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Exeter Times—Advocate
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
The results of several months of hard work were put on display March 4 at South
Huron District High School with its annual fashion show. Students modeled both
casual and more elegant attire from local and London retailers. (Above) Lindsay
Muller and Mike Nedza strike a pose while (at right) Cindy Gregus and Matt
Alexander show a casual look. (photos/PatBolen)
Clinton Ministerial pulpit exchange Sun. Mar. 14
By Joan Beierling
VARNA - The Stan Lee
Club met on March 2 in
the Complex beginning
with a potluck lunch at
noon. There were 27
members present includ-
ing seven guests. After
the meal, Bill Linfield
played the banjo accom-
panied by his daughter
Haley. Their talents were
enjoyed very much. Elly
Van Bergen entertained
everyone with a very
humourous monologue
about the tragedies that
happened after a little
green snake got carried
into a home in a flower
Bill Linfield on the
banjo with Anna Keys on
the piano played several
songs and Joyce Dowson
and Linda Linfield led
the group in singing
along with them. Elmer
and Norene Hayter were
congratulated on their
upcoming 63rd anniver-
sary on March 8.
Flowers were brought in
memory of Wilfred
Chuter--one of the club's
original members. There
was a moment's silence
in his memory. President
Charles Reid urged
everyone to send letters
to our MPP Carol
Mitchell opposing any
change in the Ontario
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Bernice Reid gave a
reading and Charles Reid
had his usual bits of
humour. A few games of
euchre were enjoyed.
The next meeting will be
on Tues., April 6 begin-
ning with a KFC lunch at
12:30 p.m.
Goshen UCW held their
World Day of
Prayer pro-
gram on
Thurs., March 4. The
program was prepared
by the Women of
Panama. Nora Keys
opened the program with
thoughts on the life of
the Panama people. Kate
Keys, Peggy Keys, Mona
Stephenson, Deborah
Rathwell and Anna Keys
took different parts in
the program. Pastor Elly
Van Bergen gave the
Message pertaining to
the women of Panama
and Bible thoughts.
Short meetings were
then held for both
Goshen and Varna UCW.
Women's day out is in
Blyth on April 3. An invi-
tation was extended
from Kippen UCW to
their thank -offering
meeting on April 13.
Guest speaker is to be
Susan Pegg speaking on,
`If A Cup Of Tea Could
Talk.' Dowson's are hav-
ing a skat-
ing party
at the
Bayfield arena on March
20 from 7-9 p.m.
The 42nd Annual
Meeting of London
Conference UCW is April
25 and 26 at Grace
United Church in St.
Thomas. Please register
by April 1.
There will be a clog-
ging recital April 18 in
the Blyth theatre. The
tickets are going fast.
The meeting closed
and a lovely lunch was
served by the Goshen
women. Church was in
Varna on Sunday with
r Capsule Comments
by Ernie Miatello
Bio -prospecting is the search for new medicines
in the rain forests of developing countries.
Historically, many drugs have been discovered in
nature. In the 21st Century, once a natural drug is
discovered, chemists will try to duplicate it in the test tube for greater
Many years ago, it was common to combine more than one drug
into one tablet or capsule. Some contained as many as three
different drugs. However it fell out of favour because it didn't allow
any flexibility of dose. From England comes a report that a new six -
drug pill will be coming. It contains ASA, a cholesterol-lowering
drug, folic acid and three blood pressure reducing drugs. It is not on
the market yet, but considering the excitement in England, it just
might be soon.
People often drink cranberry juice regularly to prevent urinary tract
infections. This juice is another of a selected list of natural products
that can alter the effect of the anticoagulant drug, warfarin. If you
take this drug and are a regular user of cranberry juice, inform your
On average, Canadians consume about 1401b 163kg) of sugar per
year which translates into 500-600 calories per day. That's alot of
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Pastor Elly Van Bergen
with the Welcome,
announcements and the
Call to Worship.
Again this year, dur-
ing Lenten worship
Mission & Service has
been the focus. Each
week features some fun
fund and awareness
raisers for M&S includ-
ing quizzes and chal-
lenges. For instance,
Carol Simons (and oth-
ers) knew that Missions
& Service was originally
called Mission &
Maintenance --M&M. The
whole congregation
shared a bag of M&Ms.
This coming Sunday peo-
ple are being asked to
submit their hymn choic-
es along with how much
they are willing to 'ten-
der' to have that hymn
as part of our 'Buy Your
Favourite Hymn Day,' on
March 21. The highest
four bids overall will
win; so, if Pastor Van
Bergen wants her
favourite, Mansion On
The Hilltop, but is only
willing to pay $3 and
someone like Gordon Hill
is willing to pay $5 for
Onward Christian
Soldiers, then Pastor Van
Bergen is out of luck.
Tenders on bids for
hymns must be in by
March 14.
This Sun., March 14 is
the Clinton Ministerial
pulpit exchange. Pastor
Van Bergen will be
preaching at the
Christian Reformed
Church in Vanastra and
Rev. Speelman from that
church will be preaching
in Varna.
Put on the green and
come on out and meet
your neighbour at the
village potluck Irish
stew, biscuits and
dessert on Wed., March
17 at 6:30 p.m. at the
Varna Church. Come on
out for some fun and
cheer on your pledges.
Watch the beard shaving
kick-off for the sesqui-
centennial beard grow-
ing competition.
Sun., March 21 there
will be Simple Fare
Luncheon in Goshen con-
sisting of quiche and
salad. The free-will
offering will go to the
Bluefields School Project
in Nicaragua.
Sun., March 28 there
will be a nickel sale for
M&S. Tickets will be five
cents each or 25 for a
dollar. Donations of
small penny -sale type
items would be appreci-
ated. Mon., March 29
the official board meets
in Varna Church at 8
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