Zurich Herald, 1950-11-30, Page 6tly IXl3IT l tC
No reader of a strictly mai
column such as this -.vouid •--- i
hope •-•- be .likely ever to have i
dulged in a low-down pastime sur
as the one known as Fara. Ili fat
outside .of Reno, 141ianli, and a fe
other warmish spots, little Faro
played nowadays. however, se,
cral phrases connected with ti:
game have become almost a pa;
of the language, such as "gettin
down to gases," "playing them wit
a copper oli" to menton just
In Faro, we might explain, yon
can bet a card either to twin or ti
lose; and if you do the latter yol
are playing it with a copper oil.'
(In passing, we sincerely wish they
had sone similar system on Th(
Turf, because if we were ever al•
lowed to pick ---•• and wager on —
horses to lose, we would now prob-
ably own several race tracks of our
own, and not be flogging a long-
suffering typewriter for an exist-
What is more to the paint, just
think: of what a gulden opport-
unity was missed at the start of
the now -defunct Canadian football
season, What a clean-up could have
been made if somebody -- prefer-
ably ourself — had pussesscd en-
ough Tnoxic to take all the "expert"
selections and forecasts, and play
them with the copper oil!
* M *
Let ns see now. In the Big Four
—or "Little All American" as some
of us prefer to call it — a few of
the prognosticators weren't certain
whether the 'Moutreal Alottettes or
the Ottawa Rough Riders ;would
take it all. Still, must of them cal-
led the final standing as Ottawa,
Montreal, Hamilton, Toronto, The
real order of finish, as you probably
recall, was the exact reverse of
that• 'Y'es, indeed, somebody who
didn't consider gambling immoral
—except, of course, when you lose
—could have picked up a nice piece
of change right there,
:k �' k •
In the Intercollegiate, it was
much, the sante thing, McGill,
quoth the seers -- especially those
around ro nd that dear oldlforryell —
much t00r
St All f
the res
g or t
of the lads. As tes
went on
we were told that McGill was not
only a great team, but probably
the finest ever to perform in col-
legiate circles.
Well, Maybe they were; but they
didn't act that way when .the chips
were down. And the wettest crying
towels hung out the Monday morn-
ing after the Western - McGill
playoff by no means belonged to
members of the Montreal rooting
section. Several of those towels
were the property of folks in other
parts who — forgetting that the
experts who had been so consistent-
ly wrong all Autumn could slip up
again — followed the "wise money"
and bet on McGill instead of taking
some, of the juicy odds that were
being offered against Western,
* *
It would be laboring a point un-
necessarily to refer at length to
Western Football. Vire all knew,
because we lead been informed
enough times, that the Calgary
Stampeders were a cinch to repeat
for the Western title, and probably
for the Dominion Championship too
—the biggest cinch that had conte
up since one Thomas Dewey was
running for President of the Uuited
States. One would have got you
at least five if you'd had nerve
enough to bet that the Stampeders
wouldn't take the trip east—twenty
or more if you'd said they wouldn't
even get into their league playoffs.
Yes, this has been a season of
golden opportunities missed by the
bushel—a season when you didn't
Bleed to even get out the form charts
and try and pick them for yourself.
All that was necessary was to let
the experts make their selections—
then bet those selections with the
copper on and be sitting snug and i
cosy all winter long.
Still, you didn't do so, and what's s
the use of our rubbing it in? But, d
for that platter, NEITHER DID
WE, Unless the Argos manage to I1
knock off the Winnipeg Blue Bon~- t'
hers — a matter still in doubt as
we write these lines — this will
go down in history as one season
when we didn't win a single foot- t
ball wager.
But -- to try and finish ora a
.Slightly more allegro strain—this
will also go down in history as one
season when we didn't make one
single football forecast or progno-
sis- Which is why we feel free to
take a few friendly jabs at those
cglunnist's and sports writers who
All About Eve, In Clevelarlu"
William J. Day asked a court to
free hint from his legal obligation
to pay $12,100 back alimony to his
ex-wife Eve on the grounds that
she had (1) waited 25 years to de.
mand a financial settlement of
their divorce, (2) during those
29 years married six other •pled,
Slick Tips for Winter Safety -
0( �
HOW CAN x C.,l,if
�lVisster drive isag, ti� ttls its slippery roads ttssrl fci eel vl indsllields, ied n ,
calls for extra caution on the stead. 111'ere are s.onle tips by triflic BY Anne Ashley
safety experts ztitasetl at keeplzafr you alis a and ycaur Oar urs• i ADW ctttc cs }anti sALI,
Q I•Io I
w can Ieluove Indelible a)rt'ED1BISli, and aaattaty ttaleheti pullets
l:atllr?d tlarOtl Ila the wiliter' ink stains from a garment? are the ones that lua large eggs when MV1411IrRSON Family, of Bother well,
Sc°tlnnd F"ntous 100 rear Fr•ult Cake
A. Equal parts Of turpentille and rg9 prices ;ire at the peak, 13VCOI-o buying Recipe, $1.(10, Ilathded down through gen.
send for our early dellvery price )let for orations, nothing lilts ft, 110bY 'Watson
re gyp, aninionia will remove these $twills., our R.O,P. sired chicks. We have special t"regcr, Plalnileld, Iowa.
'C �p ✓ yW" Saturate the cloth thoroughly ill this ~'reeds and crossen of layet;s anal others
for brollers. Turkey Ponits. also older put- 2000 YIPS, TIMHA.D 650
solution, allow to Soak for a feAv lets 1N waulca to Inl-iut;, 1'rea Catalogue,
For hand lir ntaelflue. t`bnice of all colors.
minutes, and then rinse well ill Ttvccidlu Chick Hatcht"'le:: Limited, 1''ergus,-POstpaict' }t'r'ite 2;oma Sewers SuIvIles,
t �� •�+ ��+�\ , ' onitulu 41,,4 Ht. Lawrcnce ITlecl., Montreal, we
�ttrtt\�� warin water. - -- also "take cloth euvered bitttone, bueltles,
jf k t k IfT l lxmsti ol'I,ortlT \Il'II S - belts wit]' your motorial, wrjto tot• free
1 i _catalogue,
A SIIe tl, r]tiSIAIuFN in , nor la:tnd. link° �
Q. How can I protect a rose bed BOATS
- .- P big mortry selling t un•t.Ill's highest
n� during the winter? gnnlity shoes. No ,%vo l,nce or invest- PRO`+PECTIVFI Beat Buyers, Design Issue
1 ��.`, a tnont needs
t - �A� A. Place a frlilic Of boards d. Exrlusirt- trrr,tary. c annh'ca o1 ltaalln9 Dingazine c•ontuins designs
selling enters supplle!1 Free. \write today of sailing ainghics, auth11ordr, )nboards,
- - - - ^ ^= ' • Mme al'ound it and till ill the spaces be- el u'lltell Shon (.'om- cruisers, auxiliary salillig craft, to help
• /,�� _ •a• _ far full Information to
Pavy, 430 11119 sty vt West, Toronto, you choose (110 boat y,al want. (.let your
►�.. .�-- _ tween the bushes tvitlx leaves, 7'lie
Canada' copy now by sending 2; ants in stamps or
t /Adjust speed leave$ Will not' blow arm), if a few IS:Li' guoa eonnnleonaml:,slutt srl]htg chlelts for Coln to 1311"11119 ,llel;•azirte, 347 Adelaide
t p. d t0 conditions. QIIUw speed pattern set by $111,111 tree braliClieti are pJaced Oil one of Canadas )nrgc t and best Itnown Street, twrsl, Toronto,_
majority of drivers. Keep windshield and wrindows clear 1110717, Canndian Approved 11nt hence. I Jbernl 1.A Ii 1P•., lrAF4lV1., l'oul0usn elteoe, $8.00.
Of Sj10w and ICek lower windows t0 Ftta117tailr $Ido r•m»ntission paid, Pull I'iurlaulam. a3ox 13,
k :k :° "antlers $10,00, holo 1 xhibition Stock,
Vision I.3-dAtlr Rtrret, yew rnruutn Ont�rfo. t.00tl Inyhtr;• strain. t9.nit 13rycan, Wyont-
1 if necessary. Q. How can I make a good hair crus lr; whut Sun'vs"t a•e•Lti lni,9ting for. ing, Ontario, _
tonic? felt housewives Ont^ tithe flavurs. Big --
t r� rcw lie business everywhere• Agents de- TOULUI 41,, African t;w•at gailliers $8.00
! 5 t .�. AUX One Ounce of the best Cas- ]ig}vr•d. uur business rlonhle,l jest year, cavil,Chinese Mori each, H. Iiottmeter,
' for Oil, tri'0 O117IC0S Don't Inas this 1 ith r six. Craig taros., R, 1, ronlhilt, Ontario'
Of FTet1Cl1 \iur:,nra Falls• ()nt it,u_ 50 ACRE;;, MUST °f sell, 28 "ares good
bralld,V, and two Ounces of bay rinn. �
bush. gond runlet' ui-,
CGS)O\I ANN; LNlr able. guucl buildings; roadarplotcel°cavill-
It tun
�h it s'ors lridcs f ]-Wimps —leather, cow ter. Army I!hrvnesl Ptuk, t*rnnuue, Ont.
How can I cause coal to burn ,n,i horse ;tides far rebel, hear, fox,
��•�- - ^-^'••."e'•'a•'•f more slowly? rabbit, .sheep shiny, deer hides. rut; lea. �11E1)ICAL - -�
cher. J. T.'Galarneau, St. Tim
athae, Beau -
I 3 ��• �,, :,• I
A. It is clai111rd that if the goal hurunl.s Co., Glue, ,
�v °"w " i'•' is s Tinkled with a solution of , 2 ITS EXCELLENT -.-Real Results
„'•�9 .n r j�L ^"`.m�'i*i!jiiiii:i:.^`.;,»-..; :lllili p I!----.'."� :—......-•..^•_-^-__.' �_.--__
t VEINtl AND CLI,AININcI after taking Dixon's Remedy for
4 ;1 pound Of washing socia to a gallon -- --- --___— _
of hater, :1 few Hari you anything needs dyainr; or clean• Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis.
M " tt Bays before burn- ing~ cvrna ca u
f h ' tl:itaii;al ?i •:,,:;.;; ;:; : s for information we IVIUNRO S DRSTORE,
�.......................:... .. ing, the coal will burn more slowly are Willa to answer your questions r)e• 335 Elgin, UG tt
pertinent 11, Parker's Dye Worlta Limlted, cg'1,25 E- Ottawa
and also give more heat. 791 Ynnge Street. lorttnlo, Ontario Express Prepaid
Normal use of brakes on a slippery surface may lock the k k Volt S:Ar,ic C'TL.ESS JIFNION SALVI, — i'or amazing
wheels and throw your vehicle out of control. Use an Q. How can I render the taste MOTORCYCLES,Curley Uavldson. Naw relief. Your .Druggist sena L'RESS.
intermittent brake application for stops. In an erner- of disagreeable medicine more Pala- and used, bought, bald, exchanged Large UNWANTED HAIR
g disengage clutch end jab brake rapidly. table? acaek of guaranteed used motorcycles. Re. Eradicated from any )art of tine ood7
rut Ingredient.t. and will pairs by factory-tralned nnechanles. 131• tvitli Saeu-Pelo, a remarkable discovery
Orange peel, or fa
A. If one ;fill t-lieN• a piCCC Of cycles• and complete line of wbsel goods,
also Guns. Boats and .,ohnson Outboard of the age. d'elo cautatny n( har»t-
lse a fitly bit OfMotors open drshvrs LUr hair
` Cayenne pepper before taking any WedneudaY. StrtndlCycle ngs n&ISports,aIf;ins xcept roUG.
CIIAl1dS 4itd disagreeable medicine, it will relh- at Sanford. Hamilton Lott-ItLEk I,cAI1Olt;imtjRl[s7N
k Q ,e t REAR WHEELS b c7a c,nmure str•ert.
clef the mecliciue tasteless Or pala- LI,SSEDI your meat bills, Raise rabbits. V011COuver, 11.4',
•, �� �=�.
table. Booklet, hutch plan, and price list, 25c.
Carter's Rabbitry, Chllllwack, B.C. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE
/ Nety t:unranteed 1101;\1u'C one-
mon Ch1ht BA\t5I[ lh'a torment of c1rY eczema rashes
8�,4"EUR L SAWN with ropy starter -- and weonins sxtht troubjts. Post's Ocze.
-y Q. How can I keep the flavor in $249.00 with ma salve will not tro
c` ) RUBBER _ — _ eating apples? �ctuind st.arler - $275.00. Equipped witty disappoint you.
0" or 24" biadea and the new Smith Itching, scaling, burning eczetnn, acne,
L f° _ j A. 1 atillg al)p1C5 tt'tll keep their •Planer Chain. Sales `1'ax extra If appli- ringwoim, pimples and athlete's foot, will
-• ,�� z so flavor ninth better•, cable. two fake irndes, respond readily to the stainless, odorless
" t a+ LsaL7 and will IIOt
rot, if one will ; 8311 H-CALVEIL LT.1r1TED ointment, rei;ardicss of how stubborn or
_ "lie the til11C to 6_47 Woolrtielt tit., - C.VEM1'Il, ont• hOPcltss Lhey iecm.
169 FT, x, ��� wrap each apple in clean paper. ERI.1E!IINC Cecsc fru";P1tiCIS $1.06 PER JAR
lige of nigh dsoducl»g records, selected Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price
Prom 2,500 birds. Geese Diuislou of the
Tire chains are the most., effective self-help for the -mo- Q. How can I clean felt hats Brethren, nt•i91nt, Out. 886 Rucen St. E., Corner of Logan. Toronto
torist in increasing traction oil icy and snowy surfaces, satiwfactorily? VENEER 3iachIna swualilo for malting 13:4CELLT,NT GIFT, "Grave Cure" nook,
A. Acid ei'ott Tl1 Cheese Box or Musket Veneer. J. R. $3.15. Tumor, Arthritis. Cataract, Gntt-
Remember that chains do not provide steeling control so t, gasoline. to a tea- Ice»nedr, 584 William Street, Cabourg. atones,
Clip of flour to make a paste. Rub Phone I385VP. Sinus, Ulcers, Anemin, Catarrh,
it�CeSSary oil C4irVB5, 1
this on with a brush and let ii Obesity, etc- treated sura-.a,siuny nature's
1'CpU7',TRi.' for Sale. Light 13rahmns, Dark Way by "Crape Diet." Al, Peterson, 03472
Cll'y": Then brUSll Off nrahmas, PartrI,lge Cochlns, Rhode Is- Larclunont, ~•lint, Ditch.
`' t'" _ brush. WIt11 a Stiff Bled I;and mbur3gse Also "Villenbleun.bantnns OPPORTUNITIES FOTI nIL', & WOMEN
Kay-Sh. Farm. Iruquols, Ontario.
�'C(j atirav IJr+'ERE power unit, 35 H.P. tcitlt PLAY THE PIANO BY EAR
� belt pulley and radiator. Also Vessot McSY, proven method, Universal Distribut-
hY OUr Children Ing, Box 200, Toronto.
� v ° • � »i '' ` grain grinder, 11 -Inch heavy duty, Walter
Should �� MI. BuMhoider, Markham, Ontario, R.R.1.
k.•����':; ��•,::::::::�.�'!:::::.::::>I;:;;;::::sss3191 In an age wile Direct from the stage: technique i Great Opportunity Learn
/ r.,..>..•,;:.::::::;:,::::::<.:•:.•o-r.,,•,,,,:.., ;,;i;l,l g 11 mechanical aids H"iraressJns '
1;:..,,::.:.;.::::::.::::;::;:::-:.:.;:;:::;.:,•::.:.::>:: • r seldom successful i
are multiplying in 1 with these groups. Pleasant afsniaed prnressi
P Y g in Inp P on, good tva e
s field s a
t e
- of
Tlt. f
activit • Ts is tangible evidence that loomsuccessim Marvel gin duares
y should we 'lot lean' America's r
4 Greatest est , •
S st
� em
audiences 1 en
ce are s1e
not keen een fA '
1 r li
them, informal
e r a
n I
h rt
1 t illustrated ustr
OC t d C
occupation ' Catalog -lit t
ti otoF
o s
11 Free
and e
z d
enter- -
_ entertainment—such
la a
t 'as a
amsC I
tea it
r 4h ( -
n '
111 td
their AR 'E'
air Z L FIA r
aloud ItD13Esslxp scxooLs
leisure hours? Do not books and : with its opportunities for 358 Slnnr an es Toronto
Follow other Vehicles 'at a safe enough distance to • 'erlvlit.•• personal choice and for short pauses Brattches:
F reading aloud belong to a bygone for discussion, abundantly provides, 44 King St • Hamilton
a stop or allow ample room for gaffing out of da11�•er if
the vehicle ahead should suddenly gstop. Multiple coif order' when life tras More, static, P .z Rh7eau st.. Ottawa
p p when people had more time for These are times, you may say, LEA.R_N PIA:70 BY LAIC. Quickly. Faatest
!ts►ons Bre frequent on icy roads, when a child's education has to be syetem ever invented, young or old can
reflection and, for savoring all the learn. W`rlte: George Conner, Dept. u.,
Nuances of the written Word, and very practical, when even his leis= Cheney, Kansas, 'U.S.A.
children had time to live With their are boars must yield some practical PATENTS
Modern Etiquette
tions should be sent to a family favorite heroes and heroines, sitar- advantage. With its possibilities for AN orrER to every inventor—Lest of in -
where there are several grown sons ing experience, which were often holding character, for opening ventions and Pull information Pa sent tree,
and daughters? £aroutside their own daily round? wider vistas of life and people, and The 1 11 '1] 73 13 Co., Registered Ott Patent Attor•
BY Roberta Lee g P p Heys, 273 Banit street. Ottawa.
A. Send one invitation addressed Surrounded by all 'the excite- as a source of new interests, what treys. 2 RSTUNI3AUG1] & Company, Pa -
to the father and mother, and a ments of modern living, with the is more practical than reading? Bayne str
eet, tornnto.Established
otlSOO, 85Q
Q. When a girl has been, intro- separate one to each of the sons notion picture theatre just around The leader of a Bnolilet
duced to a young man, and is leav- popular quiz -tion on request.
ing him, should she say that she arid daughters. the corner and the radio and tele- kid" program was once asked how
is glad to have met him? * k vision in the living roost, sully he chose the 'kids." Was it by SALES 1WLP IVANTED
Q. How should a maid hold a should we expect the child to lose SELL Popular $3 fire e.YLJAgu is er whole -
A. No, It is the man's place to their marls and general record in sate or a]ret:l. Liberal profits exelusiv®
say this, to which she may reply, dish as she presents it to the guests himself in a book, even though, by school? He replied that, while territory,
er itolnir
rlaeini-BILLER , so42 Roslyn
"Thank you." If he makes no such at a dinner table? so doing, he broadens and deepens their glades in school were an mi -
statement, then a smile and a A. The dish should be held flat his own world incalculably? portant factor, he always inquired 1VANTEI)
"good -by" is all that is necessary, on the palm of her left Band, and Or, consider the about their reading interests. When FAItIrER, tvjfo arta 1 child wlsh to rent
question from about I50 -acre farm. Guarantee to improve
* * presented at the left of the guest. another angle. Are we villin lie had to choose between a child property, would consider going concern.
Q. When drinking any kind of If the dish is hot a na lcin can a g with high marks in school but who Ronly to D. O'Brien, 341 Pape Avenue.
P that our children should miss ilia Toronto.
refreshment, should a little be left be used as a pact underneath. fine experiences of reading, merely diel Tittle outside reading, and one
in the glass? 'k k k whose marks were lower but who
because plenty of easily assfn111ated
A. One may drink all of it. But Q When a woman extends her entertainment lies ready to their had wide reacting interests, he a1- — — TARPAULINS —
he should avoid throwing back the bare hand to a man, should he re- hand? The old saying, "Easy come; trays chose the good reader, he Give
head, or turning the glass upside move his glove before taking her els " said, I waterproof. Beat quality. Pones in.
hand? y go, is usually- applied to ma- elude delivery to nearest station. Name
down to drain it. terial A discussion of the place read- I lettered free, 8RIO $11.50: IOxI2 l
rk * * A. Not at all, but the colours possessions. It is true also ing should have in a child's ex- MAO: 12x15 $25,50; 15x20 $4450.
Q. When writin to an ac wain- must harmonize and the styles of those that are less obvious, al- perience does not rule out the I Other sizca Ise jar sq. ft. rmmnae l
g« q should be somewhat alike. The though no less tangible, Shall we money order.
tante who calls you Mrs. Bridges," rob our children of the rich rewards t• clues of good radio and tele- CANVAS SPECIALTY CO.
how should you sign the letter? bridesmaids and the bride-to-be vision entertainment; it is a re- , 1110 range St., Toronto
should get together many weeks of wide reading 1)y accustoming ponder that they should not _
A. As 'Mary Bridges." before the wedding, so that they them to be concent with entertain- —
* * r men; which requires the least supplant his opportunities to ad -
Q. Is if necessary for a hostess will have ample time to plan their venture and to grow in the world
to rise when attire. effort? of books. It augurs happily for the g �+
greeting a guest who A child Who is started earl with ���h ,a Q @C� s o Itch
has just arrived, and other guests Doll Y future of children and of books that of
are present? Ikon -Skid Rawls g Picture books—Mian and Dad there are still children who tura
A. Yes, always. A hostess is very enjoying tile"' with hint—twill, as to reading naturally, to whom it is I Was [Nearly Crazy
discourteous who does not rise to 'Nonskid nixing bowls that hold on of a tinkgrows le when have
have i not a ho necessity—that canb�Ol�h {re are children limas I rliefdiscoveredD Dr. D. D. Dennis' m»axon -
1y test reties -D, D. D, , liquiIrtion. Word
greet every guest, and also when their position, and ababy-feeding been a natural and deli fitful o eadln and speeds this pure, cooling,rom cruel medication
g speeds y ec arra comfort from sa itching
taking leave of each departing guest. bowl that g part become good readers—olid that causal other eItch pimples, rashes, athlete's
k Junior or Sissy can't of his life. As his tastes become there are adults hvho are sufficiently Greaselesss, ist sers000thes, checkstraw red
tip over have matte their bow. more mature, and Muniland Dad enthusiastic and well informed to Prescription
Q. When a marriage engagement itch or money back, ry druggist for en D, D,
has been broken, is the girl en- A rubber suction base holds the continue their companionship in his strengthen and (ordinary or earl strength),
bowls in place, The 1111x1119 bowl reading, what a Pleasant source of ons footsteps of youthin thesewelltitled to consider the gifts and en» can be adjusted for right -or -left_ good fancily conversation books be- trodden and rewarding paths.
(agement ring the man has given .ISSUE 48 — 1950
ler as belonging to her? hand stirring of a calve. The base cooter In these clays, ;when the
A.No; she should return all Permits the' bowl to tilt handily, centre of family interest is threat -
hese. but grips it tight so you have both eked by the scattering of objectives
w k * hands ,free for adding ingredients, within the family, the strong link.
Q. Is it permissible to pick up Pop and other amateur cooks in tliat a mutual interest in books .
chop bone with the fingere, when the family won't leave such messy gives is not to be lightly overlooked.
sting? table tops, it's promised, when this It may be fostered by reading aloud
A. No, One should sacrifice any mixing bowl is used. It comes in and become a source of much more
teat that cannot be cut off with two types of material--oven-safe intimate and personal enjoyment n
'e knife or fork• pottery and aluminum. than listening to the radio or watch -
The baby -feeding version is a ing a television show writes Ethel
Q. Flow many wedding invite- small glass bawl, attractively de- C. Ince in the Chistian Science
corated. Inquisitive little fingers
Experts in television find that
"'We ,need a change . Let's
Swim COUNTERelockwise to.
can t t it over, or shove it to the-
uum seal features telecast into houses must
floor, A "GriP-Tito" vac
bowl fast to Junior's
base holds the have a special personal slant for
high -chair shelf. small audiences enjoying their en-
tertainnient within the family,
WAl•rA*lrulttls, I'LLSHOW
You AN 15ASY WAY To Rou.