Zurich Herald, 1950-11-30, Page 4ZURICH 014TARIO ZU�Rl Th`11`44Y, N.0-VOMher Uth,- 1950 LOCAL NkWS Air. Herbert S. Wein of DGUIO-it, and the people who borrow it. for a few weeks, assured that after long absence he is And Dox it was hard to -tell wilo would Mr.. and Mrs. Morley Witmer of spent last week with his family here. Rising more than $40 -million in a Mrs. Willial-a 13rinker and Tars always happy to return, and to sup- be the 'conqueror, howning, d ) , an lark 1e troit visited -sit the )ionic their YAx and Mrs, Garnet Wildfong-and year, -the bank'-, loans to business, . alte, Jeffrey of Detroit, left 01 W ply the current events to the faith- ing by both alftim,418, likely frarn ltjae, ibis -ter Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel and family have moved in with her 'mot- governments and individuals 110)y Sunday for their homes after spend, ful readers of the St. Josepli and stinging bites which werebeEgrd frona- t0er'Telatives, a few days last weeltiller, stand -at $51218,00-0,000 - the highest in some time "vith their mother, Mrs Reavertown News. afar. But it ,was not all to will the Mr$. Mary Tieman who is not in year-end figure in its history -- re- WaTence Charrette, who 'has been ill Fox Falls Prey battle. Mr. Ducharime had to act' Aliv, and Mrs. Wallace Ross and the best of health. flecting the -growing financial needs for Some Nveekq. quick, think quick and walk fast- to two 'daughter of Seaforth were Sun- �dw, vasitors - at the home or their of business and industry, Deposits Mr and Mrs. Carl Oestreicher spent 1141 with the 13 of Bf in the "In"s of The School Concert held on Sun - day On Saturday last while Mr J. A. Apila Ducharme of the Blue Water each the scene of battle, an d where oil ohieu might have lost out ba4 raunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. C. L. Sunday with 'NIr. anti Mrs Franklyn 1,800 00 customers - have risen to a aftdriioon and Sunday evening i the Parish Hall was largely atte d- - 11 south jolf St. Joseph was wading it not been for Mr. Ducharxile step-. Smith, Zurbrigg in Listowel new high this year, and amount to ed. Those who took part in differ- iei k, deep in snow, towards his back fild ping on the ficli tajI to hold him� Mr -Martin Laub is ill in St, Jos- $1121,062,000,000, an increase of $43,- ant acts were skillfully instructed to to open a gate, he let m with down, and at the saine tune, ooxTnr Mr. Theo Haberer, Mr, and Mr.,;. Ferdinand epbs Hospital, London, having un- 000,000 isince 1949, It is a very ad- play their parts entre to them, what one 'could describe In, very un- ique Mojj,Cijj1eu to tily again.. At the same Haberer, and Mr. and inirable report and one to *ell be dergIone -,in operation. His many and since those concerts are becom- and at the same time, One time, Mr. Ducharme had a hammer Xrs, Jacob Haberer are attending ,the Beekeepers' 'friends liop e for a speedp recovery. proud off. imig annual 'enjoyments, we say, with w,.hich verly much took fast action tucked in one orf his pockets, but not, annual Convention St. Joseph and Beaver Town certainty, that all enjoyed theimqelv- and presence of mind, in full access of it, dor it was in tjj;e: -at Toronto this week, I nd Mrs Fred Ducliarime 11 ANNUAL REPORT Mr es* Mr, Ducharme and his well trained left pocket. But in the matter Mr. and Mrs Chris Haist and M3, 'Mrs. a BANK OF MONTREAL have returned.. to -their home after I We Compliment the pupils for their dog (Mon Ghieu) were palling through deep snow, towards ant Of seconds, the hammer waS free froi the pocket, but with wet mitts on the and Harry G. Hessand children ,;Pending sonle time visiting their interest and parts taken so well, and the back fields to open a gateway for hand, the hammer slipped under. had a most lovely birthdav dinner at 's Passing the half -billion •dollar mark children in Windsor, and Detroit, we also compliment the Sisters in the horqea, and as all. thoise little in- both animals, but by quick thinking,, the home of the formerdaughters in its current loans for the first time 311, and Mrs Leonard -Sopi of De-_ charge for their patience, and their cidents oocurr, of a sudden, his do•g Mr. Duicharmepicked lip the baminex, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kaitting, at in its history, the Bank of Montreal troit spent the week -end •with the scholarly way to make these concerts by name (Mon Chieu) stopen and in and with straigh aim a blow on the, 'Goderich. today publishes its 1950 annual re- former's parents. a success• a dog language tried to ahow his head of the fox, won the battle., • CHRISTMAS SEAL CAMPAIGN port in a simple, clear form of state- Xiss Goorgin4 Corriveau of Lo -n- . In Reply! master by gesture, and presumeably was ment.. In presenting this, it has plo- don was a v 0 visitor with her parents, Tis last week' -s issue of the Herald scent, that something was ill the near' Campaign for the Sale The 1950 Call neered this course for six years. The 11 on' the I a very flattering comment appeared by so Mon Chien.u, for a moment The above nieIntioned fox had alp: ,of Christmas Seals will open on the report aims to inform all 'Canadians, Mr. Cyril Ducharine, Nelson rap to Islour missing correspondent, of stoped and again tried to pursuade ready been a gangster in the Duth- 27th of November, Arrangements ineau, and Miss Alva Ducharm and B of .11 customers in particular, e, all those two neighbouring burgs. Thank . his master r that he was about to make arnme hen house, and where he 103L - Piave been made with CXNX Radio of -the bank's operations in employ- of Windsor spent the week -end with You,, of late we have been 1 infloirm- a sudden move tbwards some wild ob- his- sneeky life, if was perhaps aftel. Station for %Decial broadcasts as fol- ing its tvo,billion-dollar reso iiurces,�relatives and friends here. ad, aven though his wereabouts are jelct, and so it was, MoInChleu in a a chicken feast, and so today in this:lows: Nov. '218, 112.150 p.m. F. Fine- and it points up the responsible role' Mrs, Josephine Brisson left on sometimes hard to trace, he had no twelve foot jump was so -on in a scrap unique incident, both Mon Chleu MxIi land, Ti. C. Chairman of the Hurom of the banker as the man who brings Sundafiyi last to visit her children in intention of desertinv you ;at least, with a ]large fox who had )been sound Mr. Ducharme are w is a 'worthy of Iya County Tuberculoriss Association. No -I together the people who save mo Windsor, and where she will -.remain not for the present. We are further asleep. For a moment between dog for their wild adventure. verab. 30T,.R 11 a.m., Douglas Sweet of Exeter, a patient, will be inter -1 ............. viewed by 114iss Margaret Brophy;; Dec. 5, 12.50, Dr. Aldis, Huron Go. W 0M Medical Officer 4of Health; Dec. 121 at IM50, Dr. W. A Beecroft. past wm WIN= President of the Assn. Becau,,,e there will mot be safficient sealq tol. X j:j! send to eveilyone, if you should not P4, f:j:: f I On, receive yours through the maihs,will , j; Q A 0' -contact you n em, you kindly 3� Lions Club, who are arrane-iniz- the �;C 7 i., Jl W, 3M -N,;�-kp� -XN;- 0, -N� distribution of these Seals a(zain this A Fgw�,v N ave vour contribution with, your Rank and a supplfyi will be ruv-: INK. .......... R RINI R49 'Im. /hJEF45 Ann;. 30 '11-*-' -1ur ZMA 00 vou. on County.,; The I year or le, 3 MOW Is R MESSM nished to 0% 06'e e2 Tubercul i . .......... rglteA All os s Assn, cinntiibutes much Kk to your community health. In the i 'first ten months of 1960, it paid for' _�v the examination at chest clinics f O'l -7 COO person-,. Goderich, Winoham, and Exeter, make a total of fivel e Zeaforth, plus new clinics at Clinton IT r a, centres and the Countv-all. supported M -ou' of the 'Christmas Seal Funds. V. N Clearing Auction Sale W611"kine wi-. . ........ . . ises, in the Township of Stephen, one i and Household Effects, on the prem - T, , vlo 4D.f Real Fistate, Implements, Feed - /1 and one-half miles east and two nliles,, zix .......... veolith of Dashwood, ior two and one- 1 '..."anadi7 a.".1s in every ivalk, uj half miles wast and two miles north Of of Crediton. 'The V dersigned Aue- ..X-X.x pioneer -i4ete.tj to, 5t -ll by., This is the money that you and 1,800,60 other To private citizens ... to farmers with sea - has been imtT 'Public T Auction, 'on B of M customers have on deposit at our sone) incomes., . to merchants, manufacturers TUr,,,9DAY, DECEMBER 5th. ;X: men in every branches across the nation. Through this mo and business. worthwhile line of y, ullcing at I O'clop"k- pan. sharpi you are helping to finance hundreds of thou- endeavor ... to municipalities, school boards 17. Real Estate—C61181's ln� 01 sands of Canadians . from th� fishermen of and governments ... to churches, hospitals and --wnship of Stephen, Newfoundland to the lumbermen all types of public institutions.., hundreds of -+c uneeasion L,V, ­­ I - I who are busy building a better future for them- millions of dollars are being loaned by B of M 100' acres of land on which is Situam- %ed a two story brick- dwelling and. a selves and for Canada, managers at more than 550 branches from the, 04 cond-1 Atlantic to the Pacific. .1gotod sized bank, barn in go -V_3 - . . -1 ,iitioii, 50 acres of loam tillable 60-11, 11 II oinainder 50 acres of good Today, more people ate saying Ned TM and more people are borrowing bush land, including soiree valuable le, aluiley at "MY BANK" than ever iffil,,sjl before. thq sioty of CANADIANS You wili And ii -of Rdal gstate�io PLI-Y,eentl TUF .1�1[r •ffllpr lyg& "ll. jollii P IP eflTil J11lap these two billion busy dollars in OR W �..:01. - - asd price �61i d-a�F 6,1, dale; TO the facts and figures that follow... 01 1j.0 fill lialailce i1i 3,0 Valyls; 'Vii, 4�i ji6s's6lisi-51i i I . U1 ,ffill b wiil if,� salt) 44L to a reserved -bid, Harris �ffllliy 111illi liplenients, —Ilasse,v jif.01 Etc. 54 Ulf p 11-111 11 -hoe drill in good condi UU!: -i-pig 310T.se Cultivator, ral, LICCormick =0'vver, 5 -ft. cut; Maxwell hay1oa(js"r,1 ,Tohn Deere manure spreader, Oliver" bean stuffier and puller, binder, bill- -der truck, 3 -drum steel roller, 3 -sec- , -Urn Diamond harrows, 2000-1b. cap. !es, Chatham fanning mill, com- 0.1n with sieves; cutting box, steel WHAT THE B of M HAS TO MEET ITS OBLIGATIONS: WHAT THE B of M OWES TO OifgthS: wagon, steel tired wagon, 16CASH: The B of M his cash in its vaults and money DEPOSITS: While many business firms, manufacturers, ft, ti it rack, disc, 11 -hole drill, 2 on`deposit with the Bank of Canada amounting to $ 223,417,399.97 merchants, farmers and people in every type of bus!. -ing J;lclws, 3 sets of bob sleighs, ness have substantial deposits with the B of M, the h.p. gasoline engine, gravel box, MONEY in the form of notes of, cheques oil, and larger part of the money on deposit with the Bank is quantity of lumber, hay fork rope, deposits with other banks I . . . 150,987,587.73 the savings of well over d million private citizens. .set of sling ropes, 'hay fork,: good The total of all deposits is . . . . . . $2,062,597,786.097 set of double harness, root pulper, 2 INVESTMENTS: The B of M has over a billion dollars 'llog,ging chains, chop boxes Homer- invested in high-grade government bonds and other OTHER LIABILITIES: Miscellaneous items, represent- -jou8 carpenter tools, dougleirees, 2 C public securities, which have a ready market. Listed ing mainly commitments undertaken by the Bank ,double barrel shot guns, like new, on the Bank's books at a figure not greater than their on behalf of customers in their foreign and domestic trade transactions . . . . . market value, they amount to . . . 1,030,048,602.81 40,43z,&74-53; Household Effects — Doherty Kit- - - ' -f The B of M has other investments rel TOTAL Of WHAT THE B of Al OWES ITS DEPOSITORS 4chen range, Battery radio in good presenting j; AND OTHERS . . . . . . . . . . $2,10,%QQ;660,62>. condition, extension table, kitchen mainly short-term credits to industry. These invest TO rocking chairs, small heater, TO PAY ALL, IT OWES, THE B of M HAS TOTAL RE- ments are carried at . . . . . . . . 128,050,593-19 gale. tubs, bedroom cot, bedsteads, SOURCES, AS SHOWN ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THIS drop leaf table, sideboard, chest of CALL LOANS: The B of M has call loans which are STATEMENT, AMOUNTING TO . . . . . . 2,1,90g52Z%368:92, drawers, 21 rolls of new linoleum, • fully protected by quickly saleable securities. These WHICH MEANS THAT THE B of M HAS RESOURCES, voll of felt paper, 3 trunks, -wash loans amount to . . . . . . 67,972,396.98 OVER AND ABOVE WHAT IT OWES, AMOUNTING TO 87,498,708.30, stands, 2 toilet set:,' 4 diningroom sideboard, 2 kitchen cup- QUICKLY AVAILABLE RESOURCES: The resources listed above, 'boards, large mirror, 2 lanterns, new which can quickly be turned into cash, cover 76%0 of all'that This figure of $87,498,708.30 is made up of money subscribed by, the shareholders, Yawn'mower, 9M bags of potatoes, the Bank owes to the public. These "quick assets" amount to . $1,602,476,580.68 and, to some extent, of profits which have from time to time been ploughed back into the. bottle capper, large assortment of business to broaden the Bank's services and, to give added protection, for the depqsit6rs.. dielies, glassware, chinaware, -silver- LOANS: During the year, many millions of dollars ware, numerous kitchen utensils, have been lent to business and industrial enterprises erocks, gar -den tools and many other for production of every kind — to farmers, fishermen, articles too numerous to mention:' and ranchers—to citizens in all walks of EARNINGS —After paying all -overhead expenses, including staff TERMS—CASH life, and to Provincial and Municipal Governments salaries, bonuses and contributions to the Pension Fund, and after and School Districts, These loans, now at the .highest making provision for contingencies, and for depreciation of Bank :Harold Higg;ns, year-end figure in the Bank's history, stand at 528,032,366.17 premises, furniture and equipment, the B of M reports 'earnings Eileen Iliggin-s, Exticutars of the Es- for the twelve months ended October 31st, 1950, of . . . . $ 9i536,897.69 tate of the Late Reuben Davey, SANK SUI;LDINC-S- In bainlets, -villages, towns and Pfovision for Dominion Income Tax and Provincial Taxes 3,594,600.00 Wilford Mei:per, Clerk. large cities from coast to coast the B of M serves Alvin Walper, Auctioneer, its customers at more than 550 offices. The value of Leaving Net Earnings of $ • 5,942,827.69 the buildings owned by the Bank, together with J J This amount was distributed as follows: furniture and equipment, is shown on its books at 18,450,760.31 Dividends to Shareholders . a S, 1,000,000.00 . . ... . . . Mrs.Koessel -,and family of Lan- OTHER ASSETS: These chiefly represent liabilities of Balance to Profit and Loss Account . 2 342,897.69 Aing Mich customers for commitments made by the Bank on spebt Thanksgiving -holi- days with her parents, Vin and Mrs. their behalf, coverillp foreign and domestic trade John . Itall t z . transactions. . . 41,,569,§6L 'Mr. Kuntz who has been in. failing -'health for some time Is confined to TOTAL RESOURCES WHICH T14F Atif MHAS To MEET' Mrs. 8, P Currie was taken to the F A L' Psis bed, ITS OBLIGATIONS . . . . . . . BAN K 0, MO TRiT.- hospital tfr,; ambulance early Sunday *o-rning and underwent a serious op - oration o i Mo:ida- d W 0 R K I N G WITH C A N A D I A N f I N 11 V 9 R Y WALK, Of L I P t S I N,C 9 1 -8 1 7 si morning, is tbiQ W11110k Laralon,• ..... . .... ...