HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-04-07, Page 88 Exeter Times–Advocate Wednesday, April 7, 2004 Legion's highest award presented to Exeter member Royal Canadian Legion R.E. Pooley Branch 167 member Vera Armstrong is pre- sented the Meritorious Service Medal, the Legion's highest award for service, March 26 at the Exeter Legion by District Commander Eric Ross. (photo/PatBolen) By Pat Bolen TIMES -ADVOCATE STAFF EXETER — "For her extra -ordinary effort in promoting the aims of the Royal Candian Legion, and for her dedicated ser- vice to the community, we the executive of Branch 167 feel that comrade Vera Armstrong is deserv- ing of the Legion's highest hounour, and we are pleased to recommend that she be awarded the Meritorious Service Medal." This was part of the citation read March 25 in Exeter as a member of the Royal Canadian Legion RE Pooley Branch 167 was awarded the highest decoration the Legion can bestow on one of its members, one of a handful awarded in the Exeter branch in its histo- ry. Vera Armstrong, a member of the branch since 1970, was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M) in a cere- mony at the Exeter Legion in front of fam- ily and fellow Legion mem- bers. Armstrong has held numerous offices in the branch includ- ing treasurer from 1979- 1983, second vice-president 1986-87, first vice-president 1987-1988, president 1988-1989, membership chair 1986-1988 and 1989-95, secretary 1990- 2003 and asst. secretary from 2003 to present. The award is approved by the Dominion Ritual and Awards Committee, which considers several factors when granting the M.S.M. The criteria include length of service of the member, what has set the member apart from oth- ers in the Legion at the recommending level and whether the member has made a personal sacrifice which has brought great credit to the Legion. It is one of a handful awarded in the Exeter branch in its history. The citation for the medal said as well as serving with distinction in the above offices, Armstrong has always been willing to help on other projects and committees. She was also involved with preparations f o r Remembrance Day and the annual veter- ans dinner. In the com- m u n i t y Armstrong is also an active member, help- ing with the Ladies Auxiliary, who made her a life member in 1992. She has also served for 25 Vera Armstrong, a member of the branch since 1970, was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal (M.S.M) in a ceremony at the Exeter Legion in front of family and fellow Legion members. Friendship Circle packing bale of clothing By Liz Sangster HENSALL CORRESPONDENT HENSALL - Come out and enjoy the friendship of the meal at the Hensall Drop -In on April 15 at the Hensall United Church. Lunch will be served at 12 noon. Following lunch we will be hear- ing from Elinor Darke, wife of Hensall United Church minister Pastor Fred Darke. All individu- als are welcome to this luncheon, held on the third Thursday each month. The cost is $5 per person. If required, transportation can be provided. To make reser- vations contact Marg Cole at 262-2304 or Faye Skinner at 235-0258 by noon on Mon., April 12. At Hensall United Church, Pastor Fred Darke was the minister. Welcome and announce- ments was followed by the passing of the peace. Pastor Darke had a spe- cial story for the children followed by the hymn 'Come Children' and prayer. The choir sang an anthem with solo parts by Jean Jacobe and Les Hills. Chuck Mallette was the organist for the min- istry of song. Jerry and Linda Traquair were the greeters with Larry and Evelyn Elder looking after the ushering duties. Pastor Darke's sermon was 'The Last Days.' The closing hymn was `I Love To Tell The Story.' There will be a roast beef supper at Hensall United Church on Wed., April 21 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., Adults $12, children ages 5 to 12 $5, children under 5 eat free. Take- out orders are also avail- able. For tickets please phone Janice Alderdice at 263-2535 or Lucielle Beer at 262-2180. There will be a confir- mation service on Sun., April 25 at 10 a.m. Please celebrate the con- firmation of these young people from the commu- nity into the church fami- ly. A light lunch will be served after the service. Don't forget the Huron Good Food Box. Orders must be received by the first Friday of the month. Orders are picked up at Hensall United Church on the third Thursday of each month. The cost is $14 for a quantity of in - season fruits and vegeta- bles. Special thanks to Cecil Pepper for picking up the boxes monthly at the Clinton depot. Also thanks to Ross Riley and Marjorie Heemeryck for volunteering their time. Congratulations to Les Hills who has been received as a candidate for ministry by the Huron - Perth Presbytery and the London Conference. A covenanting service will HENSALL NEWS be held at Hensall United Church at a future date. The Friendship Circle will be packing a bale of good used clothing in early June. Time to clean your closets and add to the wardrobe of those less fortunate. Special Palm Sunday Service was held at Carmel Presbyterian Church. Joyce Pepper was the organist with Al Hoggarth and Harry Smith receiving the offer- ing. Marlene Bell read the Lenten reading. The Passion Story was told by Tracy Whitson-Bahro and husband Greg. Rev. Gwen Brown conducted the communion service assisted by the church elders. Dorothy Taylor looked after the church school. Janice Butson was welcomed into the church family. 1st & 2nd Mortgage MONEY AVAILABLE at 6.5% interest or less Personal Loans Totally Unsecured if you qualify, Monthly payments as low as Amt. App. Mthly Payt. $5,000 $27.68 $10,000 $54.16 $15,000 $81.25 UP TO $400,000. We Specialize in difficult mortgages. Local 364-0448 1 (800) 387-1932 Astral Funding Inc. A hot luncheon will be held on Thurs., April 29 from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m., for tickets call Marlene at 263-6349 or Marilyn at 262-2384. over years on the South Huron Hospital Auxiliary, holding most offices and being made a life member in 1999. Armstrong is also a member of, and held the office of President of the Girl Guide Parent Association for five years, was secretary of the Ausable Girl Guide District from 1990-91, as well as being a member of the United Church and U.C.W. She also has canvassed for the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Cancer Society and volun- teers at the nursing home. A member receiving the M.S.M. may also be awarded a Palm Leaf for continued outstanding service. The Palm Leaf is affixed to the M.S.M. Come join us this Weekend for an Easter Egg Hunt & win a prize! OPEN GOOD FRIDAY AND EASTER SUNDAY OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 1 1/4 mi. South of Grand Bend on Hwy. 21 238-2818 MUNICIPALITY OF BLUEWATER NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING HENSALL WATER SUPPLY There have been historic problems with the concentrations of nitrate in the Hensall Water Supply. Additionally, the Province has instituted new standards for drinking water supplies that will require changes to the existing water system. The Municipality of Bluewater is considering alternatives to improve the Hensall Water Supply. These include: • Upgrading the existing works and adding treatment for nitrates • Upgrading the existing works and drilling new wells to find a water source with an acceptable nitrate concentration • Constructing a pipeline to connect Hensall to the Lake Huron Water Supply System These alternatives all have significant capital costs and increased operating costs. Council has initiated a Class Environmental Assessment process in order to evaluate the alternatives and select a preferred alternative. Public input is an important component to this process. A Public Information Meeting has been scheduled for : 7:00 pm Tuesday, April 13, 2004 Hensall Community Centre There will be a presentation to explain the problems with the existing system and the alternatives that are being considered, and an opportunity to ask questions. For further information on this project, or the Class Environmental Assessment process please contact: B.M. Ross & Associates Consulting Engineers 62 North Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 2T4 Telephone: 519-524-2641 (call collect) Fax: 519-524-4403. Attention: Matt Pearson, Senior Planner (email: mpearson@bmross.net) This Notice issued March 31st, 2004. Janisse Zimmerman, CAO Municipality of Bluewater