HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-03-10, Page 5Wednesday,March 10, 2004 Exeter Times—Advocate 5 Opinion Forum News ROSS HAUGH BACK IN TIME I OYEARS AGO March 9, 1994 - Eight youth from Exeter Pentecostal Church are leaving this week for an inva- sion of England. They are Kindi Tuck, Tim Robinson, Rebekah Tuck, Jesse Stahle, Jennifer Brand, Sheri Keller, Jason Laurin, Jason Erb and pastor David Austin. Two St. Marys Lincolns received special awards at the recent OHA Western Junior "B" banquet. They were Jason Heywood of Exeter and Paul O'Shea of Lucan. 30YEARS AGO March 11, 1974 - Jane Oehring of Elmira was named Queen of Centralia College Friday night. Runnerup was Betty Jean McLaren. The Exeter Kinette club with the help of Kinsmen and Girl Guides recently completed a very successful canvass for the Heart Fund. They accu- mulated over $1,200. The 185 employees of Dashwood Industries who have been on strike for four weeks continue to be off the job. Meetings this week between the Union and company were termed "very fruitless" by DI president Jim Finnen and Union business agent Adam Salvona. The grand opening of the new facilities of the Hensall District Co -Operative was held Saturday. The ribbon cutting duties were handled by Bert Klopp who served for 30 years as secretary as well as managing the Zurich branch for many years. The Central band of the Canadian Armed Forces performed at SHDHS Tuesday afternoon. Included in the group was Sgt. Tony Aquilina whose father lives in Exeter. An employee of the Lucan arena for more than 20 years Wilf Hodgins was honoured recently on his retirement. 35 YEARS AGO Marh 13, 1969 - Patti Robinson was named South Huron District High School Home Queen Friday night. She was crowned by last year's win- ner Linda Litt. 40YEARS AGO March 12, 1964 - Exeter council has accepted a $22,000 road budget submitted by roads chairman Ralph Bailey which includes permanent road building on parts of William and Anne streets this year. David Ducharme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ducharme of Zurich was one of five students to be chosen for a Student Council award at the University of Western Ontario. The controversial subject "Cancer and Smoking" was discussed by Dr. Allan Alway of Westminster Hospital in London at a recent Exeter Home and School meeting. The program was presented by the Exeter unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. 45 YEARS AGO March 11, 1959 - A junior yearling raised by Whitney Coates and son of R.R. 1, Centralia won reserve champion honours at the Ontario Bull Sale in Toronto recently. Exeter bowlers copped the inter -town champi- onship by a margin of 115 pins. Members of the team are Jack Fuller, Bob Osgood, Murray Brintnell, Jack Gibson, Cap Foster and Bob Wetlaufer. Helen Cole in grade six and Brenda Dinney in grade five at Exeter Public School topped their grades to win trophies for the best verse speaking in the final competition. T -A sports editor Boom Gravett is reported to be making a fast recovery after suffering a skull frac- ture during a hockey game in Mitchell. 55 YEARS AGO March 10, 1949 - The price of sweet corn has been set at $22.50 a ton, an increase of 50 cents over last year. Preston Dearing, of Stephen township was named a director of the Canadian Sheep Breeders Association at a convention held in Saskatoon. Miss Marguerite Pickard of London Teachers' College has accepted a position on the Hamilton Public School staff for the fall term. 85 YEARS AGO March 11, 1919 - A soldier's monument which was recently procured from a sculptor in Italy by Mr. James Weekes will be unveiled at S.S. 1 Usborne (Hurondale) on March 28. Seniors' Perspective By Jim earls ADULT ACTIVITIES C0 -ORDINATOR Monthly Seniors Meeting: The March meeting of Exeter Senior Citizens was held at the Exeter Legion Hall, Tuesday March 2nd. 54 members and friends enjoyed a bountiful pot -luck sup- per at 6 p.m. President Shirley Kirk opened the meet- ing with a reading entitled "We're Both Guilty". Happy Birthday was sung to Richard and Lynda Hokansson, Aldene Skinner, Eldon Heywood and Gladys Bierling. Vera Armstrong was chairperson for the program; Emily Hartman of Exeter favoured us with her 1st place Grade 3 speech. "Learn To Fly"... Russ Berry of Clinton, entertained us with Irish and Country musical numbers. Berdene Morgan thanked Russ. Door prize winners were: Ervin Sillery, Pearl Kirk and Doris Sillery. Share The Wealth winners were: Aldene Skinner, Marian Dougall, Shirley Truemner, Audrey MacDonald, Stuart McLellan, Gladys Bierling and Orville Webber. Chris Phillips gave a humorous read- ing entitled: "The Wonder Years". A short business meeting was held and we were reminded of the June 2 Trade Fair, to be held at the South Huron Rec. Centre, March 26 Euchreama to be held in the Exeter Legion hall, April 6 the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Exeter Senior Citizens Club. There will be special guests, and anniversary cake to enjoy. The meet- ing closed with the Seniors Prayer. Upcoming Euchreamas: Lucan Shamrock Euchreama: March 18, 2004 at the Lucan Arena: Starts at 10:00 a.m. For only $5.00 you get to play 18 games of euchre and enjoy plenty of lunch. Prizes are from the committee's pot of gold. Bring your friends and have a day of fun and good times. Exeter: March 26, 2004 at the Exeter Legion Clinton: March 29, 2004 Details later Jim Bearss LUCAN AREA HERITAGE 2004 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS & BUS TOURS Wed. Mar 17 $35 (incl. bus, music & meal) ST. PATRICK'S DAY CELEBRATION CAROUSEL ROOM, WESTERN FAIR Sat. Mar 27 AWESOME AUCTION Do you have anything to donate? Thur. April 8 $60 (incl. bus, meal & Show) FIDDLE 'N STEP (WINGHAM TOWN HALL HER- ITAGE THEATRE) AND BELMORE MAPLE SYRUP FESTIVAL Wed. April 28 $130 (incl. bus, meal & Show) "THE PRODUCERS" CANON THEATRE - TORONTO Wed. May 5 $60 (incl. bus, meal & guide) GRAND RIVER TOUR THROUGH MENNONITE COUNTRY WITH WARREN Fri. Aug. 20 $95 (incl. bus, meal & show) SENIORS JUBILEE ROY THOMSON HALL, TORONTO Mon/Tues/Wed Oct. 4/5/6 $395 p.p dbl bus, room&5meals) FALL COLOURS TOUR - PINELANDS RESORT, MUSKOKA SAME WONDERFUL RESORT, NEW DAY TRIPS Thu. Nov. 25 $40 (bus only) SHOP 'TIL YOU DROP IKEA & SQUARE ONE SHOP- PING CENTRE Thur. Dec. 2 $tba (incl. bus, meal, show & tour) CHRISTMAS DINNER, SHOW & LIGHTS TOUR - OWEN SOUND Bus Pickup at Exeter Legion and Lucan Community Centre Contacts: Harry Hardy 227-4887 or Wayne Hall 227-0444 Email: harry@cruiseselloffs.com All bus tours are operated by Cruise Sell Offs togeth- er with Lucan Area Heritage. CruiseSellOffs is regis- tered with the Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO registration # 50007529). South Huron Diabetes Education Centre: 24 Huron Street West NOM 1S2 To register please call (519) 235-2700 ext: 239 (leave message if necessary. All classes will be at the South Huron Hospital Exeter Cost: Free. All classes at 1:30 p.m. Introductory Diabetes Program: March 17, 2004 1:30 p.m.: You will learn about signs and symptoms of diabetes, risk factors, the importance of blood sugar control and healthy life styles. 2 hours in length. Meter Class: March 24, 2004 1:30 p.m. You will learn how to effectively use your blood sugar meter to manage your diabetes and to interpret results. Don't just test -test smart. Cholesterol Class March 31, 2004 1:30 p.m.: You will learn about healthy eating to lower your risk for heart disease and stroke. Lest We Forget: "Thomas Alexander Brimacombe" Thomas was born on August 13th 1895, in Exeter, and lived with his parents in Exeter North. He was part of a family of six. Like other families, he was the one in the family who left home to find work. He was probably working in Sarnia, Ontario. That is where he enlisted in the Canadian Army, in 1916, with his ser- vice #844090. He was shipped overseas soon after his basic training. His Regiment was the Canadian Machine Gun Corps, attached to the 4th Battalion. March of 1917 while overseas, Thomas took seven days leave, owing to a tonsil operation. Thomas had a brother Fred who also was in the Army. Fred wrote a letter home to his parents from England, telling them that he was not allowed to go to France because of his age, but he was given a job as an orderly in the Brigade Office. He also mentioned in his letter home that he had seen Elmer Harness in the hospital, and that he was taking the Exeter paper over to him. Elmer had been shot in the leg. Elmer was also from Exeter, and when he arrived back home after the war, he opened a Barber Shop on the Main Street in Exeter. He continued to cut hair for the rest of his life. He sustained his walking with a bad limp, due to his leg wounds. A sad feature of Monday November 11th 1918's rejoicing, over the cessation of hostilities was of the news received that morning by his parents, that Thomas had been killed in action at the front lines on October 31st 1918 Thomas was buried in the Denain Communal Cemetery. Denain is a town in France, in the Department of the north next to Valenciennes on the road toward Cambrai. The cemetery is situated in the north-east corner of the town, approximately 1.2 kilo- metres from the town centre. Thomas was the son of William and Janet Brimacombe of Exeter North, where they were living when they received the sad news of their son's death. Thomas was the eldest son in the Brimacombe family. Thomas Alexander Brimacombe's family included the following his father William born December 28th 1871, his mother Rachel born March 20th 1873, his sister Lily born May 24th 1896, his brother Fred born July 23rd 1899 and his grandmother Janet born May 20th 1833. Next week, information on James Oswald Brown: The Pension: By the year of our Lord 2004 My working days should be no more. I'll be the happiest person alive, For then I'll be sixty-five Each month I watch those old folks grin. Each month those pension cheques roll in. Each month they get that pot of gold. All simply for being old. Who ever thought they'd see the day When getting old meant getting pay? And if you're paying too much rent, You'll just apply for a supplement. And if that isn't quite enough, You get all kinds of other stuff, Like discounts off on Bus or Planes, And then you also get the GAINS... The ten per cent off all your clothes, The senior's rates on first-class shows, And travel tours are all the rage If only you're of senior age. If I had known when I was twenty The real true meaning of "Land of Plenty", I would have moved both Heaven and Earth, To actually falsify my date of birth. And worse, if on my birthday morn, Old Gabriel should blow his horn, He'd better plan to keep on blowing, Without my pension I'm not going.