HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-10-19, Page 8"( WRICIR & ONTARIO ry- NOW ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY New all Wool and Esmond Blankets, New Dress Materials; Ladies and Girls Sweater Coats; Mens and Boys New Suits; Sweaters, Flannel Work Shirts; Everything in Work Shirts, Over- alls, Pants, Sox, Some of these lines are in short supply, particularly Overalls and Pants made of blue denims. So if in need do not delay. vvy 84� Just 'Arrived A NEW BALE OF IBEX LARGE SIZE ALSO NEW WOOL BLANKETS, ESMONDS AND INDIAN BLANKETS. THESE ARE PLACING ORDERS GIVEN EARLY IN SPRING FOR FALL .DELIVERY. LATER SHIPMENTS WILL BE HIGH- ER IN PRICE. ®use Dresses SEE OUR NEW LINE OF LADIES HOUSEDRESSES. 4 DOZEN IN NEWEST 'PRINT DESIGNS, ALL SIZES. NO. 1 GRADE AT $3.98 EACH. U&m...ho Bros. TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH he I A is D 'F dale The Store with the Best Variety of all Kinds _. of Groceries Also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys = A fine assortment of Hardware and Electrical Appliances 2 ATLAS AND SEIBERLING TIRES 0 • CO --OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats • 9 Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! i GIVE US A CALL! • JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE . _ Phone 98 r 1 ZURICH HERALD Thursday, Qcto'ber 19th, 1050 ► ITEMS � � ° 111111111111111111111111111111111111111Ill IIll Ill 1111111111Ill 111111111111111111119111111111111111111W �rE Ls In Yl c e liar. Cyril Ducharme of Wandsoi, s HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Fuel Needs Tours ­W*II receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We .always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to ' I insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply 1 YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT 1 1 Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over ; for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best ' w Advantages. N We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried 1 and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax i OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS 1 Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ;oTADE WEID01 rS ZURICH ONT. QUALITY PRICE -- SERVICE .t' • 'ave US L Mrs. friendly Call On S L CLL2 Mrs Md ._. � ■ e s t i a Furniture a guest at :the wed�d- ing on Saturday. Mr Mrs. Ty. Stansberry, Diane J. W. HABERER - Phone 161 and William U Biffen Lie, are time WHAT EVERY FARMIER Church was held in the church at 630 ON YOUR DIAL Grand' Bend on Tuesday, October 110 and ,D Spending some with relatives in,' Residence Phone 89. 1 C has also purchased the property In and Dale of Detroit, and Mrs. Fred Port Huron._ Mrs. T. L. Williams has returned NEEDS! Zurich from Mr. Ivan Kalb Fleisch at present occupied by iMr. Jack Coup- w� Ducharme were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Kuno Hart- ►Q �P home after spending some time in+ Toronto, and London friends, $tanker Farm Liability Policy Blanket il +Seasonable Supplies man. � ® . HOLY NAME MEETING. REV. 1.31. E. ROPPEL a ,I, ge of the future. The auxilliary of Studio — L. Wagner's Residence Mr and ,:vies. Louis Thiel; Mr and fQ Mr and Mrs. Leroy O'Brien and $10,000 Inclusive Limits coverage. •I• '1" n� Mrs. George Thiel, and Mr. and Mrs' 'Wni. � Sons Bill and Don. motored to Galt Premium $9.00 per annum per farm + VW Thiel attended the funeral of Q on Sunday, visiting with Mr. and Mrs not exceeding 350 acres. + Q ' W �G Clarence Hoffman. Mrs. Henry, l'testemeyer who has What Does it Cover? • • WE HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES fine weather is being usher- �Q been in London Hospital for soma time has returned to, the home of Operation of unlicensed tractors and I OF FURNITURE ed in this week, in fact it is August Phone: Exeter 504. her son, Aaron. farm machinery; Strayed Animals, + Q Q like weather, after the cold and wet �Q D 17r and Mrs. C. L. Smith were Suit Farm Premises Risk, Personal Acts + A Good Variety of Linoleum, Congoleum and week we just tonne through, with not a good day last week. Farmers are ELMER D. BELL, B.A. day guests at the -home .of their niece and Activities. .g. Q G hustling in their last remaining crops and nephew, 'Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross, Seaforth. Optional Coverages + 4r Axminister Rugs,. Etc. still out. at Mr and Mrs Fred Ducharme iof the B. W. Highwaiyl spent a couple -days Animal Collision $200. limit on any animal Prem. $1.00. Products All Lamps are Reasonably Priced! p y Hit Young Deer Q with .Mr and Mrs. Kuno I3artman, -of one Liability. Custom Farming and ,i. + R While Mx and Mrs. J. W. Holt of EXETER, ONT. the Goshen line south, the past week. Machine -11y rented to others. :i We also carry a good supply of Springs and Mat. Grand Bend were motoring home Q Mrs. Menno Oesch spent the week- Employers' Liability. +end Rev. A. J. Terve y from Goderich last Friday evening, At (New Twnp. Office) in Toronto with her friend, Miss M' d S 'd li'1 4.1- Voluntary Compensation. + tresses, such as Beautyrest, Airfoam, Etc. a fawn leaped out of the flitch just south of Bayfield, landing on the HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Fuel Needs Tours ­W*II receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We .always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to ' I insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply 1 YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT 1 1 Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over ; for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best ' w Advantages. N We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried 1 and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax i OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS 1 Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ;oTADE WEID01 rS ZURICH ONT. QUALITY PRICE -- SERVICE .t' • e a uieius, an w r e ere was Miller-Surerus For Further particulars Apply. � Q Q a guest at :the wed�d- ing on Saturday. Mr Mrs. Ty. Stansberry, Diane J. W. HABERER - Phone 161 • + Furniture Store Phone 122 - Zurich Church was held in the church at 630 ON YOUR DIAL Grand' Bend on Tuesday, October 110 and 4 .to 4.30 p.m. the churches. Mrs. Emery Desjard- Monday to Friday Residence Phone 89. 1 C has also purchased the property In and Dale of Detroit, and Mrs. Fred + Zurich from Mr. Ivan Kalb Fleisch at present occupied by iMr. Jack Coup- w� Ducharme were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Kuno Hart- ARTHUR FRASER .+t. 11111gIIliIIIIIIiIIIIIIIiiIIIIIIIIIIIIilliiiilllilliiiilllllllll9lillllliilllllilllllllllllllNlll land, of the Bank of 'Montreal. Zurich — Ontario p(J man. � ® . HOLY NAME MEETING. REV. 1.31. E. ROPPEL � FOR ge of the future. The auxilliary of Studio — L. Wagner's Residence Mr and ,:vies. Louis Thiel; Mr and Income Tax Reports Greenway church, had charge of the The Best In Mastic Tile Floor I 1 n� Mrs. George Thiel, and Mr. and Mrs' 'Wni. Bookkeeping Service, Etc., G E T 1 VW Thiel attended the funeral of Glenn iof C,hiselhurst gave a splendid series of test inventories in the pre-* 4 Q the late Harvey Riehl at Sebrin ville on Sunday. y g EXETER JFFICE:—•Garner Ann, William St>s. • •Your Hatedwelre Store Sunday Services:— E fine weather is being usher- •Ideal 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. • 4 D ed in this week, in fact it is August Phone: Exeter 504. : Manufactured by The Flintkote C Company, �� •, • Q Q like weather, after the cold and wet "— • • 0 Q week we just tonne through, with not a good day last week. Farmers are ELMER D. BELL, B.A. i HAVE YOU HEATING PROBLEMS? Solo was the big event. Amongst the Q G hustling in their last remaining crops • boys while the younger class were the Welcome at all Services—"Come Q still out. playing old Canadian game _ 0 Hit Young Deer BARRISTER - SOLICITOR O46 If so, drop in and see us for your Furnace, Oil R While Mx and Mrs. J. W. Holt of EXETER, ONT. 0 Q Grand Bend were motoring home WednesdA 2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich Burner, Space Heater, Cook Stoves, Etc. director, the. Rev. Father Wm, Bourdeau. Rev. A. J. Terve y from Goderich last Friday evening, At (New Twnp. Office) 0 G 4 G a fawn leaped out of the flitch just south of Bayfield, landing on the • Check your Stove Pipes. Ours are hand made. • b front of the car. Some damage was �+ CEMENT R Q done to the car and the deer had to be destroyed, as the police were Come in and pick your Bathroom Equipment from 4 D summoned. One paver can tell when ��C our Full Stock of Fixtures. Q something can lea out while motor- J 4 D ing at any time. Farms sora. Immediate Deliver y `•• Paints - Hardware Electrical Appliances Q QOQ Fred Bancroft of the town e, east of. Blake has sold his rine line, HURON CONCRETE • For Courteous and Dep_ Dependable Service .SEE! QQQ .�. 100 -acre farm to Mr. Max. Denomme of Blake. Mr. Bancroft is looking PRODUCTS m , �r1lY Rider fi �A l tz ,� Hardware around for a smaller place. Mr. Al- ,Phone 684 Seaforth • i9 �i i so beet Bedard of the Lake Road West, n ^th f D r d 1 ] ld h'� -Pasini - Phone 63 Zurich • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Fuel Needs Tours ­W*II receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. We .always try to supply our Customers with the most Suitable Fuel for their heating equipment. But to ' I insure deliveries in time always leave your orders early with us so we can arrange for your supply 1 YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT 1 1 Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over ; for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best ' w Advantages. N We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried 1 and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax i OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS 1 Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. ;oTADE WEID01 rS ZURICH ONT. QUALITY PRICE -- SERVICE .t' • of o r3 s a e vas so is to his neighbiour, Mr. Melvin Over- SEL MET AT GRAND s REVIVAL The South Huron Sectional meet- C F C O • 'holt, and will have an auctloi sale ing of Huron Presbytery of United CHATHAM, ONTARIO Church was held in the church at 630 ON YOUR DIAL Grand' Bend on Tuesday, October 110 of his effects this fall. Mr. Bedard 4 .to 4.30 p.m. the churches. Mrs. Emery Desjard- Monday to Friday ---- 1 C has also purchased the property In EVANGELICAL U. B. CHURCH come to those present. She said in re- Zurich from Mr. Ivan Kalb Fleisch at present occupied by iMr. Jack Coup- trospect, this 25th anniversary year ARCT has been an outstanding the Ellen M. Love � � � � �' � � FLOOR - 0 land, of the Bank of 'Montreal. Zurich — Ontario coast to coast. In this first meeting of the -125 years PIANO AND THEORY TEACHER IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRh, INCLUDING TRAC't- � ® . HOLY NAME MEETING. REV. 1.31. E. ROPPEL � FOR ge of the future. The auxilliary of Studio — L. Wagner's Residence ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. The Holy Name Society of St. Greenway church, had charge of the The Best In Mastic Tile Floor I 1 • Peter's Parish, on the Blue Water Minister G E T 1 Highway, held their meeting. at the Shop 149 Oscar Klopp R«s, 67 Glenn iof C,hiselhurst gave a splendid series of test inventories in the pre-* parish Hall on Wednesday evening, Oct. 111th. A vea'Lyl enjoyable time Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist _ TILE' X , 6 EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDSI Sunday Services:— E was had by all. Lawrence. Regier, the president was chairman and song 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. _� _ ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES 0 convenor and Alfred Denomme was 11.00 School. Manufactured by The Flintkote C Company, �� at the piano. The evening finished in a.m.—Bible Toronto, Ont, • up a very interesting deal of cards 7:30 ,p.m.—Divine Worship. • Solo was the big event. Amongst the See Your Local Agent • boys while the younger class were the Welcome at all Services—"Come J014N M. TU.RKHEIM Phone Zurich 174 playing old Canadian game thou with us and we will do thea of euchre. Lunch was served by the good." Num. 10:29. LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free Estimates Gladly Given committed in .charge and the meeting adjourned in pralper .by our spiritual HEAR! 1 director, the. Rev. Father Wm, Bourdeau. Rev. A. J. Terve y I or - missionary, who 'has spent 40 years tories are carridd out in connection in Japan, ran ave a heart stirrrn. ad- with the Commission's Frequency ' g g Standardization I'rog7�nan. junction with the standardization dress on the present day Japan , Its program, and precedes the finai,full devastation and need, the character- In :making this announcement, Hy- inventory and the actual changeover istie courage of the people, and the dro Chairman Robert H. Saunders wide-open opportunity , bf several months. p pportunit for missions stated that the tests were not final Technicians who call on the cust- and relief work. inventories. The purpose was to gain omers, to matte these last checks, Four C.G.T. T. Girls of Grand valuable information for Hydro a- work as a team. The team usu•allf is r Bend chu p'i, with their leader, Mrs Mout the types and makes of equip- poseld of five men, and each car- Wood tom , pre: tinted a plaivi1et which ex- .hent and appliances owned by cus- ries the prober credentials to id---- if 1plained the crest "the U .Church of omers and the saturation in varoius himself as a Hydro technician. The Canada. The leader of the enter- areas'. This would indicate to t he men. arc well informed and ,u'e able taming r,'hureli served a bounti:sul dinner between the morning and Coirirnission the necessary parts and to answer customers' questions about g materials that had to be ordered in the frequency standardization pro - afternoon sessions. An invitation ,•ram. fo^otn Thames Road Church was 1e. bulk from the manufacturers well .� a fTOITI h hold the sectional l meeting in advance of the actual changeover NEW TREATMENT FOR BALD. ceivthere next year. to 60 -cycles. NESS. INVENTORY AT DASHWOOD TO During a 'test inventory, a repres- Science, at last, holds some hope for Ientetife ten penitent of all domestic men affected by premature baldness! i `p • b •psychiatrists START OCTOBER 16th, sand commercial customers are visited Learn how two Chicago. ,and their equipment is checked. his accidetl�tally discovered that elimniat- H'ydro technicians will begm a is the first step in any area in con- ion of nervous tensing may encour- :1ge regrowth of hair. Read "What ,auses .Baldness" for this amazing new theory in The American Weekly with Sunday's (Oct. 22) issue of The: Detroit Sunday Times. 'finny nen, women� gain 510,15 lbse Got New Pep, Vim, Vlor RADIOEND MET AT GRAND s REVIVAL The South Huron Sectional meet- C F C O Massey - Harris ing of Huron Presbytery of United CHATHAM, ONTARIO Church was held in the church at 630 ON YOUR DIAL Grand' Bend on Tuesday, October 110 4 .to 4.30 p.m. the churches. Mrs. Emery Desjard- Monday to Friday ---- 1 C ine, Vice -Pres., for this section, vary Beginning October 16th, 1950 ably presided, and gave a hearty wel- HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY- come to those present. She said in re- 1j trospect, this 25th anniversary year ARCT has been an outstanding the Ellen M. Love HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER YOURS EARLY! one' United Church from AM TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS coast to coast. In this first meeting of the -125 years PIANO AND THEORY TEACHER IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRh, INCLUDING TRAC't- 1 we should look ahead at the challen- ge of the future. The auxilliary of Studio — L. Wagner's Residence ORS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC. Greenway church, had charge of the I 1 Opens September z3rd. morning worship service. Good re - "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm" I ports -were given by ,the delegates Appointments: Phone Zurich 99 r 7 1 from the various churches and secre- Caries of Departments. Mrs. J.rel. Shop 149 Oscar Klopp R«s, 67 Glenn iof C,hiselhurst gave a splendid series of test inventories in the pre-* on the Stewardshi r of 'mises -of domestic and commercial paper l pennon- , ality. Mrs. Coates of Fiensall sang customers, served by the Dashwood EVER AT YOUR SERVICE FOR FARM NEEDSI an appropriate song "`There"s a new Hydro -Electric. System , commencing dry Dawning " Miss S bil Court'c Monday, October 16th. These inven- I or - missionary, who 'has spent 40 years tories are carridd out in connection in Japan, ran ave a heart stirrrn. ad- with the Commission's Frequency ' g g Standardization I'rog7�nan. junction with the standardization dress on the present day Japan , Its program, and precedes the finai,full devastation and need, the character- In :making this announcement, Hy- inventory and the actual changeover istie courage of the people, and the dro Chairman Robert H. Saunders wide-open opportunity , bf several months. p pportunit for missions stated that the tests were not final Technicians who call on the cust- and relief work. inventories. The purpose was to gain omers, to matte these last checks, Four C.G.T. T. Girls of Grand valuable information for Hydro a- work as a team. The team usu•allf is r Bend chu p'i, with their leader, Mrs Mout the types and makes of equip- poseld of five men, and each car- Wood tom , pre: tinted a plaivi1et which ex- .hent and appliances owned by cus- ries the prober credentials to id---- if 1plained the crest "the U .Church of omers and the saturation in varoius himself as a Hydro technician. The Canada. The leader of the enter- areas'. This would indicate to t he men. arc well informed and ,u'e able taming r,'hureli served a bounti:sul dinner between the morning and Coirirnission the necessary parts and to answer customers' questions about g materials that had to be ordered in the frequency standardization pro - afternoon sessions. An invitation ,•ram. fo^otn Thames Road Church was 1e. bulk from the manufacturers well .� a fTOITI h hold the sectional l meeting in advance of the actual changeover NEW TREATMENT FOR BALD. ceivthere next year. to 60 -cycles. NESS. INVENTORY AT DASHWOOD TO During a 'test inventory, a repres- Science, at last, holds some hope for Ientetife ten penitent of all domestic men affected by premature baldness! i `p • b •psychiatrists START OCTOBER 16th, sand commercial customers are visited Learn how two Chicago. ,and their equipment is checked. his accidetl�tally discovered that elimniat- H'ydro technicians will begm a is the first step in any area in con- ion of nervous tensing may encour- :1ge regrowth of hair. Read "What ,auses .Baldness" for this amazing new theory in The American Weekly with Sunday's (Oct. 22) issue of The: Detroit Sunday Times. 'finny nen, women� gain 510,15 lbse Got New Pep, Vim, Vlor