HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-11-30, Page 5ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD 1 Autlborized as seeond class mail, Poet office Depgrtment, UttawR, BUSINES CARDS John W. Orchard r OPTOMETRIST 3 Main Street — Exeter ' Open Every Week Day !` Except Wednesday Phone 355J LICENSED AUCTIONEERS AL VIN WALF'.'R Licensed Auction or HURON AND LAME ON ?or your Sale, large or small, Cour- teous and Efficient Service at all Ames 1 Plione 57 r 2. DASHWOOD E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER G �ernxs Reasonable, Satisfactioxl Guaranteed s EXETER, R. R, 1 Phone _4ch 92x7. 1+''ETERINARIA,N W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON tf$ee with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug Store ftme -•96 ZURICH BUTCTHERS AUrjc �3' �'°� u�€�r MSA • NIA-.1CETI flet Us supply you with the y� Chmce of Fresh a, a Cur- d Meats, Bolognas, S;F. Ages, etc., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrii (tion Highest Cash Prices i Wool, Fides and Skins 1H, YungbIlit & S07a PRODUCE Silverwood DAIR111 Caab Market for Cream, Eggs and Poultry fine Your Eggs Graded on our AUTOMATIC EGG GRADER LeRoy O'Brien, Manager Phone 101 Zurich Zurich Creamery Your Home Market fol ',ream Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices ps.. J plus r premium for deliveredcream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg Bund Poultry department in tkharge of Mt. T. Meyers. Chms. Minshall, Proprietor INSURANCE Put Your Wart, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads, in this Coluirm1 a FOR SALE 10 Tons of baled clover hay. Ap- ply to Wally Wein, Dashwood, phone >2rI. o FOR SALE One Woods Electric Grain Grinder a demonstrator. Reasonably priced. ]'hone 59 r 6, Bayfield. c FOR SALE A milking Machine for sale or would trade on some calves. Douglas Robinson, R. 11, 1, Zurich. NOTICE_— STRAYED Unilo my premises Lot 1115, Con. 9, Hay Twp., 4 three-year- old Steers. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expens- es. Arnold 'Me'rner, Phone S1 r 20 Zurich. 111OTICE have your photo taken now fn time for a CHRISTMAS GIF`1'. Available in folder, also colioured at reasonable prices. At Wagner's Zurich, Ph.. 91 FOp, SALT_ 3 -piece Chesterfield Suite in .good condition. Apply to Ed. Reichert, Zurich. FOR SALE A 1.927 Chev. Four -door Sedan in good condition. Apply to Bob Mittle holtz, Zurich. FOR SALE One Combination Door, brand new with screen and glass. Apply to H. Corniiorth, Pl]one 94 r 7, Zurich. ti WANTED Old Horses, suitable for mints feed Will pay 2c. a pound. (Phone Collect. Jack Gilbert, 936 r '21., or Ashlev Gilbert 936 r 312, Goderich, Out. -ti; BOOKKEEPING SERVICE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, INCOME TAX REPORTS AUDITING, ETC., ETC. NORMAN COWAN HAY POST OFFICE Dashwood 40 r 13. pot Dead Stock $9.75 Each. Prompt Service .for Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone 214 x 4, Crediton Central. -el-5-150 NOTICE WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Dashwood -- Phone'35rd9 Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance co. 1,11 ATTENTION FARMERS! OF WOODS'TOCK li'3 THE LARGE -ST RESERVE, BAI_ ; ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT ap.,, UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS �1!'` OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO bi Amount of Insurance at Rist: on a!g December 31st; 1946 rR $73,699,236.00 ti? Total Cash hi Bank and Borsdg. ,i $444,115-39 Williams, .and Mrs. T, L. Williams Rates on• Applicat%on I ' 1L F. KLOPP--Z! "* 'ICH , A G. E N I Also Dealer in Lights,.' Rocks ' tid all kinds of Fire F, lrarxce I� Thurday, November 30•th, 050 LOCAL NEWS 1 ATTENTION FARMERS! -BREAD FEEDING MOLASES ARE GOING UP IN. PRICE (EVERY iM]•• Cyril lat]clxarme of Windsor, was a caller in town Saturday. bi w i t DAY, OUR STOCK GOES AT THE OLD PRICE, $O ACT Mr. 'Calvin Williams, Miss Ethel � NOW, We have a limited Supply of No. 1 5x Shingles at a Williams, .and Mrs. T, L. Williams Price. Now is the time to Worm those,Pullets. WE have a motored to London one day last week l �"� 0 good supply of Worm Par on hand at all times. Judge T. M. Costello ,of Goderich �, 10 We carr a y good supply of Concentrates for every need, So was in town on li2o]xda' oificiatirr �, g '" w ya r is cone, in attd try a good Co -OP, Mixk U11 the Tenth Division Court °° ° �' I y^ Mr. and Mrs, Len iHaist of Detroit ris,` a ALWAYS THE FEST FOR LESS y were visitors with relatives here the past week. Hensall. Dist" Co -Operative Miss Jean Hartman and brother,� �m Ratyond spent a couple +af days in.ti=' art j-IEl°ojSj>D�, and ZURICH 14 Windsor 1� :> Mrs. Milton. McAdams is spend- ing a few days at Toronto visiting Friends, fhe read' is ready! WE'RE READY TO HELD YOUp Thursday was the annual. Thanks- I giving Day in the U.S.A. and. a great No meal is complete without lentt p p of delicious wholesome bread, Ano E ?a r5n many visitors came over to -,pend a • TASTY -NU tasts good and is good few clai3s• Mr. and Mrs. Fleury Gackstetter tfd fEy slice a hearty food you. ver ,and faani]y have moved to the south - slice of energy. ; ern part of the Province, and Mr.' Buy an extra Loaf today—start and Mrs. George Stephenson have � now to serve moie bread at ever} meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread YOUR CAR major investment. moved into the home vacated by the Gackstetter family, at the Tasty -Nu Bakery or at youri .representsa It deserves the best of care --and that's what we're Mr and Mrs Joe Bechler of Blake local Grocers. ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication were recent visitors with tsreir dau- ee r YBakery Tasty - Nu job or just a battery check.,'ve really try to Dive good, thorough Imperial service—the kind that keep Mr and Mrs. Donald Scott, at will you Cromarty, coming back. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Elliott and PHONE 100 —• ZURICH" We'd appreciate rz change to show you family of the Goshen Line north wh,]e ive can do. were recent visitors to Niagara Falls �g yr H c { o F c r c i e r land Toronto. FOR SALE SALE e t IMPERIAL Mr and Mrs. Chris Schultz and; familiyi have their home Two Durham Cows clue to calf in ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION sSp returned to in Niagara Falls, after spending the December and January. Apply i o COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS �v DEALER week -end at the home of Mr and Sol. Gingerich, Phone 54 r 3, Zurich. Mrs. Moses Erb of- llr. Orland Reichert anu son Iden- 'NEUHAUSER CHICKS I SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME neth, Mr and Mrs. Alf Reichert, Mrs — - 'Setting MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM - J. Baker, motored bo London where Hatching Weekly. all PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! Kenneth had his cast removed at the breeds. Order December and Janu- Childrens' Hospital. He had received ary Chicks now.—Neuhau,;er Hat- - - —10 the injury about seven weeks ago cheries, 81 King Street, London, with a tractor. Ontario, Telephone Met. 7152. A fowl dinner flowAbout our verly enjoyable 'vas held at the home of Mr. Conrad Schilbe of town when all his living clxildxen with the exception o£ Mrs. shipment BE SURE AND SEE Our New of Skates at Oesch's Shoe RON a r11 if ts George Kerswell of Barberton, Ohio Store, before making your Christmas %,...hristmas %.j 0 were present. Mr. Schilbe enjoyed purchases. the fine :gathering very inuch, and to have his children with him. _ atic Give DAD or SON a fine Aatorn- Winching Wrist Watch. 'Wound HAVE YOU SELECTED THE MOST PRACTICAL, OR THE WE Were Lucky U the e moveent of your wrist. They m , MOST APPROPRIATE GIFT FOR YOUR WIFE, HUSBAND, One of the -worst storms in history are Come also shockproof, 'vaterfroof.. in and see these fine watches.( ` SON AND DAUGHTER? was experienced in the eastern part —Hess, the Jdweller. r of Ont;.rio, and more so in the 'States HERE ARE FEW SUGGESTIONS: snow reported as two and three feet deep on the level, and terrific winds LATE MRS. DRYSDALE OR OVER - SHEARLING LINED ALL RUBBER BOOTSblowing•. We were indeed fortunate Mrs. Sara Jcr'nhAon, beloved wife BOOTS. STILL SOLD AT THE REGULAR PRICE IN here, as it did little if any damage, of the late Robert Drysdale passed SPITE OF THE RECENT JUMP IN ALL RUBBER FOOT - DON'T MISS IT! away in the Clinton Public Hospital WEAR. "A WONDERFUL ITEM TO WATCH AND EN - Don't forget the Big Llens Klin- on Saturday November 25th in her i JOY A HOCKEY MATCH." strel Show in the ,Colrlrnunity Centre 76th year. She was the last surviv- menx�ber of the well known John- I ALSO SKATES FOR MEN, LADIES AND BOYS. hall., z11rieh this Thursday eveninng,.irrg when the Exeter group will be over, Stoll family near Dilysdale, and had "SEE THESE FOR YOUR OWN_SATISF_ACTION" and wo a? -e L•old the show will be Tout- (been a resident in 'Michigan for many standing. "o don't miss it. Get your years, spending same time wmi har BE SURE AND SEE OUR HOUSE SLIPPERS! reserved seats as early as Tou n. casister in Zurich, the Iate Jemima Meyers returned lxoe'Johnston. The body rested at the Mrs, T. H. Mm big three-day Provincial Westlake Funeral. Home, Zurich until Ouch 'hoe Ao%hr from the Board meeting of the Federated 1Mo]iday, November 27th when re - to the Marsh Fun- j Women's Institutes oP Onta.rio,which rnoval was made held at the Royal York, Toronto. eral Home, in Marlette, Mich, -where.An 'z as The remainder of the week was spent burial took place on Tuesday. 15— -with her slaughters Mrs. L. Hope and adopted daughter is the sole survivor Street,sville, of the :Family. Rev. L. Griffin had ` _ � ,�, � <��U��� 'OR -M: blrs. Grace Stelcic at who are enjoying the best of health, charge of.the funeral. ® & $j®'t $4jry�e;! n �-.M!T Bu j7 e HURON COUNTY CHRISTMAS SEAL COMMITTEE Zurich, Ontario, November 25th, 1950 Dear Sir or Madam: Again the Huron County Tuberculosis Association is asking the people of he Christmas Seal Campaign. The sole purpose of the Campaign is to Huron County to support t -raise funds to carry on the fight against Tuberculosis. The 195'0 committments of this Association will leave little or nothing in our Treasury. The fight must be carried on. We earnestly solicit your continued generosity. The interest in this work is increasing. We are happy to advise that Huron County Junior Farmers' Association at their meet- ing on the 4th of November, 1950, endorsed the Campaign for the Sale of Christmas Seals. HURON FACTS There are at the present time 20 people from Huron County who are patients in the Beck Mem- orial Sanitorium at London. .In 9 months of 1950 there have been 550 free chest X-rays taken in Huron County Clinics are now held montbly at Goderich, WAngham, Seaforth, Exeter and Clinton. RECEIPTS Expenditures Nov. 1, 1946 — Oct. 31, 1950 Ontario T. B. Association Huron Covntr 'Tuberculosis Association Grants and Christmas Seal Supplies $2,.189.00 1946 $9,405.00 Referred 'Clinics 6,.159.00 1947 5,294.00 ;19 ass X -Rays 5,559,00 1948 6,222.00 Peds Memorial San. 10,455 00 1.949 6,146.00 w Clinton Hospital. X -Ray Machine 5,160.00 Estimated Expense Clinics to end of ,year 455.00 Total X38,06 7.00 Total $30,067.00 Christmas Seals have been sold on this continent continuously since 1907. The death rate has been reduced by more than 85o',: in the last fifteenyears. But it is still the leading cause of death among Canadians between the ages of fifteen and forty-five years. The death rate in Ontario last year was 15.4 per 100,00 population. This is the lowest in Ontario's history. There are in Ontario fifteen Sanitoria providing 4,667 keds... This is an increase of 411 beds over the past five years. In 1949 ex -patients to the number of 1,689 received post-sanitorium assistance. The Christmas Seal Campaign has been called the "poor Man's charity." Ever since that mem- orable and oft sung day in 1907 when the first Christmas Seals were being sold on this continent and the small, ragged, dirty, little news boy reached up to the desk of the well known columnist, Leigh Mitchell •Hodges, in Philadelphia, and said; "Sir, gimme some, me sister's got it.", boys and girls, men and women, no matter how rich or poor, have been buying Christmas Seals, "according to their income or interest," because they too had a sister or a brother, a father or a mother, a relative or a friend, who had "got it", the dread disease, TUBERCULOSIS. For your convenience, the Bank of Montreal at Hensall, Zurich - or Dashwood will be pleased to accept your donation, (Please Return all Unused Seals to the Treasurer, in the -Supplied Envelope,,) Yours Very Truly, BUY GENEROUSLY —BUY CHRISTMAS SEALS. Roy Lal'rtont, ChAlrttran. Datars, Treasurer. .............„u..,,.y. ...... ., •n n'1 m .r `I”. .. , . . i, fy 4. . y.', You can't go wrong when you buy ;a well known Reliable Beatty Washing Machine We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers at three popular prices: $119.50 149.50 159.50 ,Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges, Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. Almatex Plastic Paints, Kern-Glo, Etc, Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy! O'Brien Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 Massey - ITar"F is HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT- ORS, TkiRESHING MACHINES, COMBINE% ETC. "The Service Arm for Canadians Farm" Tel. Shop 149 QSGar lO ltrs. ba EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS!