Zurich Herald, 1950-12-28, Page 4ZURICH - QNTART . Z RICIi HERALD ,Herald Printing Office ,Member .of Canadian Weekly News paper Association-) SUBSCRIPTION RATES --$1•`15 11 year, strictly in advance. $2.00 mai be charged, NO papeir discontinues' watil all arrears are Pain up unies-^ %t option of publisher. I The datP 0' which every Subscription is paid 1, donated on the Label, ADVERTISING RATES In Memoriam, one verse 60c. 2r" for each additional verse. Card 0" Thanks 50c. Miscellaneous articles of not mor, than four lines. For Stile, To Rent Wanted, Lost, Found, Etc., one in sertion '85 Cent. 2 ineTtions 50-, Auction Sales -S2.00 for one Iry ,tertlon if not over four inches "r Length, Contract advertising made L_n0wT an application. Communications tn. Address all Comm HERALD OFFICE _ ZURICH Thursday, December -28th, 11,950 Cut Lin o€ .1950 Zurich Fall Fair D A Dr. and Mrs. Lorne S. Tiernan 'If ITS WORTH A DIME. .N�n, New York, spent Cllrl-�%t- Middletlo . E t- ........... mas holidays N,,jth his PayellFOUR - s. D. Tiemaii. end Ar Bruce of Wind5cilll *,Nlr and Mrs. J. and 'Mr and Mrs. J. Snyder of Brant- 1 1fron, that criticism. Anyway, there r, f*rd spent the week -end with thei i Goshen WMS. Meet mother, Mrs, Bertha Hayter. I The Christmas meeting of Goshen are alwaVs times that one can rest - Mr ' d Mrs. Walter Ness of Wind .l WMS -was held at the home of Mrs. itute, for wrong doings, and during an years, If at any time 1 have in __Or, Paul Ness and friend -Nliss Doug, i ley with president, j\,Ir�, those a -a with , Anson 'McKin n - :any .vas' offended any one I have lass of Stratford spent Christina Win, Hayter presiding for the open 1�g since spoligized. ,%beil. mother, Mrs. Ness. ing. Mrs. J. Armstrong gave __ (brayer You may ask why- I reported the Mr and Dove are spending and a In-nin was sung. Those taking i tbht week with relatives in Guelph. I new; for publication; Well, I did it and part in the Christmas prograrn were I $ I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raschke ;+ Mrs, Arnold Keys, 'Mrs. R. Robinson, I to satisfy myself, and at the same 11,1r and Mrs. Carl Bach of Detroit, ' - i McKinley, Mrs, W. Clark I time I was a help to the publishqt,as i Christmas visitors with rel� r s' Ansoi ratt and Mrs. J. Keys is not always all easy task for bin' 'vmre rs . A it ves here. few Christnla-� hymn., were sung. Sc- to collect the happenings of the sur- -1 -Ir and Mrs. Whitties of Mon tre"I'lripture was taken by :2.vIrs. Jean Mc- rounding community and have the"' are spending the holiday,, at the home'Kinley from Matthew 2:9-11. Mrs. pressed and delivered to the subscr- and Mrs, Herb I t solo ibers in due time; Secondly, I have i0 her parents, 'IM17 . Ciai,� McBride played a trumpe Wein. !"Star of the Sea", accompanied by reported in my youthful days more 1 Herb Wein of Detroit is here: was as a hubby, not realizing what it Mr. ' Mrs. Bruce Iters. The offering spending the holidays with his fam-. Mr, taken tip and Mrs. B. Peck slid lineant,but in later years when I had 17 y. E. Hayter favoured with a duett. a family of my own, and after they' )Ir alill Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and The minutes were read and the roll I had left- their native place •of birth, V of Waterloo spent Christmas Th ' areas -11 fully well understand their position fa "ll U� called with 2.1 present. e tr as I myself had gone,throagn it all. ivitli relatives here. 7 of St. urer reported and officers. A hymn They longed for home nervus and Miss Violet Rader `vas sung and then Miss Hein had ines is spending the holidays �N_ columns Of the Herald,: I - election, lunch •was served. through the 'mer parent -,4, -`Mr. and 'Mrs. Louis H. - Varna WMS it reached them all, and to them it is I Rader. ' The December and annual meeting a weekly -gift. And to otheri, w110 ,Mr. Jack Wein'was taken to the of the WXS' Was 'held at the. home have drifted away to different part$ I I - and perhaps, no one left in their lfi-osl5ital again last week of Mrs. Geo. Reid, Thiltsda7 after !Christmas visitor: with --,dr and noon last. The Christmas priogran, native land to forward the ne,N..Ts and �', mw 'Ars. D. Tieman were: Dr. and Mrs. was followed as in the Miss:onary happenings to . them, thely. enjoyed. Lorne Tienian of New York; -Mr. Monthly, and in the worship period In the earliei• years I tried to con -1 VISIT EMPRESS �a anli`17 Of Mrs. Mervyn Hayter read the script- teal my identity, and wish I was parts nada and the end Mrs. Harry Cook and f., of Ca of Hensall i More than b,00 travel 'agents and Canadian acific rel. -which WM, Vindsor; Mrs. g. -Cook Ilre and all sang Christmas Carols. able to do so for many years, and presentatives from ' all Idly. and Mrs. K. Streets of Clinton. The Candlelight Service then follow- perhaps yet I get I by without too s of at Quebec City to obtain- 1i -preview of the facilities I United States visited the EmIlres New York to the We*-. Wr and Mrs. E. Bartcliffe of Min- ed 'Mrs. Mervyn Hayter taking the much xecognition. I am thankful to 1 during her winter cruise program .which includes vop-ages frO111 relatives here leader part. In the electi.on or OfR- the present Editor for accepting mY1 be available on the Ship inent officials have -planned tak-ing in these trips. ton. were- visitors with on Christmas. cers, Mrs. Geo. Reid, President ' Vice articles, for I believe at times, some Indies and Caribbean, portS. Many pr-om Win.' Gossinian and son Kenneth, Pres. Mrs. R. Stephenson,, Mrs. Fred of thein are perhaps not to the best; 4eft last tweek ton a trip to Florida. Reid, Mrs. Watson Webster; Treas- interest of his paper. I am also Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson spent the urer 'Mrs. W. Webster. The meeting grateful for Cbristinas Greetings was closed with singing and the bell- which show at this Yuletide Sea�zon: Wan Gossmall for rabbits killed. Voliday Nvith relatives in London. and That we purchase a bronze plague x -g" with Mr Christma-4 Adeitors ediction A dainty luncheon was the true spirit of LifP Mr. Editor, do not take�this to 4be attached to, the Stanlake Bridge 'birs. Harold Kellerman were. Ars. Now, i.,rved life history, for It is having the names of the Reeve, Co Cowan of Haniover; Mr and Mrs. D.,' as part of a 11 ability uncillors, Road Supt Eirgineers,Con- 'Oerby and family of Hanover; Dr. not intended for that, as my thereon r and Clerk inscribed t -and Mrs, H. H. Cowan, Peter and ST. JOSEPH as a writer is limited, and that of all tractor Charles and 'Mr and Mrs. Jack Rey-!. inferior class. But if it will bring and showing year of contstractfoll. AND BEAVERTOWN lent to That the Engineer, C. C. Parker, violds of Exeter; Grace and Czar Kel-; about pleasure and contentlt payment of $3,779-501 .1, - man of Toronto and Charles Fritz! those of mine and others who will certificate for pa: Gaffney Construction Co., be paid Some tinie ago in the early fall of appreciate reading home news,' then to Gaff t i Pearl Wurtz of Zurich. 4s to be w1th- ex except for $200. which in - reward- Death of Mrs. Henry Link. ithis present year of 1950 in the col- I will consider myself a ply v a. Jos- umns of the Zurich Herald a veryin- ed for the little time given to that held until the south approach and I'lle death took place at St. e�ed. This beino, I e one guard rail are com.Pl on wednes-teresting article appeared, cOmment- service. (May the New Year b, 4F 11ospital, London, xifelfinp,* on its fifteth anniversary. The of Peace and Happiness.) -Paddy up on the Engineer's recomi-nendat- -)ev. 2'.1th of Elh-le Wilds, Men: T.'nl-. in her 73rd year. The Clerk to return the Gaffney` She article contained many past incidents Editor ­It is with great thankful- ion. deposite tq'_,urvived by her husband and one land the many changes occurring in ness and appreciation that we have Construction Co. cheque eviter, Mrs. Placid Desjardine of the past fifty years, and to the few such people like our St. Joseph and with the 11owilship for guarantee :of. p , ;* .Stephen Twp. The funeral took remaining ones, these past incidents Beavertown Corr. No publislier contract. That thei following accounts be !Viace on Saturday afternoon from!are still vivid memories. During can successfully get out cL Y.y- paid as per voucher: ,Roffman's funeral home, with inter-lthose many years gone by the Zur- within himself, lie must have the Roads -Jos, Regier $11.05, Harry vn:�iit in Grand 'Bend cemetery. Resdich Herald had but few changes in help and co-operation of some real B-assof $30; Leon Dabus $13; Philip �K. Wood officiating. its management. Mr. C. L. Smith, good public spirited people to give e hard places. Masse $9; Billie Masse 16.20, Loon -1 the present publisher, had taken over him this lift over th ard Zirk 11.40; Roy Clarke 8.40; Al-. some thirty-six years ago. The Her- (lair many thanks for this article. STANLEY TOWNSHIP bald has been of great service to the Ian Sinith 13.20; Art Gabel 18.20;! public and especially to the Corpor-HAY COUNCIL Win. Watson 9410; Corny Debus $3;1 thy. -Ill front are ill Davis heard as. The teachers and pupils of St. A11- anon of its Village, and to the Town- Gerald Smith 2.40; Har. Willett 11--i RADIO CAST 40; Win. Ducharme 8.40; Alf. Deii-I Mickey Rohinson:;.Maxine Milial, as Klr,:wls United Church, Kippen held ship of Hay.; being in reality it's offi- omme 1.1.40; And. Duel - $150 Here :is the radilo cast 'Which pot -John's daughter Kathly; and Jane Cheir annual Christmas program on tial guidance. The present manage- I ups and downs of the Rob -Mallett who plays the role of J 0,11 It has been carried on by "'your's The regular meeting of the Hay Louiis� Ayotte 121.40; Don Ducharme trays the Xonday evening last, Rev Hinton was meet ank Denomme 12.S5; Lo family whose story is mother. Even the Robinson$' inner - truly" for these many years and Township Council was held in th� 4.20; Fr uls insons, the oughts are an open book, for every ,chairman for the evening. The pro Council Chambers, Zurich, oil Tiles- 8.40; Mich. Masse 121.82;' heard every! Tuesday evening Ilt 8 ',00 thoughts 1gram consitsted of the opening clior- with increasing numbers of readers, n network. In week on, the broadcast a qualiled PSY- vsc,.,, by the entire school to . Christ- which is convincing proof that it's day, Dec. 5th at 11-:30 p.m. lAlex. Denomme $42; And Ducharine' 0, the CBC Dominion trist probes their actions, after Roman Meidinger $21; Steph. the back row Jack Mather (left) chia , . The following motions were passed 25.40, y 'be - For - A=s recitations. Editorial pages are of great interest Louis Masse 71.34;. -who plays John Robinson; and Doug- the play, and explains Why, the a �1_ I'l, A A ­'­ +,in- and That the minutes of the last re,gu- Meidinger 49.40; Lo rr! have as they do! Former CoUpI6 4_6Leuraze .... CO e pu Stade AL yy e - Isis Master, brother 1110 - On Tuesday evening, Dec. 10th, years -waits for no one, we call only lar meeting The adopted as -read i Alph Masse 139-15, er, who plays Ri,chardson's G That we authorize the Registry 3-85; Garage 12.18;' T 2-18; fr. and Mrs. Nelson Keys, of Eg- live in Hope for future service. Office, Gode�rich, to discontinue send- H. W. Brokonshire. 90.75; Geo. John- ztnondv-ille, and formerly of Stanley,' By co-operating with your Editor Offt toil 3.125; Wm. V. Jennison 3092-14; ,qu,et1y celebrated their 57th wedd- it will greatly add in making the ing records of the property changes, 'Aarme $2; Chas Rader eaich 9850; Robt Fislier.Pl- - 0 -hig home paper to Hay Township and that the Clo-As- Mrs. Carrie McBean 354.30, KIOPP'S; $28; Ward Fritz $28 - Bank of Mon -Aug. Roche, E. J. Willett, and L. ing anniversary when the, received Herald a very interest a Stop 98.6,5; Ed. Welton $3; Co areal $15; Avilla,Dll� $101, Robt I y Commenting on the anniversary of sessor ibe notified to make arrange -'On, Bruce KIOPP'2.111; Rader & Claire Bedard Forester %tongratuldtions from a number of Twitcliell's Garage ri.2,5jRau $8; the. it's publication, "The Zurich Herald" ments with the Registry Office to re- Huron $380; .05; Edgar Wuerth 11.60; Hai -old Dietrich $A- 1riends, On Dec. 1.9, 1,893, at County Zilinmer's Garage 11,1.41; She'll oil Co.! Mittleholtz 140 '70 .14; May Munic. Tele. System-ni-ZuriAx lome'of the bride's parents Mr and We too feel in the closing hours of ceive the records -through the Cot a o. Hay Twp.,23-715; Sheridan Equip. CO. 118.60;!07.0; H. W. Bxokenshire age $7- Northern Eketric' ,Mr.q. Geo. Kennedy, their daughter this Mid -Century, ;an opportune time and copy be forw Tded t 3.65; The Pedlar Peol* i Zurich Herald !2148115; War Mem, Police Village t e brido of to come to you and with pride, to -by the County Assessor. Zurich Ivin Walper 69.-69' -R.,,Child. Hospital $10-- W. H. Edighog- Co 465.67; Carl Campbell $43; V -L-. 11inerva Marion became the anniversary of That the write to J, A..ple 2612L70; A ecker, Aug. Roche, E. J. Willart, L. Mr, Nelsiono Keys, The ceremony Was partake in the fiftieth annive Clerk Nijunicip- K. Clarke Thiells, Transport $30 er 3.70; 9 W Archibald $45; Prov'. 13 Coorribs, Division Engineer $33; H. Rader, each 53.00; Mrs. WarJorio, late Rev, Leech, the Zurich Herald. L. Treas. .49c; No. 1 Stanley Bedard H 'performed by the c- el Roads, asking for his approval to Dominion Road Mach 'CO, 31 .7 0:8 - Davi&• Meyersz.45 ,,, 'The bride's sister, Mrs. Susie Eicher, Fifty years ago., or to be more a H. Turnbull $51; Supertest, Corp. $40; Fr. Win. Bourdeau See. Treas. Sebilibe 4 Leo 15ve- 4Df Chicago was brideqrnaid and Mr,' curate, in the late summer of the purchase anew truck for the T'N.P. 145.36; Rensall Motors Sales 4.10- R. C.S.S. No I Hay 1208.60; Treas Stramberg Carlson 2,86.73; L , Mills. :David Dewar was beat -year 19ffO 1 wrote a short'budgat, That a giant of $10.00 be given to ice'08.-67; Bill Be' of Huron Co. 50,58; Treas. Dash -,land 18.70; Dashwood Planing li Het' of Bayfield wi M#niorial Children's Hosp- St• Joseph's ,Service 7 c e iman. Mr and Mrs. Keys settled oil and •sent it in to the Herald Ofrice,at •the War idour 51.30; Johnston P�ttter!ioll $30; wood RV. 1,7:30.16; .Treas. Zurich 10.1.18- Percy Elsie i7.601 Zurich e s ri Feder -,aid 21.to; H. W. 13roketi.shire 73-019;-. ils farm, 13&bylon line, that time it my recollection r ght, ital, London. Masse, 268,G Fedet, ick 321-. ,the grool 'jas 0 C C. Parker Pol. Village 5309.0121; Treas 4 43tanley fNvher6 they resided for 42 Mr, Vdinund.Zeller was the publisher That the plans of new subdivilgion ;$70 - 0; Gaffney Constr. Co 8579-50; ation of Agric. 394.60; Trs. Hay Tw,� Bell Co,.83,6.6 L; V. J. Frecrei , man,%. of Lot 17 and 18 LRW. Hay Twp,: Highwaly�q 26,40; Wilf, $ha- School Area (Gen) 190,55.89; do, i58; It. G. Hess 1.7404; T ic �years. In 1935 they 'moved to Eg- and since it was the first pa -per pub USS No. I'Hardware $11,0, this vieinit it was a tr9at as received from Ralph F. Schneider Dept. Of awondville txlieri they have since To- lished in F, sur- submitted for approval be rejected pion $25; Call. Inspection and Test- (Special) 7580., Trs. Motion -That the ineeting be :ad-. ;Mded. They have a family of 5 sons, to �Iie sullgerilberg 'to read thetgLnley and Hay (i4o.13; T-rs. U.S S. 11 since these lots do not come up to a ing �Co. 1.50. Wm. Siebert $10. 8 !Rherloek and Elrnore of Stanley; royliding new.,;, although I have bee I gy 81�3.58; Twqljourned to meet again On Frldai5r. Dec Geo. Rus nary times critized and perhaps standard �of 150,00 square feet. Relief -Mrs, F',dtih Mason $9,0) No. I Stephen and H, J. 15th at 1:30 P.M. for se o W tT.SS No 2, Stanley and Hay 11104-71 'Wilbur of nickersmith; Ge kill r That the Clerk notify the Cicrit of Mrq. Jessie Wilds $20, Emma Ba, I of Whid,or, and Stewart X. of Or- �:ondemmed, for using names, in a that no action be tak- 8.90; Donald Ratz $ts Tr Hay J�Junicipal Tele System 'of the year. 4111'a, 7�olr frJends (.,Ntend 9clos, and in reporting the whore- Stephen r Times 12,042-80; Tr8, Ttekersmith 11, W. Brokenshire, "lon, , , I can truthfully on regarding the account submitted General Accounts' ----Exeter Dart Campbell 09.50; V. L, Campbell, Reeve, �Collgtatulnt U11d, wi6.i thzin many illouts of so and so. I for �IIX-0 for damages sustained by Advocate $1,63,92, A� J. XdlbfIei8dl1,r'1 ft6r�, ye'ars 9f health and"llappiness', -;ay I have never •suffered and 'agony. ..... .... .. ...... ..