROTARY DRILLS PUMPS • LICENCED WELL TECHNICIANS ©SALES & SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES WATER GUARANTEED Ontario SINCE 1915 TREE REMOVAL Southwestern Tree Service * Total Tree Removal * Complete Tree Maintenance * Bucket Truck Service *Fully Insured * Brush Clipping GREG TAYLOR - FREE ESTIMATES 482-3822 482-1723 PAINTING & DECORATING RENOVATIONS M & M PAINTING & DECORATING LTD. Residential, Commercial Industrial, Airless Spray Painting, Baking Soda Cleaning & Blasting, Vinyl Wallcovering, Drywall Repairs, Wallpapering, Floor Sanding, Graffiti Removal Free Estimates 235-1701 Fax: 235-4538 Partners Paint & Paper Residential - Commercial Industrial Maintenance Coatings Need a painter? We give out names of area professionals who use our Premium Quality products Partners Paint & Paper 451 Main St. Exeter 235-0181 or 888-203-5782 Open 7 days a week RUDY'S PAINTING •INTERIOR...EXTERIOR • COMMERCIAL... RESIDENTIAL •FREE ESTIMATES... SENIORS DISCOUNT • LINE PAINTING • 234-6571 COMPLETE WATER TREATMENT Mark Heimrich & Associates Since 1986 WHY LUG A JUG ??? SAVE NOW INSTALL A DISTILLER OR REVERSE OSMOSIS UNIT CaII and book your free in home water test today. • Whole House Carbon Filters • Softeners/Iron & Sulphur Removers • Ultraviolet/Peroxide/Ozonation • No Charge Testing & Consultation LIFETIME HOME PRODUCTS EXETER tr.werry' MEMBER OF vas KEY DEALER TEAM 213 Carling St., Exeter 519.235.0699 or 1.800.529.9292 www.lifetimehomeproducts.com WINDOWS & DOORS 11 ■■ Free SOUTH HURON Window & Door Centre Sales * Service * Installation 235-3502 y .N'OUTIi STAR Estimates Toll Free 1-800-790-4668 • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Garage Doors • New Construction Windows •Insulated Glass Replacement • Steel Door Entrance Systems • Sun Rooms • Decks • Patio Doors • Terrace Doors • Roof Windows • Shutters • Aluminum Storm Doors • Siding/Soffit/Fascia Visit Our Showroom at 432 Main St. S., EXETER Renovations & Repairs Subcontracting Stump Grinding Service, 36" access Siding•Soffit•Fascia •Windows•Roofing 282-6084 OR 237-3410 WEB DESIGN nexus designs innovative web solutions PROFESSIONAL WEBSITE DESIGN businesses community organizations not for profit groups personal consultations are free www.nexusdesigns.ca info@nexusdesigns.ca Phone:519-234-6341 EXPERTS AT YOUR SERVICE Talent FOUND ON THESE EXPERTS' PAGES PHONE 235-1331 FOR ALL YOUR kADVERTISING NEEDS Teamwor