HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-11-16, Page 5In ...... ..... . .. . ...... ZURICH I ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Authorlzed as second class -mailp Put Your Want, For Sale LOCAL N,EWb',l -BREAD root Office Departmentp 004wa- Lost, Found, Etc. 11kas. in 11120 Column Mr. Garfield Witmer Of London, DAY, OUR STOCK GOES AT, THE OLD PRICE, $0 ACT spent several days at the 11OMeOxhis on the to bl e- NOW.. We have a limited supply of Na. I Sx Shingles at a and Mrs. Sylv. Wltlner- We have a parents, M1 Price.. Now is the time to Worm those :Pullets. RUSINES CARDS Miss Anita Datars of the 1rItG)16n-. N 0 T I C E er teaching staff enjoyed the week- good supply of Worm Par on hand at all times. We carry a good supply of Concentrates for every need. So • parents, Mr end at the home of her 1) come in and try a good Co -OP, Mix! -ays. -me and Mn Have ,yiour photo taken now Intl 9, Ed. J, Dat John W. Orch6rd for a CHRISTMAS GIFT. Available Mrs. Talbot of near Brucalleld, ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS OPTOMETRIST in folder, also •coloured at reasonable was a week -end visitor at 'the home prices. At Wagner's Zurich,,Ph. 91'x' of Mr and Mrs. Menno Steckle, BTOn I a Main Street — Ejeter son line. . . . . . ........ Hensall Dist. Co -Operative . . . . . . . . . . . Smale of Londfori, Open Every Week Day FOR SALE Mr and Mrs. W HENSALL and ZURICH were Sunday visitors with their sis- Except Wednesday and Chesterfield Suite in good Harold Thiel Phone 355J 3 -piece ChesteTf ter, Mr. and Mrs. I condition. Apply to Ed, R61cliert, brother, Mr and Mri. Norman r4leis- Zurich. chauer I - sreadyl W ER E REE A D Y TO HELP Y 0 U Musselman, the meat i LICENSED AUCTIONEERS Mr. and Mrs. Herbert FOR SALE Mrs. C. Musselman of Waterloo, No meal is complete without plenty, br ad. And spent the week -end at the -home 01 of delicious wholesome e Four -door Sedan in A 1927 Chev� Fo letter's daughter, Mr. and -Mrs. TASTY -NU fasts good and Is good r°rr Vie 1, ALVIN WALf"R Apply to Bob Mittle hearty food for you. Every slice a good condition. Peter Gingerich. holtz, Zurich. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Gascho, slice, of energy - Licensed Auction W -e� Mrs. Rudy Schwartzentruber -of -the Buy an extra Loaf today—stae "A WANTED Bronson line Mrs, Chris. Ga and now to serve more bread at every HURON AND LAME -ON A reasoi-iebly good 100 acres also ends in meal. Get your TASTY -NU Breav, YOUR CARre-re%entsa majorinveitment, or Small, Cour- Mrs Seth Amens visited friends yor your Sale, large London one (lay last week. -Nu Bakery or at your It deserves the best of rm_­and thal's wir.-a we're e a 5o to 75 acre, moderatety priced. at the Tasty 1� teous and Efficient Service at all W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, Ont. local Grocers. ready to give it. Wbeffivr D's a cflillpl-,;�te lubrication Mr. and Mrs. L. Kaiser and Mrs. job or just a battery cheek, we really . ary to C'i"e, good, Times I DASHWOOD J. Geiger of Kitchener, and the Iat- I thorough Imperial service—the k I ind that will keep you 57 r 2. Tard_y-fl u Ba' cry Phone FOR SALF ter's daughter, Miss Florence GeigeT I - coming back. Highway, 96 acres clay loam, near a missionary home on furlough from a village and good buildings with Africa, where she has been in the PHONE 100 We'd appreciate a cheance to shou, you E F. CORBETT es the rf ve ran (Io. most conveniences. Also 150 acres work for some year-, visited at 0; with fine large barn with conven"en- home of their aunt and uncle, Mr. 40TICE TO, CREDITOR.91 LICENSED AUCTIONEER ces, good implement shed, small and Mrs. Clayton 0. Smith, Blue H ed c r FcyciEr IMMIAL house in good condition, oorunty Rd. :r4 ja isTaction Water Highway. In the Estate of ANNA GILL) ST. JOSEPH SERVICE 'STATION Reasonable, Sat W. C. Pearce, berms 7 miles to Stratford. Guaranteed Attencled Anniversary deceased, COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAY5, E)CETER, R. R. I Realtor, Exeter, Ont. Mrs. John Forrest of Hensall, TAKE NOTICE that all persons DEAIrR Phone __'Ich 92r7.Miss Matilda Miller and the Shore having -cla4s against the estate of FOR SALE A GILL, late of the Village of One Combination Door, brand new Sisters of Woodbridge attended the ANN TERINARI A,N Nvith screen and glass. Apply to iof Huron, Golden Wedding held at the. home Zurich, in the County V EEf their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. SAY. Widow, who died on or about 4th SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME' 1-1. Cornforth, Phone 94 r 7, Zurich. of of September, 1950, are requir- MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS, COM - Witmer, over the week -end. ed to file the same with the under- PPARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! LOST DASHWOOD BOY INJURED mentioned Solicitor on ox before the vd W. B. CoXoN, B -V- Sc- STRAYED from the pasture farm Elmer Diebold, aged 3 -of Dash- 118th day of November A. D. 1950, of Robt. Adamis, on Babylon line, wood, received minor injuries when after which date the estate of the VETERINARY SURGEON Hay Twy., a two-1year-old red steer, -a car in which he was dviving with said deceased will be distributed with ,e Main Street, with white face (Hereford). Finder his mother, Mrs. Janet D'ebo,ld, 30) regard only to those claims of which' lghee With Residence, not Win. FOTrester, Zurich. era -shed into the rear of a truck. The notice shall then have been received, Notilce Oppo,site. Drug Store ZURICH accident, which police say occurred DATED at Exeter this 26th day of sone --96L 0 S T when barkes of Mrs. Diebold's -car October, A. D. 1950. --------- n Highway 82,and ELMER D. BELL, K. C., B UT C 1-1 E R S Between HiNsgreen and Zurich ion failed, took place o. H Parr Line -a Blanket and taiT_ Fin- her car crashed into, the rear Of a Solicitor for the Executors, der please notify Mr. Edgar McBride truck owned by Richie McLeod, 43 n Exeter, Ontario. poplilarKippen, or Ralph Smith, Phone 84 r of Thedfard. ---------- When Sorting Time comes for all Rubber Footwear 4, Zurich. HAY COUNCIL HOSPITAL DRIVE The executive of the S. Huron the price of such will be from 15 to 25q higher. MEAT MA -RK -E F 0 R S A L E The regular meeting of the Hay Hospital AssocfaUoxi, Exeter, is re- Why wait until then... Get them early such as: Twp. Council was held in the Coun- newing its campaign to secure the u with the cost' Let U&.Supply YQ New Idea Farm Equipment; Min- cil Chambers, Zurich, on Monday, $27,000 still needed to cover -co, Men's Gudon or Viking, an all rubber fitting, over choice -of Fresh a7-1 .Cur- neapolis Moline Tractors and Mach- Nov. 6th, at 1.30. the new hospital. Subscriptions. of l I very se Hammer The following 2y1otions were pass- $98,000 have been made. The enarter or. A wonderful item Pf *a meats, Bologll�s, Sg, 3Lges, inery; Fairbanks %lor. been obtained the shoe with fleece linin Write or phone for prices ed-.— That the minutes of the last for the hospital has Etc., always Or' hand. Kept Mills, etc- -erview, Park has d folders. Tegullar and special meetings of and the site in Rh footwear to watch a hockey match. fresh in Electric Refrit, ItiOn and Idea Distributors, Gioderich, Ont 16, be adopted as read. been surveyed ' Plans and &peclficat- Phone, Carlow 2821. Tha� -ice' the Council has receiv- ions are being prepared under supL i��ion of the Ont. Departnimit of kind of Footwear for Women, BOYS Highest Cash Prices ed 1113tir� i writing from an asses Health as soon as they are completed Also the same k STRAYED sed lai 'owner who has land draining will. be called I Hides and Skins and approveq., tenders Children. Wool, . . into tlp. Scliwalm Drain, demanding Girls and V__ Q 0-tJ . U3,to my farm, West of Hillsgreen, tb -1 air the fo,1*_,constructIon of the building. X V Aut M S -at tl� cil proceed to rep • . I ULATION'GAIN SET F, a H�,ieford Steer, about 700 -lbs. drain, the Council therefore outhor- 'Pop an Ottawa — Canada has gaine(i in, and Skip out. Owner can have same by proving ize the Clerk to votify Col. 'S. W. 1.. The Store where you limp PRODUCE propertiy and paying eypenses. Archibald, O.L.S. , the Twp. Engin- Z43,31.3 new citizens in the las . t 5 —Harold Reichert, eer to present a report on the Sch-%v- I years. A stat.sticai­suminary issue. -I b Cefitfal '2NIortgage and Housim, Y alm Open Drain, a,; goon • as possible. e 1,9 Ciorporati,= show,,; that while e from I PIGS FOR SALE, since the Council in -s receiv- 9 4 S hiq 1 94 1 -T7- n AV from as "T 4-,esse,.l 70,0 Calladial's oint V Ea ckd ed notice in wrifing, mid -1950, tome 416,273 newcom-1 Zurich to mid- .) a A nuinbe� of ainall Pigs for sale. land awnt'rs dl-inillz inttO the 'Ile to Canadaian shores. lea ­I a--- z� .' '?a' Peter Roche, Phone 2-93 Zurich. 'Drain South, reouestinp� that rf,Painq era country with a poputatil" 001R=0 01:2 - be made to the Drain a, pos- ing thea gain of 243,578. therefore author- 4 D sible the Council M W.• F 0 R S A L E 17,es the ,Clerk to write to S. W. Ar- ISS JENNIE H. BELL 1 V Cash Mk Cream, Eggs - Miss Jennie H. Bell, 81, of Hay B11 Market for gineer to chibald, OLS. the Twp. Eng and Poultry Holstein heifer in calf, due in resent a report On the, Zurich Drain Township, died in Scott Memorial p Hospital, Se,-uftrth, follorwing a sere- q wrong when you buy a well known e Have Your Eggs Graded on February. Apply to Ken Etue, Ph. South, as soon as possible, a You can't go W 98 r 13, Zurich. e That Allan Moiller's 1950 taxes a- bral henimorrhage which she suffered 0 home. She left the farm. for a Beatty Washing Machine our rig to $2S.40 for L.R.W. Lot at her 0 Reliable inounti d resided in Exeter, later -0 AUTOMATIC FOR SALE 31, IS acres be �cancelled since thisla time an t 1111111ing to the homestead. Suivi'll- GRADER is doubly assessed. C -L. is Mrs, Margaret Kit- a We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers EGG Trailer $35-00. Wheelows, Parts That relief to John Suplat be with- �i:g one sister, at three popular prices: of a 29 Pontiac and Plymouth, 19" held as of Nov. untill authorized by chess with whom she resided. The LeRoy O'Brien, Manager tires used. —Ivan Willett. c reanains rested at the Bonthron fun- 6 the Council to continue. 'IS 0 149.50 159.50 Phone 10 1 Zuricb T-11"Lat by-lmv No. 8, 1950 author- eral home, Hensall where funeral was V $119.50 FOR QUICK SALE izh'ig the borrowing of $3500. ii -pion held on Friday. Rev. P. A. Ferguson 9 officiated' and interment in the Hen- Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. debentures for the Twp. of Hay Me- offiak Zurich Crearillery A 1937 -'1% ton Dodge mortal Community Centre be given call Union Cenieterf. Truck, stake bady, and rackg. Pricedthird ,"ceding. PAVING REQUESTED Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves for quick sale — Maurice Masse, That a gtrant. of $115 be given to Your Home Market fOF A resolution asking the 1;epartm- * Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ;reamPhone 98 r 24, Zurich. Dashwood Public Library -and a grant ent of Highways to proceed with 0 lof $25 be given to the Zurich Public comipletian of paving on the Blue ware on hand. a Eggs and Poultf, FOR QUICK 6ALE Library. Water Highway 1,211 between Goder- I That the Township solicitor pre- fee. and Bayfield was endorsed by the Scarfe 1 8 Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. 1+9hest Cash Prices pr..] Plu-R Living pare a By-law under See. 1213 by The Kincardine Chaidber of Commerce Used Dining room and at Prices, at the planning Act IOT Areas of * S, Kem-Glo, Etc. a premium for deliveredcream Room Suites. Low Pric Subd'v- its first fall meeting. Almatex Plastic Paint Westlake Furniture, Zurich. ision Control of all land in Hay Twp. West of Highway No,. 1211 form the NAMED IPIRESIDENT e and Satisfy 1 ffi- Our Aim To Serve a We are equipped to give I e F 0 R S A L E Northern almits to southern limit of Erwin J. Jacob, Clinton, manager of Huron County Home, Clinton,who tient accurate service. Egg Choice Green Celery.. Orders takenthe Township. ien by crate tor less. Cp.,11 134, Zurich. That accounts for Hay Trop, Roads has been -elected president of the - Association of Managers and Mat- *0 J)jatars Bfl dep?�ytment and other items be paid as per vau . 0 and Poultry in Gerald Gingerich. 1,che sons of Ontario Hioanes for the Aged Phone 213 9�i Main St. Hardware Store The usual Road Accounts; Reld'ef for the ensuing year. The 1950 con- tharge of Mr. T. Meyers. WANTED vouchers be passed. vention will be -held at Sunset Hotel, mrn-kWom mw -m- mfmmwwigwwb or mink feed H. W. Brokenshire, Clerk, Godexich. -.;RZEQN—a- Chas. Minshall, Proprietor Old Horses, suitable f Will pay 2c, a pound. Phone Collect. Earl Camptielll, Reeve, MANY ATTEND FAIRS Jack Gilbert, 986 r 51, or Ashley A record attendlance of 8,500 tur- "THEREFORE BE YE ALSO READY: FOR IN S I UCH AN INSURANCE Gilbert 936 r 312, Goderilch, Ont. -tf Federation Ne*s ned out in, fine weather on Friday for HOUR AS YE THINK NOT THE SON OF MAN COMETH." -- ----- by Gordon M. Greig e Seaforth Fall Fair, James Corry Matt. 24; 44 months the BOOKKEEPING SERVICE,- During the busy summer of Atwood, M.P. for Perth, officially activities in Huron County FedMt- pcued the fair. Master of cereln- IF CHRIST WERE TO COME TODAY Western FArfilers' A081 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, ion of Agr. take a back seat while 0 ies was Bob Garbert. — At the M AS YOUR LORD AND KING everyone Is primarily interested in -011 -sdai-, was INCOME TAX REPORTS haying and harvesting operations, Exeter Fair last Thui !,, , the WOULD YOU WELCOME HI CRY t I fair in the history AMONG THOSE WHO WILL Weather Insurance CO. AUDITING, ETC., ETC'.; This year the weather man has P;'O- largesi fall ory of the OR WOULD YOU BE OF WOODSTOCK NORMAN COWAN longed the harvesting to- such all niciety and about 7,000 Persons tur- FOR THE ROCKS AND THE ONTAINS To FALL UPON to ex- Tied out despite overcast Skies- M;OrO HAY POST OFFICE extent that it is still impossible than $3,000 in exhibit prizes and THEM, Rev. 6; 1601 17. �rM LARGEST RESERVE BAI, Dashwood 40 r 13. PU Peet a good attendance .at 11 fariners' JIDIOSS it is & wet d, CANADIAN MUT- — — — — — gatheringay, On $400 in cash a, liarnp%s racing aw prepare a place for those who have ANCE OF ANY T I9t1.,i the 1)irpotorss $40 were Were given away. -There wero Christ has gone to 'COMPANY D0 night •Sept 127 exhibitoxs, excluding those from me again to receive' us, CAL ING BUSINESS ati,og of Agri made Him their Savious and He will co Dead Stock n 0. 1 e&er, ;public and,high schools in the dist- .John 14: 2,3. b t where He is we may be &'so' tba in OR' THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Sept. meeting with a good, rict It being the 82nd annual and neeti-119 WaS e who receive Him not He will appear again in "ount of Insurdince at Risk oil $2.75 Each. PPOMPt Service fox .attendance. "Iei,annukLl q ever had, there were BUT, to those .bus, Was the best vengeance on them that know not God, Atka ­ Nov. 23rd, The I aming 11 Thes. It X. DoeermUer 31sr., 1946 Lifting._4ack Williams. Call PhoneThurs. in Clillt9n. approximately 2,000 ex1itbit entries, fir ,& taking set 'Or $12,6",936.60 04, r. 4, Crediton Centr2l. -C14-'50 ones Tnetingto ibeL held JAII ichildren were admitted free of Lord Jesus Mrist. id dace in S6'L' tb aW8 thot ob.ey the G*spL4 of our Jn 14.6. "ba . 1"� Motal Cash in Bank and Rmads. juet and for re'arn rroduez chavge #a t e grounds. Dt], US SA10, ,, am the Way, the Truth and i6e Life %n Th e IC $444,119.39 forth. at nlHuron County prizeg ioff-ered by ffi6 Exeter Lions *S I will ift no wise cast out. jn.6.,37 on �Of "Whoso&ver.,cometh unto me, fttw on AppjiosWou ers' orgalniZat Club and the Turf Club were beld, NOTICE are,out to try and complete the mar- Stanley, daugktor of Mr and started last sum- Sandra. MTS. Bruce Stanley, of Network L F. KLOPP--Z WHITEWASHING & CLEANING garine survdy they percent Grand Bend, DST. Sunday, ABC A 6 19 X 2 Arreingements can be tnade imer. So far only about threeported J�on the Liam anidget automobile; CHAS E. FULLER:) BillWatson of the faampeo-ple wboh4vp a; atituto r -11 � ... .... aie using a sub �nes Zahroeder of Centralia, Won Also Dealer ih Lightnint; Rod" Phone 3SO.6 lin the ,urve, e Tuxi Club,% chesterfield suite. Dashwood -And all kinds of Fire for butter. Thursday, November 16th, 1950, ATTENTION F A RMERS ­rnING MOLASES ARE GOING UP IN, PRICE EVERY