HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-06-30, Page 66
Exeter Times -Advocate
Wednesday, June30, 2004
Opinion Forum News
Continued from page 5
formed. Based at
Summerside, P.E.I., the
unit flies Argus anti-sub-
marine/marine patrol air-
craft, used to hunt Soviet
nuclear and missile carry-
ing submarines.
May 2, 1885: At the
Battle of Cut Knife Hill in
Saskatchewan, Lieutenant
Colonel William Otter and
500 troops attack Chief
Poundmaker's Cree camp,
one of three main centres
of resistance during the
Northwest Rebellion.
Having marched at night,
the Canadian militia
catches Pondmaker's
party off guard. The battle
continues throughout the
day until Otter realizes the
danger of his unprotected
position and withdraws to
May 4,1945: General
H.D.G. Crerar, command-
ing First Canadian Army,
orders all planned assaults
to be called off as a
German surrender is
May 7,1945: German
forces surrender to
General Dwight D.
Eisenhower, the Supreme
Allied Commander.
May8,1945: British
Prime Minister Winston
Churchill and United
States President Harry S.
Truman declare this day
VE Day.
May 11, 1957: 4 4 0
Squadron of the Royal
Canadian Air Force moves
from Bagotville, Que., to
Zweibrucken, West
Germany, The squadron,
which is equipped with the
CF -100, serves with NATO
as part of 3 Wing.
May 14, 2003: The first
modernized CF -18 fighters
are accepted into service.
In total 80 of Canada's
front line Hornets receive
the upgrade completed by
Boeing. Known as the first
phase of upgrades, the
Hornets would have better
radar, navigational and
electronics equipment.
May 17, 1951: The first
Canadian shell is fired
during the Korean War by
the 2nd Regiment, Royal
Canadian Horse Artillery.
May 20, 1998: Canadian
involvement in Operation
Determination ends. The
purpose of the operation
was to block all Iraqi ports
and intercept any shipping
attempting to leave or
enter the area. Canada's
contribution came in the
form of HMCS Toronto,
which made more than 20
boarding's of vessels dur-
ing its stay in the Persian
May 23, 1873: T h r e e
years after the transfer of
the Northwest Territories
to Canada, Parliament
creates the North West
Mounted Police, a semi -
military force of 300
policemen. Wearing the
distinctive scarlet tunic
and pillbox cap, the
Mounties work to main-
tain law and order in the
May 28, 2000: With full
military honours,
Canada's Unknown
Soldier is laid to rest in a
tomb in front of the
National War Memorial in
downtown Ottawa.
Thousands attended the
ceremony while millions
more watched on televi-
sion. The ceremony was
the culmination of more
than two years of planning
on the part of several
organizations and govern-
ment departments. The
Royal Canadian Legion
played the leading role
after adopting the estab-
lishment of the tomb as a
Millennium project.
June 1, 1956: T h e
Royal Canadian Air Force
and United States Air
Force finalized plans for
the Mid -Canada Line.
Stretching from Labrador
to Dawson Creek. B.C., the
line is to be composed of
Doppler radar stations
that will serve as an early
warning line of defence
sandwiched between the
DEW line and the Pinetree
June2,1916: Major-
General M.S. Mercer's 3rd
Canadian Division is
mauled in a German
attack against Mount
Sorrel, Sanctuary Wood
and Observatory Ridge,
located in the most easter-
ly portion of the Ypres
June 6, 1944:
Operation Neptune—the
assault phase of Operation
Overload—begins in the
early hours. Allied para-
troopers, including
approximately 450
Canadians, jump from air-
craft or land in gliders
behind German coastal
defences. The Royal
Canadian Air Force, which
had been involved in the
bombing of key targets
prior to the invasion, par-
ticipates in the Allied air
attack.R.C.A.F. bomber's
drop thousands of tons of
explosives on German
defences while Canadian
fighter pilots engage the
enemy in the air and on
the ground. The Royal
Canadian Navy provides
109 vessels and 10,000
sailors. Its minesweepers
help clear the way for the
invasion fleet, while its
destroyer's fire their guns
in support of the landings.
Canadian armed mer-
chant cruisers carry sol-
diers and landing craft
toward the coast.
Approximately 15,000
Canadians participate in
the landings. Of those,
approximately 340 are
killed, 574 are wounded
and 47 taken prisoner. By
11 a.m., the Canadians
are on their way inland
and by evening they are
further inland than any
other Allied force. Overall,
the operation is a huge
success. By day's end, the
Allies land approximate-
ly155, 000 troops, several
thousand vehicles, hun-
dreds of guns and roughly
4,000 tons of supplies.
June 8, 1944: Powerful
enemy attacks on the 7th
Canadian Infantry Brigade
positions west of Caen,
Normandy, results in the
temporary loss of Putot-
enBessin. A counterattack
by the Canadian Scottish
Regiment, supported by
tanks of the First Hussars,
retakes the village.
June 9, 1944: HMCS
Victoria prepares for her
departure to Canada's
West Coast. Victoria, a
new diesel-electric subma-
rine purchased from the
Royal Navy, would be the
first sub based perma-
nently on the West Coast
since 1974.
Next Week
Percy R Lawson
Hearing Aid:
Seems an elderly gentle-
man had serious hearing
problems for a number of
years. He went to the doc-
tor and the doctor was
able to have him fitted for
a set of hearing aids that
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allowed the gentleman to
hear 100%. The elderly
gentleman went back in a
month to the doctor and
the doctor said," Your
hearing is perfect. Your
family must be really
pleased you can hear
again." To which the gen-
tleman said, "Oh, I haven't
told my family yet. I just sit
around and listen to the
conversations. I've
changed my will five
Parrot Knows Best:
• A cat burglar is going
about his business bur-
gling a house. He stops
every so often when he
hears a voice saying:
'Jesus is watching you.
Jesus will get you.' He
moves to another room
and hears the voice again:
'Jesus is watching you.
Jesus will get you.' He
turns the light on and sees
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a parrot in the corner of
the room. 'Is that you?' he
says, 'saying Jesus is
watching you, Jesus will
get you?' The parrot says,
'Yes, of course.' The bur-
glar says, ' What's your
name?' The parrot replies,
'Clarence.' The burglar
shrieks, 'Clarence? what
kind of idiot gives a bird a
stupid name like
Clarence?' And the bird
replies, 'The same idiot
that called that rottweiler
over there Jesus!!'
r Capsule Comments
by Ernie Miatello
To reduce the risk of insect bites and stings, wear
light-coloured clothing (light green and khaki are
less attractive to insects). Don't wear perfumes or
bright -coloured objects. If you are really sensitive
to insect bites, use preparations containing DEET. It is the best insect
At this time of year, we remind readers that prolonged exposure to
the sun while taking certain drugs can result in photosensitivity
reactions like skin rashes. Drugs like doxycycline, Cipro and sulfa -
containing drugs can cause this reaction. We'll tet you when it might
be a problem. Proper use of sunscreens can minimize the risk.
Singing is good for your health by strengthening the immune
system. Scientists in Germany tested members of a professional
choir before and after rehearsing Mozart's Requiem and found a
significant increase in the anti -stress hormone hydrocortisone
during the rehearsal. Just listening to a recording of the music didn't
have the same effect.
Former U.S. surgeon -general, Dr. Everett Koop said, "Drugs don't
work if people don't take them". To get the optimum effect, take your
medication as your doctor prescribes. Missing a dose will not cause
problems unless it's 2-3 days at a time more than once monthly.
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