HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Times Advocate, 2004-02-25, Page 27Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Exeter Times–Advocate
Buy your tickets for elimination draw and video dance
By Carmel Sweeney
ZURICH - The World Day of Prayer
service will be held in Zurich on Fri.,
March 5 at the Mennonite Church begin-
ning at 2 p.m. All are invited to attend
from all the churches in town.
The annual Work-A-Thon Quilting Bee
put on by the women at the Lutheran
Church in Zurich will be held on Tues.,
March 9 at 9 a.m., continuing all day.
These tied quilts will be given to local
charities and Lutheran World Relief.
Supper will be served to the quilters.
Several members of the Blue Water
Zurich Skating Club took part in the
HOME Competition held in Strathroy
Feb. 21 to 23. The girls skated at vari-
ous times of the day and all did well in
their flights.
I enjoyed going on Saturday to watch
the skaters from our club and especially
our granddaughter Heidi Klopp.
The Has -Bean's Old Timers hockey
team played in a tournament on the
weekend in Goderich and won in their
The Zurich Skating Carnival is Sun.,
April 4 at the Hensall Arena with the
theme being, Wheels On Ice. We will
have more information at a later date.
Please mark the date on your calendar.
The skating club is also having a ham
and turkey bingo as a fundraising event
in March at the Hay Township Hall.
Mr. Brock Appel spent a quiet week-
end in Stratford watching T.V. with his
Mr. Dan Gracey had a lovely brunch
with his mother-in-law hi London.
Anyone who buys a loaf of bread at
Tasty -Nu Bakery in Zurich from now
until the end of March will be helping
our new arena as Doug Oesch is donat-
ing twenty cents on every loaf to the
arena building fund.
The family of Ray Hartman had a get-
together at St. Boniface Parish Hall to
celebrate Ray's birthday.
The youth -group fast will be on March
5 and 6 at St. Boniface School in the
gym. Any parents who can help please
call Dianne Miller 236-4479; Tanis 236-
4644 or Karen 236-4310.
The Zurich Youth Bowling League are
having a fundraising
event at their banquet in
May. They are also plan-
ning a penny sale at the bowling lanes
and are looking for your donations. Any
kind of crafts, new items, etc, will be
most appreciated by the children.
The annual meeting of the Blue Water
Rest Home will be at the Zurich
Mennonite Church on Wed., March 3 at
7:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to
The St. Boniface Knights of Columbus
held their monthly card party on Tues.,
Feb. 24 at 8 p.m. with a good turn out.
Jim and Joy Hogg recently spent a
week in Florida at a resort with some
Joe and Carolyn Rau returned home
from a two week vacation in Fort
Lauderdale, Florida.
Sisters, Carrie Eybergen of Oakville
and Rene Sweeney of London spent last
week in Georgia visiting friends and
daughter, Tiffany Eybergen in Athens,
Georgia, where she attends university.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery to
Marg Horner of Exeter who is home
recuperating from a hip operation.
Farewell to our two families Shaw and
Nadir and their wives and children from
Afghanistan who lived in Zurich for over
two years. They are moving to Toronto.
We will miss seeing Nadir working at
St. Boniface Catholic Women's League
meeting was held on Feb. 17 following
Mass by Father John. There were 21
members in attendance. A profit of
$550.00 will be sent to India for Brother
Bob's work with the Mission.
The gift basket was won
by Ben Debus, and the
Afghan won by Tony Kester.
Donations were given to the Youth Club
and Save a Family plan.
Membership drive will be held after
Mass on Feb. 28 and 29 and March 6
and 7. Cost is $15 a year.
The Fun Night will be held Mon., April
9 followed by dinner at the Knights of
Columbus Hall. Tickets are available
from Joan Regier at $16.
Henrica Masse displayed a lovely
patch quilt that was made by some
women. It is to be auctioned off to raise
money for breast cancer research.
Readers are needed for the World Day
of Prayer March 5 at 2 p.m. at the
Mennonite Church.
The Catholic Women's League
Convention will be held in Woodstock
from April 21 to 27. Helen Regier dis-
played the beautiful quilt the has been
completed for the Bean Festival in
August. Tickets will be made to sell.
Elections were held by Mary Lou
Queensway welcomes
'Audibly Awesome'
HENSALL - Fun and Fitness got
everyone off to a great start Monday
morning when residents met in the
sunroom to work through the routines.
Following the exercises, quiz and word
games helped to sharpen mental func-
tion. In the afternoon a good crowd
turned out for bingo with the Kippen
United Church women.
Breakfast group met Tuesday morn-
ing for pancakes and syrup, with
breakfast sausage and honeydew
melon slices. Piping hot coffee and tea
along with good conversation complet-
ed the meal. Auxiliary volunteer Edna
Deitz assisted. Rev. Lil Wilton led wor-
ship Tuesday afternoon with Belva
Fuss as volunteer pianist.
Volunteers Marg Cole organized sev-
eral tables of friendly euchre competi-
tion Wednesday afternoon while anoth-
er table of Scrabble enthusiasts played
their favorite game.
Thursday morning Coffee and
Current Events drew several residents
for their weekly discussion of the news
from the daily and weekly papers as
well as news items they've heard from
radio and television. Some very insight-
ful opinions are shared from a wealth
of life experiences.
Musician Bill Durst, provided a rol-
licking evening of entertainment in the
retirement home lounge for Friendship
Friday. The clapping, singing along to
the Al Jolson tunes, and wide smiles of
residents confirmed that all had a
super time. Queensway is grateful to
have a wonderful group of dedicated
entertainers willing to share their tal-
Coming events
• Thurs., Feb. 26: 6 p.m. Senior
Diners; 7 p.m. Birthday party, `Audibly
• Tues., Mar. 2: 7 p.m. Christian
Reform Singers.
OPP looking for
female shoplifter
BAYFIELD — On Feb. 22 at 9 p.m. OPP
was called over a theft at JD's Variety
Store in Bayfield. The officer learned the
theft took place at approximately 3:30
p.m. According to police a suspicious
woman used the washroom facility of a
restaurant which shares the building and
stayed inside for an extended period of
time. She left the facility through a rear
employee door. A check of the washroom
turned up some price tags from the
Variety Store and glass figurines were
missing from the shelf inside the store.
Huron OPP are looking for a woman in
her 60s approximately 5'3" tall with
shoulder length brown curly hair.
Blue Water Rest Home
to be held
Wed., March 3, 2004 at 7:30 p.m.
at Zurich Mennonite Church
Chairman: Brian McHugh
Secretary: Laurene Corriveau
Denomme. President, Joan Regier; pres-
ident-elect, Deb Pennings; first vice-
president, Janet Soudant; recreation
secretary, Carmel Sweeney; correspon-
dence secretary, Patti Hunt and treasur-
er, Pat Meidinger.
The Zurich First Beavers have been
busy at their Wednesday meetings from
6:30 to 7:30 p.m., at the Zurich Public
School gym making wooden beavers
and puppets.
On Wed., Feb. 25 the Beavers are visit-
ing the Exeter Police Station with their
leaders and some parents.
Happy birthday wishes to Larry
Robinson at the bowling lanes on Feb.
The Novice Classics Synchronized
Skating team from the Exeter area
recently took part in a competition held
in Mississauga.
The Exeter Skating Club carnival is on
Sun., March 7 in Exeter.
Clare and Margaret Deichert attended
the convention for the Agriculture
Society at the Royal York in Toronto
from Feb. 19-21.
The Good Roads Convention was held
in Toronto with a few from our area
Tickets are now on sale for the Zurich
Minor Athletic Association Elimination
Draw and Video Dance party by BX 93
to be held at the new Blue Water
Community Centre Sat., April 17 at 9
p.m. Tickets are $20 each from any
hockey member. The last ticket drawn
that night will be worth $2,000. All pro-
ceeds go to the Arena Building Fund.
Singing of Happy Birthday
surprises Hazel Davis
By H. Davis
Tues., Feb. 17, the women
from St. Patrick's met for
lunch and ACW meeting.
Over coffee, devotions
began with the Members
Prayer in unison followed
by prayer for missionaries
led by Liz Jay, remember-
ing our Prayer Partner
Simon Beaver Jr. Prayer
for God's Blessings on our
work was led by Heather
MacGillivray; Psalm 1 was
led by Viola Atkinson The
meditation was given by
Hazel Davis with theme,
Happy are Those, fol-
lowed by a reading enti-
tled, A Letter From Jesus,
Your Loving Friend
Forever. Jay gave a short
reading entitled, Celtic
Childhood, and closed
with the Walking Prayer
about Celtic people.
Margaret Carroll closed
devotions with prayer.
Business followed with a
reminder to bring used
stamps to church for Mrs.
Greene. The work needed
at church and parish hall
prior to events coming up
Celebrate International Women's Da
Nominate a Special Woman in Your Life
Who Has Contributed to Our Community
She may be a volunteer, a caregiver, a coach,
a teacher, a community leader, or she may
have contributed in some other special way!
Nominees will be acknowledged in the March 10th issue
Please submit one paragraph about your nominee, with her name & phone
number by mail, fax, email, or drop off at:
45 West St. Goderich, N7A 2K5 Phone : 524-6767
Fax: 524-1233 Email: womentoday@hurontel.on.ca
this spring was discussed.
offering to
go toward the Huron
Hunger Fund and to be
given at the Synod Service
in May. Another date to
mark on the calendar is
the Perth Deanery Service
of Witness to be held April
18 at St. Paul's Stratford
with Archdeacon John
Spencer (retired) as guest
speaker. The afternoon
was spent working on the
ACW Spring Deanery
Happy Birthday
Davis was surprised by
the singing of Happy
Birthday and all enjoyed
the beautiful cake along
with candles presented by
her daughter Heather.
Ron and Margaret
Carroll visited the Hopper -
Hockey Funeral Home this
week to pay their respects
to the family of the late
Marjorie Delbridge on
Monday and Wednesday,
the family of the late Rick
Our sincere sympathy
also goes out to the
Carrolls on
the death of
Margaret's sister-in-law
Margaret Bertram of
Inverurie, Aberdeenshire,
Scotland. Our prayers are
with them at this time.
Heather MacGillivray
and Katie -Scarlett called
on parents and grandpar-
ents Hugh and Hazel.
Sunday, Katie -Scarlett
was overnight visitor.
Michael and Suzanne
Davis also visited on
Service was cancelled at
St. Patrick's on Sunday
due to most families
unable to get out. Sun.,
Feb. 29, weather permit-
ting, Rev. Stanley Jay will
celebrate the Holy
Eucharist at 10:30 a.m.,
First Sunday in Lent.
Fifty-third weekend
schedule of events and
registration forms are
available if anyone wishes
to attend; this special
weekend takes place at
Huron University College
May 28, 29, and 30, 2004.
will be held on Friday, March 5 from 9 until noon
Students must be five years of age
on or before Dec. 31, 2004
Bring your child, visit the K room
and meet the teacher
For more information contact the principal,
Mr. Clarence Bos 482-7851