HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-05-05, Page 2626
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Exeter Times—Advocate
Wednesday,May 5, 2004
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Sundays: May 16, June 6, June 27,
July 4, July 18, August 15,
rain date August 29.
Membership fees $20 single or $30 family
Start time 9:30 a.m. Register at first show
Located at Exeter Rec Centre ring
10 Wellington St. at Main St.
EXETER 235-3580
HOURS: MON.-WED. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M.
THURS.-FRI. 9 A.M.-8 P.M.; SAT. 9 A.M.-6 P.M.
your church directory
worsh p
with us
Corner of James & Andrew St.
Ministers: Rev. Paul Ross and
Nancy Corrigan
• Sunday, May 9 •
10:30 a.m. Worship &
Baptism & Sunday School.
• All Welcome! •
Courtesy Car: Bob Coates
235-2787; Office: 235-0860
Fax: 235-0861
264 Main St. S., Exeter,
Ontario • 235-2565
Rector: Rev. Fr. William
5th Sunday of Easter
Sunday, May 9
11 a.m. Holy Eucharist
11 a.m. Sunday school
187 Huron St. W.
Sun., May 9, 2004
• 9:30 a.m. Lord's Supper
• 11 a.m. Family Bible
Hour with guest speaker
Thursday Evening: Bible
Study at 7:30 p.m.
For info call 229-6572
At new location, corner of
Highway 4, Kirkton Road
Pastor Kevin Rutledge
Assoc. Pastor Scott Stein
Sun., May 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Morning Worship
Everyone Welcome
332 Huron St. W.
Guest Minister
Sunday, May 9, 2004
10 a.m. Morning Worship
Children's Ministry, ages 3-9
during morning service
7 p.m. Sunday Evening
Everyone Welcome
Sunday Radio
CJCS 1240 8:30 a.m.
CKNX 920 10:30 a.m.
12 •
68 Main Street South • 235-2784
The Rev. Lillian Wilton
Courtesy Car - 235-2784
Sun., May 9 - 10:30 a.m.
Morning Worship
Nursery available
100 Births
105 Cards of Thanks
Mackenzie is thrilled to
announce that her baby sister
has finally arrived. Abbey
Taylor was born at St. Joseph's
Health Centre on April 14,
2004 weighing 8 lbs. Proud
parents are Jeff and Kerry.
Spoiling privileges go to
grandmothers Carole Deitz and
Viola Ansems. (18*)
and Heather excitedly
announce the safe arrival of
Olivia Rae. She was born on
April 12, 2004 at Grand River
Hospital in Kitchener, weigh-
ing 6 lbs. 12 oz. Proud grand-
parents are Janice & Bill Brock
and John & Susan Thorpe and
great-grandparents are Leona
Morley and Al & Rita Dietrich.
and Chris are thrilled to
announce the arrival of their
daughter, Kayleigh Anne, born
April 15, 2004 at St. Joseph's
Hospital in London. Bragging
rights to first-time grandpar-
ents all around; Bill and Anne
Armstrong of Exeter and Larry
and Sandra Hern of Whalen
Corners. Lots of love from
Great -Grandma Jean
Posthumus of Kitchener and
Great -Grandma Frances
Campbell of Listowel. A first
great-grandchild for Stewart
and Lille McLellan of Exeter.
It's about time! Great-grand-
parents Gerald and Dorothy
Hern watch over Kayleigh
from Heaven. Much love and
thanks to all aunts and uncles,
our family and friends for all
your enthusiasm, love and sup-
port. (18*)
ROBSON - Kent and Nina
(nee Pritchard) are thankful for
the early but safe arrival of
their daughter McKenna
Marilyn, born on April 18,
2004 weighing 6 lbs. 11 oz. at
Stratford General Hospital.
Tickled pink are grandmas
Marilyn Pritchard and Carol
Robson. Proud great-grand-
parents are Nanny Audrey
McRoberts, Ruth Pritchard and
Violet Robson. Watching over
our little angel from Heaven
are grandpas John and Bruce.
102 Deaths
LYNCH - Suddenly at her resi-
dence on April 26, 2004, Kim
Elizabeth (Postill) Lynch in her
48th year. Beloved wife and
best friend of Jerry Wilfred
Lynch of Brampton, Ontario.
Beloved daughter of Vernon
and Shirley Postill of RR#1
Centralia. Much loved sister
of Jesse and Tracy Postill of
London, and Matthew and
Jackie Postill of Exeter.
Loving aunt of Shannon Postill
of Exeter. Loving daughter-in-
law of Harry and Marian
Lynch of Copper Cliff,
Ontario, dear sister-in-law of
Donna and Sterling Fillier,
Danny Lynch, Catherine and
Jamie Morrison all of Sudbury
and Brian and Benita Lynch of
Toronto and Karen and Marc
Lefebvre of Sault Ste. Marie.
Also survived by many nieces
and nephews. Friends called at
the Andrews Funeral Centre,
8190 Dixie Road, Brampton on
April 30th. The Funeral
Service was held on May 1,
2004. Donations made to the
Heart & Stroke Foundation
would be greatly appreciated
by the family. (18*)
BERDAN - Gladys, Kirby &
Clara wish to express gratitude
to family and friends for the
many gestures of kindness and
sympathy offered to us during
our loss. Our appreciation to
Dr. and Mrs. Hodder and
Assistant Tuesday, EMS and
OPP of Exeter detachments,
Bill and Marianne and organist
of Hopper Hockey Funeral
Home, Bob Heywood and
Legion Branch #167 for a
super tribute. A very special
thanks to Lori Chiavella, Cora
Wurm and Mona Traquair for
the lovely lunch for the family.
CALDWELL - The family of
Rena Caldwell wish to express
their gratitude to family,
friends and neighbours for the
many gestures of kindness and
sympathy offered to us.
Thanks to Joyce at the
McBeath Funeral Home for her
guidance when making
arrangements. Thanks also to
Pastor Fred Darke for his kind
words. We also want to thank
the staff at Queensway for their
excellent care of Mom.
Thanks to the Grandsons and
Great -Grandsons acting as
pallbearers. Thanks to the
ladies of the church for the
lovely lunch after the service.
Thanks to those who attended
the funeral, sent flowers and
made donations of their choice
in Mom's memory. Your
kindness will always be
remembered. Mona, Isabelle
& families (18*)
GOWER - We wish to thank
everyone for attending our sur-
prise 40th Wedding
Anniversary Open House.
Thanks for all the cards, flow-
ers and gifts of remembrance.
A special thank you to Dan &
Carolyn, Joe & Vicki, Dennis
& Laura and their families for
all your hard work and a tasty
meal afterwards. We will
cherish these memories forev-
er. Phyllis & Carl (18*)
HERN - We with to thank our
family, relatives, friends and
neighbours for making our
50th Wedding Anniversary
such a special occasion.
Thanks for the many cards,
flowers, gifts and best wishes,
they will always be remem-
bered by both of us. Bob &
Mabel (18*)
HINES/ LEDDY - Wasn't that
a party? We would like to
thank everyone for coming out
and supporting us at our buck
and doe. We had a great time,
and it was wonderful to see so
many friendly faces. Thanks so
much to all our friends and
family members for all their
help throughout the night, and
a HUGE thank you goes out to
our wedding party. All your
planning and hard work that
made the night such a great
success, was truly appreciated.
Thank you all so much. Kenn
& Tammy(18*)
thanks to all our Solo players
for the lovely plants we
received. Have a safe and
happy summer. June & Mary
MATHERS - I wish to thank
everyone for cards, calls, flow-
ers and food while I was a
patient in Cambridge Hospital
for hip surgery and since
returning home. Special
thanks to my husband Ross for
being a great nurse and for
always being there. I am doing
quite well and will be out and
about soon. Marlene (18*)
105 Cards of Thanks
PFAFF - I would like to thank
the gentleman who was so kind
to help me when I fell in
Darling's parking lot. I didn't
know you and had no way to
get in touch to tell you how
much I appreciated your help
so I hope you see this. Also
thanks to all my good neigh-
bours and friends for phone
calls and food brought into our
home. Special thanks to my
daughter Dianne for filling our
freezer and fridge with easy to
prepare meals. This was a
great help to my cook Art.
Thanks to all. Verna (18*)
REYMER - I would like to
extend a heartfelt thanks to my
family and friends and every-
one for all their support during
my stay in the hospital and
after. Thank you for prayers,
food, cards, cleaning, driving,
flowers, etc. Everything was
so much appreciated. Annie
RUSSELL - A most sincere
thank you to friends, family
and neighbours who assisted in
the dirty job of digging out our
equipment stored in our col-
lapsed barn after the wind-
storm destroyed it Sunday,
April 18. Your help made an
overwhelming and devastating
job quicker and easier. A heart-
felt thank you as well for the
food dropped off to help feed
the clean-up crew. We are for-
ever grateful to you all. Bill,
Linda, Jayden and Tristalyn
CER CLUB - would like to
thank Mike Hansen of
Hansen's Your Independent
Grocer for purchasing two
complete sets of jerseys over
the last few years, as well as
providing support for the team
through barbecues. Your assis-
tance is greatly appreciated.
106 In Memoriam
COOPER - In loving memory
of Shawn Cooper who passed
away May 7, 2001.
A million times we've missed
A million times we've cried
If love alone could have
saved you
You never would have died.
To some you are forgotten
To others just part of the past
But to us who loved and lost
Your love will always last.
It broke our hearts to lose you
You didn't go alone,
For our life went with you
The day God called you
For things on earth didn't
But now we feel so alone
Our hearts will always be
Our life will never be whole.
Forever in our hearts,
Tabatha & Brandon (18*)
HUMPHREYS - In loving
memory of Tom Humphreys
who passed away May 5,
You did so many things for
Your heart was kind and true
And when we needed some-
We could always count on
The special years will not
When we were all together
But with the love within our
You will walk with us forev-
Always in our hearts, The
Humphreys family (18*)
105 Cards of Thanks
MCTAVISH - In loving
memory of a dear husband,
father, grandfather and great-
grandfather Gordon who
passed away May 1, 2002.
May each glimpse of the
returning flowers in spring be
like a conversation with my
loved one.
Forever in our hearts and
thoughts. Dora, Nancy, Jim,
Mandy, Josh, Mara, Emma
and family (18*)
PFAFF - In loving memory of
my dear husband Allen, dear
Dad, Grampa & Great-
Grampa, who passed away
ten years ago, May 5, 1994.
We still wonder why you had
to go
Ten long years we've missed
you so.
We miss our talks and all our
We laughed, we cried, we
were like one.
If we could have one wish
come true
We'd ask for one last chance
to talk with you
Most all we miss, is you.
Forever loved and sadly
missed. Doris & Family
29 Yard and Garage
Household, children and baby
items. 8am-lpm. Saturday,
May 8th. (18*)
2004 at Staffa hall, 9am-
1:30pm. (18*)
DAY - Flower arrangements
& gifts. New large statues
(angels, dogs, Indian, ele-
phant), China, glass, linens,
tools, books, small appli-
ances, bubblejet printer, lad-
der, golf clubs and balls,
misc. 2 1/2 miles west of
Crediton. South to 69903
Goshen Line. May 7, 8, 9.
8am-5pm. Rain or shine.
SALE - May 8, 8am. Baby
items, furniture, electronics,
clothes, books, something for
everyone. 69927 London
Road. (18*)
YARD SALE - Furniture,
tools and various household
items. Saturday, May 8 at
376 William Street, Exeter.
YARD SALE - Saturday,
May 8. 7 -noon. 46 Huron St.
E., Exeter. Rain date May
15. (18*)
YARD SALE - Saturday
morning, May 8. Books!
Beanie Babies! Game Boy!
Skates! Soccer shoes!
Sewing machine! Lots more!
50 Huron St. W., Exeter.
Nothing sold before 7:30.
SALE - Saturday, May 15.
lam -noon. Food & drinks
available. (17-19x)
Dinney Funeral Home
471 Main St. Exeter
CaII now
to preplan
your funeral the
William Dinney
way you want it.