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Exeter Times–Advocate
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Autumn meeting of horticultural society
Kirkton Horticultural
Society held its annual
autumn meeting Oct. 5 at
7 p.m., at the
Community Centre.
While the members
enjoyed old-time music
provided by pianist Shirley
Dann, they selected their
fall bulbs; a gift from the
President Elaine Stephen
Sandra Kemp (left) with
Kirkton Horticultural
Society president Elaine
Stephen presents speaker
Eric Jacobsen with a cheque
at the annual autumn meet-
ing of the society Oct. 5 at
the Kirkton/Woodham
Community Centre.
opened the meeting with
the singing of '0 Canada,'
and announced the
Christmas Basket
Workshop with Josh Rath,
to be held Nov. 30.
Some openings are still
available and further
information on the work-
shop can be obtained from
Director Gertrude Willis.
"It's never too late for
fall planting," was one of
the themes brought to the
Society by featured speak-
er Eric Jacobsen of
Parkway Gardens in Hyde
Though many think fall
is the time to put the gar-
den to bed, he stressed the
fact that with choosing
ornamental grasses, and
with the good manage-
ment of such perennials as
shasta daisies, delphini-
ums, et cetera, the gar-
den's life could be extend-
ed for another six to eight
The audience took
advantage of Jacobsen's
extensive gardening
knowledge to have ques-
tions answered.
A lively plant auction,
conducted by Director
Owen O'Brien, found
many bidders able to add
new plant specimens to
their gardens.
President Elaine Stephen
concluded the evening and
announced the potluck
Christmas meeting to be
held on Dec. 7 at 6 p.m.
A delicious seasonal
lunch was served and
many gardening tips
Swimming and supper planned for Nov 21
By Rhoda Rohde
THAMES ROAD - Rev. Marilyn Carter was in charge
of the Thanksgiving church service on Sunday morn-
ing. Everyone sang the Introit and shook hands. Rev.
Carter gave greetings and the announcements.
Joyce Fulton gave a report of the council meeting.
Rev. Carter led in the call to worship. Marilyn Pym led
in the prayer of approach and thanksgiving. Sharon
Passmore, Karen Etherington, Grace
Pym, Alice Cann, Helen Weston, Greg,
Kim, Quinn and Aimee Rush put differ-
ent articles on the Communion.
The church was tastefully decorated for
Thanksgiving. Corey Smith lit the Christ candle and
Rev. Carter read Luke 17:11-19 and the title of her ser-
mon was `Returning Thanks'. Ken and Helen Kadey
received the offering and were greeters.
If you wish to have your child baptized, please con-
tact Rev. Carter at 235-2803. Baptism will be on Sun.,
Oct. 24.
Phone tree. In the event of a death in the community,
please contact Helen Weston at 229-6281 (Outreach
Committee). Oct. 17 - Fall Colour Car Tour. Bring your
family and friends! Come join your friends for an after-
noon of adventure exploring the Bayfield River water-
shed. Registration 1-2 p.m. at Clan Gregor Square, off
Hwy. 21 in Bayfield. Cost $5 per car. 150 km driving
through Bayfield River watershed from mouth to head-
waters. Oct. 20 - Moderator The Rt. Rev. Peter Short,
will be speaking at St. John's United
Church, Stratford at 7:45 p.m. Oct. 22 -
Christian Education Friday evening
Halloween Party at the church starting at 6:30 p.m.
Potluck snacks. Oct. 22, 23, 24 - "Rev. Dilema" at
Playhouse II, produced by Grand Bend United Church.
Nov. 21 - Swimming and Supper. Swimming will take
place at the Vanastra pool from 4-5 p.m. and supper
will be at 6 p.m. The cut-off date is Nov. 14. Adults $8,
children 12 and under $5. This event is hosted by the
Christian Education and Finance committees.
The finance committee would like to thank everyone
Pizza and birthday cake at St. Patrick's
By Hazel Davis message and focus was entitled `Giving Thanks' fol-
SAINTSBURY CORRESPONDENT lowed by the history of Roberta Elizabeth Tilton.
A Thanksgiving prayer was said and mention of
SAINTSBURY - On Saturday evening, St. Patrick's those who are ill and especially Starr Davis who will
celebrated its Thanksgiving Service of Light and travel to Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto on Oct. 19
Evening Prayer along with ACW worship at 6:30 p.m. and 20 to have surgery; our prayers are with her.
led by Heather MacGillivray. Service closed with an evening hymn and all enjoyed
The bishop had asked each church to designate a a pizza and birthday cake party honouring Katie -
special service to recognize the work of the women in Scarlett MacGillivray. Our families' Thanksgiving and
the parish and how fitting at birthday girl was born 19 years ago on
Thanksgiving to also give thanks for the SAINTSBURY NEWS Thanksgiving Sunday. Also birthday
marvelous contributions of the women greetings to Mrs. Stevie MacGillivray who
through the years. The service was also to remember will celebrate her 89th birthday Oct. 15. Best wishes
the founder of the women's auxiliary in 1885, Roberta go out to both of them.
Elizabeth Tilton, an organization which later became Notice of turkey supper at Holy Trinity Anglican
the Anglican Church Women. St. Patrick's women's Church in Lucan for Oct. 27 was read.
group was formed in 1894. Michelle Iredale was weekend guest with her grand -
The service opened with the ACW hymn, The Love of parents Ron and Margaret Carroll. George and
Christ Constraineth. Each of the women led in Margaret Brock of Lucan along with family members
Thanksgiving Scripture and prayers throughout the visited with Hugh and Hazel this week
service, also singing Blest be the Tie that Binds. The
Optimist Club may be coming to Exeter
By Mary Simmons
EXETER — An effort is underway
to establish a new adult Optimist
Club in Exeter.
Southwestern Ontario Zone Eight
Lt. Gov. Brenda Feeney of the
Crediton and District Optimist Club
is the driving force behind the effort.
Feeney says the main focus of the
group will be to provide guidance
and leadership to the South Huron -
Lakeshore Junior Optimist Club,
which was formed last May.
She says the Optimist International
motto is `bringing out the best in our
kids' and the group of 29 youths
represent some of the best.
"They're a wonderful group,"
Feeney says, adding it has been a
treat to work with her daughter,
Amanda -Lynn, who is lieutenant -
governor of Zone Two of the Junior
The primary goal of Optimist
International hi the area of growth is
to build and develop clubs which
contribute to the betterment of their
communities and play a major role
in youth development.
Feeney is looking for people willing
to share their time, talents and
experiences with youth to form a
new club in Exeter.
Optimist International scholarship
programs include an oratorical con-
test, an essay contest and a commu-
nications contest for the deaf and
hard -of -hearing.
The Optimists also sponsor Youth
Appreciation Week and the Junior
Golf Championships.
Locally, the Optimist Club is
involved with the Spelling Bee, Grad
Dance and Much Music video
Feeney says the former Optimist
Club in Exeter was a good group of
people, but they retired and dis-
solved the organization two years
An information meeting will be
held Up Stairs at Hansen's Oct. 23 at
1 p.m. Anyone who wants to hear
more about the organization is
encouraged to attend.
who participated in its First Annual Golf Tournament
and BBQ. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and
indicated that they hoped there would another one
next year. Special thanks to those people who helped
to do different tasks either prior to or on that day and
those who donated money and gifts for prizes. It was
greatly appreciated. We would also like to thank Janet
and Bob Mason and staff from the Exeter Golf Club for
their hospitality, great food and donation of $62 ($1
per meal) to our church. After all expenses were paid a
profit of $709 was made.
Pat Ballantyne, Alice Cann, Doris Elford, Bill and
Rhoda Rohde and Helen Weston attended the meeting
of the Kirkton Horticulture Society at Kirkton on
Tuesday evening. It was entitled `Autumn Splendour'.
The guest speaker was Eric Jacobsen of Parkway
Gardens, London. His topic was fall gardening. There
was a plant auction.
Marlene Potter of Thunder Bay has been visiting her
parents Jack and Ferne Stewart. Karel Hodgert of
Toronto and her mother Florence Richardson of
London were Saturday noon guests with Arnold and
Marion Cann. Hodgert spent the weekend with the
Canns. Ron and Wendy Earle and boys of London spent
the weekend with her parents Lorne and Pat
Lodge will work
blood donor clinic
EXETER - The new officers of the Pride of Huron
Rebekah Lodge, Exeter were installed mid-
Lodge members will be working the blood donor
clinic on Oct. 13 at South Huron District High
School. The cookies brought by members are great-
ly appreciated.
The lodge's fair parade float
won second prize.
The Rebekahs will again be sup-
porting the United Nations
Pilgrimage for Youth. Noble Grand
Jean Hodgert will lay the wreath for
the Remembrance Day service.
Exeter Curling Club Limited
Wed. Oct. 20-7:30 p.m.
For the purpose of:
1. Approving the Financial Statements
for 2004
2. Election of Directors
3. Appointment of Auditors