HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-12-07, Page 1.... .. ....... .. ,ZURIC,H. W_111;"I�� 5w IV. CHESTER I- SMITH, PUBLISIM11,, 4-�'50 $1,75 a Year in Advanm MORNING; DECEMBER ZURICK ONTARIO, THURSDAY MOM $2.00 in U. S. A., in Adwmft. L FAtablished J19-0-0 ST. PETEXS Evant; elical Lutheran Chur& ZURICH — ONTARIO E, W. HEINRICH, PASTOR ED saa.----:Divine Services. 11.1.5 a.m. —Sunday SochOOL ,7.3o p.m. Divine Worship. :4'varybcdy Welcome W &M Services - ldoTheatreL COMING EVENTS', ZURICH LIONS CLUB GILkND BEND FIFTH ANNUAL ?resents for Your, Enjoyment. thC Following Attractions � � B Ingo Fn Friday, Saturdq59 December 8-9. A Double Bill AT THE KILL THE EMPIRE Community Centre, Zurich Starring'Wm. Bendix and Others Also Wed.. De -,A-... 13th SMOKY MOUNTAIN MELODY 8.30 p.m Sharp N 0 K M A':5 (RAG RUGS and CARPET5 BEAUTY S HOPPE FOR APPOINTIARISMOn a New Modem Loom, Made W I A Tel. 228.Zurich Order Seth O. Amann, ZuAA NORMA STEINB . ACH - Pr lOnt. Phone 128. Fractured Arm Mr k Adolph C. Kalbfleiseh of town '6 ` µ s x met with a painful accident when .,Ia > he supped on the icy streets las": Fine 6"mil".8i 0 week and fractured her arm. Her many. friends wish her a speeay re- coverY.. iFrom Hess the Jeweler Christmas Draws Nearer EDAYVIAWEL The Raklio Star Roy Acuff, and his I TURKEYS 1 BRIDAL vvKIST AND BLUE BIRD; Smoky Mountain Boys. Be sure to. GEESE A, die. nays are passing along we CHICKENS look : ! EVANGELiCAL U. B. CHURCH see and hear him! 1 6 at tl,,! calander and notice that DIAMOND RINGS, SIGNET AND Two Show. 7.30 and 9.30'. AND $25.00 FREE BINGO Ithere areonly 15 more shopping days STONE SET RINGS "T11 U'A; Shows: PLUS 10 FREE GAMES before. Chri.,tinas, which this year BULOVA, CERTINA AND ELCO! Zurich 0ntario Monday, Tuesday Dec. 1.1-12 General t%dinission 50 Cents —1 falls oil a. Monday. As usual, the WATCHES CHANGE NOW publiq� are asked to do their shopp- BRIDE FOR SALE ling e%rly and avoid that last minute COMMUNITY AND ROGERS FINE To the Coal you can depend on thW REV. H. E. ROPIPEL winter. Solve Your heating problems Claudette Colbert •and Robert Young rush,'which always 14; so confusing, nn iu SILVERWARE. CUCKOO CLOCKS, this easy way and change to the coal Minister bu M to ba,��li buyer and seller. The var- would like to say Yes to a man that will definitely She Q., GO ANNIVERSARY CLOCKS, assure you _;a - with -a million. jous places of business ill Zurich are R/Fys. Milton Oesch - 01,S&Mist offerhig a fine line, of merchandise MANTLE CLOCKS tinuous heat throughout the wintw News Reel and Shorts. Imonths. And remember — BLUE One Show 8:30 P.M.' Will be coming to Zurich, on froth you can select many use- S1 Gun -day Services.— fill aarld worthwhile gifts for your TOASTERS, IRONS, MIXMASTER jCOAL burns better and lasts longer, P10.00 a.m.—Divine WOrsh4- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16th- pleas:4re. Make this a most Profit- AND ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES At 4 p.m. able ;Yuletide Season by giving gift FOR EVERY NEED L1.00 am.—Bible SchooL IN MEMORIAM All Children ;Yuletide of the CominunitY are that tire useful. The business'placesCHOOSE NO'W! LORNE E. HAY 'T .30 p.r.q.—Divine Wvrship. requor;ted to be present, for this of Z�oicb are vew -attractive deaor- Annual Event. sted in keeping with the occasion. Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 673r Leibold Zurich Lions Club.' Buy from your local merchant if at c " Welcome at AU 50r-iC0G—,CQM6 In loving memory Of A 03 S H E N S A L L thou, with us and wo urill do, thee wiiliani Lelbold Of Zurich, Ont-, all possible, ,Ljocd." Num. 10:29. who pAused away one year ago Dec -Jeweler and Registered Roe's Vitirnized Fee" MARRIED AT ZURICH as Sixth, 48. Ever rem _Mb - ember SL , 19 1 NOPH Optician. ered and sadly missed by his wile Bierling - Clausius and family. THE PLACE—CominunitY Centre, A`' Met 'but pretty wedding took Saturday, December 2nd, in Zurich. plat Mon. the Jutlieran Church -qanse Zurich, fa THE TIME—New Year's Night, 0 wile Orna Amelia Clausius, daugh- :�4 11 (it u a NOTICE day January 1st. #-ttg-val ius, OD ter 111r and Mrs. Henry Claus Elmer As I have, sold my Barbering THE EVENT—Gala New'Years' Cel- of.. ich, became the. bride of E Are You SuSfedna Fromebration and Dance. Bie.11- , son of Mr. and _\�Irs- Win. 9 Business at Grand Bend, I will open-FOT S—Keep this Night ill Bier g of the Dlue Water High - my shop at the house perrnan-!YES LK ate 46* i 1- Z4r*icil, Hockey way' Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Haada&em? tly.—A. G. Edighoffer, Phone Inid) the Hav Township, Rev. E. W. 28D en i , or you Enter- He'. -liell officiating. The -bride looked Club will PresOlt 1 Have your :ftvo )Tx&Mta0d Wa tainment ,, C Private Car Ambuda-xice Service t— ala Celebration and love -in a gown of white slipper I 'PAS Latest 11jetholr, tmd X_qt-j1=znt at TO OUR ADVERTISERS Dance, with mu.4de being supplied sat", ,vdth slight train. She wore aHospi tal Bed and Wheelchair for Rent Q ht strand pearl necklace, a gift In - order to have our Paper 90 to Desjt ay�ljllel,-, OrchvAra. Ili A. L., CQIE, ELO- - ­'I.Al time Thursday i HATS. HORNS AND PRIZES of- gro,om, and aba-ried a bouquet M FLOWERS FOR ALL, OCCASIONS dd JJ In Remember the Date! of rte . mumt�. She rwas ten e ask our adv., 3- Susan who Day and Night SeMce AN morning, we must 'St. K, Reichert, w OPTOMETRIST -rchange-of ads. noi MONDAY, JANUARY, 1 as -406ir n�-IV gowned in sky blue there :7,89� -to bring in 01r, Te,1601 . I22,' ZWICK GO DMXCK — ONT- later than Tuesday forenoon. Please ­ Miscellaneous Shower taffeta and -carried yellow mums.. one: Res - Good Glas9w ft� )"'lawbia MON co,operate with us.—Thanks! A, very pleasant event tool- place Little Karen Ann Clausius, niece of - the bride, looked pretty as flower in the Zurich Town Hall, 10n November 29th, in the evening when a mil- girl, dressed in yellow taffeta and 1077.1,e cellaneous shower was tendered in carrying white and mauve mums. 2 'hie brother'of the 43 Miss Helena Clausius - , bride Hugo Clau ill After 07 01A AM 2_a C10 honor of her bride was best mai _10(trry Who was invited to take 'ter the 0 4, elect, ice 3 served z chair, when a wedding a lovely dinner was 1 �4 C', s at the home b7� place ill a decorated I, �rt nicely tril-nined in pink and to about forty guest of TuiwraL Db"rccto basl r which a reception was 0 0 J white & 1�oplied held at I wroth- L and overflowing with giftswas the bride after YN 11cinia -lorb Biorlln.V's farm, 7f 0)� �� Member of ()atario Funeral As I sociation presented to her. CN -11 ine 4 - of the kind Tern- er olthe groom. The bride and lany thanks % Holder of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST AID CERTIFICATE with 11. friends and will grooln left oil a short triP to eastern 4 enibrances from her se them. points. For traveling the bridewore -4 think of t1le'n as she will u Equipment - 1 much a grey ensemble with pink corsage. 0 with the best cines 4 Poftble- OXYGEN Contests were ill order with s farin We are ever at your servico 4 R TO LOAN interest. Delicious refreshments were They will reside on the groom" _4NVALID CHAIR (,11 t, 4 IJOSPITAL BEDS TO RENT "Q9 An address was read by . .3e r.l,.1e Water Highway, Hay. obtainable of 4 NURSERIES served. which rea., as fel- -1 FRESH FLOWERS SUppLIED FROM MITCHELL Verginla De.jellert Lions Club News FRESH GROCERIES .WE WIRE ANYWHERE lows: Zurich, November 21), 1950. "Showboat" Packs Theatre 0 .411 Fresh Vegetables� Fruits in Season as wellas On learning of Your - 0 - 4 Dashwood. Tel. 70W. Dear Helma, The Exeter Lions with their min 0 Canned Fruits and N/e,etables on hand Hour SerViCe approaching marriage, •'we wyloul. ' fri_�strel show "The Showboat" were 24 ends of Z " jai-, and community, have rite P 'Lunch continued gTeeted. with a full house in I (00 11�uts - and Confectionery in suppl3l 4 0 Oil andies aqsembled to wish Y`Ou Aldol Theatre at Grand Bend happiness Oil the sea of inacrinioliV, think Wednesday evening last. The 0 GIVE US A CALL and a, you look at 111,117"ift90, McElroy, P"(,­ jll1lillg not the end of `vas welcomed by I ric I Club! of it ns the be", e sident of the Grand Pend Lion Q 14 IE I '-B I a wonderful adventure, which call b 0 4 a ora f, accord- I allure, Guests of Lio"Is ..ucce4, made I - 10 to 00 you and Your Exeter — More� than 60 boys 0 ing to the plan which v ie 19 future husband desire to follow. 10 years were guests of thO Ilio" Phone 165 1 Not with any. thouP4111 of the value, Club at a banquet in the High School 's PRODUCE 'ft'ANTED- 4 4 4 "wre, but as a symbol or token of the est- cafateriz. The highlight of the ev- U which we hold You (both) the ening for the boy: came when W. G. cem in whi a Cochrane introduced Joe KlukaY -11101 Uw�x would a�k \*Oil to arcept from W d we trust that You Maple Sleeker of the Toronto- ) 4 these M-ift;, a"' e to thein much hockey .Iq , V team, who spok OUR BARGAIN COUNTER may e\pei,jerce a� ch ple,18111'0, in 'Teaf 1, tile . game and the tral"i"IT little service tiloy rencter, SEE whatever about sa y to ul hockey as we have had in 'r be a successful givin�4, tlWill. iiles, Men's WGTk C Of Girl's Dresses, Blouses, Snow Suits, Etc. We again wish 1y'ou and YOul's a plalyier. le,h, perit-,V apl)h pro., full store of ll "Showboat" At Zurichs Overalls, Work 15 PAIRS OF GIRL'S SKI PANTS and Christian blessing.The. outqtaiiding Minstrel Show We have a Good SuPPIY of Men Signed on behalf of your relative:? "Here Comes The Showboat" Put Oil ants, Shirts and Work Socks. Also a fine and '�riends. by the Exeter Lions Club was shownP 'bip, Community Centre, Zur'cll The Voice of Temperance on- in the evening ith ' od stock of Fall and Winter Underwear. Nvi 190 In 1934 beverage 3.00in�s were ,open- 0 would not .1 that, attendance. Although on Special I Ontario. It wa`1 lit massive hall to be *ff Extra ed il A more beer drinking wOul(l "Osult ill expect th put there Was a fille -0 0 l.ing. would mod full. Lions W OT -a Price less hard liquor drin, Yin- attendance, .111(l the visiting To Clear at 01le-Third Off Regular drullkennQss and 1100tle'Z9, were well $,it - what well ti ., le home Club ax. After;15 yeai ill(., turnout, as both of MEN'S WORK SHOES AND RUBBER 4 wouldbe 'dis',tpiw, - with ,he facts? Thore has b00l more '-'4fiod w �luel) the 'oetter 15 PAIR ALL WOOL BLANKETS are r)3,qc/(. Ooiltl,ary to their' -treasuries were r Club BOOTS. beer by bef.11 lior, after the showing. This visiting promise,, there 6s also or". There has all outstanding •Show, with ,lot Men, hard liquor drinking 300',' , 11 whit and hunl0l', all(i be,4d(m Also a big variety- of Rubber Footwear for 11 convlctiol)�L, rot, of fu -nore s also be there CaTe a, goo(li, been inore ,, number of i FRUITS lkenlieSS by and inorc"CO11- I -­:iolls n d , -* Women and Children. FRESH GROCERIES drui flion"bful presentations, vieto.11s of (1rt;lik1ii01+.; A1110111; "Vomoll Naturally, 011e 1cok,; foi' :t goo" Itall"A"ll GIVE US A CALL! CURED MEATS x.. As for bootlegfxlll� Ill tell J�v 243re .1 his kind, 3 2 w,ed ii� attending a show of t VEGETABLES �kpy �,urvl- had it, Darrfister S ON HAND lars, conviction,., titre y li. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAY 'Ne" i, made or, ,011, convicted f What IT; 1,el IF REQUESTED, WE DELIVER Bell, K. C of Exetor, 1 0 a( -1creased by -12 111te'r1o,kor, ,tll(l ilitrod- (aluFOR SERVICE! Jacob f in 11, _11 iiing record for "0t�co(V number: The GIVE US A CALL ants ho thb, by Lion I Zurich l I ^`then it will 111Lve to Put L"') wltl Canada Haloever, President of the Phone 11-97 1 toll of evil. The Call nullity centre liltilIg iTiol: ave., Huron Covllltv�Glub- this iieW 0,0111111 E. Schwartzentruber, FrOP, 'Temperance Act save: -their wonderful place to wmwl"mi INEWWWrAo C. H. THIEL Zurich rroin the bevem, ge room$ and Hall isa Inost kind. I ^VAN ww" WM " r Phone 140 evil spawn—Advt. hold an. v0llt Of t1li-15