HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-10-19, Page 1ST. PETER'S • --COMING EVENTS-- lEvangelical Lutheran Church E N J O Y! ZURICH — ONTARIO IREV. E. W. HEIMRICH, PASTOR -AD a.m.—Divine Services. TO �is.lb a.m. —Sunday School. Earl Heywood and his CK .7.30 p.m. --Divine Worship. Barn Dance Clan? "Everybody Welcome) to all services. Hay Twp. Community Ce ZURICH, on �s 'Thursday, October 19th. Dancing 10-1 Make it a date to 'go dancing to .Popular Orchestra Admission — 75 cents Entire Proceeds for Zurich Hoc Are You Suffer' From Club. " ItHeadachesT HYMENEAL E' QR, Have your M re® ibiC m&ed vith •Jacob& - Hauser Nuptials Celebra Me Itegt I�Lodszd pa2re�� pA very pretty fall wedding t lace in Calvary Memorial E. U. A. L. COLE, R.0• Church, Rodney, on Saturday aft moon, October 14th, at 2:30 p. -OPTOMETRIST & OpTWAAN -when FMary Jean, onlip daughter Mrs. Gertrude Hauser :and the 1 UOD C]H --OWL John Hauser Sr., became the br d Glasses Ms Priem of Laird M. Jacobe, only son of Chateau-®Wling banes GRANT) BEND Register For League . Bowling Oji Bowling Every Week -end LUNCH BAR Nice Way To Spend An Evening! Spectators Welcome! .PaaG'7 cd, 'Th reolor --� Pi"LUC4,M UCW .171'�.�ZG�iC bee,, Member of Ontario Funeral Association Holder Of ST. JOHN'S AMBULANCE FIRST All) CERTIFICATE Portable WM.31 N Equipmei3l mospITAii. RENT —INVALID TO REN—INVALID CHAIR To LOAN P� FLOWERS SUPPLIED FROM MITCHELL NURSE'ittl9Il WE WIRE ANYWHERE <, 2'4 44utg Service -Z .Dashwood 'Tel, 70W. "li: THIEL'S Sup�rzor Store pyY. i }j UK, # s MEN'S WEAR 'LADIES' LINGERIE INFANTS BOY'S' `GIR1,5' CLOTHING FRESH GROCERIES FRUITS VEGETABLES CURED MEATS IF REQUEST -ED, WE DELIVER GIVE US :A 'CALL FOR SERVICE! Phone 1 s C. H. `X`I� M � Zurich and Mrs. Garnet Jacobs of Zurich, Ontario. / The altar of the -church was bank- ed with -white Baby -Mums and Datil-- ias, ,and flanked with white Cathedral �.. Candles. The chancel -of the church was profusely decorated with pink Baby -mums and white Bridal Ribbon. During the wedding service whlclr �•-®..� �...- - "� NX was celebrated by the parish minister To E.Atertain Convention the Rev. F. Paul Erb, the organ softly spoke the bridal hymn. The various •Officials of the Hay The ,bride, Who was given in mar- Mutual Fii•e Insurance Co., attended ritre riage by her uncle, Mr. Elgin Wei- the monthly meeting held at Cred- gand, of Dashwood, looked lovely in iton on Saturday. This Thursday a traditional gown of white slipper will be a .big . day floc this organiz- satin, fashioned with flitted 'bodice, ation when they will celebrate the and a neckline •and yoke of nylon net. 75th anniversary .of its founding by Long fitted sleeves fell into IilyF entertaininj the annual convention this points over the wrist. Her finger-tip of the Mutual Fire Insurance Com - veil was of nylon, and she carried an (11'anies of this district. Some 12-5 informal bouquet ,of red roses and Delegates are e"Xpected to be present key white baby -mums. The ,bride was at- I and the al%air will be held in the new tended by Miss Doris illcQuire, of Community, Centre. Chatham, charmingly gowned in fall- I blue taffeta, with fitted bodice and Retdrned from Trip bouffant skirt. She wore a crown- Mr and Mrs. Aaron Gingerich and ted less hat of matching taffeta, and blue Miss Mildred Gingerich, Mr. Isiah to gloves' completed her costume. She and Lambert Witmer have returned B. carried an arm bouquet of yellow from an ,enjioyable trip -to Michigan. er- mums and yellow gladioli. They visited with relatives and fri- m• Little Miss 'Mary Mistele of Rod- ends at Breckenridge, Clare, Elkton Of ney, 'cousin of the bride, made a and Pigeon:` They had the -grand ate charming flower girl. She was privilege of visiting with, :Mr. Wit - de gowned in fall -pink and carried a mer's mother-in-law, Mrs. John Gall - Mr white satin (bridal 'basket of pink man whoWill celebrate hehr 95th mums. birthday neXt .month. She is still Master Larry McClinchey of Lon- quite good health although rather don, cousin of the groom, was the feeble othert'vise, her mind is very ring -bearer carrying the ring on a keen., traditional white statin pillow. The bridegrio'om' was assisted by John HUR6N OLD BOYS Hauser Jr., of Rodney, ibm-ther of the .bride. The ushers were Maurice The fall Ictivities of the Huron Mistele of Rodney, cousin of the County Old Boys' Association of Tor - bride, and Claire Geiger of Zurich, onto got off,ta an excellent start cousin of the groom. The weddIn"with a bowling party at Acorn. Cen- music was played by Mrs. Charles tral Bowling;Alley The attendance Ludy of .Rodney, who used as ,the was small butt competition keen. The processional Lohengrin's `Bridal high Score -vias won by Mrs. Ray Chorus," and as is recessional "The Carter and Xi! .. Ken 'MacAulay. Plans Wedding March" by Mendesllohn. are now rn.ad'e,to hold the Golden The soloist, Mrs. Wm. 'Fuss of Zur- Jubilee A.t ,WM. ' on Fridalyi, I Novem- ich, sang as an invocatoin "The ler 3xd, ai + 4 War Aisiputations' of •, ford's Prayer" ,and as �a .vesper ben- Ganad�a, 5'0 " ellekey St., West. Mr. i ediction, "I .Love You, Truly." �F�red Elliott? FChairman. lC •one CereYrliiiiy a recepL- �3on was held in the 'church parlours. Evangeheal Church Baskets of );ink mums provided an effective setting for the wedding The Youth Fellowship of the Ev. dinner, served to fifty guests. The angelical V. B. Church had their an - bride's table was centred with a 3- nual election of oft3eers for the cur - tier wedding cake, and flanked with rent fall :and' winter season last Tu, pink tapers and pinks :baby-nium. esday evening. The officers die as The guests were received by the follows: Rev. H. E. Roppel, Minis• bride's mother gowned in ,black crepe ter; Miss Nola Krueger, Youth Dir - with satin trim, and black accessories ector; President, Betty Anne Gas, and wearing a corsage of red roses. cho; 1st Vice Pres., Joyce Witmer; She was -assisted by the mother of the 2nd Vice Pres., Joan Dietz; Secret - groom, gowned in full-groon crepe; ary, Kathryn O'Brien; Treasurer, black accessories -completed her eos- Donald O'Brien; Pianist, Mary Lou (tame and she wore a corsage of yel- Fritz. low roses. In the-tourse of !business it was decided to hold regular meetings )7or their wedding trip to North- twice a month, — on each atternate ern Ontario, the bride chose a suit Tuelsdaly, evening. A minimum toll- of blue gabardine; with navy acces- eetion fee of 10c. was agreed upon sones, and she wore a corsage of for each member at each meeting. pink roses. Guests were present from It was also -decided to show a Reld.g- Detroit, Chatham, Zurich, ,Dashwood ious Talkie film depicting some bible 'zit•(l L• oiid•on. The groom's gift to story on Mon -day evening, Novemb- (the bAde w0' ai:1, ,st of silver, to the �. ith, following the anniversary bridesmaid, ,a 5ilv0i ,ll'teac� :i;, ate, to Sunday. w the flower girl, ming ibdai'eP and lbw- Yloris Club News I omsman, .gold rings and to the :t}filii'sJ matching tie -clips. Upon thein r�* turn from the wedding tri.* the A vesly iA3 14ing meeting was double will reside on the fff i'4zWs held oil Mona aY AvPning in the Dom. ftflhl hear Zurich. inion Housedinin"'O )loom• with a fine n<- attendance. Lion "Rill ;Siebert of , tlre program committee,_ l+ad atra ndUe An ncinfed to have jMr. Douglas Know'!"es' So ' l:veter as special speaker and who � chose for his subject `Indra". The d N ()RMA ' S RAG RUGS and CARPETS BEAUTY SHOPPE I FOR APPOINTMENTS On a New Modern Loom, Made €t Tel. 1223. Zurleb Order — Seth 0. Amann, Zurkk. NORMA STEINBACH - Prop. Ont. Phone 128. Save Costly Watch Repair With Regular 'Watch Care >n 'Oblme coal CHANGE NOW YOUR WATCH NEEDS PERIODIC To the Coal you can depend Vn thi+lt winter. Solve typur heating probI'er>S LEANING OND OILING. IF YOU this easy way and change to the coal JWN A BULOVA OR ANY OTHER that will definitely assure you con- tinuous ,heat throughout the winter ?INE WATCH BE SURE AND months. And remember — BLUE SAVE IT CLEANED AND OILED COAL burns better and lasts longer,, kT LEAST ONCE A YEAR (32 Years Experience) LORNE E. HAY Office Ph. 10. House Ph. 673rtr. d� HENSALL Jeweler and Registered D'oe's Vitimized Feeds Optician. Lj gOt Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Private Car Ambulance Service Hospital Bed and Wheelchair for Rent p liibT!Mrih - ti L AWS FOIA 1 LL. OC- - CASIONS Day and Flight Service__ Telephone:~ Res, 89 - or 122, Zurich Z ,i" k !.. a. �, I GrOcery Store We are ever at your service with the hest ' lines obtainable of FRESH GROCERIES All Fresh Vegetables, Fruits in Season as well as . Canned Fruits and Vegetables on hand Candies - Nuts - and Confectionery in supple .: LIVE US A CALL Maenn® of urich PRODUCE WANTED. Phone 165 ions learned inany things they did " THE OPENING OF AM bLE'CTRIC not previously know a,bloat this far ms SHOP Iwr CRiEDITfiN away land with it's nf were right.—Advt. and Campbell Chapman.ON We have a Good Supply of Men's Overalls, Worts Pants, Shirts and Work Socks. Also a fine stock of Fall and Winter Underwear. J US T A 1IR I V MEN'S WORK SHOES AND RUBBER BOOTS. Also a big variety of Rubber Footwear for lien, Women and Children. GIVE US A CALL! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND I T 11. E N i L A. i i E SIn ift D. It El E. Schwartxentru4er, Prop, Pbo>nie 11-97 w•- i any m- Ons o people. A nuinber -of Lions from We are :prepared to do' Electrical the London Club dropped in fior the Wiring of all kinds in the Crediton, supper and meeting and aroused and Zurich Ddstriots. things up considerably. These bolt's �7( Electric were out for a bit of fun and they cairte to visit a live V\%uerth good ana' peppy Chub to do -their stuff. When It was PHONE 84 - ZURICH all over, the tail4wister had a nice bit of fines in his strong -box collect- ed in fines. The next meeting will The "Voice of Temperance be on Nov. 8th in the Coin. Centre, catered to by the local Women's in. Said a minister to a beaten alc'holic "1karry, in God''s how did stitute, when the Lions will entertain name, a their Lioness, ,opt ,better known as man like ?you come to this. The ans- "Ladies' Night. wer came "Well may ,you ask that question. I had a good home. but I Last Wednesday evening some 1:8 was a young fool. I knew what liquor local Lions motored to .London to had done to many ,but I was sure it attend the big rally at the .London could not happen to ine. (:could (hint: Hotel where t.hry eritestained the In - and let it alone. I ought to have tornation-il Pr"ident H, C. Petvy, of known better, .that no one can safely I '1 r xas at the district rally of the var- experiment on himself with alcolil. ren, Oul);.. At this gatborin;g The One thing I completely overit,oked nvwly oi`,_,anized Graand Bend Club that alcohol is a habit formintr drug. i E.1'ok- d il..z charter, among" other in. I was ,going to ,be a moderate drinker, tirc-,.ting item;, The Officers of the i but before I knew where i was 'the 0-,10 04,11d Club are: 11'resident, habit had me in its grip. Oh : re, 1f I i '.r7e vice presidents, G. could only start over attain, I'd i,nl o i . rn:: ,, 1:, ', :bianore, Art Pugh; touch a drop of the infernal stuff. In "Icy., Prod Wilson; areas. Ken Young In1y young days I thought the toetot • � 7 inn Tamrr, Wally Dc,;jardine; song allers, as neve called them, were fanat- leaden•, Jas, Breen; directors, J. W. i'cs and fools. I know now that they Holt, Toter Eisenibach, Will 'Glen were right.—Advt. and Campbell Chapman.ON We have a Good Supply of Men's Overalls, Worts Pants, Shirts and Work Socks. Also a fine stock of Fall and Winter Underwear. J US T A 1IR I V MEN'S WORK SHOES AND RUBBER BOOTS. Also a big variety of Rubber Footwear for lien, Women and Children. GIVE US A CALL! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND I T 11. E N i L A. i i E SIn ift D. It El E. Schwartxentru4er, Prop, Pbo>nie 11-97 w•-