HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-04-14, Page 13Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Exeter Times–Advocate
Meeting held
May 20 in Zurich
EXETER - The spring board meeting of Huron
South Women's Institute was held April 6 in
Exeter with representatives from Grand Bend,
Crediton, Elimville, Hurondale and Zurich in
President Joan Smith conducted the meeting. A
brief report from the Provincial Advisory
Committee member, Marlene Archer stated the
many updates and changes in the workings of
the Provincial Board. Fees, projects and publi-
cations were explained.
The Exeter and Zurich Fair display list was
prepared by Hurondale. The project title is
`Treasures from Grandma's Day.' Exeter's Fair
is 150 years old and Zurich's Fair is 140 years
old this year. The London Area Convention will
be held in Holmesville on Oct. 5, 2004. Plans for
this convention were announced. South Huron
District Annual meeting will be held in Zurich
May 20, 2004 and the District Picnic will be at
Crediton on July 6.
Students sing at 0 ueenswa 1-W2
Kindergarten to Grade 3 students from Hensall public school perform for residents of Queensway Nursing
Home April 7. (photo/Mary Simmons)
Coffee, muffins raise funds for Nicaragua
By Rhoda Rohde
Friday evening Robert
Bray dragged a wooden
cross to the front of the
Etherington and Sharon
Passmore covered it with
a black cloth. The choir
proceeded up the aisle
singing `There is a Green
Hill Far Away' accompa-
nied by organist Marilyn
Vandenbussche. Rev.
Marilyn Carter led in the
prayer of approach and
confession and words of
assurance. A monologue
written by Rev. Heather
Scott and Rev. Glen
Wright was portrayed by
Rev. Carter who was
dressed as Mary, Mother
of Jesus. Communion was
served by Rev. Carter,
Etherington, Passmore,
Grace Pym and Marilyn
Pym as everyone came
forward. After the service
everyone left the church in
Easter Sunrise
Service - Some 60 peo-
ple attended the Easter
Sunrise Service. Carolyn
Johns, superintendent of
the Sunday School, wel-
comed everyone and
asked flutist Kristy Bray to
play `Morning Has
Broken,' while Jessica
Bray held the book. The
Sunday school members
did a story.
Jelly beans were handed
out and Zachary Kadey,
Scott Pavkeje and
Raymond McKnight said
the Jelly Bean Prayer. A
recitation followed by
McKnight and Sydney
Rowcliffe. An Easter play,
Symbols for Jesus' Life
was presented by Sunday
school members and the
audience sang throughout
the skit. Prayer was said
by Rev. Carter. After the
service a delicious break-
fast and beverage was
partaken of.
Church Service - Rev.
Carter was in charge of
the Easter Sunday service.
A new Introit was sung,
people shook hands and
Rev. Carter gave
greetings, announce -
ments, call to worship,
prayer of approach and
affirmation of faith in
unison. Justine Anderson
lit the Christ Candle. Rev.
Carter told a story about
the seeds of faith, hope
and love.
ROAR NEWS The choir
sang 'Rise
Up,' accompanied by
pianist Marilyn
Vandenbussche. Megan
Parker and Anderson
received the offering.
In loving memory
The bouquets of flowers
in the church were placed
there in memory of Reta
Campbell by Helen and
Jim Weston and sons. The
flowers at the front of the
sanctuary were placed
there in loving memory of:
Floyd Stewart by Margaret
and family; Glen Stewart
by June and family;
Howard and Marg Pym by
Grace and family; Reg and
Grant Hodgert by Jean
and family; Isabelle
Fletcher by Ron and fami-
ly; William and Mary
Thomson, Henry and
Maggie Rohde by Bill and
Rhoda; Gilbert and Ruby
Duncan, Wilbur and Annie
Miller by Ken, Dorothy
and Floyd, Janice and
Don; Harold Kerslake by
Shirley & family; Bruce
and Violet Cooper, Alvin
and Lillian Cooper, Russell
Morley by Floyd and
Shirley and family;
Howard Cunnington by
Kay and family; Lee
Webber by Helen and
family; Henry and Hellen
Delbridge, Horace and
Lavona Delbridge by
Bruce, Fred, Bev, Ann,
Dan and Alexander;
Howard Baker by Marilyn
and Glen and family;
Barry Jeffery by Diane
and family; Ross Skinner
by Dale, Joan and family;
Franklin and Ina Skinner,
Harold Rowe by Dennis,
Sandra, Shawna and Matt.
April 18: Toonie
Sunday, to raise money for
Bluefields School Project
in Nicaragua. Enjoy coffee
and muffins following the
service and support this
M&S project. April 23:
Concert of sacred, opera
and show music by tenor
James Dundass at St.
Andrew's UC, Bayfleld at
7:30 p.m. Tickets $10.
Karen Geiger and Kathy
Rohde recently spent a
week vacationing in
Mexico. They attended the
wedding of their cousin
Municipality of South Huron
2004 Municipal Tax Budget
Municipality of South Huron Council
will consider a By-law
to adopt the 2004 Tax Budget
at the April 19, 2004 Council Meeting at 8:15 p.m.
in the Olde Town Hall Council Chambers
322 Main St. S., Exeter
2003 Audited Financial Statements
Following adoption by Council, the 2003 Audited
Financial Statements, the Notes to the Financial
Statements, the Auditors Report and the Tax Rate
Information for the current and previous year as
contained in the financial review will be available
for viewing at the Municipal Office, on the
Municipal Web Site and will be provided upon
request, and at no cost, to any taxpayer or resident
of the Municipality of South Huron.
Sandra Strang, Clerk
The Corporation of The Municipality of South Huron,
322 Main St. S., Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S6
Phone: 235-0310 Fax: 235-3304
Web Site: www.town.southhuron.on.ca
Jennifer Ferguson of
Calgary. Ferguson is the
granddaughter of Roy and
Marie Ferguson of Exeter.
Congratulations and best
wishes are extended to
Mary and Bill Rowcliffe on
their 60th wedding
anniversary on April 14.
Quite a number of peo-
ple from this area attend-
ed the buck and doe for
Jason Steinbach and
Tammy Rohde on
Saturday evening at the
Dublin Community Centre.
They are being married in
Karel Hodgert of
Toronto and Florence
Richardson of London vis-
ited with their relatives
Arnold and Marion Cann
on Saturday afternoon.
On Saturday some 35
relatives and friends gath-
ered at Thames Road
Church to honor Stacey
Mantha, fiancee of Rob
Passmore with a bridal
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