HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-09-29, Page 25The Classifieds The Classifieds The Classifieds ClassitiedsF The Classifieds The Classifieds The Classifieds Wednesday, September 29, 2004 Exeter Times—Advocate 25 PLACE AN AD In Person: 424 Main Street South, Exeter, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. By Phone: (519) 235-1331 By Fax: (519) 235-0766 By E-mail: ads@southhuron.com Classified Ad Deadline MONDAY AT 10:00 AM SUPER ADS Get results with our $15 Super Ad or we will repeat your ad up to another seven times at no charge. • For Sale items only • One item per ad • Private non-commercial ads only • All ads must be prepaid Call 235-1331 for bordered or monthly ad rates CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Lost, Found 2 To Give Away 3 Work Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Crops 10 Sports Equipment, Vehicles 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 30 Free Recyclables ri WORD ADS I insertion $10.00 2 insertions $17.00 3 insertions $24.00 20 word maximum 20¢ for each additional word Plus GST NOTICES Births, Announcements, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events - 50 words 1 insertion $15.00 2 insertions $30.00 3rd insertion free 20¢ for each additional word In Memoriam - $15.00, plus .25 per line of verse Plus GST PAYMENT METHODS • Cash • Cheque • Debit Card • VISA • MasterCard Please check your ad on the first day it appears to ensure that it is correct. All classified ads must be prepaid. ALL WORD ADS WILL BE PRINTED IN THE TIMES -ADVOCATE (WEDNESDAY) • WEEKENDER (FRIDAY) & T -A'S WEBSITE www.southhuron.com 1 Lost & Found LOST - CAMERA - on bench in parkette by old PUC Building, Main St., Exeter on Sept. 22. Please call 235-1746 or 235-4023. (39*) 3 Work Wanted WANTED: FIREARMS STU- DENTS - Our next "One Stop" Firearms Course is in Dashwood on Oct. 2, 3 & 16. Advance registration only. Call Terry Romphf at 237- 3248 and leave message. (37- 39) 3 Work Wanted FULL-TIME CHILDCARE OPENING AVAILABLE - Meals and snacks provided. Call 235-3327. (38;39*) 4 Help Wanted CONCRETE FORM SET- TERS & LABOURERS - fax resume to 235-4167, e-mail veekay@sympatico.ca or call 235-4264 after 6 pm. (38;39*) Town & Country Support Services (TCSS) is open to receiving applications from individuals interested in taking the Conestoga College PA+2 or Personal Support Worker course. SUPPORT 5eRVICES Successful candidates will be sponsored by TCSS for this educational opportunity with the condition that they remain in our employ for a minimum of 2 years. Please send a written letter of application to: Jean Young, Executive Director Town and Country Support Services P.O. Box 969, Wingham, ON NOG 2W0 Applications will be accepted by fax at (519) 357-2506 Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. 4150400.". - Pi I I IFtifk PiICIPALITY OF - Et LIJE WANT" an nMr.ELo - ....,. - n - - ..Ce, 2001 The Municipality of Bluewater Facilities Department requires Part -Time Workers to work at the Bayfield, Hensall and Zurich arena food booths and also requires part time arena attendants for each location. Please mail resumes to The Municipality of Bluewater, P.O. Box 250, Zurich, NOM 2T0 Attn.: Tom Dickins before October 16th, 2004 Contact your local Bluewater Arena for more information. CLASSIF� TIMES ADVOCATE ADVERTISING SPECIAL Si 5.00 SUPER AD FOR CLASSIFIED WORD ADS You will reach over 25,000 readers in the Exeter Times Advocate, The Weekender, the St. Marys Journal Argus, JA Weekender and our on-line data base @www.southhuron.com GREAT VALUE FOR YOUR ADVERTISING DOLLARS WILL RUN YOUR AO FOR 8 WEEKS FOR THE LOW COST OF $15.00 PLUS GST 20 words, one item per ad, we suggest you put a price in the ad, private, non-commercial ads only. Not for business purposes. No changes can be made to the ad and if you sell the item, please call us and the ad is cancelled. MUST BE PREPAID. VISA, MC, DEBIT, CASH Call our office at 235-1331, fax to 235-0766 or bring to 424 Main Street S., Exeter MONDAY -FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. - 4:30 P.M. AD DEADLINE IS MONDAY AT 10 A.M. CLASSIFY 4 Help Wanted EMPLOYMENT OPPORTU- NITY - PARKHILL AREA - Full-time person needed to assist swine herdsman. Experience an asset but not necessary. Also a "temporary" full-time person required for fall harvest. Call Joris 294- 6960/Ron 294-6116. (37-39*) Help Wanted Full time Herdsperson for farrow to finish operation. A great opportunity and responsibility to work with livestock. Will train right person. Mature applicants welcome. Fax (519) 229-8649 Phone 229-8862 4 Help Wanted EXPERIENCED FARROW- ING TECHNICIAN REQUIRED - on 850 sow operation south of Exeter. Part-time possible. Call or fax resume to 294-6149. (37-39*) EXPERIENCED PLUMBER AND/OR SHEET METAL WORKER. - 236-4649. (38;39*) 9ranfon (Untied c�2ur4 has a position for an organist. Contact: George Hales 284-3331 1311 C GMC HURON MOTOR PRODUCTS "W4eze '311:eetd44efut 'e99:g" Part Time Accounting Clerk/ Receptionist Position Available Evenings and Saturdays - 24 hours per week Requires excellent customer relationship skills Familiarity with telephone system Experience with computers in a Windows environment Basic accounting knowledge preferred College graduate or equivalent work experience Send resumes to: Controller Huron Motor Products 640 Main St. S. Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S1 Phone (519) 235-0363 Fax (519) 235-1685 Optimum USED VEHICLES GM THOMPSONS Our Granton plant has the following seasonal harvest positions open. 1) Grain Scale Receiving Assisting grain grader in scale office, receiving and documenting grower's delivery of grains. Team work in a fast paced environment with good oral and written communication skills are required. 2) General Help Assisting operators in and around the operation with various tasks. Ability to operate equipment such as fork lifts and basic mechanical skills are required. Interested persons are invited to apply with a resume by contacting: Thompsons Limited Granton Phone: 519-225-2360 • Fax 519-225-2363 e-mail: granton@thompsonslimited.com 4 Help Wanted GRAHAM ENERGY LIMITED Immediate opening FUEL DELIVERY DRIVER DZ license and good communication skills required. Submit resume to: Graham Energy, 88 Queen St. W., Box 130, St. Marys, Ontario N4X 1A9 Attn: Mike Jones or deliver to Dispatch office at GOCO Service Station, Hwy. 7, St. Marys HAIRSTYLIST - First Choice Haircutters has a part-time position available in their Exeter salon. Hourly wage, benefits, no clientele required, everything supplied and other stylist incentives in a friendly work environment. Call Janice at 235-3580. (38;39) IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR RECEPTION - data entry and general office duties. Full-time position. Prior experience or business college graduate pre- ferred. Send resume to atten- tion of Chris Turner, Thames Insurance Brokers Inc., 186 Main St., Exeter, ON NOM 1S1. (39) INTERNET ACCESS ASSIS- TANTS - Two part-time youth workers needed for Huron Community Access Program based at Exeter and Zurich libraries. Evenings, weekends, travel required. Approx. 10-17 hours per week until March 30, 2005. See posting for details at: www.huroncounty.ca (39) JOIN OUR HOME BUSI- NESS - that's been setting growth records for 14 years. For more info call 519-229- 6232. (49tfx) OWNER OPERATORS - required for full-time work. Short and long haul loads available hauling machinery on flatbeds and stepdecks. Competitive pay package including company paid insur- ance, plates, tolls, picks, drops and border crossing. Company paid group benefit plan. For more information please call TTK Transport Inc. in Goderich at 519-524-4331 or fax resume to 519-524-9658. (39;40) THE GRAND BEND YOUTH CENTRE - is presently seeking volunteers to help with the fall and winter programs. For those interested in helping with our recreational sports pro- grams such as indoor soccer and hockey or activities such as art and dance classes, please contact the GBYC at 238- 1155. (38-40) 4 Help Wanted AGROMART PROCESSING COMPANY INC. - located in Belton, has immediate open- ings for production laborers to work in our food -grade soy- bean processing/packaging plant. We offer competitive wages and opportunities for advancement. Forward your resume to, R.R. #3 Thorndale, Ont. NOM 2P0. Fax (519)461- 9073 or email: sliddle@agro- martgroup.com (39*) CLASS AZ DRIVER REQUIRED - for Ontario, Quebec and New York hauling livestock. Horne most week- ends. Must have 3 years AZ driving experience. Fax resume to 519-638-7776 or mail to P.O. Box 152, Moorefield, ON, NOG 2K0. (38-40x) PROPERTY MAINTE- NANCE COMPANY POSI- TION AVAILABLE IMME- DIATELY - for fall season. Labour intensive. Call 238- 5888 or 238-2832. (38;39*) CASUAL PART-TIME BOOKKEEPER, OFFICE ASSISTANT - Hensall area. Must have office experience and good knowledge of Quick Books and Simply Accounting software. Fax or e-mail your resume to (519)263-2991 or jeanne@finn-tips.com (38;39*) 5 Business Opportunities ARE YOU GETTING PAID WHAT YOU ARE WORTH? - Get the money you need when you need it Unlimited income potential and training provided. To learn how to get started call today! Nancy Miller, Independent Associate at 1 888 473 0080. (37-39*) MED MARIJUANA TM. - Local distributors required for legal cannabis products provid- ing numerous health benefits. Please call: 416-571-1147 or juda@rogers.com (39x) PROMOTE - your business opportunity to over 4 million adult readers in South Central Ontario. Book your advertise- ment in over 60 Metroland community newspapers with one phone call. Call today for information on weekly word ad packages (internet listings included) 416-493-1300 ext. 237; www.metroland.com (32- 39x) WORK AT HOME - $529.27 Weekly. Mail work, Assemble products or Computer work. (416)703-5655. 24hr message. www.TheHomeJob.ca Or write: Consumer, 599B Yonge Street, #259-222, Toronto. M4Y 1Z4 (35-39x) 6 Services "HONEY DO PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Grass Cutting & Trimming, Home Repairs, Odd Jobs, Glenn Pfaff 237-3835. (26tfn)