HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-11-16, Page 2n
You will be delighted with
this fragrant tea
0 1 L
W (3wendo.i'n.c Q Clo,,OA-e
Partner and I leave been very
busy reading Louis Bromfield's lat-
est book, "Out of the Earth." It is
.a book that requires a lot of con-
centration so don't let anyone
choose it for light reading. If, on
the other hand, y_u require food
for thought, here you have it.
But what revolutionary ideas in
regard to the care and feeding of
livestock -ideas, however, which
we, at Ginger Farm, have been
thinking for several years -but
which Mr. Bromfield has had more
opportunity -to put into practice.
To be successful with livestock,
Mr. Bromfield asserts, you must
glut yourself in the place of your
cows, pigs or chickens and figure
out what conditions would contri-
bute most to your comfort and
welfare. For instance, if you were
a cow, would you rather sleep
on straw -covered cement or, on
warm deep litter in a loafing barn,
bearing in mind that, in zero wea-
ther, bedding on a cement floor
is 30 to 40 degrees lower than that
on a dirt floor. The same applies
to pigs and chickens -which Mr.
Bromfield proves in his "Chicken
Litter Story." At Malabar Farm
they discovered the healthiest chick-
ens were "raised ori deep litter,
fed cafeteria style, and provided
with plenty of mineral and organic
material. Big bunches of green
alfalfa were hung up so the chick-
ens could pick at it at any time.
Access to fresh cow manure was
found to be the most effective
means to stop cannibalism among
hens and chickens. But the most
amazing Bromfield thffbry was that
scouring and disinfecting poultry
houses was detrimental to the health
of the chickens because, while the
disinfectant killed malignant germs
it also destroyed the beneficial bac-
teria necessaryto the development
of mould and 'fungi, which, in turn,
areate the germ -killing, anti -biotics
-known to us as streptomycin and
penicillin, also Vitamin B.12 --
lately discovered to be of the great-
est importance to the health of both
animals and people. Mr. Bromfield
hasn't much use for commercial feed
-prefers to feed his poultry whole
oats and corn with access to hop-
pers containing meat scraps, oyster
shell and minerals.
Having digested all this informa-
tion from "Out of the Earth" I
began to wonder if the eggs from
Malabar Farm were sold commer-
cially. If they were it is my guess
most of the eggs would be graded
as Grade B or Grade C, because
liens fed as Mr. Bromfield suggests
would probably produce eggs with
dark yolks -and just try shipping
eggs 'with yolks any deeper in col-
our than a lemon and you get Grade
B every time. That is why commer-
cial feed is used so extensively.
Now for our own esper'ience.
Most of the time our laying hens
are shut up and fed the modern
way. But in the spring -when the
grass is fresh and green -and rich
in vitamins -we take lawn clip-
pings out to the liens. Bees around
a honey pot are not in it with the
way those biddies scramble for the
sweet, green grass. Because we
thought it was what they wanted
we kept feeding grass as long as
the hens would eat it. And wliat
happened? The hens were more act-
ive, looked better and laid better -
but the eggs had dark yolks and
were classed as Grade B. Knowing
the reason, did we stop feeding
grass? We did not. We knew the
liens were more healthy and the
eggs more nutritious -so we just
took the loss. Another thing -in the
fall some of the hens would mope
and appear half sick. Any time
Partner found hens that way he
put them outside to roam at will.
And what was the first place they
headed for? The barnyard, no less,
and spent most of their time pick-
ing away at the manure pile, which,
Mr. Bromfield claims, is the main
source of Vitamin B.12 -essential
in the treatment of deficiency dis-
eases. So it it not surprising that
hens that were turned loose in-
variably recovered. What does it
all amount to? Just this. The con-
sumer public, through egg -grading
propaganda, imagines that dark -
yolked eggs should be treated with
suspicion. Poultrymen, anxious to
please the public, concentrated on
Nylon ... in a dramatic snowbird ski -jacket" -with a sweel,iing
wind -cape sewn into the sleeves , to give extra protection from
the -wind and snow. Made of featherlight, windproof nylon,
the jacket is styled along trim; classic lines, the cape' full
enough to give maximum freedom when skiing and to act as
an added windbreak while coining tip the ski tory.
"Dear Anne Hirst: illy husband friends 'altogether and in such a
claims he loves me. But some time way they won't know I suspect they
ago he was attracted by a rnarried are having affairs with my husband?
10 -=omen.
They were never together, "Lately I found that one of them
for she moves in has been going with a married
��a higher social Wien for years. If she'll go with
But nny One, she might go with another, .
girl friends -told Please help me!
{ me about it and' UNHAPPY"
helped me * $°
t s mAke my hus- CALM DOWN
U a n d publicly`
You are working yourself into.
smear tilt worn -
a dangerous state of panic. Visions
en's name. ATotiv f` of .y our husband's infidelity tor-
you, even though you can -
when we see ,
not identify an articular worn -
her, she turns her head. Y P
"I am soon to have his child. I �` and and in spite of. the fact that
don't believe my husband is true r` lie cares deeply for you. This
to me.., He and my friends- are e++sa?r affect your health and that
constantly talking about sex, which d of your coming baby and might
offends me. I think he is going well break up, your home alto�-
with somebody, but I don's. know
who. ► I -urge you to calm down for
"How can I stop seeing my girl everybody's sake.
You cannot stop seeing all
your girl friends without arous-
ing ing suspicion. If even one of
them suspected your reason, they
would all laugh it off as a joke
-or be mortally insulted. Then,
you would indeed be alon:e--
* and after these hallucinations,
*have passed you would feel so
guilty that you, might never be
able to win them back again..
. If your husband felt that you
doubted him, lie would have. a
* low idea of your love for him,
and be so shocked that it could
" *
alienate his faith in you com-
pletely. Thera what sort of life
would you. two- find together?
•ti , st
When a woman is in your con -
41 dition, 'the fears that assail her
w? * are varied;. the most' painful of
thein all is the fear that her hus-
band may be attracted to some-
one else.. Sonic men understand
thus and overlook it; but many,
Hole In One - With one * knowing how unfounded are
punch, Pvt. Roy Thomas, put * these doubts. are so offended; that
a hole in the head: of North * thev take the "what's -the -use?"'
Korean, premier Kim II Sung. * attitude and are driven to coin -
An observer with South Xor- �` mit the very sin of which. they-
ean troops,. Thomas lead Flit �` are accused -
down the portrait of the red * Don't let thus happen to you:
premier from, all office build- �` Change your thanking. Let yrsmr
in,,- in Mimclioni, North Korea. 41 husband feel: that you trust him
At implicitly. Relax in his devotion
* and attentions, so he knows. how
7. Sew 34. Sailinc * much you depend on him. This
3, Every separate vessel*
indryidual 34. Small i` is the surest wax to bind him. to
9. Type squarer 35. Death 4` you, just now whets you meed)
#0. ]lad 36. 14th century
11:Tenuysonian playing cards# t` him so,
character 3ri. blenoing 4= Incidentally, if the couversa-
12. Ask for sword
peremptosil), 3:8. Pebbles * tions you mention offend you so
14. New (comb, fl. Short for as *. much, leave the' ronin for a
form) man's name ,
z4. Violent storm. 44. Satiate * while. Your friends will catch
Z2.I''acsimlio 4G. Waste
24.Ver}etablea a.liowana► * on. It is as simple as that.
6. Snares 43. Perch 4t
$S. Golf term 40. ocean
S0. A king of 62. By Faithful husbands can be swerved
Judah 54, Greek letter from their good path by the unjust
5 7 8 9 l0 11 12 accusations of their wives. What a
i4 mean advantage `o take! If you
are doubting your man, tell Anne
37 13 Hirst why. She will be able to help.
Write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth
22 Street, New Toronto, Ontario,
S 26
s 37 38 LIVER BILE
40 41 R Without Calomel -And You'll Jump Out eJ
Bed in the Morning [cerin' to Gs
45 46 The livor should nout out about 2 pinta of
Send Twenty-five Cents today for
light -yolk eggs. So the housewife
our new Laura Wheeler Needle-
buys eggs low in vitamin content
v craft Book. Illustrations of crochet,
and then goes to the drugstore and
embroidery patterns plus many fas-
buys Vitamin capsules for her fam-
einating•hobby ideas. And a free
ily. Eggs should be graded for
freshness and blood -clots but it is
ISSUE 4d -- 1950
time this nonsense about daric-
yolked eggs was stopped.
I have nothing to say 'against
commercial feed but surely it can
be supplemented by natural vitamins
and minerals when available. One
might just as well say that because
garden produce can be bought in
cans it is unnecessary to eat raw
fruits and vegetables in season.
f r
A doctor had an urgent call from
a man whose small son had swal-
lowed a fountain pen.
"All right," replied the doctor.
"I'll come as soon as I can. What
are you doing about it in the mean-
"Oh," said the fanner, "in the
meantime I'm using a pencil."
ACsdo 6S.Steps
]. Hangs dow>, ]Dow%Y
7. Oozed
14. Furrow orna- 1.I?aze
Wonder mitten - so easy, so
mental fabric 3, Going
14, Mexican dish horseback
fast, Body is straight strip of
16. Hypothetical 2, Siberian river
trice 4. Japanese sash
s ort am scraps knitted on 2 need-
p y p
Ili. Principles of s. Harbor
les; thumb, tip and cuff on 4.
Christian unity 6. Scotts
Is. Exist
Each pair different color cornbina-
It. Humor
7 2 3 k
tion to identify them. Pattern 565;
St. Long narrovr
knitting directions 4 to 17 yrs.
inlet of the sea
Laura W'heeler's improved pat-
's' vulgar
f wealtlimlrer
15 to
tern makes crochet and knitting
as. Fabulous bird
s6. state of the
so simple with its charts, photos
Union (abbr.)
(9 Z0
and concise directions.
V. -Herons
"' r ria
in coins (stamps cannot be accept-
a1. Born
33. salt
ed) for this pattern to Box 1, 123
37. Scheduled
Righteenth Street, New `Toronto,
Out. Print plainly PATTERN
aa, Covers
1C+ XMBE1t your NAME and AIA-
4o. Chara¢toriits
''Cnele Trm'a
Newl Household accessories to
knit! Motifs to paint on teittilesl
48, Ani rlORA
Nylon ... in a dramatic snowbird ski -jacket" -with a sweel,iing
wind -cape sewn into the sleeves , to give extra protection from
the -wind and snow. Made of featherlight, windproof nylon,
the jacket is styled along trim; classic lines, the cape' full
enough to give maximum freedom when skiing and to act as
an added windbreak while coining tip the ski tory.
"Dear Anne Hirst: illy husband friends 'altogether and in such a
claims he loves me. But some time way they won't know I suspect they
ago he was attracted by a rnarried are having affairs with my husband?
10 -=omen.
They were never together, "Lately I found that one of them
for she moves in has been going with a married
��a higher social Wien for years. If she'll go with
But nny One, she might go with another, .
girl friends -told Please help me!
{ me about it and' UNHAPPY"
helped me * $°
t s mAke my hus- CALM DOWN
U a n d publicly`
You are working yourself into.
smear tilt worn -
a dangerous state of panic. Visions
en's name. ATotiv f` of .y our husband's infidelity tor-
you, even though you can -
when we see ,
not identify an articular worn -
her, she turns her head. Y P
"I am soon to have his child. I �` and and in spite of. the fact that
don't believe my husband is true r` lie cares deeply for you. This
to me.., He and my friends- are e++sa?r affect your health and that
constantly talking about sex, which d of your coming baby and might
offends me. I think he is going well break up, your home alto�-
with somebody, but I don's. know
who. ► I -urge you to calm down for
"How can I stop seeing my girl everybody's sake.
You cannot stop seeing all
your girl friends without arous-
ing ing suspicion. If even one of
them suspected your reason, they
would all laugh it off as a joke
-or be mortally insulted. Then,
you would indeed be alon:e--
* and after these hallucinations,
*have passed you would feel so
guilty that you, might never be
able to win them back again..
. If your husband felt that you
doubted him, lie would have. a
* low idea of your love for him,
and be so shocked that it could
" *
alienate his faith in you com-
pletely. Thera what sort of life
would you. two- find together?
•ti , st
When a woman is in your con -
41 dition, 'the fears that assail her
w? * are varied;. the most' painful of
thein all is the fear that her hus-
band may be attracted to some-
one else.. Sonic men understand
thus and overlook it; but many,
Hole In One - With one * knowing how unfounded are
punch, Pvt. Roy Thomas, put * these doubts. are so offended; that
a hole in the head: of North * thev take the "what's -the -use?"'
Korean, premier Kim II Sung. * attitude and are driven to coin -
An observer with South Xor- �` mit the very sin of which. they-
ean troops,. Thomas lead Flit �` are accused -
down the portrait of the red * Don't let thus happen to you:
premier from, all office build- �` Change your thanking. Let yrsmr
in,,- in Mimclioni, North Korea. 41 husband feel: that you trust him
At implicitly. Relax in his devotion
* and attentions, so he knows. how
7. Sew 34. Sailinc * much you depend on him. This
3, Every separate vessel*
indryidual 34. Small i` is the surest wax to bind him. to
9. Type squarer 35. Death 4` you, just now whets you meed)
#0. ]lad 36. 14th century
11:Tenuysonian playing cards# t` him so,
character 3ri. blenoing 4= Incidentally, if the couversa-
12. Ask for sword
peremptosil), 3:8. Pebbles * tions you mention offend you so
14. New (comb, fl. Short for as *. much, leave the' ronin for a
form) man's name ,
z4. Violent storm. 44. Satiate * while. Your friends will catch
Z2.I''acsimlio 4G. Waste
24.Ver}etablea a.liowana► * on. It is as simple as that.
6. Snares 43. Perch 4t
$S. Golf term 40. ocean
S0. A king of 62. By Faithful husbands can be swerved
Judah 54, Greek letter from their good path by the unjust
5 7 8 9 l0 11 12 accusations of their wives. What a
i4 mean advantage `o take! If you
are doubting your man, tell Anne
37 13 Hirst why. She will be able to help.
Write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth
22 Street, New Toronto, Ontario,
S 26
s 37 38 LIVER BILE
40 41 R Without Calomel -And You'll Jump Out eJ
Bed in the Morning [cerin' to Gs
45 46 The livor should nout out about 2 pinta of
Send Twenty-five Cents today for
44. Clever
our new Laura Wheeler Needle-
46. Mountains In 49 50
v craft Book. Illustrations of crochet,
44. Part blitheT?f heeroes
embroidery patterns plus many fas-
Bible It br,)
49. Mariners
einating•hobby ideas. And a free
s At horns 55
pattern is printed in the book.
ISSUE 4d -- 1950
bis. Long law seat Answer Elsewhere In This Issue
Ives -tare mild, Bantle Cartor'a Little
'ills to got "these 2 pints of bile tory.
?ly to make you feel "up and up.'1
padlt�yge todayg. 'Effective in snalunit
H "fr ly, Ask for Carter's little LiieT
50 at any drugstore.
New And Useful
p o TOO •r u
Dry Yeast
New dry yeast now availrable for
consumer use clainncd easier to
use, faster dissolving and faster
rising; ]seeps five to six nnontlM
and longer if refrigerated. Product
is packaged in nitrogen, in air-
tight, nnaistu're-proof metal foil
container to insure freshness.
Bandy Pad
A leather pad to protect worker's
hand features a snap fastened ad-
justable strap for Snug fitting and
comfort. Pad is said to prevent
hand injuries when handing brick.
metal sheets, sharp edged castings,
Mist Sprayer
Not affected by weather, new
orchard mist sprayer can be used
in the rain, sprayed with or against
the, wind. Sprays from 100 to 300
trees in 30 to 40 minutes from one
300 -gallon tank load. Said to cut
cost, labor and time,. sprayer handl'-
es both- old standard insecticide>
and fungicides and new concentrat-
ed materials.
Child's Video Chair
Special for the children to. view
television is the handy colorful
plastic seat weighing only a pound.
Chair is blown up to 16 in. by 11 in.
and has suction grab, to. Bold it to
floor or rug when occupied. Fight
by 10' in. wheir deflated, seat forms
a neat package for storing.
Anyone Can Be A Chef
Chrome finished deep .fryer to be
urged right at the dinner table. Can"
cook fish,, chops, doughnuts, chick-
en, etc. Automatic thermostatic
controlof temperature assures- the
superheated cooking oil will seal
in natural food juices and keep oil
out of food tissues at same time,
company claims. No transfer of
food flavors; food is cooked evenly
and tboroughly.
Pocket Stapler
Featuring a pocket clip for easy
carrying,• a new pen -size stapler
can clip- together a dozen sheets.
Easy -to -operate chronic head of
stapler is squeezed between thumb
and, forefinger. Plastic barrel un-
screws from head for reloading.
Build Zoos Or Trains
Plastic building blocks snap, to-
gether with rustproof fasteners giv-
ing great scope of objects. for chil-
dren to build. Blocks come in con-
trasting chip -proof colors and are
non-toxic and easily wiped clean.
A I Jolson -A Tribute
The songs that Al' Jolson made
famous mean Tittle by themselves:
Mammy, Mammy;. the sun shines:
East, the: sun shines West,but r''ve
just Yearned where- the sun shines
best. *- *' * Mammy, Mammy, rd
walk a million miles for oras of your
smiles, my' Mau-- - my.,:
Friends may forsake me; let them,
all' forsake me.. You'll' pull me
through, Sonny Boy, j'
But when- Jotson sang,. something
Happened to, audiences. He had a
spirit;. a quality that brought him
close to every person that saw and
heard hirre. AuclTen•ces felt what he
felt. When. he was sentimental,,
audiences, wept - and frequently
Jolson cried himself. When he shot
onto a stage• bursting with vitality
and Happiness, audiences grew svd-
etetnl'y Happier. 1!t was that quality
that made Irim probably the- most
popular and most successfu'i enter-
tainer in- American History..
As tiffs audiences loved hire, so
did he feet close to all' people. He
wrote- a will in which he left'lline-
tenths of a $4,000,000 estate to char-
ity. Tare money to b,e divided
among Protestant. Catholic and
Yewish causes.
A few weeks ago A.1' Jolson, 64,
died of a heart attack in a San
Francisco hotel. He had fust re-
turned from Korea, 'where he Had
given performances for soldiers.
An estimated 20,OOa persons jam -
Med Hollywood Boulevard for his
funeral. President Trumann sent a
message'that began: "WL have lost
our M."
*Copyright Bourne Music Pub.
tCopyright Crawford M u s i c
'GOt A
When a hacking bronchial cough duo-
to a cold, bronchitic or excessive smoking
is getting you down, get wise -get
Buckley's.. A few sips will ease your
cough -clear your head -make breath•
ing easier. And'remember, only in Buckley!/
do you get CARRAGEEN, an emulsion
that soothes and lubricates dry, irritated,
inflamed throat membranes, and 'tops
the tickle that keeps you coughing. Get
your bottle today for relief right away.
OVER 2501.1.110N BOTTLES
By Rev, R. S. Warren, B.A., B.i),.
Christian Worship `
Isaiah 1:11-17; John 4:19-24,
Colossians 3:16.
Memory Verse: God is a Spirit,,
and they that warship Him must
worship Him in spirit and in truth,.
John 4.24.
On this day of writing, a news.
despatch tells of trouble in India,,
because rumor spread that pre
group had kidnapped some youth
of another group in order to offer
them in sacrifice. Huma.0 sacrifice
is, in general, a thing of the past,
but the idea behind it is still with
us. At the Lenten Season,. some
people by the personal sacrifice
of something very dear to them,.
hope to gain favor with G.od: But
the favor of God cannot be bought.
Should my tears. forever flow,.
Should my zeal no. languor know.,
These for sin, could not, atone:.
Thou must save,. and Thou. alone;.
In my hand no. price 7 bring,.
Simply to. Thy cross. I cling."
God calls to repentance. "Cease•
to do evil; learn to do well."
The place of worship is not so
important as the spirit in, which
we worship. Nally approach God, in
the time of trouble. He has invited
us to call. upon H:m in such an
We can worship Him in singing.
As we do our own hearts are bless-
ed and others are, uplifted. David
suggested the right approach for
worship. "Tire sacrifices of God are
a broken spirit: a broken and a•
contrite heart, O, God, thou wilt
not despise." Psalm 51:17,
IIt It 1
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For fast„ ycolongad. relief.' fbow
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Try YxsTAN.TINs just enee:for paitlr.'
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And txyr INSTANTi.NE, for. other
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that accompany a cord. A srttgli tablet:
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prompt relief.
W Instantine today;
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keep it BeadyW,1e.v
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An everlasting reminder of
baby's first toddling steps
Your Baby s Shoes
Ash Tray, Book End and Pic-
ture Frame Mounts. An ideal gift
ror descriptive literature and special
offer, write
BOX 525,
Upsidedown,to Prevent Peeking