HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-11-09, Page 2i 4i 13y illeir very nature, t!g ,98 tle- tcriorate with great rapidity if they are not cooled within a very short time after they are produced. Thus, naturally, keeping eggs in tip-top condition _for marketing poses a problem for farmers and poultry- men if refrigerated storage facili- ties are not readily available—not so great a problem in winter as daring the warmer months, but a real one just the same. However, those who should know about such things claim that any plan who is handy with tools and acquainted with the kind of building construction commonly employed on farms, by following the professional guidance of a nearby commercial refrigeration dealer, can help build leis own egg refrigeration storage plant with a minimum amount of -expense. Naturally, the size and capacity of the building, together with the type of materials used, will influ- ence your overall cost. But the average farmer can lop off a goodly sized hunk of the initial cost by getting busy with hammer and saw. According to data compiled by various top experts, general re- quirements for the average -size egg producing farm call for a structure about 7 feet '4 inches wide and 11 feet 4 inches long, with a peaked roof. The peaked roof is highly import- ant. It should be ventilated so that during the warm weather a natural draft -sill reduce tempera- ture of the cellula c.z the storage room beiov;. T111s ,s because a flat Toof of a refrig; -ted n.kolll, if ex- posed to direct su .cc's:. can very- easily react: ., sunace .cn;'e-,ature of 120 degrees Fa:lrerheit, even though the �..�,.. ..c air tem- perature is only 40 degrees. Thus, by employing a well ventilated peaked roof tbq refrigera- tion load on the egg sforagA- room is substantially reduced, making a. worthwhile saving on daily opera- ting expense. Walls exposed to the §tin should be painted with white, buff, or aluminum paints, as these reflect heat and so help to reduce the refrigeration load even further. Family Group—Great Britain's ham Palace in London for this four generations of royalty. Stan the Duke of Edinburgh. Seated, l Mary; Princess Elizabeth, holdil Anne, and Queen Elizabeth, h Top flocks—such as those in the test demonstraton flock program —did even better. They averaged IE eggs per bird last November, with the 10 high flocks going way up to 23. What has caused this increase? Much of it has come front chang- ing half a dozen major practices. * * A First is the confinement of pul- lets to the laying house by the time they are six months old. This cuts down the chances of their ging into a molt. ?next comes the all -pullet flock program. Old hens take time out to molt, no matter how well you take care of them. But properly managed pullets will get "up to 50 per cent production within four to six weeks after housing—and to 75 per cent by the time they're nine months old. As this column siarted off on the subject of eggs, perhaps it getter -balanced rations have wouldn't be a bad idea if I con- . helped boost fall production too. tinued on an allied strain—that of poultry. And poultry raisers these .k slays seem to be having less trouble Lately, producers have discovered with strip -teasers, nor do you notice the value of better housing. More se many false -molting pullets any and more laying houses are being more. You don't, that is to say, in a.,r.:ipped with wall and ceiling in - flocks where the pullets got the, ; Cation, plus controlled ventilation right kind of care as they grew and temperature. up. * :k And we're gradually learning— Pullets, you see, shed their fea- though still not fast enough—that a thers only when they run into pullet won't do her best unless something they dont like—such she has enough room in the hen as poor feed, crowded houses, house. parasites, etc. But when they feel like throwing a tantrum, you end Also, we're doing a better job W with feathers all over the house or yard -and not many eggs. of culling out the poor -doing, back- ward pullets and housing only the A sound management program sleek, well -grown birds. is all it takes to encourage young layers to keep their shirts on. The harder to get a foothold these days. secret lies in having a pullet fat New insecticides are putting, lice when she reaches five months of and mites on the run. And confine - age• meet of old hens, plus segregation k * " of young birds on range, has stop - Properly raised pullets will ped the outbreaks of disease which start to Iay at five months or short- used to show tip when old hens ly thereafter. And a pullet won't and pullets ran together. molt as long as she continues to lay. So the strip-teaser—which costs Pots of money to raise and keep— All these things have cut down won't go into her act as long as false molting and have boosted you keep her fat and happy. fall egg production. A quick look at your pullet dock Recent statistics prove that more will tell you whether you're having and more poultrymen are Iearning any false moltipg. Do some of the flow to avoid false molt. For ex- pullets look rough -feathered or maple, in areas where—not so Ion, short of several tail feathers? If so, ago—average egg production for they're going through a false malt. November was around five eggs per hen, the average last year was 11 Do any of the birds seem too eggs. That figures out at a 120 per light in weight when you pick cent increase—which is by no means them up? That might also indicate bad, I would say. a molt. <I TacklesEmbroidery-•-•Six-foo[-four Jack Trebilcock, 205 pound tackle for DeAndreis high School, relaxes with embroidery t)efore lticit-off time. Engrossed with. s "Lazy [daisy" stitch, the dusky grid star says, " Y do a little work before each Talue to calm Iffy nerves." Yott can 'bet lie takes plenty of needling from his tea:tn-Mxtes. First family posed at Bucking - rare and animated portrait of Jing are King George, left, and :ft to right, are: Queen Mother tg her youngest child, Princess Ading young Prince Charles. Pin feathers—short feathers— also are an indication of false molt. So are small, undeveloped combs and pale faces. And large feathers on the floor or in the yard, Best sign of all, of course, is the absence of eggs in the nests. .Iy A St,451TC t lc "It isn't absolutely necessary for a confirmed horse -player to be a trifle screwey," runs the old saying, slightly amended. "Still,. it's a big' help!" ^And if .Ontario horse -fol:. loaders — especially those in and around what somebody once laughingly tagged The Queen City —weren't sufficiently goofy previ- ously, you may be sure the fwO meetings with which the' season . ended must have turned the trick. We refer, of course, to the meet- ings at bong Branch and Dufferin park, a couple of noted horse - bazaars run under the same man- agement, and sometimes alluded to' as Big and Little Casino. And the things which came off at those two meets shouldn't have happened to a 1lorse-player, whose hide—from continual punishment — is natural- ly tougher than a rhino's. We cannot hope to recount, in detail, all the odd happenings. There were starting gates which only partially opened; gates that failed to open at all, forcing the starter to set them going by word of mouth. There were spills, pro- tests, horses disqualified and jock- eys grounded. There were races in Which the Thoroughbreds dis- appeared behind a heavy fog, also races in which the Officials seem- ingly did the same tiling. In fact, for general all-round variety and madness we doubt if there has been anything to equal it since the days whets the old Brooklyn Dodgers thought nothing of winding up a rally with three runners camping on the same base. :k :k Ever since the introduction of the Pari Mutuei machines,— and what a long time ago that seems — a sign prominently displayed on all race tracks reacts, in effect, DO NOT TEAR UP' YOUR MUT- URL TICKETS UNTIL AFTER THE "OFFICIAL" SIGN IS DISPLAYED, So, at Dufferin one day, the OFFICIAL sign is hung up; the boys start tearing -up losing 'tickets; then the sign is taken down again and the order of the finish changed; and all the doctors in the vicinity have to work overtime bandaging up fingers trodden on during the scramble for discarded pasteboards. Anything can hap- pen in Brooklyn? Shucks! Any- thing and everything DID happen at Long Branch and Dufferin, However, the race run in a fog, already mentioned, was the means of restoring faith in human nature to one disillusioned friend of ours. We will let him tell the story in his own words, or at least as many of them as are printable. .It is the last race 'of the day and I need a winner badly to -get me I Wa a rly Crazy WIIh Flew Itch off the hook," he said, "ind after studying Past Performances until any eyes are sore I finally go and °bet .on the favorite. Then I go 'belt to watch the race, and when they parade past the stand you can. hardly tell if they are horses or ;amels, and what .is more the fog IS getting thicker by the minute. "So away they go toward the starting gate and after a while somebody yells 'They're off' al- though, for all I can see or hear, they may be back in their- barns and all bedded clown for the night. "Tile guy operating the loud- speaker cannot see any more than I can, so isn't able to describe what is going on; and everything is so silent that it seems like it is hours since they went past the stand. So I naturally get to thinking and what I am thinking about is what a swell chance this will be for some crooked little jockeys°to get in some fancy work, now that no- body can tell what they are doing. `They will be able to use batteries' I say to myself, 'or even dynamos if they want to, with nobody the wiser; and when the race is over it will some long shot in front that nobody ever thought of betting oil.' "I keep thinking along these lines," our friend continued, "and telling myself what a sticker bet I made on the favorite. Then, all of a sudden, you can Hear the clippety clop of hooves in the distance — then they come down the stretch — then the race is over. And when the winner is posted; I am a dirty soandso if it isn't MY horse — the favorite. "So now, my faith in human nature is restored. With all the chance in the world to get away with murder, they run that race on the level. Even if the- breed of Horses isn't improving so that you could notice it, the breed of jockeys must be." * * At this point a bystander sug- gested that, with the fob coming so unexpectedly, perhaps the jockeys hadn't the time to think of rigging themselves with the Thomas A. Edison trimmings; that it was .lack of foresight, rather than improved morality, that had caused the tin - expected result. But ,our friend would have. none._of it. "No," he said, "I hrefer to go on be`l'ieving that'human nature is get- - tin' ter. Why, just a few years baco those, little `jocks wouldn't have needed any time "•to-6nd the m - selves a battery. They could have picked one out of any patch of long . grass around the.track"' 10YA1 ACICUITURU "Man fail? WAKE up V0 UR LIFER RILE° Without CA timel--And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarirlr to 66 The liver should pour out about 2 pint@ oI bile juiea into your dideativo tract every day, If ills bile is not Rowing freely' your food may sot dif� S It mayy. lust duos in the dagds�3v0 tract. Then ass btWe up your stomach. ou itot constipated. You fool sour, sunk and tate 00"lassif ied Ave QUALITY CHICKS at prices you can af- ford. improved Bred, and selected for top broiler and egg profits. Hatchc"a every week the year round, .Also 'pullets 13 weeks to laying. Turkey T'eults, Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. DYEING. AND CLEANING FlaVil 5'ou a.nytbinff needs clyeillg or clean- ing? Write to us for Information, We are gladto answer your questions. De- partment ii, Parker's Dye Worics Limited, 791 Yonge Street, Toronto Ontario. Cl.1 T03ITilt vII Q SEND YOUIt HIDES for harness leather. Cow and horses' hides for robes and mats. Deer hides for rugs, also for leather. J. 'T. Galarneau, St.-.rimothee, Beauharnols Co„ Quebec'. DOMESTIC iII07 P li':l �7'1:1D CAPABLE Girl aasist general housework In nice home. Private- room, radio, liberal time off. Good remuneration. Mrs. New- man, 67 Strathearn, Toronto. Orchard 9153. FOR SALE NOTURCYCLES, Harley Davidson. New and used, bought, sold, exchanged. Large stock of guaranteed used motorcycles. Re- pairs by factory-tralned .mechanics. Bi- cycles, and complete line of wheel goods. also Guns, Boats and Johnson Outboard Motors Open evenings until nine except Wednesday. Strand Cycle & Sports, Icing at Sanford, Hamilton ALUMINUM ROOFING Immediate shlpment—,016" thick 1n 6, 7. 8, 9, .10 foot lengths. Prices delivered to Ontario points on application. For estim- ates, samples, literature, etc., write: A, C. LESLIE & CO.. LIMITED 130 COMMISSIONERS STREET TORONTO 2. ONTARIO HI -POWERED SPORTING RIFLES LARGE assortment and better values. Write for latest catalog listing various bargain prices. SCOPE SALES CO., LTD. 826 Queen Street, Ottawa. Ontario. ASPHALT SHINGLES $3:38 These interlocking shingles are .lust one of our many roofing and asphalt bargains. 210 lb. Butt Shingles $5.25: 165 Tlteloc $4.30 per 100 square feet. Thick Insulated Siding: Brick or Ce- dar' Grain design, only $0.45 per square. 60 Ib. red or green Granite Roofing. $2.25. Above prices F.O.B., Hamilton. Many other bargains -in these factory seconds, we doubt you can tell from first grade stock. ALUMINUM CORRUGATED SHEETS. only $3.60 per 100 sq. feet, Delivered Ontario. Quebec and Maritimes. All new stock, 26 gauge, various sizes available for prompt shipment. Send mea- surements for free estimates. Get yours now, Stock limited. ROBERT JONES LUMBER CO. Hamilton, Ontario BALED SHAVINGS FOR SALE—Baled softwood shavings, . Products. lot only. Write Plus carload Y P.O. Box 75, Montreal 3. LESSEN Your meat bills. Raise rabbits. Booklet, hutch plan, and price list, 25c, Carter's Rabbitry, Chilliwack, B.C. WATER tower, sectional steel, 40 feet and 1,200 gallon capacity tank. sound condition. Best .offer accepted. Write Rupert, R.R. 1, Westboro (Ottawa). NEW, imported European POPPY seed grinders. $3.95. • Imported records, dict tionarles and books, In Czechoslovak, German; Polish and Ukrainian. Write to F'. Doiacek. Dept:' "F", 660 slain St ­ Winnipeg. 600 NEW BUTTONS vxo . _ Hundreds of,beautiful5huttons, all colors, designs and sizes, for every wKing-need. All in sets,: for dresses, blouses, sults, etc; biggest ba'rgain.ever offered. Sent postpaid for $2.00. C.O.D. postage extra. Money backguarantee. Selco Products,'Dept� 12, 5363 Park Ave., Montreal 8, Que. NO. 6 GEORGE WHITE THRESHER, 24 x 42, nearly new. Apply 'Wm. McEach- ern,- R.R. , Mount Forest. Telephone 61611,23. BUY WHOLESALE—New oil space heat- ers 2 sizes $60.95 and $104.50, less 20i"o. Twin burners for Cook Stoves, Single Burners for Heaters 10"., $39.50 each. Inquiries answered promptly. Send money orders, Wood's Sales and Service, Ganan- oduer Ontario. DUMP TRUCK BARGAIN -4 heavy duty dump trucks, large capacity; one 49 KBS Tandem International, one -48 ItBS Inter-. national, one 48 K3 Internatlonal, one 47 White WB20T: all perfect running con- dltlon; new rubber. No trade-ins; private- ly owned. Good reason for selling. No rea- sonable offer refused. See or Phone Elder Motors, Woodbridge, Ont. ' 1-50-H,P. Diesel Engine, 1 willys Jeep. Power take -off and saw complete. Above equipment practically new. TIP-TOP. Can- ners Limited, Burlington.. Ontario. 2000 YDS. THREAD 65c For handor machine, Choice of all colors. Postpaid. Write Home Sewers Supplies, 4156 St. Lawrence 3311A., Montreal. We also make cloth covered buttons, buckles, belts with your material. write for free catalogue. - YOUR baby shoes metalized in Bronze. Wonderful Keepsake. $7.00 pair. Neilsen & Son, 511 Richmond East, Toronto, Ont. MALL Chain §aw. 3 foot. Model 7, 7 h.p. 2 chalns. Used very little. Half Price. Ian Daviduon, Meadowvale, Ontario. XMAS trees wanted to cut. 600 -1600 Scotch Pine, some Spruce. Agincourt Garden Service, R.R.2, Agincourt, Ontario. RIFLES HUNTING? 803 British Enfield 6 -allot service rifle only $27.50. Specially adapt- ed for deer hunting. 26" barrel. Clean ap- for deer hunting. 26" barrel. Clean ap- pearanpe, Smooth operation. A real bar- gain, You can't lose, Order C.O.D., 7f you do not like it return It at Our expense for Immediate cash refund. Box 48 car- trldgos $2.60 with purchase of rifle, Williamson Irall Order Co„ Firearms Dlvlslon, I'.0, Box 1305, Ottawa, Ont. 11EDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Ecze• ma Salvo will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema, acne, ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot, will 'respond readily to thestainless, odorless ointment, regardless nt hnw stubborn or hopeless they seem. PRICE $1,00 ILIL JAR Sent Post Free, on Receipt of,Price POST'S REMEDIES 989 Queen Sb E., Corner of Logan, Toronto CRESS CORN SALVE — for sure relief. Your Druggist sells CRESS. $PRE FEET THIS WAY Hub in Minard's Liniments getierously, ' and feel the relief steal over the aching I muscles and joints. For all muscle and joint pains, itches and stifi'ness, sprained ! ankles, twisted limbs—Minard's has been famous for over 60 years. Cood y far dandruff and skin disorders, too. Get a bottle today; keep it handy. al"�it VS.' . wo tip:,. � � � � � N !]IEI?ICAO.. IT'S IMPORTANT—Every suffer- er of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis. should try Dixon's Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, Ottawa 61,25 Express Prepaid. - "CORN ICING" asks: IS A COMPETITOR misLiSiADiNG You? Competition is the splea of selling—however, .liko. in a fist tight—sometimes the competitor begins to throw foul punches, The competitor who is knocking "CORN KING" must be very badly hurt in this selling competition —he must be losing a lot of sales to "CORN ,KING"—otherwise, why would he begin to foul. "COIGN KING" PrOdnets comply wlth all Irederal Government regu- lations. Let our representative in your territory tell you all about our products. These Products are made by one of the moot outstanding manufacturers on the North American continent under the direc- tion irecttion of Dr. FI. W, Sawyer, an outstanding veterinary research director. Forty years of testing and experience In `laboratories• and feed lots stand behind the Quality of these sud'erim• Products. SELBY DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED Distributors for Canada "CORN KING" Products SELBY. ONTARIO UNWANTED !AIR F.radleated from any part of t'he body with Sicca -fele, a remarkable discovery of the age. Baca-Pelo contains no brim- ful ingredient, and will destroy the hair root. LOR-KEER LABORATORIES 679 Granville Street. Vancouver. R.C. NURSES GENERAL DUTY NURSES FOR lied Cross Outpost Hospitals in Ont�}rIo. Opportunites for advancement. Good 4vorking conditions In pleasant sur- roundings. Apply Director of Outpost Hospital Department, Ontario Division. Red Cross, 621 Jarvis St., Toronto: or phone MIdway. 6692. PUBLIC Health Nurses required for Peel County Health Unit. Salary $1,90042.600. Car allowance. For further Information write Medical Officer of Health, Court House, Brampton. OPPORTUNITIES FOIE ME..dY WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL - Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wage* Thousands of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest Syaitem Illustrated Catalogue Free' Write or Call idARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 B1oor St. W.. Toronto Branches: 44 Ring St.. Hamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa. SAV -A -DOLLAR! Send a postcard for our latest catalogue of stamped goods for bazaars, church sales, gifts. Also kitchen gadgets, hunting novelties, toys, etc. Send 10o for actual samples of 40 shades of yarns for knitting and crocheting. etc. $1 brings you 2 dozen skeins embroidery cot- tons in assorted colors complete with felt book -kit to hold same No C.O.D.'s,, cash with order, please. P.O. Box 97. Truro, Nova Scotia. FOR lowest prices on your magazine subacriptlons, send for free copy 'of "The Official Magazine Guide." Edward- son Agency, Oskelaneo River, Que. PATENTS AN OFFER to every inventor—List of in- . ventions and full. information sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attor- neys, 273.Bank Street, Ottawa. - - FETHERSTONHA;UGH &r Company. Pa- t a tent Solicitor's, Established 189D. 350 Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet of Informa- tion on request. SALES HELL' WANTED SELL Popular $3 fire extinguisher whole- sale or direct. Liberal profits exclusive territory. FIRE -KILLER , 5042 Roslyn Ave., Montreal. STAMPS 50 FRENCH Colonies all different. Send 10e requesting approvals. Adana* Stamp, 2628 Main (WW) Vancouver, B.C. _ WANTED < WANTED—Flocks to supply a large hatch- ery with hatching eggs. Flocks culled and bioodtested free of charge. High guar- anteed premium paid, And some breeds can take eggs the year round. Apply Boa No. 63, 123 -18th St., New Toronto,. WANTED to purchase, pullets all ages and breeds. -Apply Box 64, 123 -18th Street, New Toronto, Ontario. COUNTRY or village general store want- ed. Apply Box 65, 123 -18th, St., New Toronto, Ont. FOR FASTER RELIEF OF CHEST COLDS ACHING MUSCLES TIRED BURNING FEET MASSAGE WELL WITH Deeper - Penetrating Faster -Acting Wl • ISSUR 45 — '1996 i