HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-12-28, Page 8C XURICH 014TARIO The ' Store With the , Stock Not only in .Appreciation of Cour Pleasant business association But in all Sincerity we wish You a Happy and Prosperous john E. Gascho Flossie Brown Edwin Gascho Herb Turkheim ucl s Bross TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH The Dr 'OL&ale St ore We are very grateful to our Many Customers for the kind patronage you have accorded us, and ., may these fine relations continue to grow, as we extend to one and all: o o .JOHN DE NOMY - DRYSDALE .Phone 98 r l wreiva�camMMTST„r:ce xc.n.••'^. '+ . r: '".;1 .' ti HARDWARE "— SEEDS unnd FUR ITL'RE +tib '"` _ ��"' ����� �' • - TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND e ,son s ure ti gs AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING S .R U ALL PRO•SPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS iL ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE SER•VIC S ZURICH HERALD ITEMS OF LOCU :121.^ and Mrs. McDonald of Strat- . Sul a ce ford visited at the hoine of their parents, Mr and Mrs. ' Win. Hay. 'WHAT EVERY FARMER Meda Surerus 'Of Me Toronto teaching staff is holidaiydng :at her NEEDS1 holm here. Mr. ami Mrs, Arthur elle) call ,incl I Blanket Farm Liability Policy family of London}, wexe holidayvls- itors at the home of their •parents,. $10,00.0 Inclusive Limits coverage: Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien. jPremium $9.00 per annum per farm Rev. Father Richard Bedard of not exceeding 350 acres. Cornwall is holidaying with his What Does it Cover?, another, Mrs. Dennis Bedard, Sr. Mx and Mrs. Chas Scotch211er of Operation of unlicensed tractors and Baylielcl were holiday visitors at the farm re mien Risk, StrayedPer Animals, Farm Premises Risk, Personal Acts home of their parents, 'Mr. and Mrs and Activities. John Albrecht. I Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith were Optional Coverages entertained to a fowl dinner at the Animal Collision $200. limit on any home of Dr. and Mrs. E. ;M, Watson one animal Preen. $1,00. Products at London, on Friday evening, Liability. Custom Farming and Machinexy rented to others. Mrs. Wellington Johnston is seen- Employers' Liability. ding the holiday week at the home Voluntary Compensation. i of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest For Further particulars Apply. Gemming, at Rochester, N. Y. J. W. HABERER - Phone 161 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn and Miss TherFc'a Dietrich, nurse in training at St. Toseph's Hospital, London, at- tended the Receptlon of their bro- ARTHUR FRASER they. RPv^ Father Kenneth Dietrich, �. _.._. which was held in the Community Income Tax Reports CerAre, Zwleh on (Sunday afternoon and which was largely attended. Bookkeeping Service, Etc„ Held Program EXETER On Sunday morning the Coir rol )FFI0E;—..Cerner Ann, William Ste. the Evangelical U.B. Chureh�;rend- Phone: Exeter 504. ered a cantata entitled • " �Chor{lses In . . the Skies", Solos were rendered by various . members with Mrs. ';Milton ELMER D. BELL, B.A. flesch at the organ. This wa's full- nlz ed by a proe'ram inven b)* the children during the Sunday "School ! BARRISTER - SOLICITOR hoar•, with a good attendance.` . t EXETER, ONT. Has Taken Charge Wednesday, 2 to S p.m., at Zurich Rev. Father Daniel P. Wou�ghan, At (Navy Twnp. Office) the new parish priest of St. Boniface R.C. Church, Zurich, is gettililonicely settled in the parish parsonage and The" Voice of Temperance j is getting acquainted. He has `been transferred here from Hesson where — he has been for six and a halt years. A native of 'St. Thomas, He was, We are into the Christmas season educated at Assumption rCollege and , again—with its beautiful songs and St. Peter's .Seminary at the Uhiver-' stories. The latest Christmas song isity of Western Ontario. He had ser- runs, "If you drive don't drink. If ved in Sarnia, London and Windsor you drink, don't drive, Call a taxi" before moving to Hesson. We wet -1 A grim. Christmas song. The latest come him to Zurich. Christmas story is about Edie and TALES FROM THE Chuck. Edrie had three or tour drinks. Chuck had seven or eight. As ARABIAN NIGHTS they left their office, their friends said "take 'a taxi". But Eddie knew See magnificent color paintings by that Chuck was a .smart driver. They famous English artist Edmand Dulac;went careening down -the street. depicting romantic and adventurous There was a crash. They round tales of The Arabian Nights. Then l Chuck crushed to death. behind the read a modern presentation of these ' steering wheel and Errie a crumpl- ancient legends, in "Tales from The ed heap lou the street. This Is a true Aralbian Nights," starting in this'story, but it is not beautiful. Vrink- Sunday's (Dec. 31) issue of Detroit ing is ,taking the beautyl and sanctity Sunday Times. Be sure to get Sun -.out of Christmas. day's Detroit Times. TRULY, WIINTER IS HERE Over the Christmas week -end old King Winter has set in his teeth from IS NAMED FELLOW coast to coast, and most p!;ues re- port of zero, bellow and near the zeroGraduate of University of Western marls, and that to our way df think- � Ontario and a, former doctor at Viet- ing, is pretty cold. A certain amount 1 oria and Westminster, Hospitals, Dr, of snow has fallen every day, anel the Donald L. 0estrelcher has been nam - banks are not getting any smaller. On, eel a fellow of the Royal College of Monday, Christmas Day, there was a!Phly:si,c1ans. Dr. Oestreieher moved considerable bluster* storm and when l to, Oshawa recently, where he wiE driving visibility was poor, in fast work in a clinic. He is a native of t many a one wanting to go out for the the Bronson line, Hay, near Dash- i day, turned around and went• home � wood and son of Mr and Mrs. e arun when they gtot out and seen the con- E. Oestreicher. A graduate of Exet- dition of the weather. er High School and a 191,3 graauate ' CHIMES UNVEILED AND entered the U.W.O. Medical School. He entered Victoria Hospital, later spent, DEDICATED two year in the army and was ac Last Sunday morning at St. �eters Westininister Hospital until recently. Lutheran Church, Zurich in Gln 2111 -`He dial post graduate study at the pres,ive ceremony, a memorial giftIm'edical school. Qualification for the of chime.~ was unveiled and dedicated. �gradu t required five ,years of gook graduate study. 17x•. Qestreiclier took 'lin ^let of unveiling Nvas performed f exams in 3'fontreal, A sister, Dr. Eun- b;y, John Habaler, The P t,co, Rea. ' ice oestreichel^ is at•i.etorta i-Iospit- E. Ho*mrieh, accepted the gift oil � ' 1V behalf' of the congregation and than- e and is also a graduate of the Exec - ked tic; don'tlrs. The chfin"13 were, l r high School. presented in memory of 3.1r, and iVTrs. — Fredenick C. I{albfiei ch by their family. Miss Katherine Kallafleisch x„ e had the honour of playing the first „• �' �fi"`��. n� 11Lt111beY' On the chimes a)lU CTlUSe the � , {<,�F• ��, hymn, "Jesus Still Lead Cin," HAPPY NEW YEAR <::�`�'w`:'•<�:i?:::>��.�•�'i���`,}..<�.a,{ We wish all our nially lta.der:+a,nu friends a very Happy New Year full£.y of prosperity, good health, and an a �' Ilbundance of our daily walits; of lr^fe As. we turn back the pages of �tl)llt 1 ))J 111} lildl'C(i +t('11 a \nl`r kv k 4 2 - goo" goo(1 E [) i t) l:lt) t Ol 11 i'1t0 h eve 4' Y,ll U• ii o. the ntiul I pro parity that goes with i,, Truly t } > we have Mans:, thllle's to be thanki:ul } for no wars anis devastations + have t{ rr �•{�' "'�•;^ illi( our community. Many places there have l)een ,bad storms, iIOOdS, .�: and other :<lrtditions to put people �`,•�,:•'�"��.•4:"'�M14��'�F�t��{y{.y�a*, in d.5eomfort, but here in this vieln= �':'" acv. «K '.• T,,':$'au fix. dhw ity we have escaped all these, Let SONGSTRESS JUL:IETTE I us all put our shoulder to trio wrieel as the saying goes and make 1951 Is looking forward to another busy an even better year, by beinc• kind I season at CDC Vancouver, This past to one another, and help th(ise who ,sull'llner she was featured vocalist• oll are not as fortunate, and Fry doing.so a number of national network pro - You Nvill feel that you have really grams including Current and Choice, done something. Not so inane in life Slimmer Romance and Burns, Chuck of how much money did ;you gather wagon. She also made a guest appear up and perhaps at the oxpense of once on CBC Startime. During the some one else. But the yardstick of wlntor prog'.rams arranged 'by the C:[3 a good life is what counts )nostly in''C, Tuliptte ' is certainto be In the the end of the journey, spotlight in more than one of them,. Mhursday, December 28th, . `t 950 ..... ty- R Extends to You the Season's Greetings Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Residence Phone 89. INIIIIIIllllllilllllllilllllltllillllll1111lIIill!lllldlllllllllNlilllll Our Sincere Wish Is that You will have a Merry Christmas and that the New Year will be a Happy and Prosperous one for • you We again say how much we appreciate your con- fidence and splendid co-operation. And hope we may have the opportunity of serving you for many Years to come. Lorne Rader Theodore Mittleholfz Radar & Mjtfla�lz � ' Phone 63 ' - Zurich FLOOR TILE .FOR The Best In Mastic Tile Floor GET TILE - TEA ALSO CLEANERS .AND WAXES Manufactured by The Flintkote Company, Toronto, Ont, See Your Local Agent JOHN M. TURKHEIM - Phone Zurich 174 LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given a esu.ta���c��t+n����ama�e+elts�a�re�aaasw�►tBi>s♦s��o�e���a��we��o��t�>��c��� ♦ ♦ tD WISHING YOU ONE AND Q ALL THE VERY .BEST OF ( Q S11 m� J 9OrFred C. Kalbfleisch & Son Ltd. w e� The A.B.C. Of SalVallooll A.—ACKNOWLEDGE YOURSELF A GUILTY SINNER, UNABLE TO SAVE YOURSELF AND INNEED OF A SAVIOUR. B.—BELIEVE ON THE LORIS JESUS CHRISE AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED. Acts. IS— 31. C. ---IF THOU SHALT CONFESS WITH THY MOUTH THE LORD JESUS, AND SHALT 13ELIEVE IN THINE HErRT THAT GOD HATH RAISED HIM FROM THE DEALT, THOU SHALT BE SAVED. Rom.10:9 FOP, WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAWED, Ram. 10. 13. CHAS E. PULLER.) 5 p.m., DS T Sundays ABC• Network