Zurich Herald, 1950-11-09, Page 5_ .. _ ....... ............. .... xuR c}t ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD ZURICH HERALD W, Put YquT Want, F.Qr �al'e.r Y_ . Au$horized as oud .class mail, LOCA NEW -b n rt ent uttawa, Lost Found, to, Ads, in this , 'READ foci Qffice epi to . Colutrnn• er hoto,graphex I12r. Jack DOc7'x', t i 1f 0 Exeter was town Wednesday, on the table Mr. and Mrs. Ilexrb Kraft of De- $[J$jN „S CARDStroat NOT C 'were weep -end visitors at the lu me of Mr. and Mrs, R. F. Stade, Having disposed of the Zuraeli Dairy Ilavi S p _Sunday Leonard io Erb, I take this P Miss Ella Link of Exeter was a guest at the home of beiNX 4`,�' • John W. 0reha.rd to Mr. GOUSinS, to thank my shanty Patrons Mr and Mrs. Ward Fritz, 'Mrs I OPTOMETRIST portunity fox their patronage �accordecz me an Mx' ;and Alvin Gangerach ands, David attended the rrunexal -of i NIa'►n Street --- '.Exeter I hereby wish the same courteous son will be extended to my a relative a n Elmira on Friday. t Oen Every Week Day ,consideration successor. * sall M a and Mrs. Ezra Kipfer of He n- spent Sunday with relatives ire , '��• N r Except Wednesday --Francis Kipper. town.w•µ y„a Phone 3553 "IDR _ S A L 1~'. was -- Mr. Herbert K Ellber of Crediton .a Sunday visito-r at 1`hehome of Fritz. the nfeal Is ready, LICENSED AUCTIONEERS New Idea farm Equipment; Min- his daughter, Mrs. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Desjardine Na ;Heal is complete without pic:n _„ --- neapolis Moline Tractors -and Mach- were recent visitors at tli �laoi7se of d of delicious wholesoar.e bread,,, And ALVIN WALT'R 'a r * • x+'airbanks-llTorse Ptammer i to 3 , their Mills, etc Write or phone for Prices s ear Stratford. relatives n Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Grix of and is good TASTY -NU taus good a hearty food for you. Every slice a X.,icenyed �,,p.1C$ion it and folders. Detroit New Idea Distributors, Groderich, Ont * home were recent visitors at the , of the former's uncle, Mr an slice of energy - Bug an extra Taoa�f today—start jos Phone, Carlow 2821• Mr. Jo'sep'h Foster. -Pfaff now to serve m.oie bread at every HURON AND LA .bN small, Cour- - STRAYED of Mr, and ;1Ir5. A. and son near Crediton were Sunday visit- meal. Get your TASTY -NU Breac at the Tasty Nu Bakery or at your 'or your Sale, large .or Efficient Service at all ors at the home of their parents, Mr local Grocers. ovg and W Unto my farm, west of Hillsgreen, and Steer, about 700 -lbs, ,.Mrs. Lee W. Hoffman T, Wahl fain- Ena�����" Vbuesl bASHWOOD 2. a Hereford Rejv. and Mrs. R, and �Jrclati� ��'�� ��a � 1phone 57 r Owner can have same by proving ily sof Lambeth visited at the home propertlyl and paying evpenses• * of their parents, Rev. and Mrs. H.E. PHONE 100 -- ZURICH F CORBE �T —1-Iarold Reichert. J Roppel. E. Mr and Mrs. Ernest Gemming and PIGS FOR SALE children of Rochester, N.Y., spent Mr %0T ICE TO CREDITORS LICENSED AUCTIONEER the week -end with their parents, Reasonable, Sat5s-faetion A number of small pigs for sale. and, Mrs. Wellington Johmion, In the Estate of ANNA GILL, Term Guaranteed Peteir Roe -he, 'Phone 2-93 Zurich. '" Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Jervis .and deceased. R. R• i son of Clinton were Sunday visitors TAKE NOTICE that all persons EgETER, 92r7. FOR SALE at the home of their parent;, Mr and having claims against the estate of Phone _-ich Mrs. Sylv. Witmer. ANNA GILL, late of the Village of C' h f C t f Huron Tk�arsday, November , ATTENTION FARMER$ ! . FEEDING MOLASE$ ARF. GOING UP IN, PRICE EVERY OUR STOCK GOES AT T14L OLD PRICE, SO ACT' NOW,. We leave a limited Supply of No. I $% Shingles at .a Price. Now is the time to Worm those Pullets, We have a good supply of 'Worm .Par on ,hand at all times. ; We carry a good supply of Concentrates for every need, So come in and try a good Co -OP, Mixt ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS I ensa.11 Dist. o-COper tit HENSALL and ZURICH lI ucassar�• g f, Tf+w' �''j' 1"x fr{,�r�0.•, �#,. "' : .r �:-wiU. LJ:.ii�461: ,-�a+a Yoeilt ('AR relsresetrts a major investmexict, It deserves the best of care••• -and alat's what we're ready to give it. Whether it's a complete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service --the kind. that will keep you corning back. We'd appreciate a chance to show you • what we can doh. ecf c c rcic It 114PERIAL ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION t' COR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS ��D DEALER wo Holstein heifer. flab calf, due in Mr and Mrs. Samuel as o o Zurich, in the Dun y Q , V E T E R I N A R I A.N ;Harriston Were Sunday visitors at Widow, Who died on or about the 4th SAVE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME February. Apply to Iden Etue; Pic the homes sof the former',- brothers day .of September, 1950, etre requir.- OM- 98 r 13,`Zurich. MONEY ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. C in town. ed to file the same with the under- ppARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOW ANCES ON YOUR OLD TIDES!, �.� • Sc -FOR S,�,I.E Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burn and mentioned SoPcitor on or before the W B. COXON, Mrs. E. Burn of I2ilverton, enjoyed 18th day of November A. D. 1950, s the Sunday at the home of Mr. and after which date the estate of the of a 29 Pontiac and Plymouth, 19" Mrs. J. W. Merner. said deceased will be distributed with VETERINARY SURGEON Trailer f ntiae . Plymouth, ws, ars tiIr incl rl2rs. Arthur Iv2cClinchey 1E,gard only to those Claims of which tkglw with Residence, Main Street, tires used. —Ivan Wiliest. c e _ and family of London, :,pe°':t the we- notice shall their have been received. i ,OpStore gasite Drug ZURICH.ek-end at the home of their mother,. D'ATE'D at Exeter this 26th day of py�-96 FOR QUICK SA�-'E Nims. Roland Geiger.October, A. D. 1950. B U T C Ill E RS A 1937 X11/s ton Dodge Mrs. Arthur McLean and son Brien ELMER D BELL, K C.,. Truck stake badly) 'and racks. Priced and Miss Betty O'Brien of London, Solicitor for the Executors, d •-'t at the Borne of Iip were Sun a)n vise o.rs Exeter, Ontario. for quick sale —Maurice Masse, _Mr and Mrs. Lloyd all Rubbertheir parents, When Sorting Time comes for � , Footwear t fop Aar Phone 98 r 24, Zurich, 00rien. ZAtirich'" lHessms. Ward Fritz, Herb Desjar- AUCTION SALE -�, �, WANTED --- $Ile price of such will be from 15 $0 25°'r higher. M-E/� /� IK dine, -and son Elroiyl and Stanley I'S �� A11k USED PIANO IN GOOD CONDIT- Snlith spent a few days over the OI FARM 4I STOCK y wait until $llerfl. tae$ $hent early such as ° You with the ION. Apply to Phone 1192, Zurich. week-md at the former's cottage in At the Farrar of Alex, Sparks, Con- J.et Us supply Y l p 3' the Parrs* Sound District. 'Very Choice o£ Fresh a--1 Cur" _ 11Tr and Mrs. John Brown, who cession 4, Goderich Township. 3 Men's Laudon or Viking, an all rubber fitting over vieK SALE miles north of Balyfield, or 10 miles Meats, Bologna,-, & ages' FOR Q have been rdsiding at Crediton, have south .of Godc,rich, and one mile east the shoe wi$h fleece lining• AVT®=�derftll tt'eYrA ®� Ma always on hand. Kept moved their effects into the new Etc., Used Dining room and Living of. Blue Water Highway. The under- hockey snatch. Gtech g home they purchased from Mr. Mor- footwear 'fresh in Electric Refrif Room Suites. Low Prices, at the ris Weber, just south of St, Boniface signed Auctioneer has been instruct- twee_ $o watch a o� Westlake Furniture, .Zurich, c •Church. We welcome the Brown ed to sell by Public Auction, on Highest Cash Prices i _ - family our villsze. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 Also the same bind of Footwear for Women, Boys F0 R S A L E The •cl'W----ian, Mr Frank Fangland tijF,iool, Hides and Skins Clio;re G2een Celery. Orders taken I .C., o ' : Tinton outlined the (program Commencing at 1.30 o'clock P.M. Girls and Children. H. �. -111 Q 1�i1� �?�xi by crate. ,or less. Call 134, Zurich. for the Chr::tnzas Seal Campaign Horses — One good work .team. _ Gerald C�itvgerich. t -which :: a annual event in this co- Cattle — Number of good dairy unty.acid Beef Cows. Some cows milking, The Store where you limp in, and Skip out. PRODUCE Mr. and Mrs: Leonard Bark and oth-&s freshxng early; 5 two-year old W A N•T E D familgn of Guelph. were Sunday visit- Steges and Heifers; 5 Durham and Old Horses, suitable for mink feed cors with relatives and friends. Also Hexefi ids rising two; 10 choice iC h IS attended the T; spring U hou Will pay 2c. a pound, �Plione Collect. s vanmelical church an- s Gin Calves.silvem t a Store t Jack CTilbert, 936 r '21, or Ashley nivei^sary. Cattle are of good .size and quality, Gilbert be r 312, Goderacl7, Ont. -tf Mr. and Mrs. Gordon K !tting and including some purebreds. All cattle 1lr and Mrs. Zinn of Goderich were T.B. tested and free to enter any w=M1 n ` , A , � —W-10 0. � BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Smidaly guests at the home of lir. � herd or area. � and llrs. Chris. Hist, Also attendin, Pigs — Six 900:1 chunks. Two : 0 q 1 Cream, Eggs FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, the anniversary of the Evangelical I shoats 150 lbs.each. I� cows o � r od � 0 �� �' � P� p t h Market, for a dat.! ii you ti'tint �onre cow• ots°good ey i�rj - A r: tj e INCOME TAX REPORTS church,. ® `� and PcultrY AUDITING, ETC., ETC. A vend enthusiastic meeting• of the feeders. TERMS --CASH e� Have Your Eggs Graded on Huron County Tuberculos'A Associat- � You can't go wrong when you buy a well known � NORMAN COWAN ion w>as held recently in Clinton. Re- Evan Sparks, Proprietor. our , , o ?:5 or more Edward Elliott, Auctioneer. 0 Reliable Beatty Washing Machine � 'AUTOMATIC HAY POST OI'rICE ,presentataves tDtalin,., ® Y Dashwood 40 r 13. P4t were present fron-i various towns and e? ie EGG GRADER villages in the county TENDERS WANT Ell 0 We carry.a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers 0 ad Stock Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Rot7pel left TENDERS FOR WOOD at three popular prices' 2 LeRoy O'Brien, 1VManager on Wednesday afterrnoon for Belle- Sealed tenders will be received by ® �� °�� 0 Bone 1®1 Zurich. $2.75 Each. Prompt Service for vine, Ont.. to attend the funeral' of the Secretary until November 14th, $119.50 149,50 19 5 0, I Lifting.—Jack Williams. Call Phone their brother-in-law^ R. J I-IaII, who for the following hard wood ao Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. p I to b•e delivered p 0 0 ® �� � � 2�4 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-5-`50 died d the General Hospital there on and piled at the IIsi- qac 0, Zurich YTuesday evening. The deceased was ed school sectvoiis in the Hay Towrt- �„ hip School Area, on or before April ® Co1.1•te in and see them - they'll speak for themselves NOTICE the husband of Mrs. Roppel's only 11 p' � Y P sister. 1st, 10,51. Wood umst be 'sound body n Baur Herne Market fa; :.ream wood, anaple or beech for mixed, to Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- & WHITEWASHING & CLEANING Attended Graduation meet with the approval of the board � a before payment is made. ware on hand. a Eggs and Poultr; Arrangements can be made T%rs. R. F. Stade aiicl •VTi�s Martha S.S. 11. 12 single Cords 2' �a cod. Bill Watson Heideman attended the Nurses Grad a P:.•; Dashwood — Phone 35r19 nation at Clinton, which Was heldin S.S.g. 4 single ciords 2' w. od 0 Scarfe's Endurable Paints, Enamels and VarnislZes. � Highest Cash Prices l Plus the Wesley 'Willis United Church, ' S.S. G: 12 single cords 2� wood Kern -610, Etc. lk premium for delivered cream last week. S.S. 4: 10 single cords 2 wood Almatex Plastic Paints, ! Attended Convention S.S. 8: 1.0 single Cords 2' wood 0 a d to give effi- S ng a Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy! 0 (�%e are equippedGLEN Mr and 4Trs. C. L. Smith attended S.S. 15: 1. i le cords 2' wood the Pros^s Convention of the Wert- S.S. 10. 8 single cords 1 wr;od. a ® r 0 4 dent accurate service. Egg ern Counties Weekly Newcl7aper A - S.S. 2: 10 single cords 11 wood 0 _ �� y � S 4 de artment in A .to Wreckers socaation Banquet held at the Royal S.S. 1'>: 8 single cords 1 wood ® �b and Poultry p Inn, Harrfatan, Ont. on Saturd'v . Tenders will be received for entire Phone �13 ttiv Taditor or partial amounts, or for seated a Main St. Hardware Store a Byers. Phone 418 M They were aecoin17anied l b ichwge of Mr. T. M Richat•d and �,rrs. Atkey of the Clin- sections. � � ONTARIO H. W. 1ROKENSHIRE'�� e�_ti;s'� t� 4 EXETER — ton Ne��S Record. Mr. Atketi became w..«� • w --�.� • c —.: '�'�""°-" � Chas. Minshall, Proprietor the Secretary -'Treasurer, news- elected president of the - .r+ -�—• �^� ^� ' '"" ` """`" orgaratnatioit. Flay �'wp. Scho al Arra, I "THEREFORE sE YE ALSO READY: FOR IN SUCH AN Zurich, Ontario. a { INSURANCE HYA�IF.NI~.AT HOUR A3 YE THINK NOT THE SON OF MAN COMETH." a Used Parts Scott — Bec'hler vbridesmaftwa -veil with train. '1"he l s, I Matt. 24: 44 � ' �lllR� For All Makes of Cars A very happy matrintonal event Mise Barbara Hecbride and hler of La Crosse, 13 IF CHEST SERE T� COME TODAY j WesternI1��erwas solersvtized ii St. 2e,0'St t futon tir�edcilusyelllo Gin of 1tC silk t, etas with i ; --Manifolds crap Church, Zurich, rat .WOULD YOU WELCOME HIM AS YOUR LORD AND KING Weather � VIII' �E Q• -Hot Water PYea#ers Saturday, November i4f 1950, when shoulder length vest and Carried s OR WOULD YOU BE AMONG THOSE WHO WILL CITY Noal Mae Bechler, daughter of 11'Ir. sweethoar roses. The best man was 1 OF WOODSTOCK —Axles and Wheels for and Mrs. Joseph Bechler, of 7uriclt, Gordon Laing b Cromarty, and the 1 was united in weddlock to Mir. Don- ushers. were Robert Laing, and Ivan FOR THE ROCKS AND `pI•iE MOUNTAINS TO FALL iJPOAT Mrs. s Scott, Scott and the late blblaedelsr, ab 0th r (wash©nos Ile. The � THEM, Rev, 6: 16, 17, �:iEiE LARGEST RESERVE BAT, 'Trailers: aid James Scott, of Crotnan°tv, I 'tumeci in 1lyCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- of Mr. Christ has gone to p►iepar'e a place for those who have 1<7AL C011ZIvANY t)ING BUSINESS i [�' Russell Scott. The elnireh vas lovely pthe g sill: wore while the nl0t. e I made Him their Saroious and He will come again to receive us, OS•' THIS KIND IN ONTARIO `~°' ��I ""'� dceorated with ferns, mums• dahlies the groom wore wine silk veloit The e, and autumn flowers. Tho oft'iciating,wedditsg dinner was held in ch -with n a °i that where He is we n,ay 4e also. . John 14: 2,3. . Amount of Ixasu at?ce at Risk on pl ,Mouth 5 -passenger Cowpe clex;gvman was the 11astor, R', - o � ltitemillioxtd�oxa1tioxt�11T11e itotteymooil is I BUT, to those whe receive H•i:m not He will appear agaln in11 December 3i6*, 1946 41 Y Tleimrich, gtsaS:sted by nn Intel , i flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, anal $73,699,236:90 36 Dodge Coach T;r6in, Dr. R. G. McKwy. The wed- jbein•g spent ids Indiana, U. S., Toro's Cash in Bank and Bonds. cline nxusac W.S. played lit' ATi,s Attie;to, Niagara, travel ng attire 1. points. Slipper i that ohoy the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. II Tires. 1e 8. Vot 33 Ford Coach �� the Truth and the Life. Jit 14.6. $444,115.39 Gey I-Teimricit of Zurich, and Rate6' on placation soloist tivas Mrs. Haray C"T. Hess, I s0�blue wool garia�,rdine, with pini: ac- JiESUS SAID, 1 am the VbaY, Application 31 Ford Coupe Whosoever cometh uaste the, I will in no wise east out. Jn.6:37 of Zurich, wlro wore apple red crepe eessorics and ryvidre toy Coat. They' ,� L F. KLOPF�-- lbs: t�C+H 3'0 Chevrolet Sedahi and chose the following• selections: will reside r7r the groom's fi>ye Jiar`>In A G ?Il 11T '� Op®„ pally 8 a=in. Gro 6 p.rir, ,,Oh Perfect Love," aRtri "I'll Walk at Gicomarty: Guests were present CHAS E. FULLER:) 5 p.an., DST, Sundays ABC Nc#worts ' „ lde i was I+ivE tt from I,a, Crosse, Ind,, '1?iverton, Lor - You." The bt ' ' ° ° r ods in marriage by her fattier' an looked don, Ni, era Falls, Grand (lend, Also Dealer in I ighti;�.. >v. R Saturdays 8 a,m. to 10 p.nx. Zurich and Godoxioli. ,xind all kinds of Fire I<, ^ lrance ---- eet^t loveliy in 1i171ter .satin., illustoia I C,tomart�, ,•----•----•---- - ---