HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-12-07, Page 4rh1trjday, Decembeir 7th, 11,950 JONTAR10 ZURICH .. HERALD -was unconscitoustarld, Drysdale; Sgt. at Arms, Jack SiMM-o he had to got a permit frons Dep- when found she . Otis I r and Mrs. Leon Bedard, D A S H W,O 0 �D, at date of writing is still unconscious' ons; Chaplala, Rev. P. A. Ferguson— artment of Health. n invalid hxecutive Comm: H. HoTton, JI T TOW1 Avil a is constr- Her 11 sister 'who has been a St. JQSeph and Beaver Mr. Leonard Sararas and ater, throughout Mr. Napoleon Dixeliarme of Lou- f the Blue Water south, Mr and 'Mrs T, Harry Hoffmall at, The Lo( I home Of Mrs, dor, W. Brown, and Z Beer.. rres� , with for years went to the week end -witil relati- Ducharme o Saturday salry services in Ar- ucted according to regulations Inez I McEwen for assistance and ident Pave Sangster was elecUmd motored to Watford on tended anniver secured. Her daugh- 'J. ,do'A spent the business one. trona on Sunday -where Harry Wals cement basement and the )valls medical aid was of. Wingliana ehairpa4n for the election and be ap es, in this community. last, the trip was a bu. guest soloist, of the second 6boxy of cinder q)lock, I I F. J. Appleil* and W. 0, The 1\11,Ssos, Edna and Marlon Be-; , ver- age Of 21 feet and 4)4 ter Mrs. Charles Salter, poin6d asassistants, All the officers R-y-don' NIrs, Sarah Geoffrey of Boa The Ladies' Aid of the Evangel- with a front, -at '1,20,is whh her, I Goodwin 'hard and Mr and M-w- Prank visitor with 1irs. Fred deep. There are -it present friends of Mrs, William -were Sunday visitors A town was a v leal Church entertained their husb- feet I The intim' f spoke bTie1ly and thanked the memb- all of London, I Ducharnie. ands to tL supper on Friday night in all steel lockers of 6�'� cubic feet }1-�yle of Kippen will regret to learn tors for the support they -had given With their parents on the B. W. H, urch, After 0�%t of which have been outside her home On during the past year The bum of $2% the basement of the Ch m suff ered a, fall content, 10 rented, Owing to the shortage Of' a at the tile supper films were a own. g I So JL)oxes 'will Sunday morning. X-rays take: i was voted towards 'the Community, T),Ir and Mrs. Lorne Klein%ti'ver steel the remaining uch 1st, 1( -1fo, a fractured hristmas Tree to be held on Satur. �)51 Clilltoll I spital revealed C moved into their new home last week not be installed until Ma: cool left wrist. day Dec. 16th, and a splendid repoz%t equipped with. a Universal -tably settled. It is equiF tof the Poppy Day, was given. At the, and are now comfoi e - and de(IP f)'(AOzO unit, an(I should r-,Ject Ofrr;ers lqiti: Mrs. M. Dohortb�n of Ex - ej clo.se of the meeting 'a splendid lun 01 S. P. serve the people of B was served by ay(fteld and dis- cRp E MORB ter spent the week- Tild with At the ro-,-,tilltr meeting Of the , 0 11ell the Social Committee triet very well. 58 of the Canadian Tie-. the Sall Branch 4." meeting tl fire SIxera !During the Currie. state of Officers Preston and glom the following -to Myrtle -er of G a is -of New Dundee, s Betty aniaLion, others by 1, Irang, and some youngsters ran intim the ensuing I the meeting to tell the members IJ pent the we- HENSALL were elected for ,tl ORE gome by acel, fire. ek-end at heir home here The limiliv friends of 1,11's. Mary chimney was on Hensall Fire t prQ;:i.,I0f1t, Comrade Dave in Irig-ade, responded and extilIguishedl jocl� W�Ali who has, been 1, L M prominon, resident will re a I sonic uffere ol a fall (10.1vu Sangster; Presideift, PYT- 11 KY( 0. Hospital, for Sol -time fol he fire• t to learn :he s I i gre Jtcklt lowing an operation, returned bone norn !ng,! vice, Do,, Raynion 2nd vice, steps all Sunday ar her cell, _k on Sunday. ship Rally was held A Youth Fellow, .1y ni -lit. -ueq aders The g , t le, oil Sillid Af ger and M Ralph Rrue of were Yr A r�� Hyde llar!C4 -clike and son r And `Nlrs Jack Ras 17 J-awel.s Doll. i of Tlotroit spent the week- snake Chain vI C W, A. Ti 0 '4 lend . a " I - i -, , 4 'y 0 P �1 0 r :2nd MT eman. w;th Yl -ir vild ?Ir-; Gporire:Tiemall spentl X _n.'l ARg the week-pild n To, onto. R. Guent'-er C H E T E' attended the in Grimsby la strong and able last The CARIBOU -in funeral of her aunt is famous as a W Undergoes Orerettion li hair of the c F mer. But few people know that he has built 41 1 ife preservers! Ecic week swim Under aribou is hoflow,., r pocket which makes zo Mr. 'Martin Laub P in St. Josel)l containing a buoyant air ".v swimming no trouble at all Hospital, 1aondon, where he under- an Operation spinal trouble. i for ,:pi7 went nature, the more interest we Mr. Laub had a portion of Aa bone re- The more we know of take in conservation. Carling's presents this series J aftei moved from the leg and gr� be in hotspita f to I x 11 for of unusual facts to help promote a wider interest -lie t spine. He will 9 He will have the in nature and its preservation. about eight weeks. friend -wishes of his many. 8 for 17 jew .t�., �q best T 0 E 0 y AMA;, i,.i y 0 U R S Expansion Band 4;.. "A a complete recovery. `4 1111C Late William Devine 00 farmer of z 70, -well-known William Devine, Stephen Tomm, P for ars, many yee died 1,11 Victoria Hos r- C A He, 8.6.1hant 6 DIAMOD SYET $7250 MES LIP.P.11TED ital, London on Nevember. 28th. His THE CARUNG BREWE e -ly life - WATERLOO, ONTARIO 2.1 ai was, spent in Bosanquet' Township. Surviving :besides his wife is one son, Lorne at home. 'Die re- mains rented at the farn-Hy residence until Friday morning last, and serv- ices was held at 2 p.m. in the T. H. Hoffman funeral Horne, Dash-wood, by the Rev H. Snell and the Rev. W. Parrott. Interment was mide in the HESS Me Jeweller, Zurich Grand Bend cemeteuly. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. Asa Steekle of the Bronson line is confined to this bed with JAron- all ON'T HAVE. A 91ING"'LE TRACK MUND chiti��. M . A. Petrie has ret-urnea from Mr. �§ki D I Seaf orth hospital and is, now conval- ON A DOUB" E 57RACK RAILRO ­q Is e chig nicely at the -home of 11 is 0. sister, Mrs. Robt, Allan, BTudeeld. �-41 I CA w The Brucefield W. A. held a very successful bazaar Friday last, the M proceeds, were around @320 0'0: Mr John Scotchmer, of the Bron- x. ��oli, Line, Stanley Township visited w 'th hi's si-ster, Mrs. J, Porter, God- 1 P mich. f or a few day • Mr. •Os. M e M s, 4 Reid and daughter Mrs Roderick- Gorrill and children of 50, M, Toronto visited with Mr and Mea rig Lloyd Keys and iotther friends ini 4a N Stanley. To Re-Visit holland -Wm, . ...... ay last Mariell V D, -e Oil Frid, -fit th� home of bi-.4 I'lifte and neph- .;-tea 2bit M1, al;ri 4 Roobol, of R. R. 0­ n.11, for I trip back to Hollandi. lks in a to Canada Mr. Van Dyke came 4fiz U 1927 and this will Abe his second trip He. has ack to his native country. H b ;X. five brothers and one sister living Holland and one brother in Quebec. t. His oldest !brother pass ed away in al, and two isisters 1936 in Blenheii away in and his parents have passed g�l holland. ­SM BAYFIELD Mrs. 0. W Rhynas who was the -turned W-1 9 uest of Mrs C. W. Brown re to Toronto. was a vis- •Mr. E. A. Featherstone -s ireturn itor at his home there. On hi• to London, he was accompanied by M TO WAIT! who will spend the IT PAY Mrs Feathersto-ne The Board of Transport winter in the. ci%l. X41atiy railway crossing: have*more ceeding. Canada received 0 U go IT ea 1P Connnissioners for Cai Mr and Mrs. W. R. Drummond, -1� one track, which multiplies the Via -n, -lie reports of 443 railwaty, crossing ac- -of Ste-wart Valley, Sask., visited Mrs Iamlrd to the motorist and makes t a,aac', for caution doubly great. The cidentq in the 12­monih period end- J,3. Pollock fora few day,,.; last week. A, X. These 'accidents Mrs. Pollock was their neighbour ij�!: dra-,",.ng above emphasizes one of the ed June 30th last. prim,:- dangers of the multiple-track took 140 lives and injured 549 Oth- when she resided in Saskatchewian, Is 111 L t4ed" motorists dirge- cases Ill in Hospital ilig--the train on the farther ers. In tsoi: at The many f protective devices placed friends of Miss Cather- v ih,.q ob_;cured by the. train n1ovill- garded protect crossi'n'gs for their •protection, and in into P. Rankin will be st),rry to know t in �tv,- opposite direction on the near 1�14ossi spital at Jackson- himself trouble if . he jury. Drama Group Rehersing xvaitid a second or two to, see if the edloss loss of life and in Allernbers of the reeently formed traai�.. This motorist would have others desregard of the basic rules of that she is ill in ho, had safe driving was responsible for -ne- ville, Fra., Urtl-.ur track was clear before pro- Bayfleld Drama Group are rehersing busily for their initial appauranceas TO ENLIST YOU MUST— a company in the amateur theatre. 1. Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. The group's fir,-A presentation, an ev- 2, Be between 17 and 29 years of age« erring of three one-act plays will A.B.C. of Salvation take place on the stage of the Bay- 3. Be single, To bring this anti-aircraft gun. into action calls for- Town Hall on Monday, Decem- 4. Meet Army test requirements. a full crew—skilled men trained to fight as a fast- ber I 8th. thinking, fast-,acting team. To train such "a crew taken S. Volunteer for service anywhere. New Locker Opened time: gun crews m-uist know how to Handle modern A,—ACKNOWLEDGE YOURSELF A GUILTY SINNER, A new business began in Dayfield REPORT RIGHT AWAY TQ: scientific equipment — electronics, radar, radio, tele- ( Thursday YOURSELF AND IN NEED Thursday morning lash when, Charles phone; mep must work together with the closely timed UNABLE TO SAV Scotcluner opened his new locker Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts,, co-ordination of a championship football team. OF A SAVIOU& which will be quite an 4isset to the OTTAWA, our; The Canadian Army Active Force needs men today village and surrounding clnvi�munitY. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, B.—BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS C14RISE ANA THOU • "Charle" is no newcomer to business Baslot St., KINGSTON, Ont. ­keen young men who can begin training imitedi- No. 6 Personnel Depot, Charley Park, ately as anti-aircraft gunners. You can take your place SHALT BE SAVED. Acts. 16: 31. in Bayfield, 'having opened the Bajy- Douglas Drive, TORONTO, Ont. field Hardware for 15 years, In 1042 'i : No. y Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, at the side of the men who defend Canada , ,by re. —IF THOU SHALT CONFESS WITH THY MOUTH THE Viltabeffi street, LONDON, Ott, C, he Saw the need for a. locker in the t, porting for training without delay, Act now — anti village but then wartime TOgUl4ttiOTIS AP43S-0 help make Canada strong. LORD JESUS, AND 'SHALT BELIEVE IN THINE came into force which -prevented the HERT THAT GOD HATH RAISED HIM FROM building of lockers contaffiYng 1e,§9 than 500 boxes. He did well in bus- HELP M, AKE CANADA WROMA33 THE DEAD, THOU SHALT BE SAVED. Rom.10:9 iness here and he felt that the money %MP A" 41 FOR WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME OF rade should be re-invested he had i THE LOW) SINALL BE SAV91),. Rom, 10. 13, for the bereft of the district, So ill March -4 tbis year br, applied for a A k, I normit'from' the Dept, of MP�11WIVS to build a locker plant at the top of CHAS' E. FULLErz.) 5 p.m., DST. Sundays ABC NzEworic llFor sparkling enl6rfol-riffiefif listen to "The Voice of the Arany" -Wednesday evenings Ne, 'C' Oil bill on the east qidi, of the big I — Dominion �, tw rk way It was granted in Juno and then