HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-05-26, Page 2020 Exeter Times—Advocate Wednesday,May 26, 2004 Community Living Announcements Strawberry and ham supper slated for June 13 YARD SALE By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - Some 40 women and girls gath- ered at the church on Monday evening for a bridal shower for Tammy Rohde, bride elect of June. To the strains of Here Comes The Bride played by her grand- mother, Rhoda Rohde, Sharon Passmore escorted Tammy to the front along with her mother, Marilyn Rohde and her attendants Nina Robson and Tracy Urlin. The basement, table and platform were decorated with planters of flowers, two silver globes on stands, a decorated win- dow with lights on it, wheelbarrow with plants in it, silver milk cans, lit candles and many differ- ent bouquets of flowers. Sharon Passmore wel- comed everyone and Jo- Ann Rowe was chairlady for the program which consisted of piano medley of Hawaiian Love Song, Walking Hand in Hand, I love You Truly played by Jean Hodgert, Jo -Anne Rowe read Every New Bride Should Know and Say I Love You. Rowe read a nicely worded address and Alana and Amanda Hodgert pulled a decorat- ed wagon filled with many useful and beautiful gifts. After opening the gifts, Tammy thanked everyone for the gifts and to the women who planned the shower and to Alana and Amanda. All joined in singing For She's a Jolly Good Fellow. Lunch of cake and ice cream and beverage brought an enjoyable evening to a close. Church service Rev. Marilyn Carter was in charge of the regular church service on Sunday morning. The regular Introit was sung. Rev. Carter gave greetings and announcements. Helen Kadey spoke about the Wake-A-Thon last Saturday evening and SUnday morning and there were 13 youth who took part and they raised $604 plus for Mission and Service Fund and Children of Chernobyl. Rev. Carter led in the Call to Worship, Prayer of Approach and Affirmation of Faith in unison. Corey Smith lit the Christ Candle and Rev. Carter THAMES ROAD NEWS told the youth a story about Teams, Different Churches and We Are One in Christ. The choir sang Since Jesus Came Into My Heart accompanied by the organist Jean Hodgert. Psalm 97 was read responsively. Rev. Carter read the Scripture. Gerald Cun- nington and Bruce Delbridge received the offering. Everyone read the Commissioning and Rev. Carter pronounced the Benediction. Everyone sang May The God of Hope Go With Us. Happy Birthday was sung to Rev. Carter whose birthday was on May 18, as was Brian Richardson's and David Cunnington's was on May 17. Announcements Erin Parker and Brian Parsons were united in marriage at Thames Road Elimville UC, May 22. The prayers and best wishes of the congregation go with them as they begin their married life together. Newsletter reports are due by May 30 and are to be given to Ruth Anne Osgood. Don't forget about the Strawberry and Ham Supper on Sun., June 13 . Usborne Central PUblic School's 40th Anniversary is fast approaching on Sat. July 10. Please get your registration package returned to Laurie Dykstra. Meal tickets are now available. All commu- nity is welcome to attend this celebration. Contact Judith Parker or Sharon Pavkeje for further infor- mation, tickets off if you have memorabilia to con- tribute. May 30 - there will be a congregational meeting following the service to receive the canvass and furnace committee reports. June 2 - Healthy Eating for Healthy Aging' work- shop at South Huron Rec Centre, Exeter from 1 to 2 p.m. Kayla Glynn, R.D. Public Health Nutritionist with the Huron County health Unit,will provide information on healthy eating and recommended dietary changes. There will be a healthy food demonstration with the Community Food Advisors. To register for this free workshop call the Health Unit at 1-877-837-6143. Registration is limited. June 2 - Standing com- mittee meetings at a 7 Evening Prayer May 29 at St. Patrick's By H. Davis SAINTSBURY CORRESPONDENT SAINTSBURY - On Tuesday evening, Hazel Davis accompanied by her daughter Heather MacGillivray were guests of St. James' Anglican Church ACW for their pot luck dinner and meeting prior to summer schedule in Stratford. Following the beauti- ful meal, they were entertained by the choir singing a number of Victorian music pieces followed with a young woman from Stratford showing slides and a wonderful presentation on her school trip to the Dominican Republic in the poor parts of the country. It was an excellent presentation and she expressed her desire to return after her school years to help with aid work and how she had grown and appreciated all we have in Canada. On Thursday, Bill and Betty Johnson of Owen Sound called on the Davis' for coffee on a return trip from London. Betty will return to London for eye surgery whenever a time is allotted for her. Our best wishes are with her from all her friends in the area and St. Patrick's. S t . Patrick's held its Evening Prayer Service, Seventh Sunday of Easter at 6:30 Saturday evening led by Heather MacGillivray assisted by Margaret Carroll, Caleb and Corbin MacGill- ivrary leading in the scripture lessons. Focus based on the readings was given by Hazel SAINTSBURY NEWS 4 Help Wanted 4 Help Wanted Davis and how these passages attest to strong belief about God's purpose. A short summary was given on Synod by Davis and next service Katie - Scarlett MacGillivray, Youth Delegate from St. Patrick's and Perth Deanery will give her account. Service closed with prayers, evening hymn and an Irish Blessing. Sat, May 29, Evening Prayer will be held at St. Patrick's at 7 p.m. as they celebrate The Eve of Pentecost Service. A time following the service for choir prac- tice and last minute plans for their 144th Anniversary Service with Rev. Stanley Jay officiant for First Sunday after Pentecost Trinity Sunday. A time of fellowship and refreshments to follow 4 Help Wanted D I�YYiLll DELIVERS WIOW 131 Sheldon Drive, Unit 22 (HWY 401, exit at HWY 24) Cambridge, ON N1R 6S2 We are holding a Recruiting Open House for Owner Operators PIN EBUP.I ROAD WIN PRIZES! Refreshments Served Tour our Facilities that service. Everyone welcome. A invitation has been received for the Ham and Strawberry Supper at Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Lucan on June 23. p.m. followed by Council meeting at 8:15 p.m. June 7 - Huron Presbytery Face to Face Visitor at Thames road Elimville United Church, Tieno Makanya Bita will be visiting with the con- gregation from 1 to 6 p.m. Come join Tieno for a pot luck supper at5 p.m. June 20 - World Outreach, Mission and Service, service with guest speaker Murray Mitchell from St. Marys. Theme: Hope For Haiti. Personals. Congratulations to Erin Parker and Brian Parsons who were married Saturday. Many people from this area were guests at the wedding and also attended their reception and dance at the SHRC in Exeter. The thoughts of the com- munity are with the people in Mitchell where a torna- do touched down on Saturday evening. GRAND BEND FIREFIGHTERS 4th Annual Perch Dinner June 5 2004 at 5:00 p.m. Grand Bend Legion $16.00 per person For tickets contact 238-5374 or 238-6260 k Comin events... NEED GARAGE SALE SIGNS? - Call Coldwell Banker All Points - Festival City Realty to use our professional signs free of charge. 235-1449. (21tfn) YARD & CRAFT SALE - 10 Norwood Village, south end of Exeter. Sat., May 29, 8am-2pm. Crib, toys, antiques, stool and much more at Joanne's Crafts. (21*) BEEF 6 BARBECUE KIRKTON WOODHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE Sun. May 30 4:30 - 7 p.m. Adults $12, $14 at door Children $6, $7 at door Tickets available at South Huron Rec Centre & Kirkton Market Thames Road - Elimville United Church Strawberry & Ham Smorgasbord Supper Sunday, June 13, 2004 South Huron Rec. Centre, Exeter 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. ADVANCE TICKETS BY JUNE 5TH Adults $10.00 Children 5-12 $5.00 Limited # at the door for $12.00 Tickets available at Village Vines in Hensall, Kirkton Market in Kirkton, Gaiser Kneale Ins. in Exeter, or from any church member. DOLL, BEAR & MINIATURE SHOW & SALE - Sunday, May 30 at the Knights of Columbus Hall, Hwy 9 between Walkerton and Mildmay from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For info call 519-376-0239. (20;21x) FISH FRY - Friday, June 4 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Crediton Community Park sponsored by Crediton United Church. Advance tickets at $12 for adults and $8 for children may be ordered by calling 235-1736, 235-1548 or 234-6278. At the door tickets will be $14 for adults and $9 for children. Takeouts will be available. (20-22) HENSALL WALKING FOR WELLNESS PROGRAM - every Tuesday & Thursday morning at 8:00 a.m. Kinsmen Pavilion. Warm up, walking, and strength work. Instructor Lynda Wilkey. Program free! Call Hensall Health Centre 262-3140. (21) MEMBERS, STAFF, BOARD MEMBERS, VOLUNTEERS, SUPPORTERS OF - Women Today of Huron are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting to be held on Tuesday, June 1 at 6 p.m. in the Duchess Room at the Hotel Bedford. A post -AGM 25TH Anniversary Planning meeting will be held at 7 p.m. For more information call Women Today of Huron at 524-6767. STRAWBERRY & HAM SUPPER - Brucefield United Church. Sunday, June 13, 5-7 pm. Adults $11.00, children 6-12 $5.00, preschool free. Take-outs available. No advance tickets required. Everyone welcome. (21-23) STRAWBERRY & HAM SUPPER - at Hibbert United Church, Staffa on Wednesday, June 16th from Spm-7pm. Adults $10, children 12 and under $5, preschool children free. Takeouts $10. (21-23*) STRAWBERRY & HAM SUPPER AT HOLY TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH, LUCAN - Wednesday, June 23, 2004. For reservations, please call: 4:00 pm seating: 227-4905, 5:00 pm seating: 227-4272, 6:00 pm seating: 227-4508, 7:00 pm seating: 227-4469. Prices: Adults $10, Children $5, Preschoolers Free. (21-23) STRAWBERRY SUPPER - Sunday, June 13, 5 to 7pm, South Huron Rec. Centre, Exeter. Advance Tickets by June 5. Adults $10.00, children 5 to 12 $5.00. Limited number of tickets at the door for $12.00, so don't be disappointed and get yours early. Tickets available from church members, Village Vines, Hensall, Kirkton Market and Gaiser Kneale Insurance, Exeter. Also don't forget to pre -order your new Thames Road-Elimville United Church cookbook for pickup that day at a cost of $10.00. Phone Marilyn Vandenbussche at 229-6283 or Shirley Kerslake at 229-8730 for tickets or cookbooks. (19-21) WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 2004 - Woodham United Church CHICKEN BARBECUE to be held at Kirkton-Woodham Community Centre. 5:00 - 7:30 pm. Adults $12.00, Children (12 & under) $6.00. Tickets at the door. Take-outs available. (21-23*) EXETER LEGION BRANCH 167 WILL HOLD A D-DAY DANCE - to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Allied Landings in Normandy on Saturday, 5th, June, 2004. 8:00 PM to 1:00 AM. Experience a wartime dance setting with music of the times plus more. Tickets $12.50 each from the Branch. (18-22)