HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-06-02, Page 13Wednesday, June 2, 2004 Exeter Times—Advocate 13 Over $25,000 donated by Hensall Kinsman Club By Liz Sangster HENSALL CORRESPONDENT HENSALL - In April of 1954 the Kinsmen Club of Exeter chartered a new Kinsmen Club in Hensall. Fifty years later, the Kinsmen Club of Hensall invited ex -Kinsmen mem- bers to reunite and cele- brate fifty years of com- munity ser- vice work in the vil- lage of Hensall and District. On April 24, 130 Kinsmen, Kinettes, ex - Kinsmen, ex-Kinettes, District Officers and Zone Officers joined the Hensall Kinsmen and Hensall Kinettes to celebrate the last fifty years. Members from the Exeter Kinsmen Club, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Iry Armstrong and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reynolds (past Deputy Governor) attend- ed this event. Sheldon Wein and Bob Southcott both replied that ill -health would keep them from attending. The highlight of the evening came after the delicious meal was served by the Hensall Legion. The guest speaker was Earl Pennington of the Kinsmen Club of Goderich. Pennington is also Service Coordinator for the District One Kinsmen. Pennington spoke about the breakthroughs in research of Cystic Fibrosis, which is the Kinsmen ser- vice project across Canada. After the enlight- ening speech, the presi- dent of the Kinsmen Club of Hensall, Steve Knight made a surprise donation to Cystic Fibrosis research of $5000. The Kinsmen Club of Hensall held their last reg- ular meeting on May 19. Guest Chuck Mallette explained about the Committee for Habitat for Humanity in Huron County. The Kinsmen Club of Hensall decided to HENSALL donate $1500 to Habitat for Humanity towards start-up costs. Hensall Kinsmen Cancer Canvass Chairman Steve Knight reported that $1023 was collected from the Village of Hensall. The Kinsmen Club of Hensall decided to sponsor a Kinsmen Team in the Hensall Fair Workboot Olympics with Kinsmen member Justin Merner as the team leader. Treasurer Marvin Taylor reported that with the donation of $1500 to Habitat for Humanity, the Kinsman Club has donat- ed over $25,000 to the community and charities from September 2003 to May 2004. The Kinsmen Club of Hensall held their election of officers. Their officers are Past President Steve Knight, President Wayne Reid, First Vice President Justin Merner, Second Vice President Gregg Lundy, Secretary Luke Baehnisch, Treasurer Ernie MacFadden, Registrars Tom Neilands and Jack Phillips, Directors Steve Knight, Tom Neilands, and Jack Phillips, Bulletin Editor Neil MacAllister, Nevada Chairman Marvin Taylor, Hensall Fair Representative Neil MacAllister, Cancer Canvass Representative Steve Knight, Special Events Marvin Taylor, Cystic Fibrosis Representative Tom Neilands, Membership Steve Knight and Luke Baehnisch, Blood Donor Clinic Wayne Reid. The Hensall and Community Horticultural Society held their annual spring auction on Wednesday evening at the Hensall United Church. Rev. Pirie Mitchell was the auctioneer and once again kept the thirty -plus crowd in a bidding and jovial mood. Door prizes were NEWS Even Though the Weather Has Been Dreary & Cold... COME TO TE -EM FARM! SPEND AN HOUR OR SPEND THE DAY! f We Are The Destination For The Gardener Who Appreciates Quality & Selection! We STAND OUT with the Area's Largest Selection of Cultured Plants from Angelonia to Vinca & Many Varieties in Between! EVERYTHING IN ONE ACRE OF GREENHOUSE SPACE. Perennials • Nursery Stock Water Plants *".,, HOME OF TED'S TASTY TOMATOES! Asparagus & Rhubarb Are Now Ready. eEm Farm 77688 Orchard Line, R.R.#1 Bayfield, ON 482-3020 OPEN,..Mon - Fri 8-8, Sat & Sun 8-6 won by Joyce Pepper, Ruth Mitchell, and Lillian Beer. A social time fol- lowed the auction. Luanne Phair and Ann Maxwell were the cashiers with Liz Sangster assisting Mitchell. Betty Simmons looked after the refresh- ments. The Hensall and District Horticultural Society's flower show will be held on July 28 at Hensall United Church. The Hensall and Community Horticultural Society will sponsor the following categories at the Hensall Spring Fair: Favorite African Violet, Pansy Arrangement For Dinner Table, Iris Bouquet, Peony Bouquet, Any Green Plant, Plant Grown From A Cutting. There will also be a spe- cial category: Happy Birthday Hensall, It's `Bean' 120 Years. Carmel Presbyterian Church celebrated anoth- er anniversary on Sunday. The service began with the Call to Worship. The CIF NOTICE at the June 7, 2004 Council Meeting at 7:45 p.m. in the Olde Town Hall Council Chambers 322 Main St. S, Exeter MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTH HURON COUNCIL 1. Intends to pass a by-law to adopt the 2004 User Fee Budgets for water, sewage, street light, and solid waste services in the municipality, and 2. Intends to pass a by-law to adopt the 2004 tax rates 3. Intends to pass a by-law to impose a $20 per month capital improvement charge on customers of the Exeter Water System. The charge will be used to help pay for unantici- pated operating and capital costs that result- ed from the new Provincial Water Reg- ulations. The charge will be temporary and will be replaced by new water rates in 2005. The public is invited to attend and provide comments on the user fee budgets, 2004 tax rates and Exeter Water System charges. Additional information is available upon request. Written comments on these matters will be received by the C.A.O. until Mon. June 7, 2004 at 4:00 p.m. Sandra Strang, Clerk The Corporation of The Municipality of South Huron, 322 Main. St. S., Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6 Phone: 235-0310 Fax: 235-3304 Web Site: www.town.southhuron.on.ca Tinker Tots Nursery School children con- tributed to the service. Harry Smith, Harry Moir, Al Hoggarth, and Robert Bell received the offering. Joyce Pepper was the organist for this special service. Tracy Whitson- Bahro's message was `Happy Birthday'. A social hour followed the service. "Is Yer Fone Number Not Kurently Listed or Listed Inkurectly?" Due to overwhelming response... once again this year we will be publishing the Exeter and Area Phone Book. It is our intention to publish a Telephone Listing as correct and current as possible. So, if your business or home phone number is not listed or is incorrect, we will be happy to add or correct your number. Just... COMPLETE THE HANDY COUPON BELOW AND MAKE SURE IT IS AT OUR OFFICE NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, JULY 2. Clip and Bring to Times -Advocate by July 2 New Listing Please Change Name Address Phone • If listed previously please clip old incorrect listing AND ATTACH HERE WE WILL DELETE IT. ATTENTION BUSINESSES If you have not been contacted for advertising space in our book please call Barb Consitt or Jim Beckett YOUR AD WILL WORK YEAR-ROUND FOR YOU IN OVER 9,000 LOCAL HOMES! TIMES -ADVOCATE 235 - WATCH FOR IT.. Your personal copy coming soon!