HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-03-03, Page 8STAN LAKE CEMENT-4.--z—et., CONTRACTOR • Concrete Forming • Foundations and Floors • Colored & Impressed Concrete • Driveways and Sidewalks R.R. 2 GRAND BEND Dan (519) 243-3261 Bruce (519) 238-2522 , 8 Exeter Times -Advocate Wednesday, March 3, 2004 Local foster families needed in community By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - Rev. Marilyn Carter was in charge of the first Sunday in Lent church service on Sunday morning. The ser- vice was in the basement as the furnace for upstairs was not working. The ser- vice commenced with the singing of an Easter Introit and people shook hands. Rev. Carter gave greet- ings, the announcements, led in the Call to Worship, Prayer of Approach and Confession and the Affirmation of Faith in uni- son. Zachary Kadey lit the Christ Candle. Rev. Carter told the youth a story, About Daring. The choir sang, What a Wonderful Savior, accompanied by pianist Marilyn Vandenbussche. Psalm 91 was read responsively. Rev. Carter read the Scripture from Luke 4: 1- 13, and the title of her ser- mon was, All In All. Ken and Helen Kadey received the offering as well as the greeters. Everyone read the Commissioning and Rev. Carter pronounced the Benediction and every- one sang, May the God of Hope Go With Us. Announcements Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowl-a-thon, Sun., March 7 at Zurich Lanes from 1- 4:30 p.m. See bulletin board for pledge sheets. Operation Christmas Child Shoebox. Total shoe boxes collected in Ontario was 320765, in 2002 was 313566, in 2001 was 301933. Thanks for all your help. Another great Youth group hosts potluck supper By Muriel Lewis GRANTON CORRESPONDENT GRANTON - Numerous sunshiny days during the past week seem to indi- cate that spring is getting closer. The Granton Fire Department and the First Bryanston Scouting Organization sponsored a successful pancake and sausage supper on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 24 at the Fire Hall. On Sat., Feb. 28 the Granton -Wesley United Church Youth Group hosted a potluck supper and games night at the church with approximate- ly 35 young and young -at - heart in attendance. Leaders Marion Gatt welcomed everyone and Pastor Val Hodgins asked the blessing. After supper the youth group members tested the guests with a Bible quiz and distributed prizes. Euchre, crokinole and other board and card games were organized and enjoyed by all. Prize winners included Cliff Cook, Cathie Westman, Gail Sinclair, John Herbert, Ron McBurney, April Bryan, Val Hodgins, Julie Riddell, Curtis Hayes and Jim Bakker. At the Granton -Wesley United Church on Sun., (Lent 1), Feb. 29, Lay Pastor Val Hodgins enti- tled the message, Guide My Feet. The lessons were from Luke 4, Romans 10 and Deuteronomy 26. Adam Dodds lit the Christ Candle. The ministry of music was, Until He Comes Again. The World Day of Prayer is to be held on March 5 at Lucan United Church when the guest speaker will be Rev. Susan McCullough of Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Lucan. The Lenten bible study at Granton Wesley United Church begins on Wed., March 3 at 7:30 p.m. and continues on March 10, 17, 24, 31 and April 7. At St. Paul's Anglican Church in Kirkton on Sun., Feb. 29 (Lent 1) Rev. Dalice Sim celebrat- ed the Holy Eucharist. The message was about prayer, sharing with oth- ers and resisting tempta- tion as exemplified by Jesus. Mary Blackler read the lessons and Christine Downey assisted with the service. St. Paul's Anglican Church hosted their annual pancake and sausage supper at the church on Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 24 which was well attended. Happy leap year to all. GRANTON NEWS Neighbour interrupts theft W00 — On Feb. 9 a short nine after 3 a.m. OPP were called to the Hamlet of Woodham located on Perth Road 164 in South Huron. According to police, two men were seen by a neighbour in and around a barn. The neighbour yelled at the two peo- ple who fled the area in a vehicle. OPP officers discov- ered the two men had been inside the unlocked barn and stole a Honda generator and two chainsaws val- ued at approximately $6,600. The items were found abandoned in the farmer's field in the direction the men fled. Although the property has been recovered, police are still looking for two men that left the area in an older model black Honda. If you have information on this vehicle or the suspects call the local OPP office or contact Crime Stoppers at 1 -800 -222 -TIPS. year of giving to others. Foster families needed. Caring individuals or fami- lies to foster from our community. For more info please contact Deanie Jardine -Mackenzie at Huron - P e r t h Children's Aid Society at 524-7356 ext. 3275 or 1-800-265- 5198. March 3: Standing Committees meeting start- ing at 7 p.m. followed by Council meeting at 8:15 p.m. March 5: World Day of Prayer hosted by Caven Presbyterian Church at 7:30 p.m. An interdenomi- national service with Exeter and area churches participating. This year's World Day of Prayer ser- vice is written by the women of Panama reflect- ing the theme, In Faith, Women Shape the Future. Observing a common day of prayer on the first Friday of March is now a tradition for Christian women in more than 170 coun- tries. Contact Judith Parker if you require transportation to the ser- vice. March 5: Community Hoe -Down at 8 p.m. at the Church. For more info see posters hanging in the church. March 9: UCW meeting at 8 p.m. Program: Stewardship and Finance, Helen Weston, Marilyn Vandenbussche, Helen Webber, Joan Skinner. Roll Call: What did you do with the extra day last THAMES ROAD NEWS month? Lunch: Sharon Lynn, June Stewart, Marilyn Pym, Kay Hodgert. March 14: The choir is serving their Annual Lenten Pancake and Sausage Brunch following the service. May 16: Community of Churches annual Conference Sunday joint service at Thames Road Elimville United Church. Guest speaker will be Thames Road Elimville United Church. Guest speaker will be Allan Slater, retired farmer from the St. Marys area, who recently returned from Iraq serving as a member of the Christian Peacemakers Team. Next week is the first Sunday of the month. Don't forget your items for the food bank and your grocery card order and payment. Personals Congratulations to Brad and Darlene Borland on the birth of their son Matthew Bradley John on Feb. 20, a brother for Kennedy, first grandson for Jack and Betty Borland and Ken and Cathy Triebner. Correction An error appeared in one of the cutlines for the Stephen Central winter carnival on the front page of last week's Times - Advocate. The student sliding down a snow hill was actually Dylan Finkbeiner. 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(114.6 M'I CEIUNG HEIGHT WIDTH -4T-0- (14.3M) DEPTH • 52'-6" {18.OM) PLAN NO., H 7-3-906 TOTAL 2201 52, FT (210.5 MI} 1 Dining Room Highlights Family Home Plan H7-3-906 This elegant design restores the dining room to importance by placing it at the front of the home, with access to a covered wrap-around veranda. Given prominence in this way, the dining room becomes an inviting setting for traditional family dinners. It's also perfect for formal dinner parties. The adjacent kitchen is a fully modern work space, featuring a large island, a walk-in pantry, a built-in phone desk and expansive countertops. A boxed -out breakfast nook in the kitchen is surrounded by large windows. It also has a door to the covered rear patio, making this a well -lit space for casual day -time meals. A three -sided gas fireplace warms both the kitchen and the adjoining great room. A den just off the great room could also be used as a computer room or a crafts room. A two-piece bathroom is conveniently located nearby. Three well -sized bedrooms occupy the second level of this design, along with a washer and dryer hidden behind louvered doors in the hallway. The master bedroom has a five -piece ensuite bathroom, a walk-in clothes closet and a separate storage cupboard for linens. The room's vaulted ceiling allows for a dramatic arched window that overlooks the front yard. A boxed alcove provides room for an entertainment unit, a writing desk or a large armoire. The two secondary bedrooms are served by a three-piece bathroom that has a pocket door opening to one of the rooms. A skylight brightens the hallway on the second level as well as the centrally -located staircase leading to the main floor. The two -car garage has space for a work bench and storage cupboard. Access is to the garage is through the front foyer. The exterior of this home has a distinctive, natural look created by using a combination of horizontal wood siding and cedar shingles, along with decorative stone. Arched wood beams accent the roof peaks while heavy wood support posts around the veranda add substance and character. This 2,266 -square -foot home measures 47 feet wide by 52 feet, 6 inches deep and includes an unfinished basement. Plans for design H7-3-906 are available for $576 (set of 5), $661(set of 8) and $715 for a super set of 10. B.C. residents add 7.5% Prov. Sales Tax. Also add $20.00 for Priority charge within B.C. or $40.00 outside of B.C. Please add 7% G.S.T. or 15% H.S.T. (where applicable) to both the plan price and Priority charges. The new 36th Edition of the Home Plan Catalogue containing over 300 plans is available for $13.50 (includes taxes, postage and handling). 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