HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-07-14, Page 15Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Exeter Times–Advocate
Graduate - Tracy De
Groot graduated from
the University of
Western Ontario with a
Bachelor of Arts
Degree in Geography,
at convocation on June
11, 2004. Tracy is cur-
rently attending
D'Youville College in
Buffalo, N.Y., obtaining
her Teacher's Certifi-
Wouldn't your
grandparents be proud!
We are proud of you,
Love, Michael,
Dad & Mom
(George & Sue Wilson)
Cathie, Mike,
Brooke & Owen
Judi, Thang,
Larissa & Clair
Bill & Brenda De Groot
& family
Graduate - Jason
Grenier, son of Gerard
and Judy Grenier grad-
uated from Brock
University on June 8,
2004 with a B.A. in
Sports Management.
Congratulations Jason!
Love, Mom, Dad,
Miranda, Jen and Steve
Graduate - Amanda
Stephens, daughter of
Neil and Linda graduat-
ed on June 18, 2004
from Fanshawe College
with Honours in
Fashion Merchand-
ising. Amanda is
presently employed in
Sales & Merchandising
at Rocky's Harley
Davidson, London.
Congratulations Bug!
Mom, Dad & Kelly
Graduate - Doug and
Cathy Prout are proud
to announce the gradu-
ation of their son Adam
from the University of
Waterloo with a
Bachelor of Mathemat-
ics -Honours Computer
Engineering Option on
June 19, 2004. Adam
graduated with
Distinction on the
Dean's Honours List.
He will be returning to
the University of
Waterloo in September
to complete his
Masters of
Congratulations Adam!
Love Dad and Mom,
Andrew, Matthew
and Kyle
Graduate - Michael
Wilhelm, son of Terry
and Linda Wilhelm
graduated from
Lakehead University of
Thunder Bay with a
Bachelor of Admini-
stration on May 29,
2004. Mike is presently
working in the office at
Schneiders in St.
Congratulations Mike!
Love Dad, Mom,
Theresa and Chris
MASSE, (4.0 WOW)
daughter of Paul and
Monica Masse has
graduated from her
1st year at Fanshawe
College. The decision
to enrol in the Human
Services Foundation
Program has secured
her a place on the
President's Honour
Roll as well as her
summer employment
with Community
Living London. She
will be continuing her
education with
Fanshawe, enrolled
in the Disability
Service Worker Prog-
ram for the next 2
years, and continues
to work with the
Melissa has always
made us proud, and
her recent successes
just shows how
blessed we really are
to have her in our
Congrats and
all our love:
Mom, Paul,
Jason, Steve,
Grandma Ducharme.
Graduate - Julie
Cockwill, daughter of
Glen and Kathy
Cockwill, graduated
from Fanshawe
College on June 17,
2004. She received her
diploma as a
Registered Practical
Nurse. Julie has
accepted a position
with Craigwiel Gardens
in Ailsa Craig.
We are very
proud of you!
Love Dad, Mom
and Jennie
EXETER — On July 4 at
6 p.m. a male was observ-
ing stealing an ATV off a
trailer left parked in an
alleyway just off William
St. in Exeter. A citizen
noticed the male removing
a Suzuki ATV off a trailer
he didn't own. The witness
contacted the owner, who
raced out to find the ATV
was being pushed down a
street and gave chase. The
thief attempted to start the
ATV, which didn't work
and fled, leaving the ATV
near the intersection of
William and John St.. The
thief has been identified
and a warrant of arrest
has been issued for a 23 -
year -old male from
Exeter, who is wanted on
charges of theftand
breaching probation.
Kathy Winger of Centralia was pleasantly surprised when she checked her prickly
pear cactus recently and counted 76 buds.The plant, which stays outdoors all win-
ter, bloomed for the first time last year and only had two blooms, which Winger
said is normal for a cactus of this variety. She said she has had the plant for four
years after receiving a slip from a friend. (photo/Mary Simmons)
WI plans to attend workshop
ELIMVILLE-Seven mem-
bers of the Elimville
Women's Institute and
two guests recently met
for the July meet-
Marjorie Johns
prepared and
served a deli-
cious breakfast.
In spite of a rainy morn-
ing, the beauty of nature
and the activity of many
birds were visible from
Johns' sunroom and
enjoyed by all.
President Shirley
Cooper opened the meet-
ing with a poem, 'A
Friend' and welcomed
Joan Smith and Donna
Lovie, president and sec-
retary of the Huron South
District Women's
Institute. Muriel
Parsons pre-
sented a gift
to the women
in apprecia-
tion for their
contribution to
the district. Household
hints were shared in
response to the roll call.
In her memory
Members recognized the
dedication and commit-
ment to the WI by former
member Jean Lynn who
passed away June 27,
2004. A moment of
silence was observed. A
donation to the Erland
Lee Home was made in
her memory.
Dates to remember
Aug. 2 -Tweedsmuir
History Workshop; Sept.
27 -Huron County Rally;
Oct. 5 -the London Area
WI Convention.
Everyone contributed a
story or reading to the
program which revealed
the group's appreciation
for both serious and
humourous topics.
Time was spent prepar-
ing the display for the
Zurich Fair July 23 and
the Exeter Fall Fair Sept.
Home and Garden Tour July 17 and 18
By Liz Sangster
Presbyterian Church
Tracy Whitson-Bahro
was the minister.
Whitson-Bahro's mes-
sage was entitled 'The
Organ music
with Joyce Pepper led
the musical portion of
the service. Several
United Church members
attended the service.
The offering was
received by Robert Bell
and Harry Smith.
Decoration Day ser-
vice at Hensall
Cemetery will be held
on July 25 at 2 p.m.
On July 17 and 18 the
Hensall and Community
Horticultural Society
will host a Home and
Garden Tour from 12 to
4 p.m. Tickets are avail-
able at Hensall United
and five gardens will
welcome visitors.
The annual Hensall
and Community Flower
Show will be held at the
Hensall United Church
on July 28. More
details next week.
The Hensall and
Community Horticult-
ural Society has been
delivering sunflower
seeds throughout the
village. If your home
was missed, please
phone 262-2715. The
Society hopes people
will plant these seeds so
that they will make a
golden glow in the vil-
lage this fall to mark
the 124th anniversary
of the incorporation of
For a full list of
winners from the
Hensall Spring Fair,
be sure to read this
Friday's Exeter
Times -Advocate