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The Times Advocate, 2004-05-05, Page 30
Excaua ing •Mini Excavating •Small Dump Truck/Fill Delivery •Full Skid Steer Services •Landscaping •Trenching •Jack Hammer •Post Holes •Sweeping *Tilling Jim Walsh jbwalsh@quadro.net cell 519-871-2644 home 519-229-6795 fax 519-229-6777 30 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday,May 5, 2004 Classifieds 4 Help Wanted EXPANDING - Looking for a person to make stained glass. Experience preferred. 235- 0173. (17;18) FARM TRACTOR DRIVER TO CUT ROADSIDE GRASS - June lst-Oct. 15/04. 10 hr. days. Must have valid drivers license and be able to service own equipment. Call or fax Carl Gower 229-6542. (18- 21*) FULL-TIME EMPLOYMENT - no experience required. Please fax resumes to Dawson Custom Countertops Ltd. at 229-6935. (18-20) HESSENLAND COUNTRY INN - Hiring housekeeping staff and part-time banquet bar- tender, please apply in person with resume. 519-236-7707. (18) JOIN OUR HOME BUSI- NESS - that's been setting growth records for 14 years. For more info call 519-229- 6232. (49tfx) SOW BREEDING TECHNI- CIAN - lead hand position on industry leading breeding stock development farm. Must be motivated to excel in areas of breeding, animal care, location tracking, identification, and record keeping. Because of the complexities of this position we will be looking for a person with medium to high level of expertise in the above lisited capabilities. Position is full time (5 days/week and every third weekend) and offers above average earning poten- tial. Contact Bob Robinson at Vista Villa Farms Ltd. Fax resume to 519-345-9934. For further information please call 519-345-2317 (daytime) or 519-345-1333 (evenings). (17;18) WANTED - Certified teachers to tutor in Huron. Call 235- 4507. (18-25*) $2,000 - $5,000 MONTHLY - No selling. Never before seen. Free Details. Call 1-866-867- 0096. http://team.co-opmag- ic.com (17-24*) 5 Business Opportunities A REPUTED AUTO PARTS MAKER - needs comm. sales people to call on auto parts dealers/jobbers. Those already handling auto parts preferred. Fax 905-457-0994. (18x) HAVE YOUR OWN "FOR SALE BY OWNER" MAR- KETING COMPANY, - with our help. Limited territories available NOW. View info and submit your resume online at www.4salebyme.ca or call 1- 866-258-3339 x104. (18x) MARKET YOUR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - with Metroland Community Newspapers. Distribution of over 4 million! Call today for information on weekly word ad rates. 416-493-1300 ext. 237. classifieds@metroland.com (29-21x) 6 Services BRANICK FURNITURE REFINISHING - Your start to a great finish. Furniture strip- ping, repairs, reglue, colour - matching and finishing. Mike Hodgins 519-294-6953. (14- 21*) 1982 Perth R8.1630RR41 St. Marys, Ont. N4X 1C4 6 Services "HONEY DO PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Grass Cutting & Trimming, Home Repairs, Odd Jobs, Glenn Pfaff 237-3835. (26tfn) J.B. LAWN CARE - Jason & Joe Bengough. 262-3144. Spring clean-up, lawn mowing, trimming, leaf raking, Green waste pick up. (17;18*) LAWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS - Power Sweeping, Rolling, Aerating, Fertilizing, Grass Cutting. Laverne McCarter 235-1062. (13tfn) LAWNS CUT, HEDGES & SHRUBS TRIMMED. - Book now. 519-262-3114.(14-19*) MURRAY'S WOODWORKS - Custom cabinets & furniture. Custom finishing. Small home repairs. 519-234-6127. (7-32*) TELEPHONE INSTALLA- TIONS, WIRING REPAIRS. - Call Peter McFalls - 235-0368. (1 1 tfn) TUTORING - One -one or two - one, elementary to university. Professional teachers, all grades/most subjects. L.D. stu- dents welcome. 235-4507. Leave a message. (42-20*) TYPICAL COMPUTERS - 1526 Mark Settlement Dr., Parkhill. NOM 2K0. Sales, service, custom build comput- ers. In-home service available. 519-294-8831, 1-888-339- 3377. typicalcomptuers@sym- patico.ca (14-19*) WANT YOUR CHILD TO KEEP ON TOP OF HIS/HER SCHOOLWORK - over the summer time? I'm a certified teacher and would like to help. Please call Sara 878-5987, home phone 238-6467. (17- 19*) APRON ANNIE'S MOTH- ER'S DAY IS COMING! - Gift certificates. Senior Rates. Complete housekeeping ser- vices. Everything supplied. Wendy 235-6268. Kathy 235- 2759. (17;18*) JLB GARDEN CARE • Garden Maintenance • Pruning • Landscape Design • Planting CALL JODI BERG 235-1199 6 Services JEFF YOUNG BULLDOZING • Fence Rows • Trees • Land Clearing ALL TYPES OF H EAVY BULLDOZING JOBS Competitive rates 35005 Maguire Rd. R.R.#2 Ailsa Craig, Ont. NOM 1A0 293-3357 Call evenings (MASHA/SURFACE MINER REGISTERED) 7 Livestock BLACK ANGUS BREEDER BULLS - from performance recorded herd and bio tested. Will hold till your breeding season. No Sunday calls. 519- 475-4391. (15-22SA) 8 Farm Machinery 1940 INTERNATIONAL A TRACTOR - Henderson loader, Char Lyn pump. 2 five ton wagons, good tires. Phone 229-8203. (14-21SA) 6 SECTIONS DIAMOND HARROWS - and draw bar. T steel 7' posts. 461-0597. (18- 25SA) BUEHLER 9' CULTIVATOR - with hydraulic or mechanical lift, 35' treated utility pole. 625-8217. (13-20SA) INTERNATIONAL 510 SEED DRILL - S.D. grain, fertilizer and grass seeder. Excellent. $1950. 229-6167. (16-23SA) WHITE FORKLIFT - recondi- tioned, good condition, ideal for farm use. Call 519-268- 8556. (11-18SA) AC 185 TRACTOR 75 HP. - new tires, good shape. Call 229-8203. (14-21SA) 9 Crops STANDING HAY - Mount Carmel. Call 237-3388. (18;19*) N.C. JONES & SONS Ltd. *Excavating *Trucking *Sand *Gravel *Topsoil tett,4 (i' • Site preparation • Land Clearing • Embankment const. • Basements • Driveways • Parking lots • Ponds • Open drainage • Demolition Call anytime for a free no -obligation estimate (519) 870-5546, (519) 878-3834, (519) 235-2489 TODD BOB SHOP Mike Pullman LAWN & TREE CARE Does your lawn look ugly? PROFESSIONAL LAWN ROLLING AND AERATING AVAILABLE. CALL MIKE: 235-2284 WIDE SELECTION OF LANDSCAPING SERVICES AVAILABLE. FRED R. LOBB, BROKER/OWNER ig::::11921. . HEARTLAND -REALTY CALL OUR OFFICE AT 519.235-3330.24 HOUR PAGING FULL TIME IN REAL ESTATE TO SERVE YOU BETTER! WE ALSO HAVE OFFICES IN: 1 - - CLINTON 482-3400• WINGHAM 357-2400 • GODERICH 524-6789 !► �"` 109 Main Street, Exeter DAVE YOUMANS BOB HEYWOOD BRENDA TRIEBNER Res. 263-2003 Res. 235-0874 Res. 235-0382 Website- www.phr.on-ca CALL DiAVE 40820 Hurondale Rd., CALL BRENDA 345 William St., RR#1 Hensall Exeter $149,000 - - J - - \__- • 5329,000 3.58 acres close to Exeter. Home incl. 4 BRs Y ± 2 baths, MF laundry, country kit., airtight FP in LR, cen. air, oil furnace, `_j-.4*' att. garage, deck w/ hot • l tub, above ground pool new shed w/ 3 over head- doors & more. Call Dave 872-8881,263-2003 235-3330. MLS#040040671 _ '�� ,_ - - - I77 - - _ - _ - - - - ill i:i • lihj1Llll • -- - . _ -•- • - - - Best Gingerbread in Town! Historical, solid brick, 3 br. hm w/ lots of rooms Expanded kit/DR, new flooring & gas fired bailer system, HW in most rooms. Central location. MLS#0322498 CALL SAVE RR#1 Hensall CALL SAVE 142 Roland St., $259,900 Modern brick house on 3 Dashwood $103,900 ^ _ - 1'•" , - i. ac. Hobby Farm min. from Exeter. Single att. garage, insulated work. shop/shed, metal clad - \" _ ! barn w/ 6 horse stalls 1-� office, storage &more. - , • House is word bw/ aright family rm, wood stove & 41111IN bathroom in the lower level. Located 35 min. - ;i,�'y ti} • '''f'! 'y t 1 �' ' _ _ _ " ;. ' - - - - - - - - - - Excellent starter home on quiet street in Dashwood. 3 bedrooms, living room, den, main floor laundry, big kitchen. Family room esauna in basement. t. Covered front porch, back deck with hot tub and single car from London. MLS#032493 garage. Great value! MLS#031822 CALL 121 CP ttt3 Here's a rare find in today's 1.0''Y=1 „ = T_SI - 83 Main St., N. market. Excellent location Exeter $149,900 Century brick home on bedroom bungalow with full C at 64 James St. Quaint 2 NEW• basement. 4 pc. bath mai LISTING and 3 it down. Lower level family room with wet /r,,'i?E ! - bar. Oak hardwood floors y 0 living room. Built-in appliances. Some new - T ' r''' ' .^'' y4' �' t s. sr �. � J �ir, y- Y F. -s0+; Exeter's Main St. Ppty. is zoned comm. & r brs, the MF has 2 boffers 3 ay windows, y lg. eat -in kit, MF laundry, faro. room w/ gas FP, LR & 4 pc. bath. � �� � " 1 I '+ windows. Brand new gas • ,1 furnace last month. -- Attached garage. Patio - .. - doors to back yard deck. _ - - - - Lg. back yard &att. garage. Covered porch w/ a deck at the back. Potential for a business! _ - - Central air. Call Bob today. MLS#032400 11,ingr_t_N MI- =..1 C one of Hensall 's prettiest CALL Et 4100 Er. 140 Fried St , homes. Very well maintained at 69 King St. Charming 3 NEWbedroom with loads of character and curb appeal. 2 LISTING Pc and 4 pc. baths. Featuresght incl: formal dining room, - hardwood floors, open staircase, fireplace, newer carpet, cozy sunroom overlooking manicured it I I backyard. Lower level family I 1 i �L---� room. Central air - gas heat. �- Basement walkout to -- attached garage. Call Bob today on this one. - _ w -, : r 1 - 1 -. 7 ,.>o- Dashwood 5129,900 Well kept 3+1 br. home - move in. On a corner lot on a j III quiet street w/ '' I patio doors to back yard deck, t1 ; l1 111 '- _ Ig. kit./DR, family 1 - room & main floor .- laundry, great rec. room in lower level. MLS#033020 CALL COAVE 43082 Staffa Rd., CALL 14WE Kippen $239,900 4.5 acre ppty. Updatesincl: kiwi well,,windows, kit., -, newer bath, 4 BR's &sununroom.om. Outside O features: 2 covered}%- 11 i 4 porches, Lg. brick ..-- gge/shed.Super 872-8881, 263- Dave 2003. 235-3330, 1- 668-462-3409. MLS#040881 Located on the edge $375,000 Approximately pro ucl � oca for sale,' © ' ask fort ve 2 8881, 1-888-482-3400, MLS#032928 85 • .all. 300& of Centralia acres of - rm land ar :. Call & or 872- 263 3003. XLAFR OFFICE JERRY ZEHR AND RUTH ZIELMAN-ZEHR -� DIRECT LINE (519) 236-4712 FAX (519) 236-7569 16 VICTORIA LANE, ZURICH TOLL FREE 24 HOURS (1-888) 482-3400 Website: www.phr.on.ca ruthzehr@ezlink.on.ca "WE'RE GOING FARMING" F�_ . .. ..,.. . ■ ■ / B . f 0 . a .,._, 44, 50 acres - Cash crop. 40 workable. Blyth Road 75 acres - Goat Dairy Farm with milk parlour. 100 acres - St. Marys area dairy farm. 100 acres - Lucan area on #4 highway. 100 acres - Beef Operation. R.R.# 3 Parkhill. 400 acres - Cash crop. Ashfield Wawanosh area. CAN'T FIND WHAT YOU NEED THIS SPRING? WE HAVE MORE FARMS. CALL US! Jerry Zehr Agri -Team Sales Representative. Direct Line 1-519-236-4712 or Toll Free Pager 1-888-482-3400. WE'LL FIND THAT LAND FOR YOU: