HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-10-27, Page 15Wednesday, October 27, 2004 Exeter Times—Advocate 15 Queensway welcomes gospel singers HENSALL - Gladys and The Merrymakers with their rollicking Octoberfest polka music kept the dance floor full Oct. 23 at Queensway's Octoberfest party. Fun and Fitness started the week off with residents working their way through the exercise routine fol- lowed by games geared to promote mental function. In the afternoon, Hensall United Church women pro- vided assistance and prizes for bingo. Breakfast group gathered Tuesday morning to enjoy eggs, sausage, toast, melons and tea or coffee. Auxiliary volunteer Betty Simmons assisted as everyone lingered over their meal enjoying their eggs made to order and the lively conversation. In the afternoon, Rev. Don Alcock of the Bayfield Anglican Church led Worship. Belva Fuss was volunteer pianist and Marg Cole assisted resi- dents. Pastor Elly Van Bergen was also in Tuesday as usual to provide pastoral visitation and support. Wednesday afternoon euchre play- ers gathered for several rousing games, facilitated by volunteer Marg Cole. Impromptu games happen almost every day but on Wednesdays both retirement home and nursing home residents get together to enjoy the competition. Coffee and Current Events Thursday morning provided a forum for discussion of newsworthy events. Throughout the week, residents also benefited from manicures, visi- tation, music therapy, massage, and art group/ Coming Events Oct. 28: 6 p.m. Senior Diners; 7 p.m. Birthday party with The Huron Strings. Nov. 2: 9 a.m. Volunteer auxiliary meeting; 7 p.m. Gospel Singers. Nov. 5: Friendship Friday with Andy Rau & Friends. Granton -Wesley general UCW meeting By Muriel Lewis GRANTON CORRESPONDENT GRANTON - At the Granton Wesley United Church on Oct244,, GRANTON NEWS . Geraldine McAlorum led the service and the mes- sage was about the bap- tism of Jesus. The lessons were from Luke 3 and John 1. Blake Foran lit the Christ Candle. The Dodds Family gave a presenta- tion during the children's time. At the present time, Amelia Jameson is a resi- dent of Wildwood Care Centre in St. Marys. Get well wishes from Granton -Wesley to Hilda Grose who suffered a fall at her apartment in Lucan recently. United Church Women The Granton -Wesley UCW general meeting was held at the church Oct. 12 com- mencing with refresh- ments. President Margaret Bryan opened with a reading 'The best that you are'. Unit 2 was in charge of the program when Terry Herbert read 'God has a plan'. She also intro- duced the speaker Patricia Gallan who is president of the London Chapter of the Autism Society of Ontario. A question period fol- lowed. Unit 3 is in charge of the Dec. 13 program following the Beef on a Bun supper at 5:30 p.m. Arrangements have been made for the group Spectrum from St. Thomas. Other upcoming events were announced. All the units gave their reports. Lillus Riddell and Anne Pincombe have made new communion linens. Bryan closed with the UCW Benediction. Granton -Wesley UCW Unit 1 met at the home of Nora Wissel for lunch at noon Oct. 14, served by hostess Wissel assisted by Val Hodgins and Cathie Westman. President Doreen McRobert opened the meeting with a prayer about Thanksgiving and read a story about the changing leaves. Unit 5 has invited Unit 1 to join them for a potluck lunch on Nov. 11. Cards were signed for the sick Hensall leaf blower up and running By Liz Sangster HENSALL CORRESPONDENT HENSALL - The date for the Hensall Legion door- to-door poppy canvass is Mon., Nov. 1 at 6:30 p.m., conducted by Legion members and local cadets. The people of Hensall will be happy to hear that the leaf blower is up and running Leaves can be raked to the curb on Fri., Oct. 29 and Sat., Oct. 30. Volunteers will be on the job. There is no fee for the service but donations are welcome. Winners of the Hensall and Community Horticultural Society Thanksgiving decorating contest in the residential category are Dana Philips, Mary Forrest, and Don and Ruthanne Smale. Winners in the business category are Joyce McBeath and Bill Gibson. Church services At Carmel Presbyterian Church Tracy Whitson- Bahro was the minister with Joyce Pepper playing the organ. The offering was received by Harry Smith. Thurs., Oct. 28 is the soup, salad and dessert luncheon. Everyone is welcome and no ticket is required. Oct. 29 will be craft night from 7 to 8:30 p.m. marking The Year of the Child. This is an Optimist project. At Hensall United Church Mona Alderdice was the greeter for this special service. Bill Gibson was the organist with Judy and Kay Mock receiving the offer- ing. Les Hills lit the Christ Candle and also read the Scripture lesson. Pastor Fred Darke's message was entitled 'How is Your Vision?' Ocean Christine Lothian, daughter of Fraser and HENSALL Sue Lothian, and Robyn Paige Kyle Northcott, daughter of David and Shannon Northcott, received the rites of baptism from Pastor Darke. Remembrance Day ser- vice will take place at Hensall United Church on Nov. 7. NEWS t Solve your window condensation problems at I a fraction of the cost of common window repair methods. • Crystal Clear Window Works' unique process quickly removes moisture from failed thermal pane windows, protects against further damage and permanently recovers insulating R -Value. Our certified and licensed dealers will restore your window without the disruption or environmental consequence of replacing glass. And we back all our work with a complete warranty. 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Electricity Conse„rp,, r Energy conservation tip: Don't keep that old, inefficient refrigerator running in the basement for occasional refreshments. It could cost you $150 or more per year in electricity. Bottom line stays the same. There is no increase to your electricity charge. at Reading at Multiplier Measured Adjustment Adjusted end of consumption factor consumption period 484 1.0 2,00.00kWh 1.0424 2,084.8kWh The Ontario Ministry of Energy has approved a new electricity bill format that will help make understanding your electricity charges easier. And to make it even more straightforward, your new bill includes a glossary that explains all the terms. Still need more information on your charges? Contact your utility and they will provide it for you. If you have any comments about your new electricity bill format, please contact us at our website: www.energy.gov.on.ca or call our customer information line at 1-888-668-4636. O Ontario