HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-06-16, Page 31Wednesday,June 16, 2004 Exeter Times -Advocate 31 Classifieds 14 Appliances, Tel. WASHER & DRYER - Maytag, extra large, white, like new, $400. Call 229-6736 or 859- 6736. (22-29SA) 15 Personal DON'T SPEND THIS SUM- MER WISHING - you had someone special in your life. Make it happen. Misty River Introductions. Ontario's Traditional Matchmaker. (519)658-4204. (24*) PSYCHIC POINT OF VIEW - Past, Present, Future. Specializing in reuniting lovers 1-718-224-3771. (24x) SINCERE SINGLES - Successfully matching singles since 1992. Let us do the same for you! Toll free 1-866-719- 9116. www.sinceresingles.ca 1/2 price special! (24-27x) 16 For Sale 1 NEW 400 WATT MERCURY VAPOR - dusk to dawn pole light, 120 volts. Call 229-8974. (24-31 SA) 1/2 HP 3" SUBMERSIBLE - stainless steel deep well pump, $400 or best offer. Please call 229-8132 after 5:30 pm. 1/2 HP JET PUMP - $75.00. Call 461-0784. (16-31SA) 2 FERGUSON TRACTORS - 1 4 cyl. gas; 1 4 cyl. diesel, you restore $2,000. As is. 3 axles for trailers, 2 heavy-duty with springs, electric brakes and 8 stud wheels. 1-8' light weight axle, 13" wheel, 1 6x6 steel shed with base, delivery can be arranged. 268-8556. (19-26SA) 2 T RAIL RIMS 16" WIDE with 6" spacers, for 26" tires, no hardware, 2, 6" spacers for 38" tires, asking $100 pair. 12 ft. market plastic auger with briske, flighting no motor, excel- lent asking $350. Call 349-2415. 24 SQUARE 400 WATT METAL HALIDE - "canopy style" light fixtures with bulbs, $1350 obo; "Workshop" brand airborne dust filter system for small woodworking shop, includes extra filters. $250 obo. 284-3034. (23-30SA) 8 OFFICE STACKING CHAIRS WITH ARMS - brown vinyl, chrome, new condition, $225. Patio chair set, 4 white five position arm chairs, with pink/grey vinyl set and back cushion. Chairs fold for storage. As new, never used, $275. 519- 461-0068. (18-25SA) ANTIQUE BUTTERFLY LEAF TABLE - with 5 chairs. Circa 1930. $650. 235-4775. 16 For Sale 16 For Sale �WBER�i 0 DOUGALL'S N BERRIES `N' VEGGIES Pick -your -own * Ready Pick * Orders Highway #4 * 3 km North of Exeter Mon -Fri 8-8 * Sat 8-4 * Sun 9-3 235-1491 Black Currants, Green & Yellow Beans, Pickling Beets also available in season. ALL STEEL BUILDINGS - fac- tory direct, many sizes. 20'x30' $4,500, 25'x40' $7,800, 30'x40' $9,200, 40'x60' $16,500. Since 1980. Call Pioneer Prefabricated Steel Buildings. 1-800-504- 7 7 4 9 . www.pioneerbuildings.com ANTIQUE KITCHEN TABLE - and 4 matching captain chairs, $500; 2 large stereo speakers, $200; 1 new stereo oak cabinet, $300. 519-475-6543 anytime leave message. (18-25SA) ANTIQUE STAINED GLASS WINDOW - mirrored old win- dows and trunks. All refinished and ready to use. Call Peter 284- 1725. (19-26SA) AREA RUG - New, taupe, large 8x11, $225 obo. Futon couch $50. Call 284-3243. (24-31 SA) WHITE CEDARS FOR SALE - Call 284-4934. (16-31SA) TREES, RED OAK, MAPLES - in cages, 349-2804 Lakeside, cell 645-2804. (19-26SA) BEDROOM SET - Queen, solid wood, honey, low post bed, 2 night stands, dresser with tri -mir- ror and chest. Never used, still in boxes. Cost $3400, sacrifice $1495. Call 859-3220. (22-24*) BOX LINER AND TAILGATE - like new for a 1998 or newer Ford truck. Phone 228-6288. (24-27*) BUNK BEDS - dark wood, mat- tresses included, good condition. Call 229-6737. (24-3 1SA) DRY FIREWOOD - all hard- wood, $60/pickup full, approx. 1 1/2 cord; large orders available. Can be delivered to your door. Kirkton 229-8237. (22-29SA) EARLY 1900'S WALNUT DINING TABLE - 2 leaves, 4 chairs, buffet. Excellent condi- tion, $599. 284-9975 (evenings). WHITE CEDAR TREES FOR SALE - 3' x 5', $10 each. 229- 8022. (17-24SA) FIREWOOD Call 262-2595 GOURLAY PIANO - good con dition, needs tuning, $400 obo. White wicker chaise lounge from Stratford Wicker Company needs mattress, $500. Call 284- 2488. (24-31 SA) GREAT GIFT IDEAS FOR THE PERSON WHO LOVES TO DRAW - ART SUPPLIES AT THE TIMES ADVOCATE - Sketch pads - $3.95 - $13.95 sizes up to 14 x 17. Suitable for: pen, pencil, charcoal or water- colour. Acid free. Graphic and technical pencil sets, erasers, charcoal, pastels, watercolour pencils. Instruction Books $7.99 or $12.95. 424 Main St. Exeter. Open Mon -Fri. 8:30am-4:30pm. (16tfx) HOT TUB/SPA - 6 seater, 2004 model with all options, includes cover, full warranty, brand new, still in wrap. Cost $10,200, sac- rifice $5999. Call 859-3220. (22-24*) HYDE BROTHERS - TOTAL EQUIPMENT CARE - Quality selection of New and Used Lawn and Garden Equipment. 263- 2605. (20-28) JOHN DEERE LT133 RIDING LAWNMOWER - with 10 cu. ft. dumptrailer. 17 hp, 38" cut deck, mow in reverse. Less than 50 hours. Well maintained, $2,000 obo. Serious inquiries only. 228-7171 leave message. (23-30SA) KENMORE DRYER. GOOD CONDITION $100. - Dining room table, 6 chairs, 2 captain, 2 leaves plus buffet & hutch. $650 obo. 236-4467. (24;25) 16 For Sale LARGE LIVING ROOM CHAIR - Dusty rose brocade. Like new $50 obo. 238-2178. (24*) LAWNMOWER - Duetz Allis, 42 inch front cut, well main- tained riding lawn mower. 12 hp Briggs & Stratton engine, hydro- stat. Call 519-349-2559. (24- 31 SA) PLASTIC RAIN BARRELLS - 200 litres, $20 each. Call 284- 0226. (24-31 SA) POND SPECIALS - 8" Rainbow Trout, .99/each (min. 100).Speckled & Brown Trout specials too! Koender's 16' aer- ating windmill or Otterbine's 1/6hp (120 gals./min.) aerator $749.99. Call Silver Creek 519- 833-2559. Trout eat mosquitos. POOL OWNER? - No more buying and storing chlorine with a Zodiac Salt Chlorinator. Clear water just by adding salt. Only $1,995. Blue Horizon Pools 524-9804. (16tfn) RENT TO OWN - New, used and reconditioned appliances, TV's, furniture, tools; anything we sell. Good Choice Appliances 519-482-5599. SOD, FIELD FRESH - $1.40 a roll. Call 349-2804 Lakeside, cell 645-9083. (19-26SA) THE FUEL GENIE - decreases in fuel consumption 30-50%. For cars and trucks. Will also install. 519-595-4553. (19tfx) TRAILER - 4X6 HYLAND UTILITY - like new, plus spare. Call 229-6566 or 229-6812. (20- 27SA) STRAWBERRIES - Ready now $2.50/quart box. Flat deals start Friday: 12 quarts for $25.00. Asparagus also available. Plants and Shrubs. Huge selection at great prices. 12 perennials in 3.5" pots $8.70, 10" hanging baskets $8.70 each when you buy 2, Wave petunias $0.87, 2 gallon Butterfly Bush and Forsythia $4.35, Corkscrew Hazel $30.43. Vegetable plants and selected annuals in 10" pots on special $2.61, plus great prices on everything else. Papple's Garden Centre and Produce Stand, 118 Main St. S., Seaforth. www.papple.ca 522- 0874. Open every day early until late. (24*) YOUNG CORN FED BEEF FULLY PROCESSED - Government inspected. Phone 228-6288.(24-27*) 1 NEW 60 GAL. ELECTRIC HOT WATER HEATER - hydro specs, never hooked up. Call 229-8974. (23-30SA) 16 For Sale WOOD DINING SET - 60" oval table with 2 leaves, 4 chairs, fin- ished in white melamine with chair seats and table tops natural. Mint. Call 284-1612. (20-27SA) 19 Property for Sale © ALL ONTARIO FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. The Mortgage People IST 2ND AND 3RD MORTGAGES ALL TYPES OF PROPERTIES FAST SERVICE - PRIME RATES DIFFICULT MORTGAGES - PRIVATE FUNDS INVESTOR INQUIRIES WELCOME CONTACT FRANK ROWLEY 519-238-5851 - GRAND BEND 1-800-361-5114 - KITCHENER 17 Wanted To Buy ROUND BALES OF HAY - Phone 228-6288. (24-27*) WANTED: CARS & TRUCKS - for wrecking. Any condition. Will buy any scrap metal. You will be surprised at our prices. Pickups can be arranged. 234- 6252 Advanced Auto Parts. (14tfn) 19 Property For Sale 1/2 ACRE COUNTRY LOT - 100'x200'. Bronson Line south of Dashwood. $29,900. Build this spring. (519)235-3633. (13tfn) FOR SALE: LARGE HOUSE IN ZURICH WITH LOTS OF LIVING SPACE Attached granny flat adds 4;! potential income. 3acres - Great for family use - lots of potential - Motivated seller. CALL 236-7463 FOR APPOINTMENT Ask TheEX ert Learn more from those who have the answers! REACH THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITH YOUR MESSAGE CALL 235-1331 PAINTING at. DECORATING M & M PAINTING & DECORATING LTD. Residential, Commercial Industrial, Airless Spray Painting, Baking Soda Cleaning & Blasting, Vinyl Wallcovering, Drywall Repairs, Wallpapering, Floor Sanding, Graffiti Removal Free Estimates 235-1701 Fax: 235-4538 STEEL Brander Steel Ltd. Main St. S Exeter 235-1462 or 1-800-556-9330 All types of steel products. Shearing & Bending Service Max. 1/2" capacity Partners Paint & Paper Residential - Commercial Industrial Maintenance Coatings Need a painter? We give out names of area professionals who use our Premium Quality products Partners Paint & Paper 451 Main St. Exeter 235-0181 or 888-203-5782 Open 7 days a week TREE REMOVAL Southwestern Tree Service * Total Tree Removal " Complete Tree Maintenance * Bucket Truck Service * Fully Insured * Brush Clipping GREG TAYLOR - FREE ESTIMATES 482-3822 482-1723 RUDY'S PAINTING •INTERIOR...EXTERIOR •COMMERCIAL... RESIDENTIAL •FREE ESTIMATES... SENIORS DISCOUNT 234-6571 Ask TheEX ert Learn more from those who have the answers! PUMPS 8c SOFTENERS GORDON DANN PUMP SALES & SERVICE LIMITED R.R #2 Denfield, Ont. NOM 1P0 WATER PUMP SPECIALIST • submersible jet & piston • sump & sewage WATER TREATMENT SPECIALISTS • Novatek water softeners, iron filters and drinking water systems • Ultra Violet Light Water Disinfection systems Top quality products with knowledgeable service 225-2234 1-800-328-0392 COMPLETE WATER TREATMENT Mark Heimrich & Associates Since 1986 WHY LUG A JUG ??? SAVE NOW INSTALL A DISTILLER OR REVERSE OSMOSIS UNIT CaII and book your free in home water test today. • Whole House Carbon Filters • Softeners/Iron & Sulphur Removers • Ultraviolet/Peroxide/Ozonation • No Charge Testing & Consultation LIFETIME HOME PRODUCTS EXETER MEMBER OF 11%,11^ KEY DEALER TEAM 213 Carling St., Exeter 519.235.0699 or 1.800.529.9292 www.Iifetimehomeproducts.com WELL DRILLING W. D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. WATER WELL DRILLING Seaforth: 519-522-1737 Toll Free: 888-522-1737 Stratford: 519-271-7860 Toll Free: 888-271-7860 • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES GRUNDFOS STAINLESS STEEL • 4 MODERN ROTARY DRILLS PUMPS • LICENCED WELL TECHNICIANS O SALES 8SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES WATER GUARANTEED Ontario SINCE 1915 WINDOWS & DOORS 11 11 SOUTH HURON Window & Door Centre Sales * Service * Installation EXETER 235-3502 FREE ESTIMATES • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Garage Doors • Shutters • New Construction Windows • Sun Rooms • Steel Insulated Doors • Patio Doors • Terrace Doors • Decks • Aluminum Storm Doors • Insulated Glass Replacement • Vinyl/Aluminum Siding Visit Our Showroom at 432 MAIN ST. S. SOMERSET GARDEN HOMES r , MODEL SUITES AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING BY APPOINTMENT Luxurious Freehold Townhouses IN EXETER are now For Sale. sa^de st. Located on a new Street Only four blocks from downtown. IDEAL FOR ADULTS! y r a - No EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE - NEW UNITS UNDER CONSTRUCTION Joe Durand PLEASE CALL Doug Geoffrey 1-519-565-5062 OR 1-519-235-2961 Ask TheEX ert Learn more from those who have the answers! REACH THOUSANDS OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS WITH YOUR MESSAGE CALL 235-1331 PAINTING at. DECORATING M & M PAINTING & DECORATING LTD. Residential, Commercial Industrial, Airless Spray Painting, Baking Soda Cleaning & Blasting, Vinyl Wallcovering, Drywall Repairs, Wallpapering, Floor Sanding, Graffiti Removal Free Estimates 235-1701 Fax: 235-4538 STEEL Brander Steel Ltd. Main St. S Exeter 235-1462 or 1-800-556-9330 All types of steel products. Shearing & Bending Service Max. 1/2" capacity Partners Paint & Paper Residential - Commercial Industrial Maintenance Coatings Need a painter? We give out names of area professionals who use our Premium Quality products Partners Paint & Paper 451 Main St. Exeter 235-0181 or 888-203-5782 Open 7 days a week TREE REMOVAL Southwestern Tree Service * Total Tree Removal " Complete Tree Maintenance * Bucket Truck Service * Fully Insured * Brush Clipping GREG TAYLOR - FREE ESTIMATES 482-3822 482-1723 RUDY'S PAINTING •INTERIOR...EXTERIOR •COMMERCIAL... RESIDENTIAL •FREE ESTIMATES... SENIORS DISCOUNT 234-6571 Ask TheEX ert Learn more from those who have the answers! PUMPS 8c SOFTENERS GORDON DANN PUMP SALES & SERVICE LIMITED R.R #2 Denfield, Ont. NOM 1P0 WATER PUMP SPECIALIST • submersible jet & piston • sump & sewage WATER TREATMENT SPECIALISTS • Novatek water softeners, iron filters and drinking water systems • Ultra Violet Light Water Disinfection systems Top quality products with knowledgeable service 225-2234 1-800-328-0392 COMPLETE WATER TREATMENT Mark Heimrich & Associates Since 1986 WHY LUG A JUG ??? SAVE NOW INSTALL A DISTILLER OR REVERSE OSMOSIS UNIT CaII and book your free in home water test today. • Whole House Carbon Filters • Softeners/Iron & Sulphur Removers • Ultraviolet/Peroxide/Ozonation • No Charge Testing & Consultation LIFETIME HOME PRODUCTS EXETER MEMBER OF 11%,11^ KEY DEALER TEAM 213 Carling St., Exeter 519.235.0699 or 1.800.529.9292 www.Iifetimehomeproducts.com WELL DRILLING W. D. HOPPER & SONS LTD. WATER WELL DRILLING Seaforth: 519-522-1737 Toll Free: 888-522-1737 Stratford: 519-271-7860 Toll Free: 888-271-7860 • FARMS • RESIDENTIAL • INDUSTRIAL • COTTAGES GRUNDFOS STAINLESS STEEL • 4 MODERN ROTARY DRILLS PUMPS • LICENCED WELL TECHNICIANS O SALES 8SERVICE • FREE ESTIMATES WATER GUARANTEED Ontario SINCE 1915 WINDOWS & DOORS 11 11 SOUTH HURON Window & Door Centre Sales * Service * Installation EXETER 235-3502 FREE ESTIMATES • Vinyl Replacement Windows • Garage Doors • Shutters • New Construction Windows • Sun Rooms • Steel Insulated Doors • Patio Doors • Terrace Doors • Decks • Aluminum Storm Doors • Insulated Glass Replacement • Vinyl/Aluminum Siding Visit Our Showroom at 432 MAIN ST. S.