HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-12-28, Page 21-10 W CANI 13Y Anne Ashley Q. How can I prevent articles Inion going down the furnace register? A. Insert- a piece of ,vire, netting 'inside tile, register hula', replace the register plate, and it will pre- Vellt many articles from going clown the pipe. This is particularly advisable if there are children around the hoose, This wire netting should not be of a fine in"ll, nr it will retard the heat that comes through tiie pips: and have a teti- dency to burn out the furnace. Q. How can I make a cement for celluloid? A. l'w I part capiphor, 4 harts alcohol. Dissolve and add to this solution an equal quantity, by weight, of shellac. Q. How can I remove scorch marks from fireproof dishes? A. Soak the dishes in a strong solution (if borax nater. The marks can then. be easily rubbed off. Q. How can I avoid getting colds? A. The person who gives his body the proper amount and kind of exercise will seldom. have a cold. Nothing is better than -walking in -the open, Step briskly, hold the head erect, let the arms swing, and 'breathe deeply through the nose. +k :k Q. How can I ascertain, when buying . a woolen fabric, if it has been nretched and is likely to shrink when laundered? A. See if the fabric has a series of holes along the selvages. If it has, do not buy the material. :x It, rt, Q. How can I prepare a good Ain whitener? A. An application of ecl,ual parts of rosewater and lemon ituice acts as a Slain .whitener, Q. How can I prepare a soup that isn't too greasy? A. If a large lettuce Ieaf is -put into the soup, it will insure a greaseless soup. Put in the leaf when about ready to be taken from the stove, and remove it before you serve. You will find that nearly all the excess grease will collect on the lettuce leaf. Q. How can I heal sore lips? A. For sore lips try mixing and applying the following solution: 1 ounce of glycerine. l dram of borax, and I pint of water. Q. How can I make mashed ;potatoes more fluffy? - A. Add Y2 teaspoonful of baking -powder to the milk and butter be- fore adding them to the potatoes, Q.1How can I keep a partially lased can of paint for an indefinite time? A. The partly used can of paint can be kept indefinitely if it is covered with melted paraffin, Q. What is an inexpensive way of serving scrambled eggs? A. Try using three crumbled soda crackers and two tablespoons of milk to each egg. Mix thor- oughly, and then scramble in hot butter. Icy Ice Palace--'l.'iio couples skaX gaily through the Swiss Ice Palace, the vvorld's most unusual skating ground. Located 70 feet I)elrw the surface: of a glacier clear Jungfraujoch, the unique palace and its fixtures have been carved out of glltering ice.. Suppose you stere appearing on one of those Quiz Programmes which still clutter up the air waves to some extent, although not as much—Praise be!—as they did for- merly. The jovial and corn -cracking quiz -plaster asks you to state who . you think are the busiest and hard- est -working group of athletes in the business; and, naturally, you haven't the time or opportunity to go delving into the dope for the facts. Just what would your answer be to that 64 -kopeck question? Very probably you'd say the professional golfers, who, for a fact, do seem to be shooting for dough and glory —in that order—practically twelve months per annum. And, up to a little while ago, that would very likely have been our answer too. But it now appears that we'd both have been wrong. We have just been scanning a resume of a years activities of a bunch of muscle -men who—although they don't hit the headlines as often as the Sam Sneads, Ben Hogans, etc. —would seem to make the divot - diggers look like a tot of slugabeds. ,Not to make too great a mystery of it, the gentlemen referred to are the Harlem Globetrotters, undoubt- edly the best knoxvrt basketbali team on earth. Merry Menagerie--ByWaicDismy� Just take a look: at the recordl nµ0 -n N-• Last year the Trotters played 153 "regular -season" games. They add- �ti,. t ed three more down in Cuba, at the Invitational Tournament. After that they toured America oil an 18 -game f,- g � doubt Series" jaunt. r11e n0 doubt just to k ns getting from rusty, they finished up by playing no less than 73 games in various parts of Europe and North Africa. That totes up to 247 barges and of that number the Trotters finished on the short end a mere ten tinges, which must be solne sort of a re- cord. (If e- cord.(If you want to figure out the exact percentage, just divide 247 into 237 and you'll .get it. Right "It's a duel ... snowballs at now, simple addition -is enough of twenty waddles!" a strain for its, personally.) Lasting Leghorn•-'-•-•i1.7:lchael Lehnerer holds it Le lioni ilgil which he says is 17 years old and still producing eggs. Usual life -span for hens is about five years, so this old bird has outlived, her. species more than a 200 -year-old man would 'ho outlasting his fellows. R tc According to Owner -Coach Abe Saperstein, of the Trotter's, right now Europe is a veritable hotbed of basketball. (We had an idea it was a hotbed of several other things, but we'll leave that to the Politicians,) The coloured boys from Harlem are already scheduled for 96 games in 17 European coun- tries, as well as 249 allies in South America, between next May 14 and Labour Day. In addition Saper- stein, who originated the Globe Trotters just a decade ago, plans to go back for at least five years more. That is, if world conditions permit—which we sincerely ]lope they do. The. 1:rotters, in addition to play- ing a lot of games, play to a lot of people, "We played to half a million people on our 73 -game tour last summer," he said here recently, "We had sell-outs practically every- where including some 15,000 in Paris and close to that two straight nights in Genoa. In Brighton, Eng- land, we played to 48,000 fans over a six -night span including royalty the final night. And they want us for two more weeks this year," Lip to Deccmber 15 this :;easou they had played 44 games on their United States tour and won all 44. According to Saperstein the travel- ling basketball circus has played before sellouts everywhere except Cleveland and Chicago, "In Cleve- land," explains Saperstein, "we hit that bad snowstorm but still drew 9,600—only 1,500 short of capacity, In Chicago we drew 9,000 on the night of the Walcott -Layne fight which was televised." Don't be surprised if some time in the near future the Globetrotters go after the world attendance record of 25,000 set in Buenos .Aires, Argen- tina. Which should be about enotigh regarding the Harlent Globetrotters —and basketball—for the time be., ing. Wonder when we are going to see a few coloured boys playing top-ranking professional hockey, Mightn't be a bad thing for "the world's fastest sport," at that. Just a couple of weeks ago, The New York Rangers played to exactly 5,806 customers—the smallest crowd since depression days, Modern h4lquette By Roberta Lee Q. Is it all right for all illlullar• vied woman to attach the tial( "Miss" to her name when signing a letter? A. ()illy if tilt, title is env'osed ill parentheses, as, "(:hiss) Ruth Thompson." Generally, if flic ivri- ter signs her name nicrely "Ruth Thompson," it is taken for granted that she is unmarrictl. llovcver, if she wishes to be sure that the reply to her iN addieszed properly, she will include the title as above. Q. Is it necessary, when taking leave of a group to which one has been introduced, to bid each one "good -by" separately? A. No, A cordial "goad -by" with a smile that includes everyone is all that is ueces,ary. %x +k •x Q. Who provides the bouton- nieres for the ushers and best man at a wedding? A. The bridegroom. Q. When a young married wom- an is introducing her unmarried sister to another person, does she refer to her tinter merely as "Miss Barnes?" A. The best procedure is to state the relationship, as, "Mrs, Ilarris, this is my sister, Ethel Barnes." %« :k Q. When one is a guest at a small dinner, should one accept a helping of every dish offered? A. Yes. We all have our likes and dislikes, btat at.a small dilliner it is embarrassing to the hostess when a guest refuses a dish. •One can always manage at least a small quantity. Q. Should a man apologize for his glove when he is wearing thele andshakes hands with a woman? A, No, this is not required. Q. If a man is walking with a woman and someone who is a stranger to him speaks to his com- panion, should he also return the salutation? A.. Yes, always, by lifting his hat, ell :x Q: Is it proper to snail engraved announcements of an engagement? A. This is not customary. Usu- ally the engagement is announced by the girl's parents at a tea or party, or by way .of a newspaper announcement. Q. When leaving a person to whom one has just been introduced, is'it proper to say, "Good -by, Mr. Carter, I am very glad to have met you?" A.' Yes, this is all right. Or, "Good -by, Mr, Carter I hope I *11 see you again sometitne." Reading This May. Save A Life Most accidents happen in the home. • As in this true story told by a farm safety expert. "Janie! Janie! Time to get up!" Hazel Thompson called up the stairs to her 10 -year-old daughter. Hazel herself had been up just long enough to start a fire in the kitchen range. "Conlin.-, lfother," Janie called sleepily. Mrs. Thompson went back to the task of getting breakfast. She set out the dishes, then went to the stove for another look at the fire. Not very promising. Almost out. But she stirred it with the poker, then hopefully put the lid back. "What can I (to, Mother?" It was Janie, now wide awake as she entered the kitchen. "You set the table, I'll get some meat cooked. Those men will be here in a little while." Hazel again lifted the stove lid, poked the fire, "It's all out. That kindling is too wet Dad will haveto get something better today if he ex- pects his meals on time. Well, a little kerosene should fisc it," "That's dangerous, Mother," said Janie. "Oh, it won't be if I'm care- ful. I'll just pour in a little, then toss a match into it," As she spoke, Mrs, Thompson poured a little kerosene from the can she had gotten from the back porch. The liquid hardly ,touched the kindling when ... flash! There was a sheet of fire, The whole stove seemed ablaze, The kerosene can, too. Hazel rushed to throw it out the door when her clothes burst into flames. As sIge burst thru the door she bumped into her husband. Mr. Thompson quickly grabbed his wife, laid her on the floor and covered her with an old blanket lying in the corner. Yes, Hazel Thompson lived, She was lucky—just severe burns on ]ter arms and legs. But suppose Mr. Thompson hadn't been on the porch at just the right tinge? And suppose lie hadn't known what to do. Maley farm woolen have died from similar accidents. }laze], you see, had thought the fire was completely out. But there were a few ' sparks left — just enough to ignite the kerosene. Never, never use kerosene to make a fire or to help make a slow fire burn more rapidly. ..Classified Advertising,,, a a il'UtG Sexf.l; AI:I iii jl (II3lrecl lwlth n pl•oyrti brecdiltg batltt round of up - B ]23ttOVGC7 and ii'hlte t3o7lasad - fq 203 vggn. Theca Prtlfled breeders areOffic proven tilt, ereatn nI t hey p(lnite, .,, uOvernwolt Approved Illttehal;v tln,l breeders. Write for lltera- anadlara Poultry til Poultry and their Pruduatloll will truly tule: Tlugen's Shoreline 'turkey Ranch . tnnish you, 'five hart 8 tlov, bandea and Elalohery, 1lnrrow, Onta.;lo, br,rds from wbieli to ciloovc Frcu cata- _ \I UXUAl-ORAMPION ):i'Al',1RATOA, 3A, logue, Ii'eltarborn Pulll.try ]+'tout. Aiilver- ft, y 12 ft, In loud uunditiou, IIonry+ ton, untarlo, Alcll•tlt R,R•.'2, wellesity' CASII In on the growing ocntand for meat 91f,iD1C'!lJ,' and eggs with Eyvrn quality Chicks from 'FAIR POST'S REMEDIES R.O.P, aired and (".anaiino approved put. WANTZD.-,» E v G r y Sufferer: of lorum clean Block. Our brccaers ourerully Rheurnittic Pain(, or l\neuritis to try seleeted fol' the fast zrowth and fast feathering Dixons Remedy. that nain to troller prnllts, also the stnmlan, and laying ability that makes y, M:UNRO'S DRUG STORE Prolilable layers. T'._tt's Why inany more 325 Elgin �^— 0--�-' Qttplwaa castomera order year after year. Night $125 Express Prepaid leading breeds and crosses, eexed or all. - - _-----..-_ •.... sexed. fly papular demand chleks avail• able weekly the year around t bl n'Ofi-'1.1f r, SAL. VN Your Druggist sell i 1 1 reasona 0 prlc09. Write today fM details, Byers Poultry 1'cum, Alyrilo •+ts,.lon out. IlUil,.A^t{:C3•• POSTS,'ECZEMA SALVE ' BAXISH Ole torment 'Or dry vlzalua rashes Ill' YOU WANT QUICK 1''Itort TS—be ; ora and weOPIng elfin troubles. Poste Ooze - to buy 13ree.ding-•a,rt .inst vIllelts, Buy ma Salve will not disappoint you, - Top Not,^ll R O 1 , Silc t Chtelaa--get chieks 11031139, scaling, burning eezelnn, nano, thrt have vigour. Ilve, grow uniformly fast ringworm. pimples and athloo'a'foot, w111 it t mature uulettly pito heavy producers, respond readily to the stashes», odorless (•unlpare Quality, Volopape Prleee,, If You ointment., regardless of h„w stubborn or do we will get. your ,•hlek order, Also bopelers they seem. I'IiICE $1.00 I'Bit Turkey Iloults. Older pullets. Free rata- log,w. Top '. oleh Chick ~ales, (,uelph, 'FAIR POST'S REMEDIES Ontario. Rent Inst free nn Receipt ori rice EARN COADCU�l�i[S�I(w\ ac•nmg ch1,,lis 880 Queen 5t. E., corner or Logan, roronts for 011e of C'anc,da s largest and beet known Canadian Approved ITateheries. UNWANTED HAIR - Liberal commission maid, Pull particulars. Oradleated fron any part of tate body - BOx 12, 123 -18th Strc,rt, New Toronto, with Saca-Polo, a, reularltable discovoiN ' Ontario. of the age., Saca-Palo contains no harm- CIIICI{S lavk alike rwgarcllevo or whc•tber ful ingredients, and will destroy the hair they carry high egg production inherit- loot, anee or not. The root proof is in the lay- LOcR-JIEER LABORATORIES ing house after they are grown, It is then 079 Granville Street, too late and too bad if they carry poor or Vancouver, B.C. ordinary egg production civaiittea. Tweddle "PEP UP” R.O.P. Sired ahielse will certainly nuilay ,rl,y chicks sired by cockerels with no definite breeding bank of them. And our special' C. C. & B. TONIC '1:A11D:3J'rS broiler chicles will please you with their for lav vitality and general debility. rapid growth and fast feathering. In- One Dollar, At Druggists vestlgate before .;,on buy. Send for full details and eatalogue. Also Turkey Poulta _ _ OPPORTUNITIES Fon eft• • t; 11'lpADof and older Pullets. Tweddle Chick Ilateh' erles ]',invited. Versus. Ontario, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SPHOO1. DYEING AND CLEANING Great Opportunity Learn HAVE You anything needs dyeing or clean- Hairdressing Pleasant dlgnlfled profession, good was'et Ing? write to us for information We thousands of successful Unrvel zraduateN are glad to answer Your questions. De. America's Greatest System Partment fI. rartror'A Dye Works Limned.. illustrated Catalogue Free 1'ARSIR Flirt SALE write or Call 64ARVEL RAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 353-Acus,f, )50 acl•ea cleared, good 853 Blnor St. W„ Tornnto buildings, water, hydro. Branches: Close to town, school and highway, high 54 [tang St., Flamalton school bus passes door, roads open all 72 Rideau St... Ottawn winter, large creek through farm. Located good fishing, hunfinx district. PATENTS Complete Information, Harry L'oster' AN OFFER to every Inventor—List of in- 05 ACRES best productive land in Essex, ventions and full information sent free, The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attar• back of Allners Sanctuary, with stock neys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, and Implements, Other business forces sale. Armand C. Martin, R,R. 2, ISingsvllle, PETIMRSTONHAUGH & Company, Pa• tent Solicitors. Established 1890, 8150 r0it SALE Bay Street, Toronto, Booklet or Informs- UOTORCYCLLS, Harley Davidr,on. Nem tion on request. and used, bought, sold, etohanged. Large -- stock of guaranteed used motorcycles. Re- PERSONAL Pairs by factory-tralned mechanics, Bi- cycles, and complete line of wheel goods, CANADIAN WRITERS needed, You can also Guns, Boats and Johnson Outboard learn to write profitable ilctlon. Home. Motors Ogen evenings until nine except study course gives you personal lnstrue- Wednesday. Strand Cycle & Sports, ruing tion by successful -.Canadian author. Let at Sanford. Hamilton us tell You how. Bonded and Government FIRE ALARM—SAVE LIVES! licensed. Also manuscripts given careful As low as $4. Protect your home, barn, revision at. moderate rates. Canadian writers' Service, 2904 West 28th Avenue. stable, etc. Works on temperature rise. Vancouver, B.C. Instant, positive alarm. write Y.O. Box 165, Outremont, Quebec, or C. Wilson STAMPS Limited, 1066 Dufferin Street, Toronto, Ontario. UNBEATABLE, over 125 different stampe FEED corn on the cob or shelled so free to approval applicants. D, Emery,. R.R. 1, Victoria, B.C. much per ton delivered In Ontario by trucks. For further Particulars write Cliff TEACHERS {YANTIll) Taylor, Ridgetown, or phone 822. ROMAN Catholic English-speaking teachers, FARMERS ATTENTION rhust be qualified. For salary schedule IF Purchasing Elarvesting 'Equipment for apply to. the secretary-{reasuter, Aime 1961- plan to include The M.B. 11orage, Arvisnis, OttawaSeparate School Boaro, - Suction. Blower for your unloading Job. 16fp Murray Street, Ottawa. Lack of storage space will force us to GREY COUNTY; qualified Protestant teacb- curtail Production unless you purchase or wanted for S.S. 11, Lake Charles, early in the new year. Contact us for Township of Keppel East area, Grey name of our nearest dealer. UcKee Bros- County. School well equ7PPed and hydro Elmira, Ontario, Installed. Situated on a " winter plowed ASPHALT SHINGLES $3,35 road; 15 pupils enrolled. These interlocking shingles are Just one Please state name of last inspector and of our many rooting bargains. salary desired. Apply to Oliver Roast, No. 210 Butt Shingles $5.25, No. 165 See. -Tress., R.R. 1, Nehible, vat. ' Tite-Lock Shingles $4.30. — Roll Brick Siding, Red onlyblack mor- tar $3,45, Grey Roll -Stone Design siding/WAKE $3.75 per square. UP �j �Wle*�lUR above prices L,O.B, Hamilton. SA,'/ Aluminum Corrugated Sheets only $9.69Quebec per 100 s0., ft. delivered. Ontario. Quebec and Maritimes. All new stock 26 gauge various sizes avallable for prompt shipment. Send mea- Without Calowel—And }iou'0 Jump Out IID surements for free estimates, Got Yours Bed in the Morning Rahn' to Go now, stock' limited. ROBERT JONES LUMBER & The liver should pour out about 2 pints of bile juice into your digestive tract every day, COAL CO. If this bile is not flowing freely your food may Hamilton, Ontario not digest, It may just decay im the digestive tract. Then bloats ONLY $250 UP gas up your stomsellYou get constipated. You feel sour, suak and the OIL BURNERS world looks punit, 4 -HOUR CHANGEOVER It takes those mild, gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile flow. FURNACES REPLACED ""'freely to make you feel "upand up.4 ONLY 4 HOURS FOR ESCI', NGES Get a package todaq. Effective n making i silo flow freely, Ask for Carter's Little Liver Air -Conditioning Furnace Ropaira Pills, 356 at any drugstore. 'rORUNTO'S FASTEST SERVICE Our experts can solve Your heating Problem and give you --- heating comfort tho same day. ISSUE 52 — 1450 PHONE WAVERLEY 7198 World's Top Travel Writer—Lillian S. :Lovelaml, a 77 -year- old travel writer, Walked away with first prize in the Society of Trave Agents -travel jourtialism contcSt. Travel authors all over the world competed but 10 articles. by Mrs. Lovelandoto leer recent trip around the world oil if freighter eincided tole holiours,