HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-04-14, Page 21Wednesday,April 14, 2004 Exeter Times—Advocate 21 Announcements 105 Cards of Thanks 105 Cards of Thanks 106 In Memoriam GLAVIN - We have been over- whelmed by the caring and sup- port given to us during our father Ed Glavin's illness and since his death. We will be forever grate- ful to the abundance of people who stood beside us over this past year. To his friends and neighbours who took the time to call or drop in, you truly bright- ened our days. We will be eter- nally grateful to Dad's mother Leona and his brothers, sisters and their families for the unyield- ing love, support and assistance in doing whatever was needed. You are an amazing bunch of people and we feel truly blessed to call you our family. To our Mom Jackie for her care and concern for Dad and us all, you graciously helped us get through this difficult time. To the doctors and nurses at South Huron Hospital, especially the emer- gency dept. for treating Dad with such care and respect. To Dr. Lam and the nurses at the Dashwood Medical Centre for the ongoing high quality care that was given to him. To highly respected respirologist Dr. Ahmad from London, for being so persistant in your treatment of Dad, enabling us to get to Florida and back safely last month, and trusting us to do so - you are truly "one of the best". To St. Elizabeth Health Care, especially Mary Morley and Alice Carter for their great care of Dad. A special thanks to nurses Shelley Hayter and to Tracy Bennewies, a trusted colleague and friend for the care and concern shown to Dad and us all when we needed it the most. To the wonderful nurses at the I.V. Therapy Centre of the L.H.S.C., University Campus for being so competent and good to Dad. To Julie's co- workers at St. Joseph's and the Regional Mental Health Centre, St. Thomas, and to Chris's co- workers especially George Keller of B.E. Pressure in Cambridge for their understanding and expressions of sympathy. To Cathy's colleagues and friends in the Intensive Care Unit of the L.H.S.C. University Campus for the constant support, empathy and advice when needed and for without hesitation allowing time off to do what was most impor- tant over these past several months. We are thankful for the sea of flowers that arrived, this truly helped to lighten our load. We were astounded by the abun- dance of people who visited the funeral home with kind words for us, this greatly helped to ease our grief. To all who purchased masses in Dad's name, donated to the Cancer Society, or to the Ed Glavin Grandchildren's Trust Fund, we are very thankful. Dad thought the world of each of his grandchildren, and we could not think of a better way to let his memory live on. To Exeter Flowers for the beautiful family arrangements. To Emie and the girls at Huron Apothecary for going above and beyond the call of duty. To all who brought gifts of food to our homes, sent cards and helped out with the children, we are so blessed to be living in such a wonderful community. To Mary Pavkeje for helping us so much, and being such a good friend to Dad. To Dad's col- leagues and friends in the rutaba- ga industry for the abundance of support we've received - he would be happy to know how much he was respected. To Haskett & Son Funeral Home, particularly Marianne Eagleson and Colin Haskett for the amaz- ing care given to us all, and the "flawless" professionalism you displayed. Thanks to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church choir for the beautiful music at the funeral. A special thank you to Father St. Louis for the prayers at the house and for doing such a wonderful job of the service. Thanks to Matt and Andy Glavin for orga- nizing the music for the eulogy and to our good friend Kim Campbell for reading it for us. Thanks to our cousins for being flowerbearers and for helping with the readings. A heartfelt thanks to Dad's brothers for being pallbearers, Dad would have been proud to know you were all there for him once again. To the C.W.L. of our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church for providing a delicious lunch for so many and to all those people who attened this meal after the funer- al. Thanks to Gerry & June Glavin for opening up their shed to us all after the funeral. A final note of thanks to Kristy, Trisha, Joe, Mike and Daniel Pavkeje for being so loving and helpful to Grandpa, and to Paul Pavkeje for the support and commitment shown to Dad and us all over these past several months. We are eternally grateful to everyone that has so deeply touched our lives and thank you from the bot- tom of our hearts. Sincerely from Ed Glavin's children. Cathy Pavkeje, Tracy Stockley, Julie Urbshott, Chris Glavin and families. (15*) WUERTH - What a winter! I would like to take this time to give out a BIG THANX to all the people who took time out of busy schedules to make my experience bearable. Thank you to everyone who brought in food to the house, brought magazines, books, movies, scratch tickets and candy (a -k -a vegetables). Thank you for the flowers, tele- phone calls and cards sent while I was laid up with first a broken leg and then a broken wrist. A special thank you to John and Sandra for their quick response and never ending support. My family and friends for all the "meals on wheels" and daily check-in's and phone calls. Last but not least my husband and kid's. Shannon for being there 24-7 and trying her best to teach the guys at home new daily rou- tines and basic life skills Brent and Ryan for always sticking their heads into the living room asking if I needed anything, and then disappearing! Billy and Tracy for bringing my two little angels to visit Grannie and instantly making my "ouches" better. And to Pete for his great support and never ending dedica- tion to getting the dishes done resulting in his new dish -pan hands. Thank you to everyone at the farm (John, Sandra, Dave, Shawn and Billy) for doing my job on top of their own). I really appreciate everything and will never forget it...but I'm back and ready to go, never to repeat this winter again! Love from the bot- tom of my heart! Sincerely Glenda (15*) 106 In Memoriam DIEBEL - In loving memory of my dear husband Clarence who passed away April 18, 2003. Quietly remembered every day No need for words except to say, Still loved, still missed, in every way. Sadly missed by wife Laureen (15*) DATERS - In loving memory of our son David Daters, July 30, 1989 to April 15, 2001 A special smile, A special face, And in our hearts, A special place. No words we speak can ever say, How much we miss you everyday. To hear your voice, And see you smile, To sit and talk with you a while, To be together in the same way, Would be our greatest wish today. Put your arms around him Lord, Treat him with special care. Make up for all he suffered, And all that seemed unfair. Loved always, Tami, Brad and Aaron KOOY - In loving memory of a dear husband Clayton who passed away 2 years ago April 13, 2002. Deep in my heart your memory is kept To love and to cherish and to never forget. Today, tomorrow, our whole life through I will always love and remember you. Greatly missed and always loved by your wife Alice. (15*) KOOY - In loving memory of a dear father, father-in-law and Grandfather Clayton who passed away April 13, 2002. Never more than a thought away, Quietly remembered every day, No need for words, except to say, Still loved, still missed in every way. Lovingly remembered by Bonnie and Clyde, Shawn, Barb, Thomas & Alicia (15*) 29 Yard and Garage Sales MOVING SALE - April 17th, 9am-2pm., 4 Redford Drive, Exeter. Card table and 6 folding chairs, garden tools, camping equipment, kitchenware, bed- ding, telephones, suitcases. (15*) YARD SALE - Sat. April 17th, am. 2 conc. N of Exeter on Hwy. 4, 1 conc. East. Mattress, golf bag, golf carts, Kenmore stove, rattan chair, car cover, toys. (15*) ( WOW! WOW! Hallie Anne Marie Bedour was 1 year old Apr. 12/04 Hugs and kisses from Mommy, Tara, Jesney, Daddy, Ben Bedour Grandmas, Grandpas, Aunts, Uncles, cousins Happy 40th Anniversary "MOM & DAD" (Phyllis & Carl Gower) OPEN HOUSE Sun. Apr. 18 EXETER LEGION 2-4 p.m. Best Wishes Only BUCK & DOE MATT MILLER & CONNIE BARTON Saturday, April 24, 2004 Dashwood Community Center 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Age of Majority Required Lunch Provided Tickets: $5.00 80's THEME Buck 'n Doe KIM KELLER & RANDY JONES SAT. APR. 17 9 RM. TO 1 A.M. South Huron Rec Centre Music by DJ .Lunch Provided Age of Majority Tickets $5 Bus PICKUP AND DROP OFF ZURICH (OLD ARENA) 9:15 P.M.; HENSALL ARENA 9:30 P.M. Buck and Doe Chris Glavin Sarah Vodden April 24, 2004 Lucan Community Center Age of Majority Lunch Provided 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. $6.00/person in advance $8.00/person at door Door Prizes Buck & Doe TANYA HAMMOND & KENNY McNICOL Sat. Apr. 24 KIRKTON COMMUNITY CENTRE Tickets $5 Lunch Provided • BUCK & DOE for CHAD ARNOLD & AMY DEARING Sat. Apr. 24 South Huron Rec Centre 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Tickets $5 • DJ: Dr. Darryl Age of Majority Required Lunch Provided FOR TICKETS CONTACT Janet Traquair@237-3335 or Dianne Dearing@236-7907 Puppg 4Gck fjititkbuy PAUL DOUGHERTY APR. 14 YOUR BUDDY KENNY ROGERS ID cfD 5 SOUTH HURON HOSPITAL 5 RUMMAGE SALE & AUCTION' Earlier Openings Wed., April 21 - 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Thurs., April 22 - 9:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Auction - 10:30 a.m. Open for drop off Tuesday evening South Huron Rec. Centre, Exeter Town wide pickup Wed., April 21 - 9 a.m. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Sponsored by the South Huron Hospital Auxiliary Q For information all 229-6544 or 235-2557c, CI LID DR. LUI REDIGONDA would like to announce the opening of his ORTHODONTIC OFFICE 476 Main St. S. #6, Exeter NOM 1S1 (519) 235-0400 ORTHODONTICS FOR ADULTS AND CHILDREN NEW PATIENTS WELCOME MONDAYS 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Stag Se Doe for Wenn amines Se Tammy Lecfc(y Saturday, Aprir24th, 24th, 2004 Old Goderich Arena • 8:00 pm- 1:00 am Tickets $5.00 each DJ MCL Sounds • Lunch Provided Age of Majority BUCK 8 DOE CHRIS (Chopper) BIBBY 8 KARRIE CRAIG Saturday, April 17th, 2004 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Lunch Provided, D.J. For information call Jim Bibby 229-6715, Katie Bibby 284-4572 APRIL 22ND - 25TH SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO'S LARGEST THE 28TH LONDON SPRING • The "Life of Leisure Backyard" • GardenWalk 2004 • Pets & Your Home • Shop the Green Thumb Marketplace • "Let Us Entertain You" Electronics Showcase • Fabulous Prizes, Show Stages, Flower Show Thurs. & Fri. 1-9, Sat. 10-9, Sun. 10-5 $8.00, Seniors $7.00, Children under 12 Free w/Adult www. londonshowproductions.com See Mike INS Holmes 117 host of HGTV's Thurs. April 22nd 4:00 & 7:00 pm Presented by DEWALT L i Schluter Systems PROFILE OF INNOVATION Cans A�ealves ,mrffr $ UP••F 1 WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS