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The Times Advocate, 2004-02-25, Page 9
Wednesday, February 25, 2004 Exeter Times—Advocate 9 Toboganning party at Morrison Dam on Feb. 29 By Rhoda Rohde THAMES ROAD CORRESPONDENT THAMES ROAD - ev. Marilyn Carter was in charge of the regular church service on Sunday morning. The Introit was sung, people shook hands. Rev. Carter gave greet- ings, the announcements, led in the Call to Worship, Prayer of Approach and the Affirmation of Faith in unison. Zachary Kadey lit the Christ Candle. Rev. Carter told the children a story. The choir sang, Jesus on the Mountain Top, accompanied by pianist Marilyn Vandenbussche. Psalm 99 was read responsively. Everyone took part in the Scripture lesson, Luke 9: 28-36, and then Rev. Carter read Luke 9: 37-43 and the title of her sermon was, Tell It Off the Mountain. Gerald Cunnington and Bill Rohde received the offering as well as being greeters. All read the Commissioning and Rev. Carter pro- nounced the Benediction and everyone sang the closing prayer. Announcements Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowl-a-thon, Sun., Feb. 29 at Lucan Lanes and Sun., March 7 at Zurich Lanes from 1-4:30 p.m. See bul- letin board for pledge sheets. Feb. 25: Communion Church Service at the Exeter Villa at 2 p.m. Anyone who wishes to help would be greatly appreciated. Feb. 29: First Sunday of Lent. Feb. 29: Tobogganing party for Sunbeams, Messengers and Youth Group at 3 : 3 0 p.m. at Morrison Dam, Ausable Bayfield Building. Refreshments to follow. Feb. 29: 'The Ancient Ministry of the Care/Cure of Souls' at Main St. United, Mitchell, starting at 2:30 p.m. Presentation and discussion by Rev. Alun Thomas and Rev. Camillia LaRouche. Afternoon tea will be served. For more info call 348-9183, 348-0212. No registration needed. All are welcome! March 1: Sunday School Teachers Evening at Five Oaks Centre, Paris. March 3: Standing Committees meeting start- ing at 7 p.m. followed by Council meeting at 8:15 p.m. March 5: Community Hoe -Down at 8 p.m. at the Church. More info to fol- low. March 9: UCW meeting at 8 p.m. Program: Stewardship and Finance, Helen Weston, Marilyn Vandenbussche, Helen Webber, Joan Skinner. Roll Call: What did you do with the extra day last month? Lunch: Sharon Lynn, June Stewart, Marilyn Pym, Kay Hodgert. March 14: The choir is serving their Annual Lenten Pancake and Sausage Brunch following the service. March 20: `Building for Peace' at Lambton United Church Centre, RR 5 Forest from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Exploring the build- ing blocks for a world of peace with Michael Shewburg. Shewburg is a youth minister with expe- rience working in South Africa and southern India through the Council of World Mission. Cost $10 per person, $25 family (2 adults, 2 children), $5 each extra child. Registration to be received at the Conference Office by Feb. 28. See UCW bulletin board for registration form and itinerary for the THAMES ROAD NEWS Students participated in a public speaking contest at the Hensall Legion Feb. 17. From left to right are first place winners Jason Schneider (Grade 1-3), Crystal Willert (Grade 4-6) and Jacqueline Bengough (Grade 7-8).They will go on to the zone competition hosted by the Exeter Legion March. 6. (photo/Mary Simmons) day. Exciting Job Opportunities for Teens Exciting Job Opportunities for Teens: Camp Menesetung is seek- ing enthusiastic teens age 16+, who love the out- doors, working with chil- dren and sharing and growing in their faith. This exciting job opportunity will provide you with lead- ership training, personal skill development, new friendships, and a lifetime of memories! Whether you're new to camp or have years of camping experience, Camp Menesetung wants YOU to join their staff! Staff appli- cation forms are available by contacting the Director, Dale Hill at (905) 627- 5103 or by e-mail at schwinnhill@cogeco.ca Staff applications are best before Fri., Feb. 27. The interview date is Sat., March 6 at Wesley Willis United Church in Clinton. Sympathy extended The bouquets of flowers in the church on Sunday morning were placed there in memory of the late Rick Bilcke by his family. Sympathy is extended to his parents, brothers, sister and their families and Rick's family. Personals Gerry Riehl came through his recent opera- tion fine. Get -well wishes are extended. His daugh- ter Kim was home from Florida for a few days. Bridal Shower Despite the weather on Saturday morning, some 35 women and girls gath- ered in the church base- ment for a bridal shower for Tonya Riehl bride -elect of March. The basement was decorated with lit stars, net, mini -lights, plants, and heart -shaped wreaths. To the tune of I Love You Truly played on the piano by Alma Ballantyne, Tonya was escorted to the chair on the platform by Janis Richardson who wel- comed everyone. Ballantyne played several songs of love on the piano. Marilyn Vandenbussche sang, Perhaps Love, accompanied by pianist Jean Hodgert. Jo -Ann Rowe read a very nicely - worded address. Alana and Amanda Hodgert, nieces of the bride, pulled in a wagon filled with many beautiful and useful gifts. After opening the gifts, Tonya thanked everyone and also those who planned the shower. A delicious lunch was enjoyed. gi J Gaiser "11 Kner Ins.keale EXETER - 235-2420 GRAND BEND - 238-8484 CLINTON - 482-3401 Let our team make sure your vehicle is ready for anything this winter. Winter Maintenance Service ** 95 Environmental handling charges may apply. Lube, Oil and Filter Change Top -up of Washer Fluid Tire Rotation Peace of Mind Inspection Provide Written Report on Findings J=1VE 'TAF. If t Plus Treat your vehicle to our Winter Service Special and score an official NHL® toque.* THE EASY WAY TO GET THE QUALITY, EXPERT CARE YOUR VEHICLE DESERVES. Convenient. Affordable. Jeep SERVICE There's no better way to take care of your vehicle... we'll prove it. 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