HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-11-09, Page 4ZURICH ONTARIO
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in compliance with By -Law
No. 17, passed October 16th, 1950, under authority of Chapter 26e,
Section 76 of the Municipal Act, a meeting of the Electors of the
Township of Hay will be held in the
FRIDAY, .NOVEMBER 24th, 1950
The C'leit� Y�311 'x iii ar ,,'ftatrt?..]tip ll.ali, Zurich, from 1 to 2 pan.'
to receive o
Nanlill .i..n:: •�+ t2t' i' `•'ve anti four Councillors forthe
Year 1:�:�1 ai s.or t{t 1, 5 i w:, lap School Area "trustees for
ilie year., l9 =1 ant 1 +,,' ;oi,! )1,o 1'i .t�ztoo for 1950, duty to Resig-
natiOrl of 0114' l.ti,23+'t' (,e flit Board of Trustees.
When a propo etl (tj�(Jid to :s not present, his nomination
paper shall •,ltd, ¢1� -,111d l l ?3 t' et'e is attached thereto evidence
satisfactory to ,he !",,turning Officer that he consents to be so
A meeting t,t thta Electors will be held in the Township Hall,
Zurich, at 2 p.m., on
FRIDA'%-, NOVEMBER 24th, 1950
To Bear prono4,ed C:andid:ita , and in case more than the required
-number of cal:t]iu;ltes to fill the office are nominated, and a vote
denianded, A Poll will be held on
From 9.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m., at the following places:
Poll Polling Place D.R.O. Poll Clerk
1. School. House No. z Leroy O'Brien Gordon Surerus
2. School House No. 14 Will. R. Bell Hugh hlcEwell
S. Zurich Town Hall Percy Campbell Lorne (sh.apman
4. Zurich Town Ball Albert Hess borne Klopp
5. School House No. 12 Hilton Truenmer Ed. J. Stine
6. Earl Guenther Plock Clayton Pfile Rhein. Miller
7. School Hou.�e No, 3 Jas. l2cAllister Garnet Jacobe
S. Jas. Masse Residence Fred Ducharme Ed. Corriveau
Dated at Zurich, Ont. if. W. BROKENSHIRE,
November 4th, 1950. Returning" Officer
51,P � �4
Wait Another Day %i
Start Necessary,Home Repairs NOW
[i r-
" C yC
0 Protect your furnishings, prevent
expensive repair costs by re -roofing
x , now. Call us for a free inspection
of your roof, no obligation.
' ! }/
210 lb. choice of colors.
100 square feet • ..... ... .$9.00
74j ROLL ROOFING — 90 lbs. quality.
Red, Green or Black
100 square feet $5.00ii
Apply insulation yourself between!
open ceiling rafters. Or ask fora 1s`'
free estimate on a complete job. (�
Batt. Type Ins. 15,48x3"Jkraft lined
50 sq. ft. ctn. ........... , $3.75 �i(f�ll
Batt Type 15x48x2", 75 sq ft -4.13
Loose Rock Wool — Pour between
ceiling rafters, 5 cu. ft. bang 1.35
u 4
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w Insulates, protects and beautifies
your home. End painting bother for-
ever.. . .Per 100 sq. ft. � $13.00 '
i,� ROLL BRICK SIDING — 2 ' colors,
P_ 100 sp. ft. , $5.00
® a c Son Ltd. red t,
Telephones: Zurich 69, Res. 162. Goderich 388
h7ke Beans N Soya Bears
Tli �A by = Alsike a Sweet Clover
ZURICH HERALDThursday, xovQwmber 9th, 950
rate ,frown T,B. was just nvellt-
per 140,.00 and last year it was:.
.The various Inions Clubs iii the just over 30 per 100;000. We aan't•county have again agreed to conduct helphoping that the 1.950 figura
the -campaign ✓this year and they
N -0 --ti hen i+t co-nt out will be Estill tower
sollieit iy'our whole=hearted support iai w
r this w•ortliv cause. This «rill. be the and we can't help but feel pride in
Of F*list POSirlllg O 'voters I.,1StS for Year 1214th Canada.wide Christmas Seallthe part that Christmas Seale have,
1 9 S 0
sale, When the first one was 'in 1827 played by paving for preventatives.,
with 24 committees taking part, the f services, in bringing this rate down.
NOTICE is hereby given ithat I have compliecr with
Section 8 of the VOTERS' LIS'T'S .ACT and. I have posted
up in my Office, at Zurich, Ontario, on the
the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said launicip-
ality at Municipal Elections and that such list remains there
And I hereby call upon all voters to take 'immeaiate
proceedings to have anyerrors or omissions corrected ac-
cording to Lav, the last day for appeal being the
27th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1950
Dated at Zurich, Ontario, this '6th Day ,of NoveinL•er, 1950.
,.; ..� �, m.,.�.����:s�s7a::su;;�;�:+,•�er�.�.s��u�s�ar•.�rw,
listers one day last week. Rogers introduced the guest speaker,
Mrs. Gilmore and child -mil, of St.1 Rev. Dr. R. Griezw1i, ordained m on£-
mtharines and Jack Shea +of Eston, inter and medical missionary
,ask., called on relatives, here last Londesboro, who had spent a period
veek. of 37 years in Northern Korea. rir.
Mr and Mrs. Williams of Bowman Gruel:son is the lastsurviving memb-
rille spent the week -enol with their or of a group of five who began the
laughter and son -'n -law Mr, and work there in 11898. The speaker
&-s. Lorne Kleinstiver. gave a challenging message -ri which
Mr and Mrs. Leonard Birk and,he (a) enlisted our sympathy and
Aiss Verna Birk of Guelph, spent praiv!ers for this distressed country
the week -end here and in Zurich. and its churches (b) elevated ours op -
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Snell, Mr anti inion of Korean people and (c) •e
Mrs. A Alemand and Mr and Mrs ,a bird's eye view of the work done
W. -Matthew were Sundaiy visitors in by the United Church in North Korea
Detroit. Had Special Services
Word was received here on Ia1on= A splendid representation of mem-
day of the sudden'death of Leonard, bers of the Canadian Legion anu the
Schroeder of Windsor, youngest son IW. Auxiliary attemded divine servic-
of Mrs. 114ary Schroeder and the late.; es in Carmel Presbyterian ehurc-1 on
Jacob Schroeder which took place y Sunday evening, Nov. 5th. Rev. W
very suddenly following a heart at- I J. Rogers of the United.Church
tack. The funeral will be held ion I read the scripture and prnounced
Thursday afternoon with burial in , the benediction. Rev. R. H. Sander -
Windsor. I sols in rich voice, offered the solo
"I Gave My Life for Thee" The
1HENSAF.L 1 choir supplied the music under the
Mr and Dors Geo. Hess accompall leadership of Mr. Nichol, who will
with his vocal and piano pupils give
ied by Mrs. A. Foster and Mrs. An- a recital in the church on Monday
nie 'Saundercock were visitors with i eve. Nov. •13th.
members of their families at Toronto e
111' and -Mrs. Russel Redden, O1 -v- STANLEY TOWNSHIP
ille and Lloyd of St. Catharines, were
recent visitors with Mrs. Catharinei' Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane, of
Redden on her 70th birthday.•Stanle!y north, well known and highly
Miss Bettiy, Muckle, who is attend -;respected citizens, celebrated their
ing Western University, London,and' golden wedding on Saturday, Octob-
Mill Mickle, who is attending O.A.C. f er 28th at their home. Many friends
Guelph, were visitors with their par-.: called to coffer congratulations ana
ents, Mr and Mrs. E. L. Mickle. i extend best wishes for many ,years
Ladies' Were Entertained 'of Wedded happiness.
Ladies' 'night of Hensall Chamber I David Tough Passes
of Commerce was largely attended: The funeral of the late David
when .a dinner meeting was held a�*r
the Brenner House, Grand Bend, on Tough, former Stanley To
ee-- ; Bronson line resident, who passed
Tuesday evening. The members t
aced their wives and lady friends to away Sunday morning, Oct. 29th in
a turkey dinner with all the trimm_ his 89th rear at his home, Brucefield
ings. followed by a picture show at was held. Tuesday following, with in -
Grand Bend, 'Mrs. R. H. Middleton terment in Baird's cemetery, ar.:l his
gave a reacting and lucky tickets were ]castor, RMv. E. P. Stanway of Bruce
drawn by Mrs. A. W. Kerslake, .1jr-
_ field officiating.
W. R Davidson, Miss Jean Armstr Varna W. M. S.
ong, Mrs. Elsie Case, Mrs. W. 0. Varna United Church W. M.S. So -
Goodwin and -firs. r.. E. Shaddick, ciety entertained the ladies of Bruce
Play Well Received field and Bayfield societies. The meet
Under the auspices of the Wohelo ing was pre-ided over by Mrs. George
class, United Church, the Elimville Reid president -and Mrs. Fred Reid,
W. Institute presented the 3 -act corn-•pretuoEmile°otioles�were Qglua2t tt ers tof
edy drama Coveralls In the Hensall 1
Town Hall, Monday night, Nov. 6th: ' Brucefield ladies, Mrs. Alton John -
to a large and depreciative audience. Ston, Mrs. Walter McBeath, Mrs. Wil -
Mrs. K. Johns introduced the players lia.ns and Mrs. Henderson. Miss Ster-
Betweien acts, Misses Audrey Walsh ling of Bavi eld introduced the "guess
Walsh and Marlene Tetzke favoured 'speaker, Mrs. Bishop of Bayfield whc
with a vocal duet and Mrs. T. Coats gave a very interesting talk on, het
contributed a vocal solo. At the close trip to Palastilla. Rev. Reba Herr
refreshments were served. 'closed the meeting and a social 110113
On Remembrance Day, Saturday, was spent with a dainty lunch beinc
November 11th business places will served by the Varna ladies.
remain closed from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Police Raid Residence
All -citizens are invited to attend the . Charged with keepine: a commot
Remembrance Daly, Service which will f bawdy house, Joseph Nelson,` of St
be' held by the Canadian Legion in anlev Twp-, appeared loofore Justict
the Town Hall, Hensall at 10:45 a.: of the Peace Malbel Gray in Goder
111• ich and was remanded -until Nov. 9
The regular monthly meeting of Nelson ,also. faces •charges of bring
the Evening Auxiliary takes place in;; ung liquor into Huron County and o.
Mae United Church School room '011 Aeeping for sale, contrary to the pro
Monday night, Nov, 13th. Mrs. H• 1 -visions of the C. - T. A. The •charg,
I Faber will present the devotional iio,llowed a raid conducted by Prov
period, Mrs. J. Corbett will give the police on the Nelson house, locate✓
study. All manvbers are urged to be near Brwcefield, early S nday Morn
present. ing last. Two wonnen, •clldrged wit]
The Evening Auxiliary Bazaar will being ininates of the.house, were al
he held in the United Church School I so remanded.
froom on Saturday afternoon Nov 25,:
from 3 to 5:80 under the auspices of FRACTURES FOOT
the W.M.S., afternoon tea will be
served. Andrew Crozier, Tuckersmith, Tp
Thank -Offering Service farmer, Brushed his right foot sande
At the W.M.S. Thank-+oiiering the half Ston fei--ght of a cornblowei
Service in the United Church, on Tlae machine fell as it was being se
Sunday morning, Nov. 5, Rev. W. J. I up -on the farnl. sof Frank Fowlei
10 N6 lA 6.W Ai!r • .......w. -...:--.-
�t The ntxt meeting of the Huron County Council
W. �''� will }�e 11e1d in the Council Chambers, Court ,y
Phone 87 or 158 Dashwood House, Goderich, commencing
"I'uesciay, Nowemheir lith, at 2.00 p
went an operation. �� All accounts, notices of deputations and other
. .
' , . e•n: Sundt. • til El- ! �iiss Peggy Hauser of Kitchener, business requiring tke atteintion of Council should
Il. Uct.. ll. 6 .,
xanira where he was est s esker at !spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs ,?; be in flit; hands of the County Clerk not later than
p Oe' .
Anniversary Service.-. j Carl s*eicher. Saturday, November 11 th, 1950. .
Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto spent � ur and bias. Merner Mlber of
the week -send with b", moth( r, ;tars. Northville, Northville, Mich., spent; the week- ? N. W. Miller, County Cleric, l
Witzel. ;end with the Kraft sistor-s. $` :
Mr. Jack Wal._ i> ;;2 St.. Joseph mr and 11m. Win. S rte- ler of Goderich, OT1t�rio.
p g
bio.=I.til, Lai -cion where 11 under- Naperville, Il:., rpilecl•o1 tbo Kraft -
MENNO STECKL.E - R.R. 2 - Zurich, Ont.
HUNTING is one of the most popular fall `ice
pastimes, and we in Canada have the finest
hunting grounds in the world. In,
the field, however, we should all
remembgr there's another season `z
next year, and many more after b �
that. Observe game laws today
and you'll have .plenty of'�
sport tomorrow.
. N t i z '
A modern passenger train rolling along at 70 to 80 miles ani,
flour is a 1.500 -ton projectile of tremendous momentum and vr.locity.
Traina of surh weight and speed cannot be stopped within the short
distance necessary to avoid collision with a motoristmotoristwho my have
decided to indulge in one of the many hazardous practices which
brought death to 140 and injured 54.1 others in 443 railway crosatn.g
accidents- reported to the Board of .'T'ranspoalt CommissionCrs for
Canada during the 12-inonth periost ended June 30th. Cars stalling
in. the path of trains, -motorists attempting to 'beat .tile train to the
crossing and misjudging the distance, motorists who -drove into th
aides of moving or stationary trains apparently as the result oi' im-
paired visibili'tV or mlejudginent of speed and distance, 10 eontrib-
uted. to the -mounting crossing accident toll. Rernenvloor, a cat cal,
stop quicker tl44A a 'train, Gve the big. fellow the ri til of ,;»y.