HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-04-07, Page 1616 Exeter Times–Advocate Wednesday, April 7, 2004 Thames Road UCW meeting scheduled forApril 13 By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - About 70 women and girls gath- ered at the church on Monday evening to honour Erin Parker bride -elect of May. The basement and platform were decorated with netting, coloured bal- loons, mini -lights, greenery, many lit candles, bed- pans and nurses caps and bouquets of flowers. Beth Cooper played the piano and sang, 'Say Let it be Love,' while Alice Cann escorted Parker to a decorated chair. Beatrice Dawson welcomed everyone and introduced the women on the platform. Shannon Dawn Cooper stepdanced. Beth Cooper and Marianne Veldman did a humourous skit, 'The Journey Home,' portraying the groom, Brian Parsons and the bride Parker on their way home from church. Beth Cooper played the piano and Dawson sang, proposing to Kay Cunnington who was dressed as a nurse. Cann read a nicely worded address and Janet Cunnington and Miriam Veldman carried in the many beautiful and useful gifts to Parker. Parker expressed thanks to the women who organized the shower and for the many gifts she received and invited all the reception. Everyone sang, `For She's a Jolly Good Fellow,' and partook of delicious dessert and beverage which brought a very enjoyable evening to a close. Church service The Palm Sunday church ser- vice began with Grace Pym speaking about Holy Week Journey (Entry into Jerusalem) as the choir and a group of people proceeded up the aisle singing `Hosanna, Loud Hosanna.' Pym read some Scripture. Everyone sang the Easter Introit. People shook hands and Rev. Marilyn Carter gave greetings, the announcements and led in the Call to Worship and Prayer of Approach. A very impressive service with each reader giving the word and symbol of the Passion Story. The following were the readers: Brett Warwick, Miriam Veldman, Karen Etherington, Robin McKnight, John Batten, Marilyn Pym, Barry Miller, Sharon Passmore, Diane Jeffery, Ruth Anne Osgood, Floyd Cooper, Margaret Stewart. The choir sang `Hosannas to Our King,' accompa- nied by organist Marilyn Vandenbussche. Ashley McKnight and Corey Smith received the offering. Osgood brought an item forward for the Food Bank. Everyone read the Commissioning and sang the Choral Amen. Announcements Registration forms are available for Camp Bimini and Camp Menesetung as well as the wish -list for Camp Bimini at the back table. If you wish to place Easter lilies/other potted plant in the sanctuary for the Easter morning regular ser- vice in memory of a loved one, please contact Sharon Passmore at 235-2708 or fax at 235-2658 by noon THAMES ROAD NEWS Be a 'Big' for a Sumer! by Dianne Beach, Executive Director BIG BROTHERS BIG SISTERS SOUTH HURON EXETER - Ever thought about becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister, but still "sitting on the fence," and not sure about making that step? Well then, Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Huron has just the pro- gram for you! The agency's Big for a Summer Program allows interested volunteers to experience the fun of being a Big for the sum- mer months of May through to September, with no obligation to continue following the summer. Being a Big volun- teer is an enjoyable and rewarding experience for child and adult alike. It involves sharing two to four hours a week with a child in a mutual- ly enjoyable activity. This could include but is not limited to fishing, biking, rollerblading swimming, or any summer activity. Imagine the many com- munity events through- out the summer and wouldn't it be nice to include a Little? Volunteers play an active role in choosing a Little, so they are matched with a child with similar interests. Finding time is easy since volunteers can include their Little Brother or Sister in something that they are already doing. Although outings are weekly, out- ing times are flexible enough to suit everyone's needs! The Big for a Summer Program provides an excellent opportunity for interested parties who may be held back by reservations about the time commitment, how they will get along with their chosen Little, and so on, to discover for themselves whether or 0 not this is something they would like to do on a longer-term basis. Volunteers may be accepted with the full knowledge that they are unable, or unwilling to continue their match beyond the summer. The short-term duration of such matches will be given careful considera- tion when choosing an appropriate Little to be matched with the volun- teer. There is a screening and matching process so those interested should apply as soon as possi- ble. Matches are made based on background, interests, the strengths • of the volun- teers, and the needs of the child. There are many children in South Huron waiting for that spe- cial friendship a Big Brother or Big Sister can provide. For information about the Big for a Summer Program, call Big Brothers Big Sisters of South huron at 235- 3307, or visit us online at www.shbbbs.on.ca NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT BY-LAW April 19, 2004 COUNCIL MEETING at 7:45 p.m. Olde Town Hall Council Chambers 322 Main St. S., Exeter Comments will be received by the Man- ager of Building and Development (235- 0310 ext. 235) until 4:00 p.m. on April 19, 2004. Sandra Strang, Clerk Municipality of South Huron on April 8. If you are planning to attend the Sunrise Breakfast on April 11 at 8:30 a.m., please sign the sheet on the bulletin board at the back of the church. (Note: Sunrise Service is at 8 a.m.) April 7: Standing committees meeting starting at 7 p.m. followed by Council meeting at 8:15 p.m. April 9: Good Friday service at 7:30 p.m. April 11: Easter Sunrise Service 8 a.m. and break- fast 8:30 a.m., followed by regular service. April 13: UCW Meeting. Easter and Entertaining (Woodham, Centralia, Hibbert). Program: Ruth Anne Osgood, Marg McCarter, Anne Kernick, Shirley Cooper. Lunch: Joan Morgan, Jean Hodgert, Lorraine Alexander, Helen Weston, Jo -Anne Rowe, Melonie Miller, Doris Elford. April 23: Concert of sacred, opera and show music by tenor James Dundass at St. Andrew's UC, Bayfield at 7:30 p.m. Tickets $10. Personals Kim Riehl returned home last Monday to Miami, Florida after being here for her sister Tonya's wed- ding. Sympathy of the community is extended to Jim and Helen Weston and Andrew and Ian in the passing of Helen's mother, the late Reta Campbell. Family and friends gathered at the Malibu Restaurant on Sunday evening for a surprise 50th birthday party for Marilyn Rohde. Happy birthday Marilyn. Many people attended the buck and doe party for Brian Parsons and Erin Parker on Saturday evening at SHRC. Parsons and Parker will be married in May. Rev. Stanley Jay will officiate EasterVigil By H. Davis SAINTSBURY CORRESPONDENT SAINTSBURY - On Tuesday evening cousins Mrs. Helen MacDonald and her family, Howard and Sandra and Pete and Joyce visited with Hugh and Hazel Davis. Sun., April 4 the Sunday of the Passion with the Liturgy of the Palms was held at St. Patrick's at 10:30 a.m., with Venerable John Spencer of Stratford as officiant and preacher along with Rev. Stanley Jay. A large crowd of former members and friends joined the con- gregation for this spe- cial service. Crystal Ellerington, Caleb MacGillivray and Corbin MacGillivray assisted with the Scripture readings with Starr Davis as cross - bearer, and Katie - Scarlett MacGillivray as candle -bearer and assis- tant to Archdeacon Spencer. Travis Davis and Bryan Ellerington presented the offering and Ron Carroll was greeter for the ser- vice. Heather MacGillivray and her father Hugh Davis favoured with a duet entitles, 'Near the Cross.' Handcrafted palm crosses made prior to the service were given out as each one shared in the commu- nion. Hazel Davis let in the SAINTSBURY NEWS NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION SWIM POOL FENCE BY-LAW April 13, 2004 COUNCIL MEETING at 7:45 p.m. Olde Town Hall Council Chambers 322 Main St. S., Exeter Comments will be received by the Man- ager of Building and Development (235- 0310 ext. 235) until 4:00 p.m. on April 13, 2004. Sandra Strang, Clerk Municipality of South Huron prayers of the people, remembering Courtney MacGillivray who has been ill and cousin Cpl. Archie Taylor, a U.S. Marine stationed in Iraq. Following closing prayers Archdeacon Spencer, Katie -Scarlett MacGillivray and Rev. Stanley Jay led in a wonderful dialogue of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ according to Mark. Then everyone quietly followed to the parish hall where a time of fellowship was enjoyed along with St. Patrick's Palm Sunday brunch. Visitors were from London, Lucan, Grand Bend, Exeter, Centralia, Stratford and Goderich. Sat., April 10 St. Patrick's will celebrate the great Easter Vigil at 7 p.m. with Rev. Stanley Jay as officiant and preacher for the service. Sunday, niece Joan Beaune of London called on the Davis's along with granddaughters Crystal Ellerington and Starr Davis on Thursday and Heather and Bob MacGillivray Sunday. 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