HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-12-07, Page 3Male Perfume Fails To Make Blondes Chase Brave Newsman By RICHARD KLEINER fume that much. It isn't often that ti,r. New •fork,—Before 1• begin this, strange hazel -eyed ladies in plaid dresses turn around in the bus to let rare go on record assaying I am look at rile. Even if she did turn a marc, a war '-veterau,oA id possess back again, it was a thrilling mom - a wife (female) No one has ever ent, and I'll cherish it. had the slightest doubts about my * * * Inasculinity. Now T can tell you that I. wear other than that one brief perfume. Or at least I wore it one encounter, encounter, nothing happened that afternoon, I haven't yet acquired made rage think nay allure had in - the habit permanently, but I wanted creased any, to test out some claims put forth At one point I went into a soda by the perfume people, They claim fountain for a cherry smash. A very a new perfume, designed - for mets, attractive brunette was parked on is "alluring to men all .over the the next stool, I acted nonchalant, world." devoting all my attention to mak- Humbug! T had it on for three ing designs on the counter with a hours (in fact, traces still linger) wet straw. So I was quite surprised and I wasn't attacked once. Only when she suddenly sniffed at me. one incident that might show that Then she spoke. the stuff may someday rtival a "Look, bud," she said, "you have diamond bracelet as a lure for the a kind face. Maybe your best friends ladies, ain't told you, so I will, Look, you I was riding home in the bus, should oughta take a hot shower There was a girl seated in front every day. Here, kid, here's a dime. of rue, wearing a plaid dress (I Go buy a cake of soap." think it was Clan McNab) and a I took the dime, of course. And pair of hazel eyes. As the wind I remembered that I'd been told the wafted my allure her way, she stuff works best on blondes. I went turned around and looked at me, oil a blonde -hunting safari. Outside *. * * a model agency, I found .plenty of Now I want to be fair about them. But they didn't even give me this thing. Her lootc night --just a smell, until finally a cute little might, mind you—have been one of thing pointed her nostrils my way. warm passion. It also might have "Hey, you," she said, with a been one of cold disdain. I couldn't friendly grin, "I think something's tell; we were going through a tun- leaking," nel at the time and the light was I assured her nothing was leak - bad, ing. All she smelled was pure un - When we got out of the tun- adulterated, masculine me. She nel, she had returned to reading mumnbled some nonsense about the the racing form. She didn't look strange people one meets in New my way again the whole trip. I can York and went her way. offer three explanations for that: But I don't feel discouraged, I (1) the wind was off; (2) the gas kind of like that stuff. It has a fumes killed my smell; or (3) she nice, masculine smell, It's hard to had found a winner, put it in words, but the way I'd But it is possible, of course, that describe is to say it's like a conabin- she had turned around because my action of one perfect rose and two smell excited .her. I'll give the per- used cigars. Attar Boy: Debonair Eddie wilat may happen,, daintily aitn lobe. Now, then, wh( `''rouble Over Profits In England 'Tajo Profits are rearing. their ugly head in- Socialist Britain. The London Economist reports that the Nottinghamshire miners' secretary has accused the National Coal Board of making toomuch )profit. At the mineworkers' annual con- ference, the secretary, Herbert Booth, told his fellow workers that, if the union leaders had permitted mine owners such profits in pre - nationalization days, the miners "would have hanged every leader there zeas." It is true that the National Coal Board, which operates the national- ized mines, is making good profit on Nottinghamshire coal; it is the most profitable of the coalfields in Britain. As such, it is being called on to help keep some of the poorer pits in business. That they should have to help carry some of the less efficiciat urines apparently doesn't appeal much to the Nottingharu- shire diggers, The workers of England who make up the backbone of the Labor Party are only beginning to learn a basic truth; there is no kind of society or government that lays heavier de.ntands ora the individual citizen than socialism, Under social-. ism, there is neither the incentive of reward that free enterprise of- fers not' the stimulus of the whip that conarnunism relies on, Self- control, hard work, self-sacrifice by the one for the many—these are indispensable (in the citizens of a society,) if socialiser is to function at all. jl� • ..hie.., wr..r. '„ fx.,w � n.a,r. tt "ol!)oWt worry ,about bow to 044 t ua bk%ek. wiell eotfia att'tat you; Angus, slightly goggle-eyed at s a little male perfume at his ear xe are ail those girls' This, however, was not the mes- sage of the Labor party prior to the 1945 elections in Britain. The talk then was of a Utopia of less work and more pay, of a new so- ciety from which the frictions and conflicts of the old would be purg- ed. The magic was to be wrought by replacing private capitalism by state capitalism. It was all to be done as simply as that. The coal miners of Nottingham- shire seen- to resent the fact that it is not easy to build . systems so perfect That no one will need to be good," -+-Business Week. Modern Etiquette Were You Puzzled? Blame The l`i•oof-Reader Lr last week's issue our "MODERN ETIQUETTE" col- umn contained the following item, which must have puzzled many of our readers. Q. When a woman extends her bare hand to a man, should lie re- move his glove before taking her band? ' A. Not at all, btu the colours must harmonize and the styles should be somewhat alike. The bridesmaids and the bride-to-be should get together many weeks before the wedding, so that they will, have ample time to plata their attire. This isn't a new sort of "double- talk." The fact is that in making tip the page one question and one answer were dropped and the proof-reader didn't happen to catch it, Put together, the whole thing makes better sense, like this. .;: ,: Q. When a woman extends her bare hand to a man, should he re- move his glove before taking her hand? A. Yes; but this is not tteces-ary r'r her hand is gloved, too. Q. Is it necessary that the gowns worn by the bridesmaids at n wed. ding be identical? A. Not at all, but the .colours must harmonize and the styles should be somewhat alike. The bridesmaids and the bride-to-be should get together many weeks before the wedding, so that they will have autple tine to Illau thoir attire, , New World Wheat King—The new Avorld's champion wheat king, 12 -year-old Rickey Sharpe, of Munson, Alta., proudly dis- plays the Canadian National Railways' trophy, emblematic of the world's wheat growing championship, and engraved silver tray which he won at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, To- ronto, together with a cheque for $100. In my time I have been called a lot of different things—good. bad, and worse. But I don't believe any- body, even my most insincere critic, ever accused rile of being a constant reader of such publications as FOR- TUXi F THE \\'ALI. S'TREFT JOUR' AL, or Till'II\.1\CIAI. POST. As the servant girl said. "1 knows tine plaice, an' I keeps it." Still, v.hen you see something in one of them that yoil d lilac to have written yourself, the natural thing to do is to s'n'ipe it. .And au editorial in a recent issue of THE FI?\A:'\TCIAI, POST said something that I, for one, leave long been hankering to say; and I am stire it will strike right home with thousands of far- mers who make their living "the bard xray"—growing tluog: and either eating diem or selling them. Should there he resentment on the part of any prize winners at The Royal Winter Fair, or other plush shows of a like nature, the squawks should be addressed to T II 1; FINANCIAL. POST, because front here in the words are front that journal. Published under the head- ing "C'EST M A C; N I F I Q U E. AIAIS--." but don't let that stop you. ,,, "No one will bogradge: 13 -Year- old Ricky Sharpe hr, world's wheat championship yin at the Royal \'Pinter• Fair. Undoubted]] the Alberta lad had the finest bushel of this grain our exhibition. Put there is little if any connection between his hand-picked sample from a 3r,�-acre plot and the com- mercial ar•heat industry of Western Canada. "Exhibits at the Ro}al are sup- posed to represent the very i:est in Canadian agriculture. In the nrain they do but not in many of these -world championship grain entries. They are so tar removed from the field of practical agriculture as to be almost absurd. "Even at ntinitnum wages, the cost of plant -selecting, hand-picking and hand -threshing of a bushel of wheat would run into a figure utterly fan- tastic when compared to that of commercial production. ;1s a de- nionstration of • k e e n eyesight, nimble fingers and abundance of patience, such exhibits may have a place, but they are of little help in practical farming. A. "As The Financial Post stated a year ago, when for the second time wheat frons a B.C. garden plot carried off the big win both at Toronto and Chicago "If tite Royal \\inter Fair and the Chicago Inter- national are unable to device wheat classes that really reflect the best in commercial production, then they better forget all about this business of wheat kings and wheat queens. If they don't some enterprising chap with a green house and lots of coal in Paffin Land will be carrying off the trophy.•" 4, 0: Now, this is inv. talking agaiii: and after re -reading for about the fourth time what has been just quoted above. I have only one thing to acid. Maybe I'd better do a little more reading in such gold - quilted periodicals sucli as those listed in my opc oing paragraph. Good, hard conation -sense writing such as that i" mighty sca,-cc, thPsr clays. '.rbc i:cst stibstitutc for actually planting and growing things is to talk, read or think: about doing so when the weather gets better, So the following remarks about new and improved sorts of bush cherries may help while away a fete idle moments, and perhaps give you some ideas is well. Aly information 2 is that the varieties referred to are being specially developed for the cold climate of the United States Northwest-, and what will gross there would probably do just as well or better in many parts of Ontario. Various types of bush cherries have been hybridized mainly for.. hardiness so that they produce fruit in areas where other cherry trees will not survive. They are, how- ever, as decorative as any flowering shrub. The smallest is the Korean cherry, which grows no higher than three feet. This in itself is unusual, for good small shrubs are rare in any locality. The varieties of Korean cherry now on the market were selected as the best from thousands of seedlings stemming from the original wild bush cherry, Their general appearance resem- bles that of the flowering almond, but they have a neater, more up- right habit of growth. The foliage is a medium. dark green and turns a bronze -red in fall. White flowers slightly tinged with pink appear before leaves, and completely cover the small branches. Around New York, the plants are in full bloom by the third week in April. At that time, only forsythia and spire- are in bloom, and so this new candidate fills the need for an early -flowering, low shrub. Red Fruits in August The bright red fruits ripen in August, and are about the same size and color as the Early Rich- mond son., cherry. Like any sour cherry, they are a bit tart when eaten raw. But they make fine jams and jellies. If the shrubs have been planted only for decoration, the fruit can be expected to hang on the branches several weeks. -It makes a bright contrast to the dart: green leaves. Ijl For ornamental purposes, Korean cherries may be used as a low, informal hedge. Their habit is so regular that little trimming is needed to keep them in bounds. They could also be placed at the front of a mixed shrub planting to hide the lcgginess of taller kinds. And, too, where low shrubs like Deutzia gra- cilis have not proved hardy, Korean cherries could be planted instead. The Nanking bush cherry (Pru- nus tornentosa) is better known. It groves taller than the Korean, reach- ing an ultimate height of about seven feet, Improved varieties have been selected and are not only organ rrarntai, but produce a surprising crop .of fruit. Although most of theta are of broad, upright growth, occasional specimens are almost columnar, Blooming a few days earlier thair the Koreans, the pale pink flowers facie to white and are delicate in appearance, Bright red fruit rip- ens in raid -August, and is about three-quarters of an inch in dia- meter, It grows in clusters close to the branches, from the ground up. These clltrries, too, are . a bit tart when eaten raw, but make excellent jam or jelly. Nanking cherries inay be planted in a ,nixed border of flowering shrubs, or as an informal ]ledge around the vegetable garden, In fact. they way be set Out any place where a seven -foot shrub is needed. Cross-pollination 1, the production of fruit is tlrc nrain reason for planting either of these cherrles, at least three of each are needed to insure cross• pollination. This is necessary if the maximum crop is to be produced, Since both cherries are resistant to disease and insects, spraying may be cut down to twice a year. Actually, a fair crop will re{ult without any spraying. Another hybrid cherry developer; for the northern regions is called Hansen. Along the East coast these cherries have not proved satisfac- tory. They do not flourish in a damp climate, and most of tire plants sold by local nurseries arc seedlings of dubious value for fruit. Put in areas where climate is suit- able, they are a=eilent both for ornamental and fruiting purposes. Only named varieties, however, should be purchased. Alot of them produce black fruit. but a new red and yellow have been originated. Here again, at least three different varieties must be planted -to insure• cross-pollination and a maximum crop. Ira the last four years there has been only one death front. diphth- eria in Toronto, a world record for a city this size. And no one is Toronto had the disease in 1949. Boston had 188 cases, Montreal 65, Winnipeg 17. That's immunization for you. f y r � r a� 4n a x ' • q "mow Valuable Spuds—Bushel basket oi the best crop of l.acrtatoes grown ill Ontario this year is shown with growers Archie (with glasses) and Dill McDougall, Strathroy brothers, who took Nonce the C -T -T. Trophy and $250 cash a -ward at the Royal, Winter Fait-, 'Coronto. 1,LD.W.Coratin, TlVlth allistmas C"eards T", habit of taking a Hasty dance at Christmas cards to note the sender and 'theca tossing them aside is :not a very satisfying one for either you or the friends who ,gva- 1caously-remember you with greetings. This year, why not put your cards on display to preserve their warmth of feeling throughout the holidays, and to lend a bright Yuletide appearance to your home. There are numbers of tricks for using Christmas cards in. your decorative scheme. Try draping an arch or door- way in greenery, bedecking it with colorful cards as they Urrive. If your window curtains are a solid color, they'll serve as•an attractive background for cards that have been -at- taehbd.to ribbons,and hung from the curta0i rods. A, .to sprays of ,greenery, tied with wade red ribbons, should he placed at the top of the window to give a :tinisbed look to your exhibit, .. il6niemakers are' given assistance in finding interesting ways to display .their holiday greetings by the inanufac- turers of the Christmas cards themselves, some of whose offerings this ;year can doublb as ornaments. These include the cardboard variety, Which fold flat f'or mailing, Land a blastic hind, which way be removed from the card to .add a sprightly sparkle wherever itos needed, At► Arautwa-y, adoietted with greens atud )holianj' axrds, tontrIbut4m 10 u festive attnosphtte attd offsets % wete+ume, 40 t uter- log soexts.