HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-12-07, Page 5ZURIC-." 014TARIO ZURICH HERALD Authwized as second class Mail, Put Your Want, For Sale , bO6AL HMO` host Found Etc, Ads. in thiti 111hursday, December. 7th, 11,950 ATTENTION FARMERS! -BREAD I FEEDING MOLASES ARE GOING UP IN. PRICE EVERY Foot Office Department, -- - I I I I Column, Mrs, Charles Scot ' chmer of Bay- DAY. OUR STOCK GOES AT THE OLD PRICE, SO ACT field was a business visitor in, town on the fable NOW.. We have a limited Supply of No. 1 5x Shingles At 4 3' on Tuesday. Price. Now if the time to Worm those Pullets. We have a BUSINES CARDS Messrs. Louis Thioland ElraIles - j NOTCardine motored to Toronto fax a few good supply of Worm Par on hand at all tiin es d, So We carry a good supply of Concentrates for every nee IL days on business. a and try a good Co -OP, Mix! come Having let my name -appear to run Mr. Calvin Willianig, Miss Ethel ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS 0 ard John W. Orchar as Councillor of, Stephen Township Williams and Mrs. T L. Williams Tuesday to -on Monday, Dec. 11th, I hereby sol- motored to London on OPTOMETRIST -cit your support, as I will do the spend the day �5111 g Normals Sara -r , 61 1 1-41R 'n Mr. Non Main Street visitor at the home Day T ZURICH Exeter ny al)ilitly, for good -general was a week -end vi- ras of Kit -!gene) Hensall Dist. Co -Operative best of I dM Township work. 'Open Every Week Mr,. Adeline S)rarasi HENSALL and .1, Of big mother, Except Wednesday A. V. Tlemaii, Dashwood. G,f town, Phone 365J'rho December meethir of the Ladle%�.,' Aid and W,M,S. of the Ev NOTICE UEADY TO 1-19bcr-F YOU—,,, angelical U31. Chtirch, Zui-ch, 'will mL e a d y W F� RE LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Tho annual meeting of the Pilue 1J 4 be hold ill the church oz) Thur,4day No .neal i�4 co Ila! withinta -m ., T­­ plenti ga W, v Water Conservation (.,,ull Club will evening, Dlec 7th at, I,q Jwead, Ano "URN 1)(i lield at 06: Dominion Hotel, Z111wi of Dasli- 'R ich, an Mon&iy, December 11th S ]Nfr. Addlson V. Tlem, 'Dash-, -Nil t:,� L4 alld lsg000i IV ��,A lice S ALVIN wood was in town on Tposday. Mr f*riod fw you. li"Vory Do -.0, AR 1 40, A, p,ni -or Prize, Everybodl� Tic,.Inan has let his name go bef0l'P! 41wo-, of Wild este'd in the co tbo people or stev!ioil Town flip to Buy in (-xtra Lwif. today- -star 11censed Auction Life is invited to attend. Chas. run as Couneillor, lUid advl,;es, li-i iwro, broad at ever) i X,oLq Rau, President, Len. Sararii-A , Secy. * 11 slate of offi- . . 11 youir c. Z sclits'.1 major that there will be a� fit Me,-, et your HURON AND LAMt ON i small, Cour- cern runiting for coulicil and sch-or.)], at the y -Nu 13-tker.k' or t N'�rlr It deser-...C,; the hn"it 1 ` ,o.r your Sale, large or I Service at all trustees ill that to-NI'Ship We vi.A1114ocal (iroce,%4. nidy to give it, a Se Mr. Td, teous and Efficient IOR SALF (,man inuel, success and callil-1-M job or jt684- I, 1-!attery 0i -c.,:, ,e r, Tbnes I ilei C., P. ­ ", ! , " .4)11 the kiii, you -e anyone interc-sted that if _; " ti, DASHWOOD -WOOD Top, and Slabs F. C. mqui ftone 57 r 2. Ralliflelisch �& Son, Ltd. Zurich c is elected lit, I -All g1vQ hii4 vely. -bet, L, d coming bac"z" Foul - Bingo DEIN. r! 100 Wednesday, De"nl!,wr 113th is ti 111C'(1 apprec ia;,? rhoacp t, ��,holv you CORBETT I F'OR SALE 1. wP - 11­�, ran (it). E. F I I bi,. date for thn Znrich Lion.; Clul)'� thi, yonv! QNEER A 193Q Chev. Sedan, has 4 new Annual Fowl Bill,-'.) ivIlic", fcr y,,CFNSEI? AUCTI NVO,-141's Fiiwst Skatos.l riec $75.00 will be held in the Community Centre .11 t;ill btn- a Aiating outfit STATION tires and neW battery. Only Satis-racti L. A. Prang and Son. c There will be Turkr_--,vs, Geese and'ye�', Y1, ST. JOSEPH SERVICE Reasonable So con -le and ' for th1tt,,bc,,'illllt, - as low a.; $6.05 i 4!�` ; j win COR. No. 84 & 21 kliGHWAY-S r t'ai' f Guaranteed Chiekemt galore. graze the table line of C.C.-Ni- 1 0 k 9, L L R EXETER, R. R- I FOR SALE one of these to lole on See rLlr col"I"te Gauiitlet�, Hel- -- -,ieh 92r7. - -, Hocloiy E�iuipinent, Phone Christmas Day. 10 Free Gamp., are r and Arni (xiiard., Shoillde Two Durham Cows due to calf in being offered as well as $215.00 Free 11le?- H.ti,., At Hese, December and January. Apply to Bingo. I Pr()t,:,ctor.;. 0 SAVE YOU SOME VE-TERINARIA.N Sol, Gingerich, Phone 84 r 3, Zurich. Santa Clause Coming the Jeweller SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED T E NEEDS. COM - I ritli, is the I - MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE Saturday, Deceinbei, GETS SCHOLAR517HP PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! day set when Good Old St. Nick. The Humn Federa`oll of Agricul- I B -V. �,z c. NEUHAUSER CHICKS wfil be ;.,-,iting Zurich in the after-, lure has announceA that Grant Nor - W. B. COXON nQQD; qonqored by thQ, Zlil-ich Lions iga-_ 11L.11.1, Ht!n�;all. 11 -,as qualified fa_ re Hatching Weekly, Setting all Club, and to which rill children a ' the Federation Scholarship donated SURGEON breeds. Order December and lanu- invited to; attend, enjoy the fun and Main Street, ary Chicks now. —Neuhauser 'Hat- frolic, :and get the traditional pack to any Huron student entering the How About Your ggke with Residence, cheries, 81 Ding Street, London, of Christmas Cheer, It would be Ont. Agri(. College, Guelph, The Apposite )-rug Store scholarship is fol; a jour -year term. 0 ZURICH Ontario Telephone Met, 7482. rather .a dull 1 G,,-',' who was a student at the EX_ Christmas wit -bout a Santa Clause, and so the children no .­wlt, also won otev District High School, ­,,tmas Gio f ts? the community are, asked to be pre.� the Huron county Scholarship. Chris BUTC1_1ER5 STRAYED ent and ;rmaks it1lis a veno' otlutand'- RATES GO UP SUBSCRIPTION From pasture E. part of Lot 20, Ing event Owing to. the continual rise in the HAVE YOU SELECTED THE MOST PRACTICAL, ORT I L.R.E., Hay, a two-year old steer, Had Springlike Spell prices of everything that goes Into I-. HUSBAND, ftrj0h black .with white -head, and has horns. The thaw, rain and thunder wea- weekly newspaper, the making of a w MOST APPROPRIATE GIFT FOR YOUR WIFE, which visited these parts over the Clinton Record and the ND DAUGHTER? Notify Samuel Hendrick, 'Phone 32 then News yt-KET Dashwood, Blue Water Highway p2 the week -end is followed by a raw SON A Goderich Signal Star have irnmed- ALT MAA - and miserable wind to -day, Wednes- irately advanced their subscription OU with the, LOST day, with the robs calling for Snow rates from $2.00 per year to, $2.50 HERE ARE A FEW SUGGESTIONS: Is supply Y -1 Cur— From Lot 11, Con. 7, Hay, one -cow this evening, and regardless of what per year in Canada, and $3.00 in the� SHEARLING LINED ALL RUBBER BOOTS OR OVER. ,et of Fresh a- ages, or heifer, branded ',behind the right prophesy says a)out a fall thunder, U.S., and single copies sell for G&S. BOOTS. STILL SOLD AT THE REGULAR PRICE IN od Meats, Bolognast S9. Garnet Jacdbe, pound- followed '�; nice weather, that it is to be hoped that this Craze of RECENT JUMP IN ALL RUBBER FOOT- Kep hip. Notify G a+ wind todaly sure d)es not fee very inflation will soon ecine to an end, SPITE OF THE WATCH AND EEN- Etc., alWays on hand. t keeper Parr Line, Zurich. 'gool., Hrever, we were glad to get but the newspaper and printing- trad- WEAR. "A WONDERFUL ITEM TO and ice. The MATCH." '!a 0 most fresh in Electric, Refrit ItiOn = st of 't�e snow es are hit about as hard as anyone. JOY A HOCKEY M. FOR SALE country Taads are as bare as *in the STOCK IN GOOD SHAPE o� Recent snowfall and cold has ALSO SKAT'ES FOR MEN, LADIES AND BOYS. Rghest Cash Prices 10 'Tons, of baled clover hay. AP-. suinanev time, but flo.rillow long I no I Wiiin� Dashwood, phone one knows. --brought abo-at the sbWbIing of all .,SEE THESE 'FOR .',OUR yOUR OWN SATISFACTION" 01 Hides and Skins P]�, to Wally a the open fall� so.n Increased Staff and a1le'tO Woc Have Incre liveztock qtq-,)Ieg in ex- BE SURE AND SEE OUR HOUSE SLIPPERS! V The wcll known fir"' of Zurltb, the same went into the R. H.'s'.1111ts t & FOR SALE Stade & Weido hm',e recently adclea cellent oolid7itiol" 11 most ----------- One Woods Electric GTalh Grinder another mail to their staff, as tin- G. Bennett, CTITA011, agric, rel?re;- PROD1C, E y priced smith and phi-niber. Mr. Edgar MC- entative for Huron reports. Duo to She Store 3 a demonstrator. Reasoliftbi chey, whose'honle i,., in !Teiisall, the good crops during the past sing- I _rtz Phone 59 r 6, B-ayfieui- Clill Mr. 111rclincli-y1mer fariner,'iu this county �ave,o,,Ii� has, been engaged, ience in this . that they have ------- �a F R SAL 1has 'had quite an expei Isatisfaction, in t supplies on hand, he said. v Salvewood A milkina, Machine for sal,5 or,,ine.,,,o, work, for five yeaN tie 'wasIlent feed fall plowing was fair-' t om _-0 he Drysdale I "'P,in most cases, snow i L �E_ 'Z' few i,,,, -P tile -would trade ion some calves, Douglas .d in r, worked with well completed lbefoi mos, last )Ing. Hel�ame. However, a few farine"S Still '1 0 Robinson, R - .R 1 Zurich. I Fink's heating and plumbing. the have some turnips to take up alld T) D AIR I I has had quite all experience il- -1 "D t t 'Lot installation Some corn to pick, 'V .8 Maflset for Cream, Eggs STRAYED Unto, jyjy premises oy air conditioned heat Lt 1w5, Con. q, Ray Twp,, 4 three,7ear-. ing. And tilt firin he has engaged' LATE MRS. KUHN 0en and Poultry old Staers. owner can have same by g In a position to -handle a you can't go wrong when you buy a well known Graded On provirig property axid paying expens- with, are now Funeral services were held oil Tue"; 0 -illy any kind of it job- 't for estreicber, v Have Your Eggs S' r 20 Pi'"t1c, day las Elizabeth 0 es, Arnold Merner, Phone I ad Ku,1111, c our Zurich. Evangelical Church wife of the Conrad Reliable Beatty Washing Machine AUTOMAT1C The Evangelical Church Choir will Creditor, who passed awav . at her a home. Her entire life was spent ill, 'We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers 'o' QA EGG GRADER N 0 T I C E The a cantata "The Choi -us In the communitv. She -was a nien-iber of popular prices - evening, Dec-w,jr tin, the Skies," oil Sundaythe Evangelical U.B. Church and a at three I taken m e 8 he memb-: d Have,votur photo tak .30 P-111. T faithful worker in the Ladies, A! 0 Manager Available ember 17th, at u se 149.50 159.50 LeRoy O'Brien, Zurich for a, 014RISTMAS GIFT. nableki'S o,.,, 1he, School will render A great lover of flowers, she rved 0 $119.50 Christmas y Committee 1'1.�t , Sunday , Phone 101 in f6lder, also COI'Oure" at Teaso. program on Weduesda Go, Ph. 91 many years on the Floral t 8 P urch, and is survived by one prices. At Wagiier's evening, December the 20th ft Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges of the ch 0 1111L, Mrs. Newell Geiger is the con brother, Herman oestreicher, or Win- venor 0 the dgor and several zui �h Crewsriv FOR SALE f ti Program Coillinittee. nieces and n—hew., Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves r c The remains rested at the Dinney of Shelf and Heavy Hard - good Exeter till Tuesday) 00 Always a good Supply 8 -piece Chesterftld S&te ill good funeral hornet Ex glias to Ed, , 11, ,rearn arN, johnston of the Thorn .1 Your Home Market fer, condition. Apply when !service was held ill the Evans-', ' &', 'New Ontario, writes: Ware on hand. po Zurich. Joe strict. Jelical Church Crediton. colidlIcted 1�ly Eggs and Poultv" —As illy subsoxiption Cher pastor, Re -v, J. V. Dahins, inter- � Deal- Publisher: taize the FOR SALE to tho Herald Ls run out. I durable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. Prices P� I like to meat was in Croditon Cemetery. Scarfe's En Highest Cash Pr plus pi(�a,ure ill renewing "'all"o. a A 1927 Chev. Four -door Sedan iii�hClar tile, home news, we have. had Almatex Plastic Paints, Kem-egos Etc. 0 for deliveredcrearn to Bob Mittle lays, so Clearing Auction Sa'e 0 a premium good condition. Apply quite a bit of' ,now InSt few d 0 0 1 guesi, it is here to Stay this 'tinge, it of Real Estate, Village PrOPelt'y' 0 Our Airn—TO Serve and Satisfy! a d to Five effi- holty, Zurich- s 0,1 the 'We are equipped ........... ----------- tti'V' al'Oulid until last and Ro-usehold Effects, I . pi,eni was nice ge und (Illy and 'frozen, lies the Village of Zurich. The FOR SALE F�idav, the g"O as been ill- -curate service. Egg Enclosed find postal note. Owing to Auctioneer h. One GO 'I illy ad- structed t 0 s e Combination Door, brand i till r"i, , od 11 by public Auction On di Brien Lient accurate -rout!",,g Of Out 111�11 "nt in and glass. ApPIN' to the re, k Ont, ' Phone 213 6 and Poultry deTF)artnlellt witli scre6n it. R. 1, Kellahec , EMBER 16th. H. Cornforth, Phone 94 r 71 Zurich. dress 11", 'low iSATURDAY, DEC Main St. Hardware Store -charge of Mr. T. Meyers- BULL BRINGS $4,000- At 1:30 Pul- z ­ BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Chicawo A Canadian bull and a Est, ato _ Con,;isting of Lot Chas. Minshall, Proprietor r -one day drew Real FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, yearling heifer Village of Zurich, One -Fifth acre price: at a,shortliorn sale at the 111. 46, V i on wiliell, is situated a,'Well ;ilioll. of land, 6 INCOME TAX REPORTS Livestock Expo 6 -room fl-anie dwelling covered IN�ORANCE ETC. terlia ic owned b�- I�c4ord Gard. built %A IRA AUDITING, Both uveae mN bull, with metal Si C17T house, of W Hydro and ru g -water. Also sonle I ITING, ETC., on, Ont. The ding is eqll3Pvd w;tl" MnS NORMAN COWAN est 4iOOO uning iel, WI,, sold for n land. This pro - Dashwood Mutual HAY POST OFFICE' Abei,feldy F oder s Of Phoenix. and very suitable I garde li good Western Faun s- Dashwood 40 1 13- p4t to Ili Farms, Jill,_,, 116- portv is in file location and i 1,31.1vtoll Lavender 10th, Y0111' ' dition, Terly's of and Ashburn c011- I and balancO in fors was q,,)Id for -9,050 to all day of sale Farins of Pr"Pect, Ky. Will be sold subject to a SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- Weather InsurMe &J HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE Co' De.d Stock 30 days. OF WOODSTOCK Farm Forum reserved bid, 2 -Pic bi-rch ORDER YOURS EARLYI $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for The Unique Forum Tiousehold EfTects ; library HARRIS REPAIRS. $,HE LARGEST p.ESE11,VE B&I, Lift ng.—Jack Williams, Call Phone pbe Unique members elljOYOd R living room suite like new NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS Lift 150 'table I - kitcliell ciLipboard, centre AM TAKING ORDERS N wcl-15_ meeting 1100111 tile holue of A.WCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- 214 x 4, Crediton Central, Very loveIN, M :jel,ner oll 1londay'l:: ell,airs, dffiingIMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT - UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS MMMIr"W""Mb 1,11 -'and �Virs table, sin all tftWes, RNNNM aber 4th yl- ri Geig- s, ETC. evening, Deco" 'c1'llT,:�,d,,,0,pe11Lbed, spriligs and Mat- COMBINE' orl OF 1,HIS KIND IN ONTARIO or acted as chail,111all ill the. discus- kitchen sink (DRS, THRESHING MACHINES, Riek N4)TICE I "A I tre'ss; (1011111110de, dresser, kit "6unt of insurance ?tt on �"jon Of the evellillgIZ4 subjOct rltitv of fruit, Neember Slat, 1946 LEANING OL Vem, lively kitch(,11 utensils, qua, , Canadian Farm" WHITEWASHING & C I pen�qioll for Evervolle." s 0 ironing board, "The,Service Arm for $13,699,236-00 be made . which vvinou,-�, dishes, In Ps, Arrangements can 1rocrelit.1oll porio'll' followed ellen -range in new con- Bonds. by Ruth 1�1.uegor- kit "It, 1 Total Cash in Bank , id b, carpet strips, ' was Conducted dition, galvanized tu $444,1119.39 �hojja 3509 will I irdon tools, to" chestnut c mar Bill Watson 1. Shop 149 K10 Dashwood IN-vxt Mond -11, llight the ul0( cal. Oi3 v 'vllallil Rates on Application . .... ... . 0 . . , .1:.:.i 'I Ili .1 1 'her 4rticLOS. be ourlaild numerous Ot will �Oup, SERVICE FOR FARM NrL.F.DS' 'tzentrul)(11" EVER Al "Ill'i'11119"A 11101 till, he -)I, and mrs Allan SNA'111 W111 '1� Pr011"i" New T-Inniburg, were. visitors -it th, a' A G V N r.,�IR11(1,31ph Stiide, Clerk. L F. KLOPP --- Zt-i' "ICH of, 10 5 0. IC �Xr holne O:r MT. and If.r. Willert, f LeOri make a, P0400t Also Dealer ilikLights ,%­ , Ro&1,l1,, v,1.gitpd with rolatiwtl and ,&nd all kind# of Fire t