HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-11-16, Page 1. ...... ..... ... . new quarters this week in the space formerly occupied by Milton Oeschs, barber shop. The Library Board will, to draw this fact to the attent- ion of the public since it will Impro- ve conditions and therefor, should greatly increase the number of: the ANNUAL MEETING ............... . . ....... . ....... . ... ... .... readers iii the district. There really are many fine ibooks in thLslib,raxy Z u. r 16 ch Pus -Oaq b I (e and more 'and inore come every couple of months from the Huron Library Association. Good magazin- E,itablished 190Q ZUIUCHo ONTAF10, THURSDAY MC iG, 110VENIBER, 16 L't;_50 CHESTER I- SMITH, PUSY_14,j92W,,, ;1.7b a Yt:ar in Advance, $2.00 in U, S. A., in Advance, -COMING EVENTS--. NORMA'S RAG RUGS and CP%,RP1E'M 8 r. PE rE- R'S AUTY SHOPPE BE 9-4 N L-Evan3-alical Lutheran Church GRAND BEND* FOR APPOINTMENTS 10r. P. Xew *.A'udw% Loumy yde W ONTA1U0 Tel. 223. ZurichlOrder S,-th 0. Ainann, ZuriA, 4r Lu? 6 0 111, resents for Your. Enjoyment. the Vj U Following AttractionsNORMA STEINBACH Prop. Out. Phone 128. 'REV. E, W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR 10 aan.—Divine Services. Friday, Saturday Nov. 17, IS Hunters are 00 , MR o no) I T a r r�l a R A goodly, number of hunters are. k1.15 a.m. —Sunday S&C-01. Virginia Mayo lent Lancaster Save Costly Watch Repair 1*rading the old hunting grounds up 7.30 p.m,—Divine, Worship. "THE FLAME, AND T14E ARROW" and his I ra,wth at present, and several from With Regular Watch Care ,li!rich, and thoseuo are an CASA ROYAL ORCHESTRA .8vearybody Welcome to 0 Services. back hoi -pion, in glor- '�"'ji)USIY waiting to find out if tliz �-Q Plug A Warner Dros. Cham at 11`1'.?F;:", R, to the 50th A..ivercary ions Teohnicoliour. ,,Apply of venison is forthcoming. 2A Cornmunity Centre, Zurich 'Usual Newsreel and Shorts 4 -s. Si 91 /A Zz VIr and Mi yIv, Witmer had the Oil Ptovidental honour to �vll V2101105 0 ebrate tbeir 50th wedding anniv. EVANGELICAL U. R. CHURCH Monday, Tuesday Nov, 20-21 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, Pry last Sunday hy, having all their Ini. y present and waro, at home to "SIDE STREET" Dancing 9 - 1.00 01,1 In nV i-elatives and frlends In otli, Adinisglon RefreAlment.Bo Zurich Ontario afternoon and - evening, who . . . . . . (Adult Entertainment) Sponsored by the Community Centre 41, CHANGE NOW REV. H. E. ROPPEL Farley Granger Cathy O'Donnell Board. Zftbie from -far and near to wish To the Coal you can depend on thig Enjoy this evenal-'s entertainment em many more such occasions with YOUR WATCH NEEDS PERIODIC! winter. Solve Tour heating problenig 'I " lkkilth and happiness. We expect to i Miniat®r Usual Newsreel and Shorts in this hie Hall! a fuller report of this splendid CLEANING OND OILING. IF YOU I this easy -Way and change to the coal - in the near future. ithat will definitely assure you con -m - Mrs. Milton 062ch - Organist FOR YOUR PLEASURE „save OWN A BULOVA OR ANY OTHER s heat throughout the winter The Voice of Temperance Have Moved to HensaIl sinuous FINE WATCH BE SURE AND months. And remember — BLUE -,— ServicesEARL HEYWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baker of the He was a candidate for the hockey own Line, near Hillsgreen have re- COAL burns better and lasts longer, HAVE IT CLEANED AND OILED i10-:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. 'team. He was a fist skater and --he AN'D MS lently disposed of their farm and 11.00 a.m.—Bible School. was full of ambition to make thb. Lzave moved their effects to Hensall, AT LEAST ONCE A YEAR I ex team. He had an interview with the I CKMX Barn Dance ; WWe they will reside in future. The LORE E, HAY 7:30 p.m.—Divine W0V0hiF- team manager. The crux oit having been taken over by Mr. f the in- Gana..Y (32 Years Experience) . terview came w AlTs. Cornforth who come from Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 673E4? "Come when the managersaid Fill Plvyln- fora ufllt� Welcome at an That fin- �1��b ci�y of T 6, who have had okou with us and we -ill do thee —"Let's smell your breath." n_e In oront A 1H S Sp H E N S A L L ;shed it for the manager smelled .l e experience of rural life, and Num. 10:29. ,.zo,od." e 'welcome them to our vicinity liquor on the p;ioung lad's breath and DANCo jeweler and Registered Roe's Vitimized Feeds he told him straight, "You can't drink d 41ope they will be prosperous ana .and play on my team. Drinking les In the e it here, Optician, I ATTENDED CONVENTION ens your playing efficiency." Hackey Community Centre, Zurich has bi�come so highly -competitive that Delegates from the Huron Liberal ever player must be at his best— On loiciation were in Toronto last 0 Drinking is out. Meek attending the convention called Select % a Liberal Leader in Ontario. endirig the -convention, -in addition Thursday, November 23rd " -, z , la, 4, n a Are You Suff L -An From Dancing CM HITS NEW HIGH �:,-1 Senator W. H. Golding and A. Y. See ,tnd, hear your Radiio Stars 'Lean' MI.P., were W. L. Whyte orf Headaches? There are 10.5 known dead Trom attending this Dance. a�.orth; �Frank.Fingland, K. C., Cl- Licensed Embalmer and Furneral Director wM the 92 fatal traffic accidents in Ont. oil; Dr. J. W. Shaw, Clinton; Eil- U� go, Have yola Zyej Femawined Admission 75 Cents. 0 io last month, 30 more victims than 1-,r Dennis, McKillop; Ben. W� Tua- 0 Private Car Ambulance Service �he LaLest Method& und M "i'LAnIULt M in October of last year. This brings Sponsored by Zurich Lions Cjub_l�. V, xe-ter.- Garnet Hicks, Us�born-e; 0 2R, Hospital Bed and Wheelchaiir for Rent X-3ibfIejsch Z-urich;'Den-nis Be- a traffic deaths flor the year (10 mons) Entire Proceeds for C�oynxnul A. COLE, R.O. up:�id 652, onty'17 short of the res- Z. idh;. Ken Huntor, Goderich; W SIONS ER,S-,F0_R­ALL. OCCA, ­qy., ai�non. TLQW t 0a,T10AN ord at the san-le time last iyeat. OnlYi S, X-- ht L, j_ oPTOMETRIST Y' eat- -Zdrich; Roy Ratz, Stephen; Charles 0 y a' n"d Ig Se "" e by -a general increase in caution '� sed. People on foot face the gr GODMUCH drivers and pedestrains keeping in :and MacKay, Tuckersinath and Albert 2 2, 'Z' -u, -r —ic—h est in Noveraberof KallblIcisch, Zurich- Telephone: Res. 89 or ,,,,.Iline, can the traffic deaths be decrea- December. From now to the end I M. •Good GWass at RQN*M§Wk the year an unusually large number NEW LIBRARY LOCATION -9 — Is are using the streets Just The local Zurich Library moved to - V V I at the time when early nightfall and, often .poor weather make pediestrain accidents most difficult to avoid. new quarters this week in the space formerly occupied by Milton Oeschs, barber shop. The Library Board will, to draw this fact to the attent- ion of the public since it will Impro- ve conditions and therefor, should greatly increase the number of: the ANNUAL MEETING OF THE readers iii the district. There really are many fine ibooks in thLslib,raxy Z u. r 16 ch Pus -Oaq b I (e and more 'and inore come every couple of months from the Huron Library Association. Good magazin- es for young and old are available societv q,s well as.the aforementioned. good 'Board books and the heartily .invites each and every persaan to take advan- Will be held in the tage of this treat in reading by be - Zurich Mennonite Church coining a member of the Library. Had Youth Rally On. There was a fairly good attend - Sunday, N6vember 19th. ance at the Youth for Christ Rally in the Community Centre, Zurici-i-or At 7:30,p.m. Thursday evening, which lisizened very attentativelly to the special sues - Rev. Dr. W. A. MacNIVEN, BA. DD. ker,'Harry C. Trover, who also ex - District Secretary of the British and plained'the moving pictures snown of Foreign Bible Society, of London, South America, deplctihg- the worl(rs Ontario, will be Guest Speaker most powerful radio station HCJB I .qh —SPECIAL MUSIC-- which is located at Quito, Ecquador, 'tf-"ore arid is elevated up 10,000 feet above 3 jr t&147 (3 1 ALK y We are ever at your service with the best lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as n Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in. supply GIVE US A CALL Menno Oesch Zurich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 Special Vocal Musical Nuinbers will sea level. The e ex waves o, be rendered by local talent. are short-wave sent :around the world Everybody is Cordially Invited (Io all religious programs. The Octet of SEE OUR BARGAIN COUNTER Zurich Evangelical church rendered Attend this Grand Get Togther a few nunibers, and as, thrs was the • Rally first sacred, progra-ra given in the new WoFk Clothes Of Girl's Dresses, Blouses, Snow Suits, Etc. Bruce J. 100PP, Secy-Treas. Community Centre, It made a very Chester L. 'Smith, President. fine setting' LIpply of Men's Overalls, Work 15 PAIRS OF GIRL'S SKI PANTS Had Large Funeral We have a Good S largest One of the funerals ever held in these parts was witnessed on Pants, Shirts and Work Socks. Also a fine Friday, afternoion 1, ill the Evan- o-elicsT church of Zurich, when the stock of Fall and Winter Underwear. the late John De Weerd, reniatns of E`Xtra Special .. ........ 46, were I. -Lid to rest. The departed Ej D -day ev- was instantly killed last 'Cues day when going west from Zurich, JU6 ARhl To Clear at One -Third Off Regular Price enih R. IT. when hit by- an auto. Rev. -lie Bos of Owen. Siound, conducted t MEN'S WORK SHOES AND RUBBER 15 PAIR ALL WOOL BLANKETS service which was mostly in the Netherlands language, but also spoke BOOTS. very kindly in English to the be Also a big variety of Rubber Footwear for Men, reit and expressed his gratitude to usity. The FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS the People for their genero Women and Children, reinains were laid to rest in the Elv- angeiical Bronson line cemetery, Sur - VEGETABLES CURED MEATS cei GIVE US A CALL! viving ;besides his wife, Janet XAt- Rten, are eight children, three sons, AYS ON HAND REQUESTED, WE DELIVER annosi, and 5 FRESH GROCERIES ALW W REQU Jacob, Anton, and Joh, va daughters, Janct, Ann, Greta, Reka 'I Rev. Dr. MacNivep of Lot iotip . and Roehi. The oldest Is thlytOen- S 1E GIVE US A CALL FOR SERVICE! I and father and our brio- BLA11 TOR Field Secjctary� will be the guest Hi,.�mother S alter in the Mennonite Church, Q1.1 thers survive in the Netherlands. The uber, PrOP, Phone 11-97 pe Alual -tllbearers, were C. Dehaarfty Jobn E. Schwartzentr Sunday Evening, W-110,11 the all Ph Reimers, Bruce Opp, Phone� 140 C. H. THIEL Zurich meeting of the local Bible, 8QeA0AY Gutter, R, Delbert (, ,qjger and G. BrODIMe-1 will be held. i