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The Times Advocate, 2004-02-04, Page 17
Chisffieds ADVOCATE int./ ds Wednesday, February 4, 2004 Exeter Times—Advocate 17 PLACE AN AD In Person: 424 Main Street South, Exeter, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. By Phone: (519) 235-1331 By Fax: (519) 235-0766 By E-mail: ads@southhuron.com Classified Ad Deadline MONDAY AT 10:00 AM SUPER ADS Get results with our $15 Super Ad or we will repeat your ad up to another seven times at no charge. • For Sale items only • One item per ad • Private non-commercial ads only • All ads must be prepaid Call 235-1331 for bordered or monthly ad rates CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Lost, Found 2 To Give Away 3 Work Wanted 4 Help Wanted 5 Business Opportunities 6 Services 7 Livestock 8 Farm Machinery 9 Crops 10 Sports Equipment, Vehicles 11 Cars, Trucks 12 Pets 13 Musical Instruments 14 Appliances, Television 15 Personal 16 For Sale 17 Wanted to Buy 18 Wanted 19 Property for Sale 20 Property for Rent 21 For Rent 22 For Sale or Rent 23 Wanted to Rent 25 Notices 26 Legal Notices 27 Tenders Wanted 28 Auction Sales 29 Yard and Garage Sales 30 Free Recyclables r ri WORD ADS I insertion $10.00 2 insertions $17.00 3 insertions $24.00 20 word maximum 20¢ for each additional word Plus GST NOTICES Births, Announcements, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events - 50 words 1 insertion $15.00 2 insertions $30.00 3rd insertion free 20¢ for each additional word In Memoriam - $15.00, plus .25 per line of verse Plus GST PAYMENT METHODS • Cash • Cheque • Debit Card • VISA • MasterCard Please check your ad on the first day it appears to ensure that it is correct. All classified ads must be prepaid. ALL WORD ADS WILL BE PRINTED IN THE TIMES -ADVOCATE (WEDNESDAY) • WEEKENDER (FRIDAY) & T -A'S WEBSITE www.southhuron.com 1 Lost & Found LOST - MENS PRESCRIP- TION GLASSES - Main & Sanders St., Exeter, January 29th. Silver rims. Please call Sue at 235-1331. (5;6x) 3 Work Wanted WANTED: FIREARMS STU- DENTS - Our next "One Stop" Firearms Course is in Dashwood on Feb. 21, 22 & 28. Advance registration only. Call Terry Rompf at 237-3248 and leave message. (4-7) 4 Help Wanted CLASS AZ DRIVERS - Canada and US experience required. Little Rock Farm Trucking. 519-881-4055 or 1- 800-447-2660, ask for Mark. (39tfx) 4 Help Wanted HIRING - WAITSTAFF AND BARTENDERS - Looking for enthusiastic, motivated and high energy personnel for new business with entertainment, bar and patio. Full-time and part-time. Experience and Smart Serve an asset. CON- TACT 519-527-2350. References required. (5) JOIN OUR HOME BUSI- NESS - that's been setting growth records for 14 years. For more info call 519-229- 6232. (49tfx) LOOKING FOR CLASS A MECHANIC - or someone very mechanically inclined and familiar with all aspects of car and truck repair. Phone Bob at Advanced Auto 234-6262 after 7 pm. (5;6) WANTED - Certified teachers to tutor in Huron. Call 235- 4507. (2-9*) FULL-TIME POSITIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR THIS FAST-GROWING LONDON COMPANY. PLANT SUPERVISOR: To oversee the day-to-day operations of the plant. Attention to detail is a must. Experience in scheduling, inventory control, shipping, receiving, packaging industry, and forklift cert. are all valuable assets. Computer knowledge a must. FLOOR HELP: Full-time positions are now being filled for floor help. Attention to detail is a must, knowledge of the packaging industry and forklift cert are assets. Please email or fax resume and cover letter, including salary expectations, to... H.B. Assembly Attn: Human Resources Email: harts@hay.net Fax: 519-237-3205 • Kraft Canada has animmediate opening at the Exeter Ontario plant for an: Industrial Mechanic/ Millwright The successful applicant will require the following qualifications to be an important part of our maintenance team: • Provincial or interprovincial trade certification as an industrial millwright. • Solid understanding of hydraulics, pneumatics and stainless steel fabrication. • Ability to work in a multi -shift operation. The following qualifications will be considered assets: • Background in the food processing industry. • Angelus can closing equipment, FMC cookers and packaging experience. This is a full-time position, and our organization offers competitive wages and an excellent benefits package. If you are a Team player and are interested in working with a great group of people, please submit your resume in confidence to the attention of: Human Resources Specialist Kraft Canada Inc. 210 Wellington Street West Exeter, Ontario NOM 1S2 Fax: (519) 235-2060 MUNICIPALITY OF SOUTH HURON SUMMER 2004 STAFF Invites applications for the following summer staff: EXETER & DISTRICT SWIMMING POOL STEPHEN SWIMMING POOL KIRKTON-WOODHAM SWIMMING POOL HEAD SUPERVISOR, INSTRUCTOR GUARDS Must be 16 years of age and possess or be working towards - RC/RLSS Instructors, NLS, CPR & First Aid 7-10 weeks of employment EXETER SUMMER PLAYGROUND PLAYGROUND CO-ORDINATOR, LEADERS Mature, responsible students with previous leadership experience working with youngsters. First Aid & CPR an asset 9 weeks of employment. Send resume & letter of application, stating position interested in to: Please forward Exeter and Stephen Applicants to : Jo -Anne Fields Program & Office Administrator South Huron Recreation Centre 94 Victoria Street East EXETER, Ontario NOM 1S1 Please forward Kirkton Pool Applicants to: Michelle Robinson Box 12 KIRKTON, Ontario NOK 1K0 APPLICATION DEADLINE • MARCH 5, 2004 4 Help Wanted HELP WANTED MATURE, RESPONSIBLE PART-TIME HELP FOR PARKSIDE DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT in ZURICH. Work from April to October, lunch shifts and weekend shifts. Please send resume & references to: PARKSIDE DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Attn: Rini Erb P.O. Box 55, Zurich, ON NOM 2T0 Millwright AND/OR Industrial Electrician We are seeking two energetic, provincially certified individuals to join our maintenance team. WE OFFER: • competitive wages including • medical benefits • company pension plan Apply in person between 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Mon. -Fri. or forward resume to: P.O.G. Inc. P.O. Box 699 One Pearl Place, Hwy. 81 E. Grand Bend, ON NOM 1T0 Fax: (519) 238-6800 Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted 4 Help Wanted DRIVER TO DELIVER - countertops. One day a week, possibly two days a week. Must be a hard worker, with a positive attitude. Please reply by fax only to Dawson Custom Countertops. Fax #519-229- 6935. (5-9) 5 Business Opportunities MARKET YOUR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - with Metroland Community Newspapers. Distribution of over 4 million! Call today for information on weekly word ad rates. 416-493-1300 ext. 237. (29tfx) 6 Services ASSISTANCE 4 U - Office Cleaning Specialists. 519-482- 1505. (2-8*) HIGH EFFICIENCY FUR- NACES - Installed by Goderich Gas and Heating. Affordable prices from $1899 + GST fully installed. Call for details 524-7912. (3-5*) "HONEY DO PROPERTY MAINTENANCE - Grass Cutting & Trimming, Home Repairs, Odd Jobs, Glenn Pfaff 237-3835. (26tfn) LAWN & GARDEN CARE PLUS - Laverne McCarter 235-1062. (13tfn) TELEPHONE INSTALLA- TIONS, WIRING REPAIRS. CALL PETER MCFALLS - Tel: 235-0368 Fax 235-3842 (32tfn) TUTORING - One -one or two - one, elementary to university. Professional teachers, all grades/most subjects. L.D. stu- dents welcome. 235-4507. Leave a message. (42-12*) CargiII AgHorizons FACILITY MANAGER Cargill is a respected leader in world agriculture with a network of 70 farm service centres across Canada. We have two openings for Facility Managers in Princeton and Clinton, Ontario. The Facility Manager is accountable for safe, efficient physical operations and customer service at a Farm Service Centre and by ensuring that all Cargill standards are met. The position is responsible for leading a team of people and works closely with Cargill's sales team to provide superior customer service. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of five years experience in an agricultural service business environment. Post -secondary education in agriculture or a business related discipline is required. Excellent communication and organizational skills are required to lead the location team and ensure customer service requirements are met. Specialized knowledge of crop input products and grain handling is an asset. Knowledge of industry safety standards and other standard processes such as ISO and NAACP is also an asset. Cargill emphasizes integrity, safety and customer service in a team -based environment. We also offer great opportunity for personal and professional growth. To apply, send a cover letter and resume, stating which location you are applying for, by February 6, 2004 to: Brad Burton, Operations Manager, Cargill AgHorizons, RR# 2 Mt Elgin, ON NOJ 1 NO, Fax: (519) 485-0266, E-mail: canadahr@cargill.com To learn more about Cargill, please visit www.cargill.com We thank all those who apply but will only contact those selected for interviews. Cargill is an Equal Opportunity Employer and welcomes applications from men and women including members of visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities. © HR AD•WORKST'