HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-03-24, Page 18lti Exeter Times—Advocate Wednesday,March 24, 2004 COMMUNITY CALENDAR Oddfellows 133 ANNUAL FRIENDSHIP NIGHT DINNER & DANCE Sat. Mar. 27 Kirkton Woodham Community Centre Music by Royal Aires. Contact Clare Wright 228-6415, Fred Delbridge 229-6677 or Harold Parson 235-2324 for tickets EVERYONE WELCOME AFFORDABLE, PROFESSIONAL 1 IAIRCARE GUARANTEED. 10 Wellington St. at Main St. EXETER 235-3580 HOURS: MON.-WED. 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. THURS.-FRI. 9 A.M.-8 P.M.; SAT. 9 A.M.-6 P.M. EXETER UNITED CHURCH Corner of James & Andrew St. Ministers: Rev. Paul Ross and Nancy Corrigan • SUN., MAR. 28, 2004 • 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship & Dedication Service & Sunday School April 3: 7 p.m. 'Cabaret' April 4: 2 p.m. Blyth Festival Singers • All Welcome! • Courtesy Car: Frank Boyle 235-2677; Office: 235-0860 Fax: 235-0861 ucexeter@auadro.net c°a 0 EMIOITY MEMORIAL ANGLICAN CHURCH 264 Main St. S., Exeter, Ontario 235-2565 Rector: Rev. Fr. William Ward Mid -Week Lenten Service Thurs., Mar. 25 6:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist 5th Sunday of Lent Sun., Mar. 28 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist 11 a.m. Sunday School EXETER BIBLE FELLOWSHIP 187 Huron St. W. Sat., March 20: Missionary Conference at the Chapel. For info call Dave Isaac 234-6709 Sun., Mar. 28: • 9:30 a.m. Lord's Supper • 11 a.m. Family Bible Hour Guest Speaker: Charlie Shorten of London Thursday Evening : Bible Study 7:30 p.m. For info call 229-6572 t EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH At new location, comer of Highway 4, Kirkton Road Pastor Kevin Rutledge Assoc. Pastor Scott Stein 235-2661 Come & Hear Hiram Joseph in concert Sat., Mar. 27 - 7 p.m. Tickets $5 Sun., Mar. 28 - 10:30 a.m. Morning Worship www.em manuelexeter.com Everyone Welcome I / 7 ._. d� EXETER CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 332 Huron St. W. Guest Minister 235-1723 Sunday, Mar. 28, 2004 10 a.m. Morning Worship Children's Ministry, ages 3-9 during morning service 7 p.m. Sunday Evening Service Everyone Welcome Sunday Radio CJCS 1240 8.30 a.m. CKNX 920 10:30 a.m. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 68 Main Street South 235-2784 The Rev. Lillian Wilton Courtesy Car - 235-2784 Sun., Mar. 28 - 10:30 a.m. Moming Worship Sacrament of Baptism Nursery available 100 Births BECKETT (SOLDAN) - Chris and Sue are pleased to announce the safe arrival of Owen Jacob, little brother to Payton McKenzie. Born March 9, 2004 at 6:45 p.m. Owen weighed 8lbs. 3 oz. Spoiling privileges go once again to Mike and Barb Soldan and Judy and Bob Beckett. Great grandparents are Kate and George Guest. Thank you to family and friends for visits and well wishes. (12*) DUCHARME (THIEL) - Charlie, Tammy and big brother Cameron are thrilled to announce the safe arrival of Emma Marie, born March 8, 2004, weighing 9 lbs. 2 oz. Proud grandparents are Marilyn Theil & Charlie Ducharme and Martha & Joe Risi. Sending his love and joy from Heaven is Pepe, Matthew Ducharme. A HUGE thank you to family and friends for all their love and support during our extended hospital stay before Emma was born and the con- tinued support, care and con- cern after she arrived. Thanks to Dr. Richardson, Dr. Natale and the entire Antenatal staff at St. Joseph's Health Centre for their exceptional care. (12*) EVANS (RADER) - Brent and Julie Evans (Rader) of Ponoka, Alberta are thrilled to announce the arrival of their son Samuel John weighing 5 lb. 12 oz. on February 25, 2004 at 5:47 p.m. at Royal Alexandria Hospital in Edmonton. Proud grandpar- ents are Sybil and Em Evans of Ponoka and Bruce and Gwen Coulter of Corbett. A special little cousin for Tasha, Bethany and Heath. (12*) TOOHEY (THUSS) - Patrick & Janet would like to announce the birth of their first child Joel Patrick Theodore Toohey. Joel was born February 19, 2004 at 3:05 am. weighing 8 lbs. 3 oz., 20 " long. Proud grand- parents are Ted & Trudy Thuss of Strathroy and Paul & Beverley Toohey of Lucan. A special thank you to all at St. Joseph's Health Care Centre for ensuring Joel's safe arrival. (12*) CORNISH - Jamie and Jo- Anne are excited to announce the birth of their daughter Taya Lynn. Taya was born on February 26, 2004 weigh- ing 8 lbs., 3 1/2 oz. Proud grandparents are Ron and Marion Cornish of Exeter and Stan and Beth Terpstra of Mitchell. As well as great - grandpa Russ Waun and Marion of Exeter and great - grandma Taya Terpstra of Mitchell. A special thank you to our families and friends for all your love and support. (12*) 105 Cards of Thanks HEYWOOD - I would like to thank my family for the love- ly 85th birthday party. I would also like to thank my relatives, friends and neigh- bours for making the day a memorable occasion. The lovely cards, gifts, best wish- es and especially the dona- tions received for the South Huron Palliative Care Unit were greatly appreciated. The donations will go toward the purchase of an Electric Chair Lift for the Palliative Care Room at South Huron Hospital. Eldon. (12*) 105 Cards of Thanks KIERSTEAD - I would like to thank all of the wonderful peo- ple who attended my surprise 80th Birthday party. Special thanks to Irene, Dorothy, Sharon, Louise and David & Shirley for all of the work they did. Also thanks to Harvey for my favourite music. Peggy (12 MCCANN - The family of the late Joe McCann would like to express the gratitude we feel for the outpouring of support, kind- ness and compassion shown during this very difficult time. To our family, friends and neighbours, thank you so very much for being there for us dur- ing Joe's illness and since his passing. The donations, floral arrangements, plants, food brought to our home, cards and phone calls have been over- whelming. To Dr. Mosbruger and the Staff at South Huron Hospital, we are grateful for the care and compassion shown to Joe while in the hospital. Thank you to Bob and Jim at Hoffman's Funeral Home for your professionalism and guid- ance, to Father Callistus St. Louis for the celebration of mass and Joe's life, to the CWL for the delicious lunch after the service, and to the pallbearers and flower bearers for the duties you performed. A Special thank you to our granddaughter Jodi Hillman for the wonderful eulo- gy. To my neighbours Alwinna Galloway and Tom and Rita Lessard, your thoughtfulness and support has been gratefully appreciated. A very Special thank you to Leona and her family for your support and comfort during Joe's illness, and as we mourn together. Thank you to my precious daughter Ruth and her wonderful family for being there for me and assisting with all the details needing done. Lastly, to each and every one of you who gave your love and support and shared our loss, we really appre- ciate all that you have done. Your kindness and support will always be remembered. Joe's memory will live on in many hearts. Lillian "Sis" McCann and Family (12*) GLAVIN - It is with heartfelt gratitude that we extend sincere thanks to our friends, neigh- bours and relatives who have shown us love and compassion in the loss of our Son and Brother. Thank you to all who attended visitation at the Funeral Home and the Funeral. Thank you for the many floral tributes, the donations, for the masses and all the sympathy cards sent to our homes. For all the food and the baking we sincerely thank you. Special thanks to Dr. Lam and Dr. Ahmed who did everything they could for Ed. Thank you to Father Callistus for visiting Ed and for the funer- al service, also to the choir and the C.W.L. for the delicious lun- cheon. Last but not least to Marianne and Colin of C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home for the compassion and care they showed at all times. Leona and Family (12) Dinney Funeral Home 471 Main St. Exeter CaII now 235-3500 to preplan your funeral the William Dinney way you want it. (OWNER) www.dinneyfuneralhome.on.ca 106 In Memoriam GRACE S. MILLER - March 28, 2002 Two years have passed You will never be forgotten We are reminded of you every day, With the love and strength you gave us, Before the Angels took you away. You did so many things for us, Your heart was kind and true, And whenever support was needed, We could always count on you. The hands of time will not turn back, To when we were together, But with all the memories that we cherish, You will be with us forever. There is not one day we don't think of you, And wish you were here with us. Sadly missed and Lovingly Remembered by Hank & Elaine, Carol, Marg & Dan, Judy & Ron, Joanne, Brenda & Ron, and Grandchildren (12*) WATSON - In loving memory of our dear son, brother and uncle Stephen Paul who left us suddenly 18 years ago, March 24, 1986 at the age of 18. God in his mercy Called our dear son away Not from our memories Not from our Love But to Dwell with the Angels In Heaven above. Forever remembered and sadly missed by your family Comin9 events... 8TH ANNUAL MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL - Saturday, March 27th, 2004. 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Sponsored by Hibbert United Church & Spring Valley Products, Staffa, Ont. Pancakes & Sausages (All you can eat). Adults $6.00, 5-10 years - $3.50, preschoolers free. Free Horse drawn wagon rides to bush. Located: County Road #180 between Dublin and Staffa, Ont. Hibbert Ward Shed. (12*) A MUSICAL TRAVELOGUE - Join the Blyth Festival Singers and guests the Bayfield Winds for a musical trip around the world on Sunday, April 4th. 2:30 p.m., Exeter United Church. Tickets $12, adults or $6 children 11 and under. Blyth Festival Box office 523-9300; Blyth Festival Singers, Campbell's Photography, Goderich; Dutch Store, Clinton; Snyder Studios, Wingham; Tasty Nu Bakery, Zurich; Nifty Corners, Seaforth, Bakelaar Jewellers, Exeter and Exeter United Church. Also at door. (11-13) Coming Events BABY BALLET, JR JAZZ, INDOOR SOCCER, - plus lots more!! Programs offered for all age groups! To receive your flyer via email: gbyouth- centre@hay.net or for more information call the Grand Bend Youth Centre 238-1155. (11;12) CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHICKEN BBQ - May 14 at South Huron Rec Centre. Tickets available mid- April. (12-14) DANCE - EXETER LEGION - Saturday, March 27th. 8 p.m. to 12 midnight. Everyone wel- come. $10.00 per person. Age of Majority. Lunch provided. Featuring: Country Justice. Smoke Free. (12*) EXETER LIONESS CHILI LUNCHEON - Friday, April 2, 2004. 11:30am-lpm. Lions Youth Centre, 125 John St.W., Exeter. Take out available. Advance tickets only $6 per person. Available at V&S Stedmans or any Lioness mem- ber. Proceeds for community projects. (11-13) THE SPRING, EIGHT WEEK SESSION OF INTRO. AND BEG. YOGA CLASSES - begin Mar. 22, 30, 31 and Apr. 1 at the Exeter farm studio or Lucan. Phone certified instruc- tor Judy Dougall at 235-1491 for details. (11;12) KARAOKE AT JED'S COUNTRY RESTAURANT - in Crediton. Saturday, March 27th, 8 pm. (12) LUCAN UNITED CHURCH ANNUAL HOT BEEF SUP- PER - Thursday, April 15. Lucan Community Centre 5:00-7:OOpm. Adults $12(ADVANCE ONLY until April 12)children $4.00, preschool free. Homemade desserts. Take-out available, delivery for shut-ins. Tickets at Lankins Shell, Clarke's Food Mart or call 227-4879. (12-14*) ODDFELLOWS 133 ANNU- AL FRIENDSHIP NIGHT - Dinner & Dance. Saturday, March 27/04 Kirkton Woodham Community Centre. Music by Royal Aires. Contact Clare Wright 228- 6415, Fred Delbridge 229- 6677 or Harold Parsons 235- 2324 for tickets. Everyone welcome. (11;12*) SATURDAY, MARCH 27 - GUEST SPEAKER - at the NDP nomination meeting for Huron Bruce at the Goderich Lawn Bowling Club, 110 Picton St. W. at 2 p.m. Grant Robertson and Hank Koscamp are vying for the nomination. For more information contact Lynda Rotteau 519-524-8482 or lyndarotteau@cabletv.on.ca SCRAPBOOKING & RUB- BER STAMPING SUPPLIES - OPEN HOUSE - Friday, April 2, 6:30-9:00 pm., 404 Andrew Street, Exeter. Come join the fun with CLOSE TO MY HEART, Christina Scott, Independent Consultant. Call 235-3471 for more informa- tion. (12;13*) 12TH ANNUAL PANCAKE BRUNCH - Fort Rose Maple Company. www.fort rose.ca Every Saturday and Sunday starting Feb. 28 til April 4 from 9:00a.m. - 3:OOp.m. Adults $7.50, 12 and under $5.00, Preschool - Free. 2 miles west of Nairn off County Rd. 17 (Nairn Rd.) 232-9041. *March Break Special* Open March 15th to 19th, 10 a.m. - 2p... m . (7-12)