Zurich Herald, 1950-11-09, Page 3Hot School Lunches By The Million The serving of hot lunches to schoolchildren is a much-discussed topic in many Ontario rural coni- munities. It is therefore of interest to note the experience of a Middle Western state, as described in "Wallace's Farmer." "Junior won't eat stew at home,. but you should see hint eat it at School." "Elsie never touched whole wheat bread until she started eating 'tot lunches at school." Similar comments are among the heartening reports coaling from parents of children who receive hot 8c1lool.lunches, But there's more to a school lunch program in Iowa than im- proved eating habits Jor children, Last year over 20,000,000 meals - were served, and total expenditures Tan into almost $5,000,000, That's big business! But it's the kind of big business every farmer should promote. Part- ly because there's no greater satis- faction than feeding hungry child- ren, regardless of the kind of homes they come from. And partly be- cause many Iowa surplus farm products are served in these lunches. Last year, 930 'schools in Iowa took part, in the lunch program. This year, applications have been received for 47 more schools. In the schools this year, there will be .only two types of lunches served. Type A is the complete lunch, which provides one-third to one-half • of the child's daily diet requirements and consists of tate following as a minimum: . One-half pint whole milk, 2 ozs. high protein food, 3/4 cup vege- table or fruit, 2 servings white wheat or enriched bread, 2 tea- spoons butter or fortified margar. ine. - Type C is the milk program, and is intended as a supplement to the home -packed lunch. This is gen- erally chosen by schools that have no facilities for serving more ade- quate lunches. Milk is frequently served to the children at recess time. Sometimes the lunch program is sponsored by local groups—PTA, church groups, etc. But more and more it is underwritten, by school boards and administered by the superintendent of the school. Do parents like "the school -lumch program? Last winter, a survey was sent out to a sampling of 100 schools in all counties of the state. Six . questions were asked. A sum- mary of the replies follows: "Is your child learning to eat new foods in the lunch program?" 84 per cent said "Yes." "Does he.enjoy the association with other children in eating to- gether 'at the .sthool. lunch?" 100 per cent said "Yes." "Is he malting more than nor- mal gains in height and weight?" 53 per cent said "Yes." "Is he any more free from colds?" 63 per cent said "Yes.'' "Does he `clean up' his plate at home?" 89 per cent said "Yes." "Do you notice any difference in his table manners?" 48 per cent said "Yes." ARRIVAL NOTED We have always lilted the story about the good woman who hen- pecked her husband mercilessly. She carried her bad temper beyond the home too, and was a terror to all iter neighbors. As it must to all, however, death came one day to the good lady, and several days later her funeral was held. It was one of those dark threat- ening days when a thunder storm seems flllnlineftt. At the very minute the sermon concluded the sky was split by a tremendous flash of lightning fol- lowed by a peal of deafening thun- der. Commented one of the mourners dryly, "She must have arrived there all -right l" tO W" Exp 14inse Make- t I.0S who c0lmpare heir own slapped =together looking gmake-up with the singotll, finished appearance of movie stars often wonder *bat tricks they use to achieve this perfections Ruth ltamaxi, weil�knowh Jilin actress, reveals a few of her dressing -table secrets in these tips on applying, cosineties+ For that "portrait look," she borrows a painter's tech- nique, brushing on her make-up, To apply rouge in this way, she touches the, bristles of a soft brush to a cake of the shade best suited to her com- plexion and costume, and then gently strokes her cheeks with the brash until the color is well -blended. In the same way, she applies dry powder, using another spft brush reserved for just that purpose. Care should be taken, she Warns, to avoid caking powder in your hair- line. After applying lipstick, she finishes her make-up job by patting her face all over with a cold, damp sponge. She, prepares the sponge for this fresh -up task by dipping it in ice water and then squeezing it well to eliminate extra moisture. A small bowl of water is, standard dressing -table equip - 4P some Useful Tip About Mending Socks y Two years of life in tate Japa- nese Occupation with maids to do the housework, plus another Year with my mother-in-law who, while we lived with her, dill all the darning for our family of four, left Ise aghast at the ever -swelling bag of hole -filled socks, -when the whole job was up to me writers "Id.II.M" in the Christian Science Monitor. Now, several months later, thea bag diminishes quickly in size and.. I realize that the blight has gone from this continuing household chore. How? Not by all calculated at- tack, but by a series of small dis- coveries, first a friend was going to teach a patrol of my Girl Scout troop to darn at her house. She enumerated the things they should bring, adding, "They won't need a darner because 1 just use an 'Applying her favorite cake Wits, naent for. Ruth, She fiilds'it particularly plyin, a make-up. A ritn is applying use u w en s e To remove small, slightly -moistened Warner mamra, suludge, Tao eros. starlet duals that bet - electric light bulb—I like it bet- ter." 1her ,-► o will next eye her cotton swab is excellent, she 'Ands, for removing smudges a smau, slightly moistened cot- z�Iy I hadn't used any brush Pn powder, then ,prat ton swab stick vvi}A do taioely. goodness! face with a cold damp wouge• of mascara. sort of egg or darner since the days 04 I was being taught to mend. Slit likes it—maybe 1 would, too. No Tooth Trouble —And Toothaches definite proof that ammoniated in Laugh And Grow Fit sooner thought than tried, and it does help. A bulb is dark under dentrifi•ices are more effective Are No Longer Necessary preventing decay than good nen- A Los Angeles policeman re- light socks, light under dark ones, :TI: tral cleansers. centiy arrested a 69 -year-old mail Then one day in the ten -cent ,a Decay doesn't heal like ordinary for laughing: loudly in a cafe, after store while looking for enlbroi- Nothing hurts like' a toothache! (your dentist's name for decay), cuts or sores do. The only way to a Justice of the Peace who happen- dery needles, I found a package Other pains may be more severe, this preventive .treatment must be get rid of cavities is to fill them. ed to be there had complained that called "Cotton Darners." I blush but none strikes so many people . started early in life. The American Your dentist can see many of the laughter was "somewhat be- to confess to any experienced more often and harder than does Dental Association recommends the cavities on the exposed surfaces tween a howl like that of a hyena housewife that this was my first the common toothache. a series of four applications of so= of a tooth, but an X-ray examma- and the braving of a jackass." encounter with then], crewel It's a pain that iilalces strongdiurr. fluoride for all children, pre- tion is the oil -way he call tell y y A Superior Court judge found needles having filled the bill so utien cry. It's often a child's fist ferably at ages 3, 7, 10, and 13. what's going on between the teeth g in #a -roar of the laughing man. He far. These are neither long enough real pain, the axle that makes him The procedure. is a simple- and P P and below the gums. It should was obviously aware that laughter nor are there even enough of the certain there must be punishing painless one. The teeth are - first', ' be a regular part of any dental is a cheap medicine and harms uto_ larger -eyed variety. So—the "Cot - witches. It's a pain that can lead thoroughly cleaned. Deposits and health program. The sooner cavi- body, toil Darners" are now bridging big to facial disfiguration, expensive stains are removed; the teeth and ties are found and repaired, the A doctor declares that a really holes easily. dentist bills, and in some cases, gums arc examined for cavities and less expensive, painful, and time hearty laugh massages the din- Somewhere, also, I picked up rile even miserable lives. disease. Carious teeth are filled; consuming is the process of tooth ' '""' '" ri"'i up stomach fact that cotton will No one is naturally immune to It its ruin- and any disease — such as bleeding or trench mouth—is treated. restoration. X-ray examination is the only'way to check careful] oil want muscles. "If you wan health and you ordinary darning cotton. Binary da tooth decay. can start Oils course shortly after the infant's gums When the mouth is in good re-' the condition of yqur teeth, the one-• �• zir� t,'e laushiu{, habit," "I love a by a long time. What is worse than by a to darning darns, when the painstak- primary or first teeth appear; con- pair; the dentist will dry the teeth way to find out whether you need he says. to see patient chuckle. Why? Because mirth kills ing weaving has itself worn through tinue into adulthood, and last as iminediately after cleaning thein your dentist's help, disease. And laughter is the best before the rest of the sock? long as you have 'a tooth left in your mouth.. Decay destroys the and gently swab them with a solu- tion of sodium fluoride. He'll dry If your teeth have reached the point where there simply isn't en- of all breathing exercises because ' Another advantage of this thread hard enamel surface and dentine, and swab them again every two ougli left of then] for your denkist it fills Parts of the' lungs poorly is that it can be easily pulled out or boneljke.sfructure, of the tooth. to seven days until four applications to fill, it's time for a denture or ventilated by ordinary breathing." double, or treble for larger darns, Unless it is cliccked, it may go on of'the fluoride hate been made. Plate. In some cases this will mean or even to all six strands for heavy A box of assorted colors of to invade the pulp or nervi. This Exactly how this remarkable the replacement of only one or two MAN OF MEANS socks. regular darning cotton will take is the point at which you know a toothache, writes chemical works, no one is certain. believe that fluorine teeth; in others, all 32 permanent teeth will have to be substituted Barely had he paid off the snort- care of the varied hues of your You've got Warren L. Anderson in Successful Researchers hardens the enamel of the teeth by false ones. gage on his house when lie wort- bobby-soxer's collection. Farming. and makes then] more resistant This isn't nearly as bad as it gaged it again to buy a new car. Our son uses white athletic wool For'• all of that misery of tooth- to acids which form in the mouth. sounds. False teeth are made to- Then he went to a loan broker socks for gym and wears thein ache, it is one of the most unneces- In most cases Where. children day that look more like your -owl' to borrow money on the car so that through regularly. The little pack- sary pains known- to. mid -twentieth- have been given the fluorine treat- than the original ones did. And he could build a garage. ages of wool wound specially for science! Its abolition calls merely slept, tooth decay has been reduced getting them isn't nearly as painful '`If I do make this loan," asked darning are too thin for, these. Sts for common sense, the stuff of by as much as 40 to 60, percent. as it's cracked up to be: Your the broker, "how will you buy I purchased a ball of white sock which most good health is, made. The younger teen-ager who. now dentist is an excellent mouth sur- gasoline for the car?" yarn, and the holes fill in quickly Frequent dental examinations, early , has seven cavities would leave only . geon'. With the wide range of "It seems to me," the man re- (especially with the new long preventive. measures, early treat- four if the. fluoride treatment` had - local anti general anesthetics he has plied in dignified tones, "that i# a needles) and wear well. meat of cavities, proper care of been available • a. decade:ago—zt hen at his, command, extractions are fellow owns his own house, car IvIe'nding would still be a horried the mouth, and sensible food habits. he was only three or.four years less and less the trying ordeal they and garage, he should be able to . chore' unless—. This "unless" de- -those are the specific things of The Council on Dental Health has were only a decade ago. get credit for gasoline." pends on the rest the family. If which dental health is. made• gone on record as recommending sensible diet — little sugar, A sen they will spend evening now diad The first step toward better teeth that the fluorine treatment be used plenty of milk and other dairy pro- Angry Bird: A duck in Grand then reading aloud to you, while g is early and frequent examination' routinely in private dental offices ducts, meat, fruit, and vegetables— Rapids, Michigan, "fought itself to you refurbish their footwear—these Take your children to the dentistand in school and community den- is essential for normal tooth devel- death" wheel it saw its reflection mending can almost be fun. sometime between their second and tal health programs. It's worth o meat and dental health. If you P in a mirror. third birthdays or as soon as all your time to investigate the treat- \ eat a great amount of sugar, and — 20 of the primary teeth a •c in. znent. constantly substitute coffee or tea "The first appointment," re�com- One oft the reasons at least 90 for •your quota of milk, you're mends the American Society of percent. of us have so much trouble headed for trouble with your teethX. Dentistry for Children, "should be`°'� with our mouths is .. that we don't and gums. ��;� •? ``` .: t� �`�, �,; fi,�y: � . made pleasant for the child. The keep them clean. Not enough Pyorrhea — an infection of the y\ z r't c' important thing is to prevent fear. people use toothbrushes, and of bony structure and soft tissue ` Dental care should be considered those who do, too many use them around the teeth roots which ��\ffi'' r \ a routine part of normal Hying. either incorrectly or too lop A causes gains to recede and teeth The sooner it becomes a twice - recent survey showed that fou' out loosen — plagues countless thou- 1' r ` yearly habit, the better." of five toothbrushes in use should sands of persons after they pass 4 A new discovery which is prow -be replaced. 30. Its cause may be due in part ing its worth in curbing decay is According to the experts, "A to a lack 'of calcium and other t , fluorine, one of the chemist's 97 sat}sfactory brush is one with a minerals and vitamins in the diet. x' S r elements. A few years ago den- , small head with two or three rows Once . pyorrhea starts in your tists noticed that people living in of bristles, all the same height. One mouth, it may be treated,, but when t particular sections of the country way of using it is to ])rush far advanced there's not much your had less tooth decay than the nation good tipper teeth downward; lower the a dentist can do for you except pull as a whole. The cause was traced teeth should be brushed upward. your teeth. There's no known cure 1 to drinking water that contained Work the bristles between the for but there may be a pre- fluorine. teeth on the inside and outside. yentive. Dental authorities have 1 . Unfortunately, this element's Clean the biting surfaces with a encouraged good nutrition for 1 presence in dtlinking nater is limited by geography. It is found ' , sweeping motion. Cllii- Scooping, P g brushing their years. They agree if you will drink at least two glasses of milk or the 1 only in certain spots and it is in tires should start teeth by the time they're three equivalent a day, your chances of n $ q \ these specific localities that tootle years old — and sooner if they'll getting pyorrhea -villi be greatly decay is at a minimum.reduced. Experiments have shown,. hon- co-operate. Toprevent decay, brush your Your tectal are made to last a �\ �\ s ever, that when fluorine is applied teeth •immediately after a ileal, If lifetime. With proper care and to the surfaces of the teeth as this is impossible, rinse your mouth your dentist's help, they will. c 4 >;?• Y '' t ` sodium fluoride, tooth decay often out with waren -water. Experts Your dentist, like your physician can be markedly reduced. But in oil the subject say "tete greatest and lawyer, is one of the highest order to ensure best against caries amount of tootle decay takes place trained ales in your community. He within the first 15 minutes after eating, a time when. tiny bits of food are still in your mouth. Re- has a scientific background and a mechanical skill without contpar-~` son. His working area is often o , x - BY - ��gOt� ARNETT cent studies taken by the Iowa Department of Health will' school less than a quarter of an inch square. Within that space —and '°' ,` �,'�• � children showed that tooth decay without his-intervention—may rest C,• ,Y. ^����,, . scut 50 to 60 percent. wile], the the makings of a painful. and un- '1 e t of 'i TRAINEOTHt\7 BELIEVE IT IF MINT tn, MONKTO A104 Z NADN'i'5EBN OF TNS �Ehi UPJ NIM DO l7. BNG! , 0 /% ���;•�'• �� STICK 04 iii-. ��. ,G, � �N � � "-��_' �-1-,''.-�-!•.., :TI: ,a SACK STUNT OASACK l-la't.D OPEN WITH A STICK IS EASILY PILLSO. WRAP EDGE OF: SACK AROUND STICK AND HOLD WITH ONS HAND, WHIII .R ..LW""%U !!• wa children brushed their tee'!' in,rtte- necestary toothache. Stop it he- Pablo Paints And Potters —Pablo icasso, tt� pea s diatety after eating. fore it starts. See your dentist surrealistic art, modestly averts his eyes as the camera catches The ammoniated deutrifriccn every six montbs. You'll be hint with a few of his new creations Showing, At his home ria now on the market ;;ave some put'- money, time, and health ahead. Vallauris, France, the artist has been polishing several new mise of redut ng dental caries, ---- -- ceramic and pottery styles, as we11 as finishing new creations They apparently act by neutralizing titled, "The Man INTith the Lamb;"""Tlie :Bull," and "Tete 'Whit(- the acids of the mouth which dis- DIAMOND DUKE OF MANS- Flower." These "objets d'art" are reportedly made of such HELD GA. has sin a sack 1 1 solve tooth structure and by killing materials as bicycle handles shovels and silllilar itcttls of the bacteria that cause ferinenta- of tobacco every clay for fifty -live + tion.. lion �rer, as yet, there is no years, hardware. aomr..TtmF_s GOLF PALLS ARE LOST MAE- 1'LLODY YOU BANANAS FOR ALLYOU FIND! f Arthur Foanter 5&E 103 T WOuLDN'r IT i"Ok TRAINEOTHt\7 BELIEVE IT IF MINT tn, MONKTO A104 Z NADN'i'5EBN OF TNS �Ehi UPJ NIM DO l7. BNG! , 0 /% 4 t