HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-10-05, Page 8,'f ZURICH . ONTARIO
Thursday, October 5th, 1950
1p�C1the various re of the late
mm relatives 41 Westlake Furniture
la ton Hoffman attended his fun- —
BOG eral at Galt, Thursday >asst. 'V�IPIAT EVERY FARMER +
Miss Jeanette Debold or Dashwood
1��i Miss Donn week -end wibh her friend ,�,�' 1
Fain Goodsspent last Seasonable
a Baillock• I F y Mr. and .Mrs. Ted. Foster of De -
Blanket arm Liabilit Policy �a Supplies
Q trait were visitors with her parents, 41
0 0P Mr .and (Mrs. Louis Welber. $10,000 Inclusive Limits coverage.
Dr. and Mrs of Galt were • Archie MacKinnon Premium $9.00 per annum per farm _
4 D
�Od e�P Sundalyn guests at the not exceeding 350 acres. _ + AVE HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF ALL LINES
NOW ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY l former's mother Mrs. M. MacKinnon
4 The month of September. ipassed What Does it Cover?
0�0 out on Saturday and Octolber. already OF FURNITURE
Q Q New all Wool anti. Esmond Blankets, New Dress � 0 is bring in cooler weather. Operation of unlicensed tractors and
d Q . farm machinery; Strayed Animals,
Mr. George Volland of Detroit + A Good variety of Linoleum, Congoleum and
Coats; v was a visitor at the home of Miss Farm Premises Risk Personal Acts
�� Materials, Ladies and Girls Sweater Coats` and Activities.
0 Q
Elizabeth Volland. + Axminster Dugs, Etc.
40Q Mens and Bogs New Shits; Sweaters, Flannel. 0 Q Sunday was ob;sereid as World Wide optional Coverages +
4QQQ G communion Sunday in the Christian
V churches. Animal Collision $200. limit on any + All Lamps are Reasonably Priced!
Work Shirts; Everything in Work Shirts, Over- � Q Gleaming Rhinelstone Costume. orae animal P •rem. $1.00. Products +
q0Q Jewelleyr; Necklets Earrings; $ins. A I Liability. Custom Farming and
U� ails, Pants Sox. Some of these lines are in short ji Q large assortment; •of Earrings -at $1.50' Machinery! rented to others. � �1`%e also carry a good supply of Springs and 1VIat-
-Hess the Jeweller. e _ ✓v Q = Employers Liability. tresses, such as Beautyrest, Airfoam, Etc.
g supply, particularly Overalls and Pants .m
ade of 0 G lir. and Mrs. Exias Charrette and Voluntary Compensation.
n Donnie of Detroit, were week- For Further particulars Apply. •i•
blue denims. So if in need do not delay. G + end guests at the home of her ,par- + Furniture Store Phone 122 Zurich
Q Q ents, Mr and Mrs. David Ducharme. J. W. HABERER - Phone 161
iDa ��QO Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 'Steinbach Residence Phone 89.
Q P and son Ronnie of 'Lomdon, were
Q Sunday visitors with the former's +
Ds� Q Q parents, Mr and Mrs. Hy. Steirnbaeh ARTHUR FRASER tlllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllilllllillllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilNllllllllllllll
�y(Vl :lir. and Mrs. Clarence Kerschbeck
D y AQ
of BRufi alo were visitors at the home Income Tax Reports
p ASUREn�Q� of; Mrs. Rose Brown who acciomzpan- Bookkeeping Service, Etc.,.
QI)%M A T VY� field them for a�pleasant week's visit
"t`' � r? f at Buffalo. EXETER
�qQ�i�n% Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Regier, who JFFICE:—Corner Ann, William Sts.
V17� QOQ have been wiorking on the farm of Phone: Exeter 504., ♦ •
Q Mr, John Jeffrey, 14th con. Hay,
Mr. MacKenzie will be with us again on MONDAY Q Q are moving to London to reside,
0Q London, are moving on the Jeffrey BOTTLES. WE HAVE DIFFERENT SIZES AND COLORS
SEPTEMBER 25th Nvith acomplete line of 0� farm. ® NOW THAT THE COLD WEATHER IS NEAR YOU HAD •
Samples of Cambridge Clothes, Suits, Overcoats, Weber of Elmira, welre week -end EXETER, ONT. m SEE IF THEY ARE IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION. WE
1°ae.�ts at the home of the former's Wednesday,2 to 5 p.m., at Zurich
�Q si ter lYIr and Mrs. J. Wesley Merrier ♦ CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ANY NEW PARTS FOR ANY ='
OQ At (New Twnp. Office) ♦ •
Made to Measure. Also Read to Wear for men Q G ♦ TYPE OF RANGE HEATER OR FURNACES.
Ready Al -u attended the Smith - Merrier ♦ �
QnQ wedding tom Saturday. ® �
4(jG .° ® WE ALSO CARRY —New Ranges, Space Heaters, Toridheet
and boys. RerY -e ber the date, one day only y The sale of IIon1e1'alde Bal: ; g and t y Oil Burners and Furnaces; Beatty, Duro and Aero Deep and
nQ Q Q apron.?, etc. held in the town 'hall on ♦ '
V417 Q Saturday afternoon by the Catholic @ and
Products. Paints, Enamels, Stains, Oils, Etc. Shelf
000 MONDAY SEPTEMBER 25th. , BLOCKS � and Ileavr Hardware.
4 D W omens League 'was in every way o $
Q D decided success, and things found s We rent our Cement Mixer and Paint Sprayer.
very readiyj buyers for the lovely ar
0D ti,cles. Immediate Delivery
�"� aFor Courteous and Dependable Service .SEE!
QW. I. Resume Meetings HURON CONCRETE
�Q TELEPHONE 59 ZURICH OQQ The Zurich Women's Institute will 0 ° �,
0 . resume :their regular meetings_zn PRODUCTS �' iY � 'Z ®' ���
Wednesday evening, Oct. -11th, at
6 p.m. sharp, in the auditorium of Phone 684 Seaforth Phone 63 - Zurich
the Zurich Town Hall. A plastic
• demonstration will ,be given, all mem-
hers are asked to (bring one or more EMIVIAh M
• friands. We feel this will be,.,of
®The da�le Store �
special interest to all mothers and
homemakers. Welcome all ladies! FLOOR TILE
® • '-"^'rte
• Colder Weather Zurich — Ontario F O R
The Store with the Best Variety of all Klrlds •
Farmers were busy getting in the 99•
of GroceriesTate crops, such as :beans, buckwheat REV. H. E. ROPPEL The Best In Mastic Tile ,Floor
. • corn and clover seeds. We have had O E T
.also Rubber Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys : a'ome nice weather for same but it Minister �/ '
-has now turned cooler with ranns and TILE ! 1 ''j''/O
A fine assortment of Hard and Electrical • signs of frosts. In Manitoba a heavy Mrs. Milton Oesch - Organist �
fall of snow was in order, which gre` R ALSO CLEANERS AND WAXES
Appliances • atly damaged the fine wheat crops Omday Services:—
• about half harvested. Manufactured b The Flintkote Company,
• 10:00 a.m.—Divine Worship. y P Y,
• HARDENED ARTERIES iL.00 am.—Bible School. w
CO -_OP. FEEDS Cured and Fresh Meats _ See Your Local Agent
• The greatest killer and crippler in 7:30 p.m.—Divine Warship. .JOHN M. TURKHEIM o Phone Zurich 174
Your Patronage Appreciated at all Times! ! the united .States today is hardening Welcome at all Services—"ComeIt LAID AND MAINTAINED. Free. Estimates Gladly Given
® • of the arteries. New medical meth -
GIVE US A CALL! ® moa with m and we will do thea
• ods spay tid physicirdns greatly in figh- fid•+� Num. 10:29.
JOHN DENOMY - DRYSDALE ..Phone 98 r 1 ting the ailment. For a list of foods — l
to eat and foods to avoid to .keep BORN
your arteries healthy, see The Amer- ;•. ..i•..'.................. ♦♦.*♦♦♦♦♦*..♦�•�•'���
ican Weekly with this Sunday's (Oc- At the Farwell Nursing Home, in ¢ INVEST IN YOUR HOME
•@9•••••••• ®••••• �,� tober I8) Detroit Times. Zurich, on October 3rd, to Mr. and
OBITUARY Mrs. Bert McBride, Stanley Town- t• P,��e There's no better place to put
f & ' your money. Home improve -
ARE -- SEEDS and FU•RNITU strip, adaughter. - meats increase your family's
Mrs. Jacob Willert
enjoyment • o the
Mrs. Bertha Willert, widow of the�. � . , �� oymen and r
� rid 5 add t
Auto Accidents� � � : ���\°'``
late Jacob Willert, formerly of Dash- \ l \������ `\;r value of your property.
wood, died suddenly Thursday lastat
• Y Y 1lurt in Crash...<_ \-,EXTRA ROOMS
Lk Fuel 69th year 1;°.',• �
• her home .in. Mitchell an trey IYe �
_ Mrs. Willert and her daughter Edna Lambert Beavers., 40, who name toS
�.� ��, —NEW ROOF
i-noved from Dashwood to Mitchell a- Canada •from Holland, a tew anonths —SIDING �p
Will receive attention with us if left in plenty of time. bout three years ago. The body zes- ago, and has been employed on the
Township ���'•�. ` �� � •'` � —GARAGE
• ted at the T. Harry Hoffman -funeral farm of Stewart Bc11 Hay 1
We always try to Supply our Customers with the most home and the funeral was Sunday was seriously injured last Thursday= y INSULATION
afternoon last held from Zion Luth- afternol:,n in a car accident. He was Q MODERN KITCHEN
Suitabl. Fuel for their Beating equipment. But to eran church, conducted by Rev. J. driving a truck north and turned out —NEW FLOORS
Wolfe, of Mitchell. Interment was when he inet a tractor driven by Geo
insure deliveries In time always leave your orders early s in the Lutheran Bronson lisle Cemet- Beer coming south. Beavers truckhit ESTIMATES FREE
• ery. Born in 1 -lay Township, Mrs, the edge of a culvert and when he
with us so we can arrange for your supply Willeart's maiden name was Bertha lost control., it careened ,into a tree (y �0 p ,)!i�� T ��,��`1 �6 ��
Miller. Besides her daughter she is and turned over. Mr. Beer took him F. C. �..�d.a r L ° 'I C
YOUR HEATING. EQUIPMENT survived by two (brothers, Gustave out from under the truck in -n un- Phone 69 - - ZURICH
Equipment? Miller, Dashwood and Nicholas Mil- conscious condition and he was re -
Have You Looked ,Over Your Heating� ler, Grenfell, Sask., and one sister, moved to his lroma, nearby. Dr. J. 994444'I**."I"4"d"I"4*"B"'I"+*°i"t'** ....."..�"��'����'������•�
Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob. Mrs. L. H. Rader of Dashwood. G. Goddard, of Hensall, Mound that
he has several fractured ribs, and
ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over I HAD 80th BIRTHDAY sufl'ered considerably from shock,ibut n
for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best The family of Cyrus Schoch, of his condition is reported good. Massey
elbringville, formerliy, iof ZUrroh, .re- GO,DERICH CHURCH BURNS
Advantages. I cently surprised him to celebrate his pyre raged through Knox. 'Presby -
We carr a full line of the Well known and Tried 80th birthday at the home of his terian Church, Goderich on Saturday
3' son and daughter in lay, Mr. and afternoon leaving only the tloundat-
and Proved Sherwin�Williams ,Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Mrs. Clifford Schoch, 652 Downie -St. ion and brickwalls standing. The
Stratford. T11e presentation was a $3o0,000 church was ,partially cov- HAVE RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF MASSEY,-
Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax ,sum of money. In making reply,M-r. area by insurance. The fire started HARRIS REPAIRS. ORDER, YOURS EARLY!
C. Schoch 'raid, .since the family saw over the noon hour when workmen
OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS fit to honor him on his 70tn anniver. who were putting on a new roof, AM 'TAKING ORDERS NOW FOR ANY MASSEY HARRIS
Plumbing, Work, Evetrou bin and Tineamith sary (that time at Zurich) ana now were to dinner. It is thought some
g g g again, he trusts God will grant him debris frown the roofers took fire IMPLEMENTS YOU MAY REQUIRE, INCLUDING TRACT-
ing our Specialty. Full line -of heavy and shelf Hard- grace that they •might celebrate his running up the window into the roof. ®RS, THRESHING MACHINES, COMBINES, ETC.
90th birthday also. Mr and -Mrs, At the height of the blaze the steeple
Ware always in stock.celebrated their golden wed -
Schoch collapsed, .and the roof caved in
ding jubilee throe years ago last ;portly after. It was considered the "The Service Arm for Canadian Farm"
Murch 4,01th ,at the home of another finest, church in the community, hav-
STADE & W' E I E ) U son, Percy E. ,\,t.t that time Dr. H. inghad the interrior redecorated, C ►xKlo
A. Kellerman a, former Du;hwood Clinton. and Gloderich fire brigades Shop 149 1 •
1 Q - ��„ boy, preached�tbe sermon on "Golden could do .n:othing to save the 'bu building Tel.jV
Years.' As the family attended the'ibut kept other nearby houses from
epurcli in a body. at Calvary Evang.-taking fiire. Some 'of .the contents of j
clical Church, Kitchener,the basement were saved. !