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HERALD m - -
• ZURICH _. _.-.-._..•........�.-..._.-.. ��
Thursday, December 28tH., ,119
Put Your Want, For Sale' w � TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY IN
q ee As second Department, UtGava, Lost, Found, Etc. Ade. in this r THANKING ALL OUR CUSTOMERS
C011xIrnn. Mrs. Margaret I3oopex of London AND a
--�--- vislited at the thome o!' her mother, Q�i the �'C�bl�' r
$USINIS Miss Patricia, Mittleholtz -of Lon r
don was a holiday visitor at her.
home here,Greet
Mrs `1', L. William$ is visiting at '9
3 � �
Telephone Switch -board Operator
Mr. and Mrs,
(chard the home of her sister;
W, at Dashwood Central. Apply to H, .W)lt. R. Dougaii at I•Iensall. r�
OPTOMETRIS'! G. Hess, Manager Hav Municipal tic Mr. and Mits.'L+'merson Erb of the 3 ::", n �' a ? m
ephone System, Goshen north were Christmas visitor ,„� - , poi' Op 1f° a I
Main Street _ Exeter �:
with friends in Landon. y,� ay j � 3�
Open Every Week Day HOUSE FOR SALE i41xs. Win. A. Siebert and ilaughta r. ' �' s i HE NSALL and ZlJ1 ICl-I
Except Wednesday ___ __._. __- Gail axe visiting at the Nome al thee�ea�nsecarm
Phoria .3553 r) -roomed House, with :metal siding, Mr•s, Mary Miller Newmarket.
and Two-piece Bath Hydro, large' Ziller of Godcrich y tit .-�FI L
Yormer's mother
.....-•----- lot, with })lents of strawberries and 1 pent , everal day3 at the home -of- her the Meal is re a y ! j W E � �., E•a � A � TO � YOU— �
LASED AUCTIONEERS m5pberries, — Norman Cowan, Ser- slaughter, Dr..and Mrs. W. B, Caxorl ,,
e rsx i, A.1w'... : , f •: ---„ rot
BICE 3tc
epta, Dashwood 40 r 13, Mr and Mrs. Gordon Kaitting of The Management of the Tasty -Nu 1 tea-•
I3alcel, and the h i '
-" Godcrich were �i •itors at the homein - e Entire Staff wish a �� � „� r c r � i ,t t;f 0
ALV'!�1AL 'P �''•� L E of their paierlts, 1VIx. and Mrs. Chris each and everyone a
1lalat all Sunday,
J choice young' G weeti= o], Nirs Muse man, of Waterloo, is PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR
Licensed )kUctj()n tr �r s "° ^�, t+� _r ° a , W": �^''c....u.:.a•..=..•......us�:: .o.......� ;' a
t1 1, kr C
xoa• Apply to Jacob a14. Gingeriell or ..pending some time at the home of � Our 1laliy Thanks for the past year'
LAME b)V * her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Patronage! �"Q)fi+i l:':3IP 4 )re � .;t� .i ryl ttr': f1rv�Ttnxent,
HURON AND Phone 84 x 2. Gingeiielr :and other relatives.
��° y0llx Sale, large Or small, Our' It CleSEri'PS fl."E I7E.i� r* , ;f,E lII4li tl et 91;hrl we're
EiTicirge Ser�'iC0 at all 1r, and Mrs. Jack .Pasken 'and SDI' , , t:• ; - ready fi0 give it. 1! Ylt t C r ;"'S d fd9 *)ie't' ]t41'tiCettiQ21
tepti9 and �-- L+�$T 13obUie of Mora enjay�tt the holiday f' `°' to ' t
Times! DASHWOOD ` season at the home of their parents,
1 s i;:Y: I job or just a battery cls c _ +."e r :,l t fi•y to gi ,,e good,
Phone 57 r 2. In Zurich on Saturday night, a PHONE i o0 7i1Rlt"r� thorough IrnpeY iaY service --the Yana- ikzaC 4viYY keep Yoxt.
Ladies Watc'n. Tinder kindly re- Mr. and :Mrs. J. Wes, Merner. r — ` coming back,
turn to Herald Of ee,—Reward• enjoying
t Smith of season
Iiriver e f
F. �ORBE'�""�° enjoying the holiday seasozr at the Li'e'd rappr'Lczc�t`e u c�lacarace fc� Show sora
� home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. )!on. A by-law to authorize the in- ( 14,/ ,t Eve can do.
F4�B �U1C1� SALE L. Sml h. a�rlloiation of the resort i aiaefor
LICE AUCTIONEER Misses- Florence'and Pauline 1 -fab- as a village in the county is cue for �• � � �jj�lFG` ;�irEFiAL
1 pair of boys Skates, size 13, p re enation the January sei don
Reasonable, Sattisfac�tron ra- erer of London, were ween -end vis- of Count Council but accoiarng to ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION
Guaranteed ctically new. 2 pair's of Adult Skates itors at the home of their parents, Y , C
R. R. 1 size 5. Apply to David Meyers, Zur- Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Haberer. provincial law, the by-law midst be COR. No. s4 &a 21 HIGiIWAYS DEA! ER
EXETER, Mr and Mrs. Ray Schilbe and dau- published in the Ontario Gazette two
Phone y__Aeh 92x7. ich, Phone 1.29. �m
• ghter of London, were 'Christmas weeks before presentation. Work of
vb census taking in the •cominanny has
visitors at the home of -their pax en
V E T E R 1 N A R 1 p,,N LOST Mr .and Mr1s+. . Earl
be.not yet ,been completed by Enumer-
Mr suer Mrs. Earl Thief •anG lain- ator Fred
Mololy,and nothing Can
Between Hensall and Zurich, a ily spent the Christmas week -end at done y Y
Beagle hound, has tan head, black the home of their sister, ivir and Mrs til Mr. Moloy's report is received. PPA
®N B,'lt%. Sc. and white body, white chest and four Niforley Witmer, in Detroit. The two holidays 1n successi•on con- ..-.�---
r white legs. Will answer to name of Arrived from West filets with ti -ie ta1.1:1g of the census. `
Mr. and Mrs. Walter :Laidlaw of
VETERINARY SURGEON na d, Exeter. notify, Rµ eg N�c- Cartwright, 'Man., arrived here last i-1 .. N -+ 4k L, i.
113�•,e with llesidence,
Alain Street week to spend some time at the home
VTr. and Mrs. A. L. Case have re -
opposite Drug ZURICH �O� SAI.,I✓ of their son, IVIr. and ; Irs. Ernest turned after spending some time in
nogg Laidlaw of town. Detroit.
BUTCHERS WOOD Tops and Slabs — F. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ISrueger of The many friends of 'Mrs. Wm, �
Katbflehscli & Son, Ltd. Zurich c Hyde 'Park; Mr. HughSimmons of Foster regret to hear she is confined '5�
' G -r mI n. fry" S
_ Trenton enjoyed the Christmas nolb- to her room with illness. Cal-.
�o 3� lar days at the home of the f�oxmex's The annual s h program. of
,�j'urie�'1 e FOR SALE mother, Mrs. E. 'G. Krueger, 14th. mel church was held in the school.-
� ' �� I Con. Miss Nola Krueger returned room oil Friday eve. Dec. '2'2.
I Two Durham Cows due to calf in with Mr. Simmons to• Trenton for a The annual meeting of the WMS.
MEAT of the United Church was held in the Arid t'rianks to all our Friends for their I
December and January. Apply to few days vacation.
Let Us Supply you , Wall the Sol. Gingerich, Phone 84 r 3, Zurich, church rooms. Mrs. Cross, president
�� Cur 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarence So prla and .was in the chair, Mrs. Carlisle read. Co-operation
q�e=y Choice of Fir. slz a. family of Det) -lit•: Mr and Mrs. Ory the scripturd. Mrs. T. Coates and Mrs
L Meats, Bologna", Ss ages' NEUHAUSER CHICKS rile Aubin and u' iHren and. Miss Vex Geiger were appointed to pack fire
s on hand. Kept - onica Melidrngul, Mr. Ennet Bannon bale which will be forwarded to Tar- We look forward
to further ®pporitrrr-
Etc., always ttion Hatching Weekly. Setting all of Kitchener, ^ ^ Christmas week- onto for Overseas Relief. Tile slate
.fresh' in Electric l�efri; of ofneers for 1951. Hon. Pres :vers. riles of seryl 1�>®Ea irl��
breeds. Order Decenv-uh and JHat- end visitors at tl-a borne of their C Ballantyne; pres., Mrs. Cross;vice
Highest Cash .Prices f ars Chicks now.--•Neuhauser Hat- parents, IVlx. and Mrs. Alexa Meld- +
Skins Cherie, 81 King Street, London, inger. pros. Mrs. E. Geiger, iVTrs. W. J. Ro-
Ellis, Mrs. M. Drysdale,
1deS•_ -incl Ontario Telephone 11et. 7482, Treas. Mrs C. Cook, Rec. and Corres.
c. The New'-yeai•,s Eve Service at Secy. •Miss K. Scott.
Yt7.1� A BOOKKEEPING SERVICE ,t. Pc : ' Lutheran Church Nvill be Funeral Serv':ces Held
.r.- FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, a Candlelight Service. -Because of Private funeral services for the
PRODUCE INCOME TAX REPORTS weather condition's, many members late Urban Brown who ,passed awayh S h c gO
AUDITING, ETC., ETC. were prevented from attending the Monday last at Clinton Public Hasp- 0 e C Store
Candlelight Service at 7:00 a.m., on ital, were'held from Bonthron's Fun-
�a NORMAN COWAN Christmas Morndng and it has been eral Home, Hensall, Dec. 21st with 1
silverwo HAY POST OFFICE decided to give another opportunity Rev. W. J. Rogers officiati)vs,. Inter- .
¢t to worship in the atmosphere by
Dashwood 40 r 13. P ment was in Exeter Cemetery.
candlelight. The Service will be at Dies in Regina��., W _W�•_
DAIRIE8Dead Stoc a'00 p.m. Word was received of file deathr- •
Regina, S•ask., of Francis A. Dem�or- �
rash Market for Cream, Eggs - Federation of Agriculture est, husband of the former �:lorence 6
and Poultry $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for I Reynolds of Hensall. Born in 1874
Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone By Gordon M. Greig, Sec. Fieldrnan in Cleveland, 'Ohio of Canadian par- � T® ALL O11� FRIENDS ��
Have Your Eggs Graded on 214 r 4, C'•,TeditOn. Central. -c1-5= 50 Idle Executive and Directors of .ent;s. He went at an earlyage co Ont- •
our Huron County Federation of Agric. ario and in 1878 travelled to Will- i
AUTOMATIC met on the afternoon of Dec. z9th, ili�peg, flail. :by tivay of the J.S.A.
NOTICE 1950 in the Agric. Board Room in wild the Red River. He was associat- ' CUSTOMERS WE EXTEND
E(;(`, GRADER Clinton, Pea. Chas. Coultes presid- ed with newspaper coils for over' 50
WHITEWASHING & CLEANING ing. years, and was for 35 years manager •
LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Arrangements can be made The report of the nominating coin 01. the Toronto Type Foundry -Co.,
Zurich Bill Watson mittee was presented and accepted ill Regina. In addition to his wife, he •
(hone 101 The executive is as leaves a daughter, Firs, G. Guest, o£
Dashwood — Phone 35x7q 40 ings
the Directors. Ottawa, and two brothers in Western ® �,
follows: C. R. Coultes, �Belgrave; W. �r e, �A
R. Lobb, Holniesville; R.S. •McKer- Canada. • e
Zurich Creal"r�
PAYFIELI: cher, Seafor'th; N. J. J. McKenzie, •
Luck -now; Geo. Feagan, Goderfch; •
; Bob McGregor, Kippen; Clarence
Your Dome Market fo ream —J� Shaw, Wingham; Delbert Geiger, •
Fred Turner, Goderich, spent a 1 Zurich; and G.+ M. Greig as Sec. Trs.
Eggs and Poultry week -end with his son, Grant Turner titer the various committees and •
rue and family. Imenlbers therto were appointed the • WE Tl-IAAK YOU!
Highest Cash Prices p�• . i p Rev. Mrs. F. H. (Paull, Llstowel delegates were appointed to attend �` •
the annual meeting of the Ont. Fed -
R premium for dElIVP.redcream w 1VliegtrL la°E11�oLt Ws ospending aeration from Jan. 4)-12: Prov. Dire,- •
Mrs. 'tor, Prey. C. R. Coultes, Junior T+'ar-
We are are equipped to give eft- fortnight hvith. her mother, melq Rep., ab Allan Women.,' Ueleg-$
iVIarla Elliott. u •
Egg iVlrs. R. H. G<uixdlier left to spend ate '1VIrs•, Lloyd Taylor; Vice Pres. ` k4;t#r,Y 0 •!Clent accurateservice. g`elle holidays with hex sister, i11ra.J•gherof Shortreed arra Secy ,<<• 1)jatars+
land Poultry department in W, Westcott, Evanston, Ill. G, �I. Greig. ... •
Mrs, N, W. Woods and Miss Lucy I+ive iesolutio s Nvere presented to >r� i�F •'sem • Rhone 21
Charge of Mr. T. Meyers.
have left to spend the holidays with the meeting- the first dealt with T.B. s ;.:� Main St• Ilai'dWar'e Store
Mr, and lira. R, H. Middleton, Hen- Testing and stable scrubibing oaring • w► ""�'r��
1 t' recom-a'� N
Proprietor call. chid weather. rh1s 1eso.0
Chas, Minshall, p IVIr
and lIrs. H. Edwards Sr. ilia mended :that no testing be done from
I N S R A N C E Mr and Mrs H. Edwards Jr. visited Oct. 1 to April 1st and no stable ser- r
:with 'Mr and Mrs. T. C. Bailey at ubbing frons Nov. 1 td MaN1 1. Heavy
The New Ritz Hotel. losses have been sustained by farm- ,HELLO HOCKEY FANS!' ITa�
W. J,olm McLeod,
who bas been ers who have been compelled to clean
�Strirll ���.f9 MUtUae iariously ill at his home has been their'stables during cold weatherand FOSTER HEWITT
Western taken -to-Clinton Hospital. His 1nanY have had to turn their livestock out
friends welsh hila a speedy recovery in the cold during the cleaning open- Earlier, thi smnth, began his 20th —
Weat�i�f ��SUi�1lC� leo. Mrs. John Stumph, w, ho has ibeel, ation. season of network 'broadcast c0111111-
wi, her mother,.Mrs. W. J• Stin- Resolution 2 dealt with the fluctu- entaries o,, National Hockey League
OF WOODSTOCK son, owing to the.latter's illness, has sting egg prices and recommended ,gales. Again this ,year, every Satur- Wishing Orrr Customers and Friends
left to stay with her sister, Mrs A• tihat a marketing scheme for poultry day night at 8.05, his famous voice
IJ'r LARGEST RES]@,RVFE BAL , oilTlon„ before taking a and eggs be proceeded with .at once. ,goes out over the CBC Trans -Can -
F, furter, L
ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN •MUT- TCA, plane for New York City at Other resolutions dealt with cattle ads network introducing another of
COMPANY WING BUSINESS Sand's Point, Lorry Island, rustliltg,'black m,arkin,gs to be usedIthe pla$,Hby-play broadcasts in thh A. fI�PPi and PROSPEROUS
[ir�iL wadi butter I he hon. Now in his
Op THIS RIND IN ONTARIO A pElyghtful Broadcast Wlt and su'bandLtheiyaa ins ddleefort ns, sportsrhas few equals
warble ftv campaign, broadcasting. NEER
Amount of Insurance at Risk on Those who were tuned in to Uxlo far the eo-operatiotl of l anywhere
December. 31sT, 1946 Miller's broadcast over Radio Station ' g With his estimated five million listen-
mber 9,236.00 C1 I'L London Sunday last were de- owners in the CIO ill 1nEtikin elle Pi, ,lie shares a wealth of kn-owledge
eradication of this pest; •a reality. ,
Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. lighted with his humorous sketch of 1 £ax it nvas he who handled Canada's Re*. 67.
$444,115.39 the Bayfield Fall Fair, sand tho-prized GRAND Tel.Shop 149 OSe rKI0
E E N ►� a break ever since. As in past sea
Rates on Application winners in pie pumpkin. The. change ( sobs, Foster l3ewill also llresen.ts a
of heart of the one-time Free P"e"as -- ",0110
reporter who did not enjoy the dul`j i Lan-abton Awaits Census report on the Canadian slror'ts
Fr KI.OPP�:.lrra'IGH p first hock0y 'broadcast aback ill 1922, EVER AT YOtlllt SERVICE FOR FARM NEED51
A G E N 2 nionotony* of capyfn1• i'ong lists of The Christmas holiday may I all he 11a been at it almost without
snvlew"hat disturbed for i,aml7to�1 Co. -
• �^: odg ' unci" to the excitement of
• � prize-Lvi _
Alco Dealer in Ligh�t��•:� R an exl+,!bitov and the 1liller garden officials thio Year on account of 'tile every F-tiday at 7.45. pari. on onun-
ZDd all kinds of Fire L IrFinrt' was finite :givphie. �CrrrLricl Bend l)rtition far incotporElt-lion.