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Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Volunteers needed for Scouting, Bean Festival kitchen
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - A lovely bridal shower was held for Chantel
Gelinas on Sept. 12 at St. Peter's parish hall, St. Joseph,
which was attended by several relatives and friends.
Chantel is the daughter of Mozart and Julie Gelinas of
Listowel and fiancee of Jake Day, son of Simon and
Gloria Day of Southcott Pines in Grand Bend. The couple
are being married on Oct. 2 in Dublin.
A 90th birthday party and dinner was held for Pearl
Heimrich on Saturday, at St. Peter's Lutheran Church
hall with family members and relatives attending from
various places.
Blue Water Rest Home
Everyone is welcome to drop in for a cup of coffee to
support the Alzheimer Society on Thurs., Sept. 23 held
at the Blue Water Rest Home in Zurich from 2:30 to
3:30 p.m. There is a free-will offering.
Fri., Sept. 17 at 2:30 p.m. the Grand Bend Seniors
Band will be at the Blue Water Rest Home
in Zurich to entertain the residents and any
The next free bus ride to the Bank of Montreal in
Hensall is Wed., Sept. 15 and again on Thurs., Sept. 30.
Both will leave at 9:15 a.m. from Blue Water Rest Home
and Maple Woods Apartments; then, from the corner in
front of Hay Mutual Insurance at 9:25 a.m.
Best wishes
Best wishes for a speedy recovery goes out to Lil
Laporte of RR 2, Zurich, who is home recuperating from
being in the hospital.
The Zurich Lions Club held their first fall meeting at
Erb's Country Kitchen on Sept. 8 with dinner at 7 p.m.
Congratulations to Dean and Katie Watson (nee
Rathwell) who were married at St. Boniface Church by
Father Francis on Sept. 11. Dean is the son of Jerome
and Penny Watson of RR 3 Zurich. Dinner and reception
held in Exeter. A buck and doe was held for Rob Regier
and Tammy Restemayer on Sept. 10 at the Blue Water
Community Centre in Zurich. Rob is the son of Charlie
and Joan Regier, RR 3 Zurich. The wedding is planned
for October.
Catholic Women's League
St. Boniface Catholic Women's League is meeting
Tues., Sept. 21 with Mass at 6 p.m. followed by a
potluck supper at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall. Martha
Overholt and Patti Hunt's group is in charge.
Anyone wanting to attend the deanery meeting on
Wed., Sept., 29 in Dublin at St. Patrick's Hall are to let
Joan Regier know at 236-4289 before Sept. 22. The cost
is $5 a person. Registration starts at 8 a.m. ending with
Mass at 3 p.m.
Bean Festival winners
The winners of the quilt from the Blue Water Auxiliary
on Bean Festival day was Robbie Webb of Bayfield.
Winners of the St. Boniface Knights of Columbus draw
at the Bean Festival were as follows: first prize, Patio
Furniture, Daryl Tripp of Hensall; second prize, Hope
Chest, Mary Brand of RR 1 Zurich; third prize, a wooden
trellis, Susan Farley of London.
Recent visitors at the home of John and Bridget Groot
of Parkside subdivision were her sister and two brothers
and their wives from Holland. They attended the wed-
ding of their niece in Grimsby while here and also visit-
ed with members of the Groot family
Pat and Barb O'Connor of California spent last week in
Zurich. Several from the area enjoyed the Stem Show in
Blyth over the weekend.
Wayne and Bonnie Keller of RR 2 Zurich, are happy to
announce the arrival of their fourth
grandchild. Laura Jacqueline Smyth was
born on Sept. 7 to proud parents Colleen
and Ian of Peterborough. Grandma Bonnie is presently
there helping out.
The Seaforth Harmony Kings Barber Shop Variety
Show will be held on Sat., Sept. 25 at 8 p.m. and Sun.,
Sept. 26 at 2 p.m. at the Seaforth High School. Advance
tickets are $12 for adults and $6 for children under 12
years old. Call 238-2973 or 519-527-1775.
Irene and Leo Hoffman are happy to announce the
arrival of their new granddaughter Justine, born on
Sept. 2 to Robert and Brenda Hoffman of London.
Happy anniversary to Ray and Janice Hartman.
Zurich Public School
The children at Zurich Public School would like to wel-
come teachers Miss Krista Hurley and Mrs. Deb Oke.
The first meeting of parent teacher council is Tues.,
Sept. 21 at 7 p.m. Council chairperson is Claudia Martin.
Zurich Public School open house for parents and
teachers is Thurs., Sept. 23 from 6 to 8 p.m. with a
pizza and dessert supper. The school is now on a new,
balanced school day schedule which has two 20 -minute
nutrition and activity breaks during the school day.
Many young people are off to college and university
again this year. I can't believe we have three grandchil-
dren at different places in school. Tiffany in Georgia,
Tim in Ridgetown and Brittany in London at Western
University. Our daughter Meagan, is back at Wilfred
Laurier in Waterloo.
New pastor installed
The new pastor at Zurich Mennonite Church, Tim
Doherty, was installed on Sept. 12. Guest speaker was
Peter Fraser and Pastor Phil Wagler. After the service a
barbecue lunch was enjoyed.
The Zurich Golden Agers had a potluck supper at the
Zurich Complex on Sept. 13 at 5:30 p.m. followed by
their first meeting of the fall. Everyone is welcome to
join this group which meets every second Monday of
each month.
Bowlers invited
Bowlers are needed for Monday Night Ladies league at
the Town and Country Lanes in Zurich. Cost is $10 for
three games each week from 7 to 9 p.m. Come out and
join in the fun. Call the Lanes at 236-4923 or just come
Volunteers needed
If anyone has missed the registration for the scouting
groups, you can still register by calling Carol Prang at
236-4661 or Lee Desjardine 236-4634 as soon as possi-
ble. Also, they need more volunteer helpers to run the
Helpers are needed to clean the Bean Festival kitchen
on Wed., Sept. 15 at 7:30 p.m.
The Friendship ofWomen
The Dashwood Zion Lutheran Church Ladies have
invited everyone to hear guest speaker, Elaine Bickel of
Michigan on 'The Friendship of Women' Fri., Sept. 17 at
7:30 p.m. For more information call Elizabeth
Trembulak 237-3548.
It is time to skate on the new ice at the Bluewater
Community Centre. Registration for the Bluewater
Zurich Skating Club is Tues., Sept. 21, 6 to 8 p.m. at the
arena. There are programs for people of all ages. Stop
by the arena to learn more or to register.
Music results
Piano and theory results have recently been released
by Conservatory Canada. Marks for students of Laurie
Erb A. Mus. and Ashley Erb are as follows: Theory One -
Stacey Beierling ( First Class Honours/FCH). Theory Two
- Carly Schroeder and Emma Delitala (both First Class
Honours with Distinction). Theory Three - Emmett
O'Reilly (FCH). Theory Four - Amber Lee Overholt
Those passing Grade One piano are Rebecca Hern,
Morgan Dykstra and Dawn Regier (both achieved
Honours); Morgan Pockett, Lauren Leis, Kelly Pfaff,
Olivia Papple and Kristina Eilers (all FCH). Grade Three
piano results are Jessica Pfaff and Shawn Steckle (both
Humour the topic at UCW meeting
By Muriel Lewis
GRANTON - Several
from Granton attended
the firemen's breakfast in
Lucan on Sept. 12.
Get -well thoughts from
Granton to Amelia
Jameson who has been
moved to St. Marys
Memorial Hospital follow-
ing surgery.
UCW meetings
Granton -
Wesley UCW
Unit 2 met
at the church on
Thursday evening, Sept.
9. President Marian Gatt
led the discussion when
upcoming events were
announced. Next Sun.,
Sept. 19 the Sunday
School will host a hotdog
lunch, followed by a
hayride and pumpkin
hunt. Tentative plans
were made for the gener-
al UCW program at the
church on Oct. 12. A
Christmas card -making
workshop has been sug-
gested for November.
Granton -Wesley UCW
Unit 3 met at April
Bryan's home on Tuesday
evening, Sept. 7 with 15
members in attendance.
Margaret Bryan and April
presented the program on
the theme of the impor-
tance of humour and
read 'The
Power of
Humour' by Marion
Klaus. It has been proven
that humour is essential
for both physical and
mental well-being. Fifteen
minutes of laughter can
equal 6 to 8 hours of
meditation. It helps with
pain control, relieves
stress and can lower
blood pressure.
April told a unique story
and reviewed several
hilarious statements on
`Fashions to be Avoided
by Those Over 50'. The
group shared several sto-
ries of their most embar-
rassing moments, which
created more laughter.
President Irene
Richardson led the busi-
ness. The group will be
kept busy during October
as greeters, decorating
the church, and hosting
the muffin morning.
Richardson closed the
meeting with prayer and
the grace prior to refresh-
ments served by
Margaret and hostess
Church services
At the Granton -Wesley
United Church on Sept.
12, lay Pastor Val
Hodgins entitled the mes-
sage, 'Lost and Found -
Rejoice'. The lessons
were from Jeremiah 4, 1
Timothy 1 and Luke 15.
Adam Dodds lit the
Christ Candle. Cindy
Bilyea favoured with a
solo, God Hath Not
Promised. Sunday School
registration was held for
the children. Unit 2 host-
ed the muffin social
before the service.
Flowers were placed in
the sanctuary from the
funeral of Olive (Ken)
Hodgins (John Herbert's
grandmother) which was
held at the C. Haskett and
Son Funeral Home in
Lucan on Sept. 7.
Interment St. James
Cemetery, Clandeboye.
At St. Paul's Anglican
Church, Kirkton on Sept.
12, Rev. Dalice Sim led
the service of morning
prayer and Rosemary
Schaefer read the lessons.
The message was about
God's love for the lost. A
time of fellowship fol-
lowed the service.
Mailbox smashed
was smashed on Coursey Line Sept.
6 at 11:45 p.m. The incident was
immediately reported to police, but
there are no suspects.
Anyone with information should
call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-
Body shop entered
SOUTH HURON — On Sept. 6 at
1:30 p.m. OPP officers were called to
a body shop in Huron Park. The
owner told police within the last
three days someone had smashed a
window to gain entry through a
door, stealing $4,000 worth of tools.
Some of the tools were air powered
while others were wrenches and
hand tools. They included a Lincoln
Mig welder, a Porter Cable angle
grinder, a Makita electronic polish-
er, a 7 -inch Mac polisher, a Mac cut
off saw and a Hutchins Pneumatic
speed sander.
If you can help solve this crime call
the Exeter OPP office or Crime
Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477(TIPS).
Break and enter
LUCAN BIDDULPH — A break and
enter was attempted at a residence
on William Street near Denfield
Sept. 4 at 4 p.m.
According to police, windows were
pried open, but entry was not
gained after the alarm went off. No
one was home at the time.
Anyone with information should
call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-
Cheryl Staffen and Donna Wilson display the new
iStep scanner that all Wuerth's Shoes have acquired in
their stores to help customers select the appropriate
type of shoe based on foot type.
Wuerth's Shoes
introduces iStep
EXETER - Wuerth's Shoes has a new piece of techno-
logical equipment to help customers select the right
type of shoe.
The new iStep machine uses technology to scan the
foot in seconds, accurately measuring foot size and
showing all pressure points.
With the iStep scan, the store can recommend the
appropriate shoes and orthotics. In addition, results of
the test can be easily saved in a database for future
Try out the new machine at any of Wuerth Shoes
locations in St. Marys, Listowel, Goderich, or Exeter.