HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-11-09, Page 8..... .. ...... . .... . ..... .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .... ...... .. . . . . . ....... . . ZURICH . ONTARIO Y row New Chesterlaine in Beautiful Shades of Green, 4* Blues, Browns, Greys, Navy, Get your Supply of Ibex Blankets NOW. . Later 54 -in, width at per yard ...... $2.98 40 New Corduroy Velvets in leading Shades, 36 -in. width at, yard ......................2.95 Mats 24,x46 at 2.98 dozen only fine woven Ra- M New, All Wool Plaids, 54 -in. Special Value 00 at peg yard ...................................... 3.50 40 New Rayon Crepes, 36 -in, Special Value, at per yard .................................... 1-90 Las d'e WE I d r e n I s 111 Woolette Pyjamas, Night Gowns, Interlock, a fine Bloomers for 1 coimlkd, cotton in Vests. Pantees and Winter Wear New Snuggies, part wool, vests and pantees, Kiddies Sleepers. Cornplete Stock of Hosiery of every description., nn New Lot of Kaybar Slips, sizes 32 to 50. New Sweaters in all wool, also 100 Nylons. D y '9, e -Ore I* �j lu L 'V Me Store with & Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries 0 Also Rulbber, Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys • A fine assortment of Hardware and ,Electrical Appliances TIRES 0 ATLAS AND SEIBERLING CO_ -OI'. FEEDS Cured acid Fresh Meats 0 Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times 1 1. GIVE US . A " CALL! 9 JOHIN DEINTOMY, DRYSDALE ..Phone 98 r I 4* Get your Supply of Ibex Blankets NOW. . Later shipments will be higher in price. Mats 24,x46 at 2.98 dozen only fine woven Ra- M each G 11 -0 Bros - TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH 40 D y '9, e -Ore I* �j lu L 'V Me Store with & Best Variety of all Kinds of Groceries 0 Also Rulbber, Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys • A fine assortment of Hardware and ,Electrical Appliances TIRES 0 ATLAS AND SEIBERLING CO_ -OI'. FEEDS Cured acid Fresh Meats 0 Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times 1 1. GIVE US . A " CALL! 9 JOHIN DEINTOMY, DRYSDALE ..Phone 98 r I A HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE 'V ffir tuel Nub Will receive attention with us if left in plenty, of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Trie� and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes Also Quick Drying Enarnels and Varnishes; Floor wai OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hat ware always in stock. M MI;% F11 D "'E & W"ADC r A i(7,, VUMCH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE Tburaday,,November 9th) 1950 ZURICH HERALD X MEW Uffib OF LOC Mr. Victor winiiii spent Saturday Insurance, with his brother at petrola, wino Is on the teaclilag stair in that place. WHAT EVERY FAIIM, ER Westlake Funiture Mr :and Mrs, Misfired Scihik)e and, + daughter Sheila were Son4f4y + visit- NEEDS! + + ors with relatives at Kitchener. and + Mr and �Xrs. Ivan Yungbitit Blanket Farm Liability Policy + family and Mr, and Mrs..,Xilfred + Seasonable Sul,%Plies, Schih)e -were recent visitors with re- $10 000 inclusive Limits coverage. latives at, Midland, Mich... 1premium $9.00 per annum per farm + Rev, Dr, dAac.Niven of Londonwho;not exceeding .35Q acres. + wAnniversary the Anniersary -speaker in the + WE HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES Evangelluiel church, Was a, week -end. Does it Cover? guest oof Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Roppel.'*Operation of unlicensed , tractors and OF FURNITURE i'Vir, Isiah Wiltmer has returnee to his home, Gvshen line, south, after farin in -Tftachinery; Strayed Animals, visiting with his dauglitel%S, Mrs Floyd Farm Premises Risk, Personal Acts + + A dao®d Variety of Linoleum, . Congoleum. and f Pollock ock and Mrs. Fred Xll,tt at and Activities. + al + Axininister Rugs, Etc. London. + ,and Optional Coverages + Ax and Mrs. Orville Stehibach + daughter i)onna from, London visited;Animal Collision $200. limit on any + + All Lamps are Reasonably Priced! their parents Air and Mrs. Henry one animal Prem. $1.00. pro -ducts + Stein-bachand other friends on Sun- Liability. Custom Farming and + day. Machinevy rented to others, + We also carry a good supply of Springs and Mat - .Mr. and Mrs. Quimby Hess of Ste Employers' Liability. + Marie, and Mrs. Andrew 1'. !less, tire Voluntary Compensation. + tresses, such as Beautyrest, Airfoam, Etc. + former's mother, and who his been For Further particulars Apply. + �in Toronto, are spending a few weeks + Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich at tile family home in {town.* I J. W. HABiRER - Phone 161 + Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Batstone+ and Residence Phone 89. daughter Jean, spent the. week -end + at the home of their mother, Mrs. I ARTHUR FRASER + Annie Tuerkheiiii. Mrs. Bate tone and Jean are ,,:pending the Week with relatives in Zurich. Income Tax Reports Rev. Sot6aiion B,a;dhler of the Bookkeeping Etc Bookkeeping Service, , 00 0 lBronson Line will conduct the anorn- 0 41 ing preaching service in the Fvang- EXETER e* Sun- )FFICE.-_Carner Ann, William Sts. 1b 0 More - ,b elical U. B. church here, next you ED d w a, I's, + daly, on account of the pastor's ab- Phone: Exeter 504. 0 sense -while attending the funeral of a relative at Belleville, Ont. ELMER D. BELL, R.A.. HAVE YOU HEATING PROBLEMS? 0 THANK YOU! Last week through the columns Of the Herald we as and for a few copies IBARRISTER - SOLICITOR of -the Herald tof Oct. 12th, of which, go If so, drop in and see its for your Furnace, Oil -aired EXETER, ONT. 0 ,ye have now received our req 0 number, and to those that xesponded; Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich 10, Bunner, Space Heater, Cook Stoves, Etc. At (New -Twnp. Office) 41 so nicely we say 'hank You! ' q 0 . . .. . .1 1 . 4. Check your Stove Pipes. Ours are band made. 4. Celebrate 25th Anniversary A- very enjoyable evening -was pia Mrs. your Bathroom Equipment from Mr. ana spent at. the home of NT Come in and pick AdLIbert Smith, Goshen line south, on Saturdai`,, November 4th .when our Full Stock of Fixtures. about 75.retatives and frienas gat'�-' 0, Cl K:!) ered to celebrate their 26th wedding 0. Paints - Hardware - Electrical Appliances anniversary. I The evening was spent 0 11t, Immediate Delivery Q j. in danerng, card playing. Lunch and ONCRETE 0 For Courteous and Dependable Service SEE! refreshments were served, The. sou HURON C 00 lia;nY 1,01velY gilts- 0 le received a All 01 lad a most 0 I'd time. Phone' 684 Seaforth 0 Phoqe 63 Zurich Return from Western Trip_ .reported having I "'a plend A p MR j I a A a, a pmrd wan PRODUCTS P1mrs-Theodore Rader 9,nfl MTS. _ f,"', . Milne Rader of &irich, accompanied NOMINATION by their brother, Mr. -,Arthur True- mllt�r, of Toronto,.. returned from POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICI-111 li'S R1 trip to visit their -uncle Public Notice is hereby given that their lovely 0 in Minot, M . Dabota. They then a mdeting of the Electors ca the i�l P OOR TILE 0 of Zurich, will be hol • went on to* Cavalier, MD., to 'visit Police Village IR Mr. -John .Moritz, and also visited in the _U F 0 R 0 with the following families: the Rest- TOWN HALL,/ RICH N 9 ® o -teinbach's) Schluchter, M1 The Best In Mastic T eineyers' the S On Tile Floor' and Kercher families, Evvryone FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1950 GET 9 out there sends . greetijigs to their At the hour from 7 to 8 o'clock ill 0 many friends e Z in the distAct' the evening, for the PurPOS0 Of �1 0 nominating nes -r Polite. R T I L E 49 n-oi candidat for M qD Held Anniversary Trustees for the Year 1951 and if a, ME - The Ean-Evangelical-Evall�lelical U. B. M_ ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Poll is demanded, a Poll Will be a Cl -lurch of Zurich, held its 70th all- opened on I manuf actured by, The' Mintkote Company, a niven;ary oil Sunday With a good at- MO' NDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1950 Toronto, Ont, tendance at both -morning and even- at the Clerk's Office, Zurich., Said 91 ing services. Rev. Dr MeNiven of tn 01 London being the guest sp I eater and Boll to be opened at 9 o'clock, a -in. See Your Local A-,ent message luntil 5 O'clock, P.111. JOHN M. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 a ho hada very in.-piring.n h Candidate is furnished When a d Free Estimates Gladly Giv®n M•usic was fin nomination LAID AND MAINTAINED. • ;both services. :�Iot7 presentprhopisose tees. by the c urch choir in the morning, valid unless there is I .1' not IN with Mrs. Milton Desch . conducting, - I UP I shall thereto evidence patisfact gm 0 and organist. In the evening the , -Officer -that he Hurona Male Choir, whose headquar- ory to the Returning consents tobe so nominated. -ers is at Exeter, supplied the music H W. Brokenshire, Returning OtTi(,er • land aendered soinp very lovely num- ' 950 Dated at Zurich, November 4, 1 0 hers. Rev*. E. Koppel, the Pastor, ELA _L_ I w, and iofficiated. 'a a presen a The Voice of Temperance Mas Weather Is Changeable You -don' -t have to drink — 0f At this time of yeatr the weather- course the trade wantsyou to drink man is very changeable. Last week to increase their profits, but you don't we had come of the finest weather in Ijave� to drink. And the government HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- history, in fact many records were -has provided -all sorts (of opportunit- liroken for nice and warm weather, ORDER YOURS EARLY! then on Satur'day it snowed most of res for 4rinking, but you don't have HARRIS REPAIRS. the day, 'Sunday it (became better to drink. ' The smart set ,may betray themselves by drilyking but you don't AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS and Monday was nice, but Tuesday night it rained and got much,colder, have to drink. A certain brewery IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT - so pt.to be may advertise that inen of distinct- ETC. ushered in without :any warning any kind of weather is arning at ion drink their brand --abut You don't ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, this time of ,year. We have had good have to. drink. To .be a successful weather for this season lately and salesman You don't havei to drink. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" No matter. what the others do, . you farmers have lost no time in round- - on't have to drink. Always and ev- ing out their work in anticipation: d ere -and whoever you are -you 149, OSCn r Rea� 67 exywh I C1. Shpa &10"T "It for winter. don have to drink. .--Advt. CATHOLIC WOMENS' LEAGUE PAST MASTERS MEET EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! The regular meeting the the'C-Vir- A splendid 'evening was spent In -9, 1,. of St. Dollifacei R.C. Church, Zur- the Ruiron Lodge A.F. and A.M 9 ich, was held in the Town -Hall,. on Hellsall, when the Past Masters Xa: 3 Monday November 6th, The presid- -let. The lodge was well OPEN DEER SEASON al at a reduced price. Police were 1Imectin*� . sociatiori n d and the Pair were soon ap- - eat, jAlrs. Harry Rto,,:e opellea the filled with members from almost ev- Special deer seasofts have -beenset notified prpbended. They admitted stealing% 2 - praver. Minutes ,of the in the district including for lKid-November iii certain Twps. with erY lodge ter, it I led. 1ast nieetitigv were read and.approv Oronto, R. 'Mills coll- . 0 ,willboat from a him,on the 4th. Con� meanbets from T in the'Ontario Counti a. Hun . n of Hullett Twp. and selling6Treasurer:;' report was given b)Yl dilu: licenses, obtainable cession cted a questii0alftire and Rt- WO` require SP06,11 e TownshiPlit. They Were each fined $50 and -Mrs Alphonse Greiner. Mrs. RO," 'Bro. R, H. Sanderson, of Lumsden, onl-y froln the Clerk of th j; -ave a report of the Tresident',s and Saak.,.with a life membership corti- 11 which the( hunting is to be done ve)dng which was held floate at the request of Corinthian jild issued only to Persons not bold- Directors' "I lildilig in dodge, Luinsden, Sask. ing general deer -hunting, licallses, ac- Wony men oma t the C-t1nolia Culture BI wom n Loud -on, (,anvassers well chosen to cording to Departments of Land,, and visit the different families of the CREDITON MAN PASSES ForeA , The -fee is $4 for residents a -s Wein �lw*' It dents 1p,.1yial, to 1,1�olylote Thom. his ,25.75 for In llul'o), 04, 1111h� 10, 15 1& the sale of '"The 8 Only gal 16*1 2-f— on at the age Of douiltv Canadian Relristel%` It Was decid- home near Credit . hunting with shotgun cp to have a euc'h,).-o part',V in the 78 years. He suured a stroke from will be permitted in t1lO, Townships got Now Pop, Vint, Vigw near future. This brought to a close which -he failed to rally, He was a of Howitk and Goderichl November t a tbrI191 Bony Umbs Oil QWt e Mr and Mrs. John lei to, 18. riumudok no lut . bon the 1buibiess part io,f the ineetiing3he son of thd late ur mawm his cq1tire life on thc- W' 1wein and sl 1N CATTLE T14EFT women, M who DOW 6oul M polit, ED FOPsWtb17PWtely, roc at pilrt 1-,,; in charge -or; yroua a 5 4'a estead where lie was born. He James Aikenhead and Glen PrYce, way thahu tho,9601 vr9oll-buil( 9;,.ZMh Alphon,so Grtxnier. TWO songs were `homestead :3tIv, wnia, ostroz onlo, darn JAVI �s Survived by two si,9terA,, (EIninFL) Rothof Bruceftold� WeTe fillOdd in IWIT lbo'" felena Farwell, Grace end imn, vitamin B g ,A, oildiumo 6tirle 9; sung by I and 6 So _ft .11 of London the af- Court on Nov. I for Appotl 0 Md ( C�#Stlolb to f6o 1 a Marian Regio�� Father. Ltteier gave !Mrs. Ross Smit nour 6hinott, I>u t mon b ar. interesting talk on "Catholi, ImissMatilda at •home one brotber)� cattle theft. SUSPIC10118 were aroused Vo,, i Am rging ta tat. to a At- ca ij�.E 1 2 MO. kOn nood W 'dh 1 0 r..,w 1.4 tion"', k hymn was sang 'after' a % 114 16�f Chris and a niece, Mrs. J0,14 Ph VT- hm a London pacidn-9 firm when Alk - both of Crediton. V, which �a daintylutielivaa served. ile efflicad and sold tb6m an A;jalm' 4* A HARDWARE SEEDS and FURNITURE 'V ffir tuel Nub Will receive attention with us if left in plenty, of time. We always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. We carry a full line of the Well Known and Trie� and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes Also Quick Drying Enarnels and Varnishes; Floor wai OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hat ware always in stock. M MI;% F11 D "'E & W"ADC r A i(7,, VUMCH - ONT. QUALITY PRICE SERVICE Tburaday,,November 9th) 1950 ZURICH HERALD X MEW Uffib OF LOC Mr. Victor winiiii spent Saturday Insurance, with his brother at petrola, wino Is on the teaclilag stair in that place. WHAT EVERY FAIIM, ER Westlake Funiture Mr :and Mrs, Misfired Scihik)e and, + daughter Sheila were Son4f4y + visit- NEEDS! + + ors with relatives at Kitchener. and + Mr and �Xrs. Ivan Yungbitit Blanket Farm Liability Policy + family and Mr, and Mrs..,Xilfred + Seasonable Sul,%Plies, Schih)e -were recent visitors with re- $10 000 inclusive Limits coverage. latives at, Midland, Mich... 1premium $9.00 per annum per farm + Rev, Dr, dAac.Niven of Londonwho;not exceeding .35Q acres. + wAnniversary the Anniersary -speaker in the + WE HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES Evangelluiel church, Was a, week -end. Does it Cover? guest oof Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Roppel.'*Operation of unlicensed , tractors and OF FURNITURE i'Vir, Isiah Wiltmer has returnee to his home, Gvshen line, south, after farin in -Tftachinery; Strayed Animals, visiting with his dauglitel%S, Mrs Floyd Farm Premises Risk, Personal Acts + + A dao®d Variety of Linoleum, . Congoleum. and f Pollock ock and Mrs. Fred Xll,tt at and Activities. + al + Axininister Rugs, Etc. London. + ,and Optional Coverages + Ax and Mrs. Orville Stehibach + daughter i)onna from, London visited;Animal Collision $200. limit on any + + All Lamps are Reasonably Priced! their parents Air and Mrs. Henry one animal Prem. $1.00. pro -ducts + Stein-bachand other friends on Sun- Liability. Custom Farming and + day. Machinevy rented to others, + We also carry a good supply of Springs and Mat - .Mr. and Mrs. Quimby Hess of Ste Employers' Liability. + Marie, and Mrs. Andrew 1'. !less, tire Voluntary Compensation. + tresses, such as Beautyrest, Airfoam, Etc. + former's mother, and who his been For Further particulars Apply. + �in Toronto, are spending a few weeks + Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich at tile family home in {town.* I J. W. HABiRER - Phone 161 + Mr. -and Mrs. Fred Batstone+ and Residence Phone 89. daughter Jean, spent the. week -end + at the home of their mother, Mrs. I ARTHUR FRASER + Annie Tuerkheiiii. Mrs. Bate tone and Jean are ,,:pending the Week with relatives in Zurich. Income Tax Reports Rev. Sot6aiion B,a;dhler of the Bookkeeping Etc Bookkeeping Service, , 00 0 lBronson Line will conduct the anorn- 0 41 ing preaching service in the Fvang- EXETER e* Sun- )FFICE.-_Carner Ann, William Sts. 1b 0 More - ,b elical U. B. church here, next you ED d w a, I's, + daly, on account of the pastor's ab- Phone: Exeter 504. 0 sense -while attending the funeral of a relative at Belleville, Ont. ELMER D. BELL, R.A.. HAVE YOU HEATING PROBLEMS? 0 THANK YOU! Last week through the columns Of the Herald we as and for a few copies IBARRISTER - SOLICITOR of -the Herald tof Oct. 12th, of which, go If so, drop in and see its for your Furnace, Oil -aired EXETER, ONT. 0 ,ye have now received our req 0 number, and to those that xesponded; Wednesday, 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich 10, Bunner, Space Heater, Cook Stoves, Etc. At (New -Twnp. Office) 41 so nicely we say 'hank You! ' q 0 . . .. . .1 1 . 4. Check your Stove Pipes. Ours are band made. 4. Celebrate 25th Anniversary A- very enjoyable evening -was pia Mrs. your Bathroom Equipment from Mr. ana spent at. the home of NT Come in and pick AdLIbert Smith, Goshen line south, on Saturdai`,, November 4th .when our Full Stock of Fixtures. about 75.retatives and frienas gat'�-' 0, Cl K:!) ered to celebrate their 26th wedding 0. Paints - Hardware - Electrical Appliances anniversary. I The evening was spent 0 11t, Immediate Delivery Q j. in danerng, card playing. Lunch and ONCRETE 0 For Courteous and Dependable Service SEE! refreshments were served, The. sou HURON C 00 lia;nY 1,01velY gilts- 0 le received a All 01 lad a most 0 I'd time. Phone' 684 Seaforth 0 Phoqe 63 Zurich Return from Western Trip_ .reported having I "'a plend A p MR j I a A a, a pmrd wan PRODUCTS P1mrs-Theodore Rader 9,nfl MTS. _ f,"', . Milne Rader of &irich, accompanied NOMINATION by their brother, Mr. -,Arthur True- mllt�r, of Toronto,.. returned from POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICI-111 li'S R1 trip to visit their -uncle Public Notice is hereby given that their lovely 0 in Minot, M . Dabota. They then a mdeting of the Electors ca the i�l P OOR TILE 0 of Zurich, will be hol • went on to* Cavalier, MD., to 'visit Police Village IR Mr. -John .Moritz, and also visited in the _U F 0 R 0 with the following families: the Rest- TOWN HALL,/ RICH N 9 ® o -teinbach's) Schluchter, M1 The Best In Mastic T eineyers' the S On Tile Floor' and Kercher families, Evvryone FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, 1950 GET 9 out there sends . greetijigs to their At the hour from 7 to 8 o'clock ill 0 many friends e Z in the distAct' the evening, for the PurPOS0 Of �1 0 nominating nes -r Polite. R T I L E 49 n-oi candidat for M qD Held Anniversary Trustees for the Year 1951 and if a, ME - The Ean-Evangelical-Evall�lelical U. B. M_ ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES Poll is demanded, a Poll Will be a Cl -lurch of Zurich, held its 70th all- opened on I manuf actured by, The' Mintkote Company, a niven;ary oil Sunday With a good at- MO' NDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1950 Toronto, Ont, tendance at both -morning and even- at the Clerk's Office, Zurich., Said 91 ing services. Rev. Dr MeNiven of tn 01 London being the guest sp I eater and Boll to be opened at 9 o'clock, a -in. See Your Local A-,ent message luntil 5 O'clock, P.111. JOHN M. TURKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 a ho hada very in.-piring.n h Candidate is furnished When a d Free Estimates Gladly Giv®n M•usic was fin nomination LAID AND MAINTAINED. • ;both services. :�Iot7 presentprhopisose tees. by the c urch choir in the morning, valid unless there is I .1' not IN with Mrs. Milton Desch . conducting, - I UP I shall thereto evidence patisfact gm 0 and organist. In the evening the , -Officer -that he Hurona Male Choir, whose headquar- ory to the Returning consents tobe so nominated. -ers is at Exeter, supplied the music H W. Brokenshire, Returning OtTi(,er • land aendered soinp very lovely num- ' 950 Dated at Zurich, November 4, 1 0 hers. Rev*. E. Koppel, the Pastor, ELA _L_ I w, and iofficiated. 'a a presen a The Voice of Temperance Mas Weather Is Changeable You -don' -t have to drink — 0f At this time of yeatr the weather- course the trade wantsyou to drink man is very changeable. Last week to increase their profits, but you don't we had come of the finest weather in Ijave� to drink. And the government HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- history, in fact many records were -has provided -all sorts (of opportunit- liroken for nice and warm weather, ORDER YOURS EARLY! then on Satur'day it snowed most of res for 4rinking, but you don't have HARRIS REPAIRS. the day, 'Sunday it (became better to drink. ' The smart set ,may betray themselves by drilyking but you don't AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS and Monday was nice, but Tuesday night it rained and got much,colder, have to drink. A certain brewery IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT - so pt.to be may advertise that inen of distinct- ETC. ushered in without :any warning any kind of weather is arning at ion drink their brand --abut You don't ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, this time of ,year. We have had good have to. drink. To .be a successful weather for this season lately and salesman You don't havei to drink. "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" No matter. what the others do, . you farmers have lost no time in round- - on't have to drink. Always and ev- ing out their work in anticipation: d ere -and whoever you are -you 149, OSCn r Rea� 67 exywh I C1. Shpa &10"T "It for winter. don have to drink. .--Advt. CATHOLIC WOMENS' LEAGUE PAST MASTERS MEET EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDS! The regular meeting the the'C-Vir- A splendid 'evening was spent In -9, 1,. of St. Dollifacei R.C. Church, Zur- the Ruiron Lodge A.F. and A.M 9 ich, was held in the Town -Hall,. on Hellsall, when the Past Masters Xa: 3 Monday November 6th, The presid- -let. The lodge was well OPEN DEER SEASON al at a reduced price. Police were 1Imectin*� . sociatiori n d and the Pair were soon ap- - eat, jAlrs. Harry Rto,,:e opellea the filled with members from almost ev- Special deer seasofts have -beenset notified prpbended. They admitted stealing% 2 - praver. Minutes ,of the in the district including for lKid-November iii certain Twps. with erY lodge ter, it I led. 1ast nieetitigv were read and.approv Oronto, R. 'Mills coll- . 0 ,willboat from a him,on the 4th. Con� meanbets from T in the'Ontario Counti a. Hun . n of Hullett Twp. and selling6Treasurer:;' report was given b)Yl dilu: licenses, obtainable cession cted a questii0alftire and Rt- WO` require SP06,11 e TownshiPlit. They Were each fined $50 and -Mrs Alphonse Greiner. Mrs. RO," 'Bro. R, H. Sanderson, of Lumsden, onl-y froln the Clerk of th j; -ave a report of the Tresident',s and Saak.,.with a life membership corti- 11 which the( hunting is to be done ve)dng which was held floate at the request of Corinthian jild issued only to Persons not bold- Directors' "I lildilig in dodge, Luinsden, Sask. ing general deer -hunting, licallses, ac- Wony men oma t the C-t1nolia Culture BI wom n Loud -on, (,anvassers well chosen to cording to Departments of Land,, and visit the different families of the CREDITON MAN PASSES ForeA , The -fee is $4 for residents a -s Wein �lw*' It dents 1p,.1yial, to 1,1�olylote Thom. his ,25.75 for In llul'o), 04, 1111h� 10, 15 1& the sale of '"The 8 Only gal 16*1 2-f— on at the age Of douiltv Canadian Relristel%` It Was decid- home near Credit . hunting with shotgun cp to have a euc'h,).-o part',V in the 78 years. He suured a stroke from will be permitted in t1lO, Townships got Now Pop, Vint, Vigw near future. This brought to a close which -he failed to rally, He was a of Howitk and Goderichl November t a tbrI191 Bony Umbs Oil QWt e Mr and Mrs. John lei to, 18. riumudok no lut . bon the 1buibiess part io,f the ineetiing3he son of thd late ur mawm his cq1tire life on thc- W' 1wein and sl 1N CATTLE T14EFT women, M who DOW 6oul M polit, ED FOPsWtb17PWtely, roc at pilrt 1-,,; in charge -or; yroua a 5 4'a estead where lie was born. He James Aikenhead and Glen PrYce, way thahu tho,9601 vr9oll-buil( 9;,.ZMh Alphon,so Grtxnier. TWO songs were `homestead :3tIv, wnia, ostroz onlo, darn JAVI �s Survived by two si,9terA,, (EIninFL) Rothof Bruceftold� WeTe fillOdd in IWIT lbo'" felena Farwell, Grace end imn, vitamin B g ,A, oildiumo 6tirle 9; sung by I and 6 So _ft .11 of London the af- Court on Nov. I for Appotl 0 Md ( C�#Stlolb to f6o 1 a Marian Regio�� Father. Ltteier gave !Mrs. Ross Smit nour 6hinott, I>u t mon b ar. interesting talk on "Catholi, ImissMatilda at •home one brotber)� cattle theft. SUSPIC10118 were aroused Vo,, i Am rging ta tat. to a At- ca ij�.E 1 2 MO. kOn nood W 'dh 1 0 r..,w 1.4 tion"', k hymn was sang 'after' a % 114 16�f Chris and a niece, Mrs. J0,14 Ph VT- hm a London pacidn-9 firm when Alk - both of Crediton. V, which �a daintylutielivaa served. ile efflicad and sold tb6m an A;jalm'