HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-10-19, Page 51•, a- sk le, r6.- 0- Mg - M. ZURICH ONTARIO ZURICH HERALD Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa. BUSINES CARDS Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Adil. in this Column. tc FOR QUICK. SALE s( Used Dining room and Living a' Roonr Suites. Low Prices, at the v' John W. Orchard Westlake Furniture, Zurich. c 7 OPTOMETRIST FOR SALE S Main Street — Exeter Choice Green Celery. Orders taken 2 by crate or less. Call 134, Zurich. ' Open Every Week Day B f Except Wednesday Gerald Clirvgerich. y Phone 355JFEMALE HELP WANTED a GIRL 17 years' or ,over or twiddle XICENSED AUCTIONEERS aged women to come to Hamilton V for a month. or more to do light 11 "'— housekeeping, protestant and reliable n AIN WALPER. Write at once stating ravages expected. C Address, Mrs. S. Ii. Holtzman, 45 a Kenmore Rd., Hamilton, Ont. Licensed •Auctioneer U. r4 NOTICE z HURON AND LAMBTON Owing to' a Bulletin received from b /'or your Sale, large ,or small., Cour- the Ontar % lo Milk Distributors' Assoc- A ow and Efficient Service at all iation, which allows an in -crease in v Tones! the price of milk to the Producer; c phone 57 r 2. DASHWOOD Beginning Monday, October 120rd, the price of milk in Zurich will be: 17 cents a quart and 10c. a 1pint, — Francis Kipper, Zurich Dairy. y FOR SALE GRAPES for Sale—Pick them a yourself for $1.010 a !bushel—M. Sul- 1 swan, 3 miles south sof Camp Ipper- wash i 10th. Con, Bosanquet Twp. FOR SALE a About 30 Pullets, W. Leghorn X r W. Rocks. 6 months old, some are T. E. F. CORBETT LICENSED AUCTIONEER i jWW Reasonable, Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER, R. R. 1 Phone-r—_:Ach 92r7. V.ETERINARIA.N laying. —Harold Reichert. W. B. COXON, 13N. Sc' Winter Storage Vegetables I VETERINARY SURGEON Place your orders for winter supply r of Carrots, Cabbages, Beets, Cauli- Street, flower, celery coloking onions, potat- Efte with Residence, Main , Opposite Drug Store om. --Phone 812,1 r 19, Zurich. * � ZURICH GEORGE BULLOCK S'UTCHERS FOR SALE A Registered Ayrshire young Bull 8 months old; T. B. Tested.—Hilton hpi)lllar Truemner, phone 85 r 11. MU1171 s MEAT T T E M A '+het Us supply You with the Choice of Fresh and Cur- ary Ch led Meat, � Bolo as, Sausages, s Etc. always s on handKept t hesh in Electric Refrigeration Highest ' t Cash Prices Wool Hides and Skins - - un hlut & SO" "~—- PRODUCE Silverwood NOTICF n:Mr nne- 'pmet Farm E New Idea r Equipment' sipolis-Moline Tractors and Machin- ery; Boom's Wagon Unloaders; new and used machines. — New" Idea Distributors,rs, G oderrh , Ont. Phone: * 3 t Carlow 2821. FOR SALE 1100 Sussex pullets, 6 months told. Apply to Neil Gingeric'h, Phone 90 r 2, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALF Three sets of steps for Quick Sale, approximately '6' by 4' high. Community Centre Board, J. Haberer N O T I C E D Ai ��� of STRAYED Unto my farm, south Zurich a Hereford heilfer with calf l(� at fio,ot. Owner can have same by dash Market for Cream, Eggs provinw' property and paying expen- 89 Poultry ses.—Alphonse Dietrich, phone r c and Eggs Graded 011 Have Your Egg 15, Zurich. our FOR SALE AUTOMATIC 1945 Fargo Half -ton pickup, two EGG GRADER new tires, heavy duty on rear. Con1- LeRoy O'Brien, (Manager plete with racks and tarp.—AlberIt Erb, (phone 97 r 4, Zurich Eton 101 Zurich WANTED Zurich CreamerY Old Horses, suitable for mink feed IFhone Collect. Wild pay 2c. a pound. Irour Home Market for Cream Jack Gilbert, 9.36 r S1, or 'Ashley Gilbert 936 r 312, Godericb, Ont. -tf Eggs and Poultry BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Highest Cash Prices paid plus FINANCIAL STATEMENTS,INCOME ,_,• TAX REPORTS a premium for deliveredcream AUDITING, ETC., ETC. to effi- NORMAN COWAN We are equipped give HAY POST OFFICE siert accurate service. Egg Dashwood 40 r 13. P4' and Poultry department in ]dead Stock icharge of Mr. T. Meyers. — 2.7.5 Each. Prompt Service fo Proprietor Ms. Minshall, p ifting.--Jack Williams. Call Phon 214 r 4, Crediton Central. -c1-525 INSOP.ANCE NOTICE Western Farmers'Mutual WHITEWASHING & CLEANINC Arrangements can be made Bill Watson Weather Insurance Co. Dashwood — Phone 35x19 OF WOODSTOCK DASHWOOD ME LAJR,GEOT RESERVE BAL- Mr and NIrs: Jack Huffman or F ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- Colborne are visiting with relative IWAL QOMPANY DOING BUSINESS Mr and Mrs. Keith Wildfoxg spe the •week -and with his parents, 111 OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO , , and Mrs. G. Wildfong. -Amount of Insurance at Risk on Mr and Mrs. Wallace Lockha• December 319+, 1946 .Lyle and Karen of Fingal; Mr' a, ¢ $73,699,236.00 NIrs. Don Lockart and .Mr. Pru 'Craig, Su Total Cash in Bank and Bonds. Lockhart of Ailso were $444,115.39 day visitors with Mr and Mrs. Lor Ratez on Application Genttner. Mr. find 1lrx. 0. Yager of Brigll L F. I�LOPP—ZURICH Cr,Mrand Mr and Mrs. 1111for a A G E N T daughter Jean and friend Gerald :t Also Dealer in Lightning Rods ()u:f.rle Of NOW l-Tam'r,m•:: acre Si d� •isitonl with Mr and Mrs, J. tud all kinds of x ire d118UIC lrice,1,1'ieinan. ., ,ocnL NEwsi Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Smith motored Of •Seaforth and Goderich ion (friday on the tabic � Mr and Mrs. Henry 'Clausius and s n Hugh; Mr and Mrs. Elmore Thiel r tended the funeral of the 1 -ate Har- B :y Riehl at Sebringville on Sunday, ..... CO HYDRO 'USERS IN ZURICH. - i Hydro 1power will be shut 'off on s : znday, Oct. 02 for two hours, from p.m.. to 4 p.m. � a P� Mr and Mrs. Howard Doering ana o arbara of Wellesley; :Mr and ,'Mrs, `illiam ;Revel of Toronto, spent tho t hanksgiving week -end at the home MY and Mrs. Lawrence Beaard, Mr. Charles Fritz and Miss Pearl `urtz were SundalY) guests at the the meal is ready. ime of Wr and Mrs. Harold Keller- No meal is complete without plenty all, Dashwood, also attendink the of delicious wholesoir-e bread. And alvary Ev.' U. B. church annivers- TASTY -NU tasts good and is good ^y at that place. hearty food for you. Every slice a Mr 'and Mrs. Chris. Sclnvartzen slice of energy- •uber; Mr and Mrs. Elmore Schwart- Buy an extra Loaf today—start ,ntrwber and children of New Ham, now to serve more bread at every urg; Mx and Mrs. John Ruby and meal. Get your TASTY -NU Bread ,ewe visitors att Peter Ba'at the `tasty -Nu Bakery or at your the he of Tavistock, Home of their local Grocers. )usins, Mr and Mrs', Chris. Gascho. Mr and 'Mips. Edmund Oeseh of the Tasty - Nu akery •oshen Line north; Mr* and Mrs. .libert Bachert and baby, .spent the PHONE 100 — ZURICH ,eek -end at the home of the form- r's brother, Mr and Mrs. John lesch, of Pigeon, Mich, where they ttehided the wedding of one of the EVANGELISTIC fitter's children; Oesch - 'Schultz SERVICES ,edding. M Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fischer, Mr. IN THE nd Mrs. John Modmann of Chesley, rere visitors at the home of Mr and Blake Mennonite Church Irs. Milton Oesch. The latter's FROM SA lother, Mrs. Mink, who had beeln MO pending some time visiting rel- October 22nd to 29th. PP s and friends at Chesley, returned ome with them. Every Evening at 8 p.1r1. Attending Convention Evangelist:—PH,I'LEMON L. FREY Mrs. E. W. Heimriah, Mrs. E• Of Archbold Ohio. .'urlc'heim, Mrs. E. Klopp• and Mrs. Ierb Mousseau motored to Stratford The ;Public is Cordially invited! where they attended the Lutheran ]V'.M.S. Convention .as delegates from TO SPEAK IN HENSALL it. Peter's Lutheran church. Ripe Raspberries �. Mrs. Norman Fleischauer brought :1 ;?: �w::h:&;4:. i• y .fine :o our office on Tuesday 'a ver •am le of red ripe raspberries w 1lich .nf, picked n the garden of her Ilei- she is au The fr uit > 5. Wm. Mire > ur Mr ;•::P1P:s hba < at urea n:. d well 1 m 1 formed mea a ...� 'c v nicely Y your. : + 1a f for we did no P out the oro ::::::::::•:;«.P,.;:,..:. this ,will not hinder P We Hope �''�<��>?a:•,,... next year. >r• for 3 �� •: •::hili. i viYi? r;:; +: HENSALL SALL Q•. ll 1 a -•i Day -will e held in Hensall e k t Car Y 1 the ed 2 th sponsored nsor Y Oct.8 ,a , P Saturday rd 3 i e J. 'r•1 Guides. Gr ion. :::::`�•:; }.. G is 0 f Lo d , Mrs. nth K Kenneth llrs. Ke , d of this week with, sent Tuesday ":>>`Sl�#'�<>s;. �•;",` ,Mxs. L. Simpson. .Fa'•'Niai%i; `Ji3'i?3s`z. Hensall Girl Guides are sponsoring Saturday 21st. M b �; er drive Y a paper azines and papers tied in .bundles, P ` and left in front of homes in the morning will be appreciated. I The Wlanen's Missionary -Society of the United Church will entertain R. H. WINTERS ■ the members of the Baby Band and their mothers in the school room of Hon. Ro rert H. Winters, ve p- • the church Wednelsdayi afternoon, Ministej of Resources and Develop- • Oct. 25th at 3 p.m. Everybody wel- ment, in the Federal Government, I1 come. will. address the annual meeting of Miss Ethel (Murdock, of Calgary, the Huron Liberal Association on Alta., a former well known Hensall Friday evening, Oct. 20th at 8:30 resident who has been vacationing in p.m., in Hensall Town Hall. Mr. � Toronto and Hensall for the past Winters, one of the younger nlenwb- : nuiraber of weeks iniderwent a major ers of the, Cabinet, is an outstanding • operation at the' Women's College speaker, and it is anticipated that the Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesday Oct. meeting will be largely attended. • • 10th, and at date of writing is pro- Mr and Mrs. Gus Voth, Gwen and gr Rev. nicely.Detroit visited in Hensall Rev. W. J. Rogers, B.A., B:D.,was Jinnmy, , guest speaker at anniversary services over the week -end. • at Centralia United Church Sundaly Harold Farker, well known Hensall Oct. 16th, Rev.. -G•. Burton, of Cen- district farmer, who was taken Illy • tralia occupied the pulpit in the Un- ambulance Sunday to Clinton Hosp- • ited Church helre and del.iered two ital, seriously ill, at date of writing A inspiring messages. On Sunday is improving nicely. morning Oct. 22nd a baptismal ser- At the Bingo held in the Legion 1! vice will be held. Hall, Saturday evening, sponsored by 4 Peter Kilpatrick,. who has been the Ladies' Auxiliary, Miss Audrery ; spending the past four months with Walsh was the lucky winner of the I his brother and sister in Moose Jaw, dloor prize, a dressed -lamp. Courtland Miss I Sask., and Edmonton, Alta, arrived Miss Ethel Troyer, , 4 home Saturday 15th, while out West Mary Mrs. Troyer, WmRT ., St. haniartland 1 he celebrated his 82nd birthday. IVIr Kilpatrick who makes his 'home wit,, spent Sundag, with !Mrs. Geo. Hud- 14 MY and Mrs. Wm. Kyle, Ki,ppen,made sox. 1, the trip out West 'and back alone by MP and Mrs. Walker Carlile spent train. ithe week -end at Niagara Falls and Bazaar argil' 'Home Cooking Sale other places. r will be held ix the schoolroom of the A very enjoyable evening was United 'Church, 'Saturday, October spent at Carmel Presby church when )' 21st, 13 to 5 'p:m. afternoon tea will the Arnold Circle Evening Auxiliary be served. Sponsored by the Woinens entertained their husbands and fri- - Assoc. of. Chiselh,xcst United Church. ends at supper, after which a fine Mrs. L. 'Simpson left Sunday for progyranl was rendered, and Rev. P. Detroit, where she ryvil visit with A. Ferguson introduced the speaXer •members of her,: family for two ~reeks of the evening, Mr. Cann of Exeter, A masquerade haliowe'en dance wl>♦ gavQ 'a very interesting talk on will be held in. the Town Hall, Fz'id-m# the World Co>sfer•ence for Christian Oct. 27th, 'sponsored by Amber Re; Edtcation held in Toronto this sum- lbekah oral d:0.0.F..lodges. (Mur- mer. All en,$olYled the evening very dock's orchestra. " n1u' Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. McLaren, Mr. Mrs. Maziyl Brown, highly esteem- Mr. and Mrs. James Berngoug'ls, of Herr I ed resident mrd wife of the late Gro. S. sall; MY and Mrs. 'W'• A. IM�acLaren I Brown, passed away 'at Mitchell,Sun- it of Goderich, were 9n Guelph recently day Oat. 15th in her 94th year. The r guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Camli- former Mary Ann Blatachfordl been � ball, while thwre they attended a thorn in Uslboriae Twp., t" concert in (the Colle;•iate, the artists a resident of Hensall for over 60 Id being barber sleep quartettes from yearse She msided with her daughter 1e 'Toronto, brarxhord, Hamilton, Lon- Mrs, J. H. Wilsoai, Strati'ord for a don arcs. Ctualph. g' dome years, ;but Iter dauglitm• having 1r Elinlville W. 1. will present a ihrge met with a serious accident, was un - act comlydlYrcirama ,Co In the able to look after her. A member of is 'l'own Hall, Hensall, Monday night, Hens'ali United Church and WMS. rd Nov. 6th., sponsored by the Wohelo beside her d'aug#zter, a son Mervyn,tel- :c Clas of .the ITnited Chin rh. This Holisal.l ,and a brother Dr. B. BIat.clz- 1r. play 11as Dern pre;,entr,d ttiventy-foil,• ford, Salern, Ore.. The funeral is bc>. \l direr• in dlfrr,rel,t nl•w.es and colnes ling held 'W'ed. Oct. 18th, with inter - highly recornmended, ,melit ill Exeter acklietery. '.Thursday, October 19th, 19,50 ATTENTION FARMERS! FEEDING MOLASES ARE GOING UP IN. PRICE EVERY DAY. OUR STOCK GOES AT THE OLD PRICE, SO ACT NOW.. We have a limited Supply of No. 1 5x Shingles at a Price. Now is the time to Worm those iPullets. We have a good supply of Worm Par on hand at all times. We carry a good supply .of Concentrates for every need. So come in and try a good Co -OP, Mix! ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS • Hensall gist. Co -Operative HENSALL and ZURICH -WE'RE READY TO HELP YOUR u y : YOUR CAR represents a major investment. It deserves the best of care—and that's what we're ready to give it.' Whether it's a complete lubrication job or just a battery check, we really try to give good, thorough Imperial service --the kind that will keep you coming back. We'd appreciate. a chance to show you *H*Q i� wh,rt ive taxi do. 8,1ectci Y crcier IMPERIAL ST. JOSEPH SERVICE STATION GDR. No. 84 & 21 HIGHWAYS Isso DEALER VE—ST. JOSEPH SERVICE IS PREPARED TO SAVE YOU SOME mor ON YOUR TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT TIRE NEEDS. COM- ARE OUR PRICES AND ALLOWANCES ON YOUR OLD TIRES! Are you in need of Fall Footwear? If so, it will pay YYou to visit our Store and see for yourself. A limited number of Men's W hoes Work Shoes, Outside Counters, leather soles and heels at no increase in prices. Also a specialg offer 1n ladies' ro ggi nil Loafers formerly $6.75 for $5.75. Double A and B ' o . Widths. -You'll be in love with this beautiful Buy! o Oesch shuw 5 E' � �uy A Bo att)�. You can't go wrong when you buy a well known Reliable Beatty Washing Machine We carry a full line of the Genuine Beatty Washers at three popular prices: $119.50 149.50 159.50 Also the New Beatty Electric Ranges. Come in and see them - they'll speak for themselves Always a good supply of Shelf and Heavy Hard- ware on hand. Scarf e's Endurable Paints, Enamels and Varnishes. Almatex Plastic Paints, Kem-Glo, Etc. 'Our Aim—To Serve and Satisfy! 'Datars Main St. Hardware Store Phone 213 ��iY�,.n>�••�-wG'l+'a#�W.'L.-s��!� ."w. m.w.. awsa.- � -�- _ ENJOY YOURSELF ? ? ? IT'S LATER THAN YOU THINK -- "The Harvest is past, the Summer is ended, and We are not Saved: Jer 5;20. FIIMNDS; What despair if our summer were ended and all chances of being saved were past for- ever! VCat joy could there be in a Christ - less Eternity? Behokl now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation. 11 Cor. 6:2. How much to be Desired are the Master's Words: "Enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Matt. 25:21 Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matt. 11:25. CHAS E. }aULLERO 5 p.rn., DST. Sundays ADC Nztwork