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Exeter Times—Advocate
Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Exeter Public School recently held its public speaking competition, awarding prizes
in storytelling, junior and intermediate categories.Above, in the junior speeches
category, are the winners from left: Charlotte Anderson (I st, Grade 5), Charlotte
McEwan (2nd, Grade 5) and Katie Hartai (3rd, Grade 4). Below are the students in
the storytelling category.Winners in the front row told original stories, while
those in the back did story "re -telling." In front from left are Kelsey Rothbauer
(3rd, Grade 2), Sara McEwan (2nd, Grade 3) and Emily Hartman (1st, Grade 3); in
back from left are Trevor Skochinski (1st, Grade 3), Kassidy Warren (2nd, Grade 1)
and Alyssa Keller (3rd, Grade 2). (photo/Scott Nixon)
Above are the winners in
the intermediate speech category. From left are Katie
Anderson (I st, Grade 8),Tran Nguyen (2nd, Grade 8) and Timothy Thornton (3rd,
Grade 7).
Wear green to Hensall's
horticultural meeting
By Liz Sangster
HENSALL - At Carmel Presbyterian
Church Tracy Whitson-Bahro's message
was, Temptation. Joyce Pepper was the
organist with Al Hoggarth and Harry
Smith receiving the offering.
The World Day of Prayer will be held
at Carmel Presbyterian Church on
March 5 at 2 p.m., with Rev. Gwen
Brown as the guest speaker.
On March 4 there will be a
soup, sandwich and dessert
lunch, no tickets needed.
At Hensall United Church, Chuck
Mallette was the organist with Kay Mock
greeting everyone. The ushers were
John and Veronica Thomson. Barb
Westlake -Power was the reader and
also lit the candle.
The Irish stew lunch will be held on
March 10 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The
beef supper will be held on April 21.
Flowers in the sanctuary were in
memory of the late Melvin Wurm.
Sympathy is extended to the family and
friends of Melvin and to the Seaton fami-
ly, the Volland family and the Triebner
family on the passing of their loved ones.
The Hensall and Community
Horticultural Society will meet on March
17 at Hensall United Church at 7:15
p.m. The speaker will be Carol Steckle
of Huron Ridge Acres who will discuss
what's new for 2004. St. Patrick's meet-
ings are always special as members
start warming up their green thumbs.
Remember to wear something green to
the meeting. Memberships for 2004 are
available so get yours now. Benefits
include greenhouse discounts, bonus
pansies and of course
access to fun educational
The Hensall Fair will be holding a
photo contest sponsored by Dan Holm
Photography. The photo categories are
`Snow,' `Fun With Food,' `Young and
Old,' `Holidays,' and 'Best Friends.' The
deadline for entries is 11 a.m. on Fri.,
June 18 at the Hensall Community
Centre. Photos may be colour or black
and white, maximum print size 8" by
11", no composite photos, retouched
prints, transparencies or slides allowed.
No previously -entered photos allowed.
An exhibitor form must be filed and
entry tag attached to each entry. Please
identify photo location and subject.
Prizes of $3, $2.50, and $2 will be
Official board meeting
in Centralia Mar. 24
By Mary Peterson
CENTRALIA - After many stormy
winter days, everyone enjoyed the
wonderful sunshine and warmer
temperatures of the past week.
On Sun., Feb. 29, Rev. Ray
Hagerman welcomed the members of
the congregation at Centralia United
Church. This marked the first Sunday
in Lent which is a time for thought
and meditation. Rev. Hagerman
invited everyone to worship each
Sunday of this Holy Season.
Rev. Hagerman asked everyone to
continue to pray for the many who
are dealing with life's challenges,
including Kristen, Todd and Tayler
Lightfoot and their family. In prayer,
remember Bob and Ellen Graham as
well as Mary Webb and her family
and those who grieve or have other
Larry Skinner led the beginning of
worship. Everyone joined in the
hymn, Jesus Bids Us Shine.
Following that, Rev. Hagerman sat
down with the children to discuss a
pilot's experiences and
God. Just like the man in
the control tower you
can't see, you know God is watching
and guiding you. The children went
with their Sunday school teachers to
continue to learn about God.
The choir sang an anthem based on
Psalm 42, As Pants the Deer.
Scripture lessons included Psalm 24
and Exodus 33:12-23. Rev.
Hagerman continued discussion of
the Beatitudes in his sermon, Blessed
Are the Pure in Heart, for They Shall
See God.
Judy and Ray Mills read the Minute
for Mission about the many outreach
activities of a small church in New
Brunswick which receives support
from Mission & Service funds. Rev.
Hagerman recalled his interaction
with the devoted members of this
church when he lived in the
Iva Blair and Dorothy Rolling took
up the offering while the choir sang
the hymn, We Are You. Worship
closed with the hymn, Jesus,
Teacher, Brave and Bold.
Everyone enjoyed playing with Rev.
Hagerman and his wife's little grand-
daughter who attended worship at
both Centralia and Zion West.
Upcoming activities to mark on
your calendar include Crediton UCW
World Day of Prayer on Thurs.,
March 4 at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is
welcome to attend. The official
board meeting will be held Wed.,
March 24 at 8:00 p.m., at Centralia
United Church.
Community Euchre Results
Many people continue to enjoy
meeting with friends for a few games
of euchre on Monday afternoons
during these snowy winter days. In
the new year, games were held at
the Malibu Restaurant at Centralia
on Jan. 26 and also on Feb. 9 and
On Jan. 26, high score winners
were Helen McDonald and Bob Latta,
while Audrey McDonald and Kay
Lankin were the lone hand winners.
Greta Richards won the hidden
Bob Latta was high
score winner again on
the Feb. 9, along with Gert
Eagleson. Kay Blair was the hidden
score winner. Bernice Squires and
Kay Lankin won the lone hands.
High score winners on Feb. 23
were Bernice Squires and Bob Latta,
and Mary Latta and Harold Hodgins
were the lone hand winners. The
hidden score was won by Greta
Community euchre games were also
held in Crediton recently. On Jan. 5,
Ruth Insley and Alex Jeffery won the
high score, while Kathy Jeffery and
Labelle Harness had the lowest
scores. Lone hand winners were
Doris Pfaff and Herb Piper.
Hazel Glavin and Harold Hodgins
were the high score winners on Feb.
2, and Rose Piper and Doris Pfaff
won the lone hands. Low score win-
ners for the day were Kathy Jeffery
and Nola Lewis