HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-10-05, Page 4Y
'White Beans., Soya Beans
Timothy - Alsike - Sweet Clover
Red Clover
W. E.
Phone 87 or 158
s is no firnl�
The ,unseen figure of Death rides beside the motorist yvho races a
?train to a level crossing. The way may look clear, and there may seem
to. be a split second in which to avert calamity. UnfortunateIV for
many of the 140 who were killed and the 549 who were injured in
44.3 railway crossing accidents in Canada in the 12month period end-
ed June 30th last, the train was moving faster than they judged, or..they,
were closer to the -point ,of impact than they imagined and they :paict a
high price for their impatience. The old rule of STOP, LOOK -and LIS-
TEN applies with more force thAn, ever today when more autos and
trucks are on the road. Make sure jy;ou have a clear path over the cros-
Clearing Auction Sale tern of Real Estate:— 10 per -
cc day of sale, balance in 30
.Of Tauri Stock, Feed and Implem- days when possession will be given.
ents, at Lot No.. 23, Concession 12, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Solid
Brunason Line, Stanley Township, oak dining room suite, solid oak bed -
1 1-4 miles south and d mile east •oi xaonl suite dresser and commode,
Bayfield, or 9 miles north of Zurich, chest of drawers, 2 • wash stands,
;On WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th. small rocker, cherry rocker, small
At 1 o'clock, .p.m. (,Standard time) chest, small heater, large clothes
Horsds — Percheran mare 6 years basket, large mirror, small drawer,
gold; Fercheron mare 10 years -old; pictures and picture frames, two
Cattle — 4 Polled Angus cows 5 trunks, large flour box, 2 toilet sets,
Wears old due in February; 3 Here- �clrockinole board, square top exten-
;ford cows due in February; Hereford r sion dining room table; 5 diningroom
I*w8 9 years old due in February; 9 chairs; 2 antique chairs, arm ,chair,
Willed .Angus sbialbV) beefs. All these : o•ccasional chair, kitchen table, 8 kit-
,ttle are T. B. tested and subject to then chairs, kitchen clock, centre
test in 30 days. table,C fern ..tared, 9 ., cart rockers, kit -
at Pigs -- 2 Yorkshire ,Sows ;bred; then stool, glass cupboard, Quebec
AS Yorkshire pias 11 weeks old. heater equiped with oil !burner, up -
Sheep — 2 Leceister ewes, 4 Suf- holstered couch, spool 'bed, sbab�y bed,
=folk ewes, 1 ewe lamb. 3 wooden beds, high chair, spinning
Feed — Approximately 16 tons of wheel, hand washingwmachine, qua n-
4mixed hay; Approximatels r1,000 tity of dishes, silverware and kitchen
bushels mixed :grain, utensils, numerous sealers, 5 -gal.
Implements — M. H. No. 81 crocks, small jug, 2, 40 -gal. steel
tractor, equipped with lights, starter 'drums, 2 small iron kettles, coal ,oil
and P.T.•O.; tractor cab suitable for oven and many articles too numerous
KID. 81 or No. 22 M. H. tractors; M. to mention.
H. +bean puller - scuffler, victory Terms—Cash,
made, 2 seetign dggble d.'Sc,, 'TA. IJ, Ervin puetltlldt',
Wo. 2A 02=furroly triketor a,'- H^ r ;irs. i,etta Taylor, Administrators of
i uaet`tlt^. (power lift) ; IMWH. man- the Estate of rate Charles Guenther.
ure spreader on rubber, Ctractor Milford Merner, Clerk.
bitch); M. H. No. 5 7 -ft, cut binder; Alvin W;alper, Auctioneer.
M. H. 13 -run :fertilizer drill; grain
•voai2r; McCormick 6 -ft. out mower; � � S �
16 -ft. hay rake, steed land rollers
rubber tired wagon, (600x16 tires) ;__
4 -,section drag harrows; Clinton fan- Rev, and Mrs, JAn Oestrelebu,
"yang mill (with tt'moitoo; Ret harness, Dorothy and Jennie 61 C111drd spent
home collars, f'oXlcs, shovels, logging Friday and Saturda6t WWI relative
tchain acrd numerous other -articles. here,
No reserve, as the farm is sold. Mr and :1lrs, Krueger and 'Mr an
TERMS—CASH Mrs. P. Schause of Hanover wet
'Thomas H. Scotehmer, proprietor' Sunday visitors with. Mr and Mrs. T
Edward Elliott, Auctioneer. Hoperoft.
Mr and Mrs. Emery Cavers an
Tearing Auction Sale family of 'Meaford spent a few day
with rdlatives here.
Oi' Real Estate and Household Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Schaefer NI
il'of l the Premises in the Vld and Mrs. Donald McKenzie, Nana
"gage of Dashwood, being part Lot 123, Anne Douglas and Donnie of Kisch
4. `B. Con., Hay T,wp. The under- ever• spent Sunday with .Mr and Mr
signed auctioneer has been instruct- Card. Oestreiclrer.
ed to sell by public Auction, on Mr and Mrs Milton Webb are vi
iting in Port Colborne.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1114th. Mr and Mrs Harold Kellerma
Commencing at 1X30 p.nm. have .moved into their new horn
REAL I*li1TATE — Consisting of west of the mill.
'2 -5th acre of land, more or Mess, a The members :of the G.N.O. Bridg
-two story frame dwelling with !base Club entertained their husbands to
resent; also good sized frame garage, I turkey dinner at the Dominion Hot
numa_rou shade and fruit trees and Zurich. The w nnem of the •pwgr•e
best of garden land; neveri;ailing'sive, court whisk which •follo-wedth
opring well, property is in ideal lo- dinner were Mrs. Florjtd Wein an
its tion and in good condition, I Wally Wein was Irst prize and M
Melvin testemeyer and Mr. Eddie
Hamacher the consolathm. prize.
Mrs. Jim Rbbertsn <wid son of Mis-
sion, D.C. are visiting with her par-
ents, Mr and Mrs, Win, Wein.
Two charges of dangerous driving
both the result of fatal accidents, oc-
cupled the bulk of a �da,Y-long session
of Exeter court, Tuesday last Char-
ged in connection with the death of
a Brantford boy bicyclist in Crediton
Lawrence Taylor, Grand rBend, was
acquitted. Judgment was reserved
on 'a charge against Bert B-assenberry
of Detroit, whose car killed 'a London
youth on the Blue Water HighwEv
north. Magistrate D. E. Holmes ac-
quitted Lawrence Taylor because
there was no evidence of neglect, he
was driver of a car involved is an
act dent in which 8 yr. old Kenneth
Walte.x Sullivan of Brantftord was
killed in Crediton on Aug. :15 the
Sullivan boy was, following a .tractor
on his bicycle when lie pulled out
from behind into the path of -the Tay-
lror car.
Concessionaries Fined
Johon Lauman and George Xnapp
Grand Bend concessionaries; -pleaded
guilty to operating on Aug. 27 !and
Sept. 3 contrary to the Lord's Day
Act. They were fined $80 and
costs. Ronald Faber and Thos. jen-
sen of Detroit were fines. $10 each
for fishing without Ontario ocenses
on Labor Day. Deputy game - harden
Doug TrIaner caught the boys fish-
ing illegally..
Constable Appointed'
An officer of the Guelph detachm-
ent of the Ontario Provin�ci�at Police
for the past two and a half years,
Con�tab;le Robert Keane has been .
placed in :charge of the newly opened
permanent O.P.P. headquarters in t
Grand Bend. Same taking effect on �
Sept. 22, He raplaces the special
provincial :police summer detach-
ment under Constable Clare Outing- 3
dyke, which included Constables Har-
old Scott and Walter Te2ry-. Their i
duties came to an end on September
f5th. This vacation centre on the
shores of Lake Huron .has a summer
population 'orf about 15,000 :but dwin-
dles down -in the winter'»•to around
100 permanent, residents. A native of '
the Royal City, Constable Keene pro-
ved to be a lyapular member' among
the officers and is well krio«m° throu-
ghout the tidy+ being prominent in
football, ibaseball and -hockey-
;Torr. and Mrs. Gus V oth, GRven and
Jimmy, of Detroit, spent the week-
end with Mrs. L. Simpson.
Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Manns and
Donald, of Toronto, were week -end
visitors with llrs. F. Manns.
Services in the United Church on
Sunday mrorning were conaucted by
the Ministea, Rev. W. J. Rogers;
Holy Communion was administered.
Services this coming Sunday, Octob-
er 8th will be held at 11 a.m. and
{7 pain.
Mrs. Constance Magnall, Mr. Ken.
y Magnall, Beachville•, visited on Thur-
sday, last with their cousin Mi..s Hat-
tie Sutherland.
lIr ;and Mrs Harold Sherritt .and
son of Hamilton were visitors with
r the fprmer's xarents, Mr and bIrs.
Thos. Sherritt.
Mrs, Florence Joynt spent last
-week Toronto, 'sir. nd.
w e Z o on o visiting o friends.
Mr and Mrs Wm. Blackwell of
Lansing, Mich., spent the weekend
,with the former :s mother,,Mrs. Saran
Blackwell, and brothers +Stewart and
Miss Gladys Saundercock, who has
spent the past months with her mot-
her, Mrs. Annie Saundercock, left for
Montreal where she will resume her
Mrs. Donald McLeod have left for
Calgary, Alb., -after spending three I
months here A s'JM 11,0 :tor brother, Mr .
Wlm.:Boll aha: niece '. Mrs. Florence
oO mt and othet *relatives.
Mr and Mrs. Wan. Taylor and
Paula have returned home after
spending a Month' vacationing with
the former's parents .at Hope, R.C.
Miss Bernice Jinks has left for
London .where she will attend the
University of Western. Ontario,
Mrs. Aubert Dolin of San Fran,
cisco, was a guest last week with Dr
and Mrs. Annes W. Bell,
Dr. and Mrs. IM, A, Hopkinson,
t of Kingston spent 'a' few days at the
s home of thsi, k1ter's parents, Mr and
Mrs. N, P. Cook and in Goderich with
d tbeil, 'brother, Mr K, C Hopk9nson.
e Rev. David Wren, native of Hen-
sall district, retired from the active
ministry for the past five rylears, has
d accepted the invitation as asstciate
s minister to Rev. Keith Love at Trin-
ity United Church, Burlington, Re
Mr had served his church 4i4 ,years when
INT -anal he retired to live in Stratford, where
- he was ordained.
s Had Goods School Fair
Hensail held Its annual School
s- Fair, Tuesday last in the Community
Arena, it being one of the. :best fairs
n ever to have been heft- in the Village
e There were 900 entries with one class
of vegetables having 41 -entries. A
e parade, two Noclr:s long, formed in
a :front of the Town Hall and included
eI ibur rooms of Ilensall tP.S., No, 1.0,
s- ;°day, No .1. and 2 Tuckersmi.tb and
P. No, 7, Hibbert. The fair 'boats stated
d that the tehoQl fair. 1,0 enlarging every
Mrs year..
IJRICId HERALD Thursday, nol,olber 5th, 1.950
dr. Lloyd O'Brien of Zurich, for many years poultxlp raiser and exhibitor, judging Buff Orpingi ons at the:
,urich Fall Fair,.1950. Mr. O'Brien on the extreme left judging the entry of Mr. Fred McClyimont of Varna,
holding chicken ion the right.
Miss Isabella Alexander of Toronto
nd Miss Jean Alexander of London
Ter visitors with their parents, Mr.
nd Mrs. W.m. Alexander, Kippen.
1VIr and Airs. A. Gackstetter and
sail Ann of Kippen were visitors
✓ith friends at Centralia.
Mr. Tbomas Munro, who has spent
ome weeks at Fox Point, tas retu-
ned to, his home in Kippen.
Miss Erena Schultz of London vis-
aed with her paxents Mr and Mrs.
Mrs. Clen Christie, of Brucefield,
s in Scott Memorial Hospital, Sea-
'orth, where she underwent an oper-
ttion, her friends wish her well.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross ,Scott :of Bruce-
leld are holidarydng in New York
Mr and -Mrs. Stan Love, of Exeter
ind Miss Minnde Reid, Hensall visit -
with Mrs. B. Kennard Brucefield.
Mr. R. J. Dayanan of Kippen is vis-
iting with friends in .New Yowk City.
A reception in honor of Mr and
Mrs. Bruce McGregor of Kippen was
held and all report a fine time.
The many friends of Dr. Jim
Jarrott are pleased to know that lie
is gaining slowly after his severe ilI-
bIr and Mrs Wesley Agar of Sarnia
announce the engagement or their
daughter, Mar:,. ret Jean, to Donald
Keys, son of Mr, and Mrs. Shelock
Keys of Varna. The wedding to take
place October 7, in Canon Davis l
Memorial Church, Sarnia. ;
Bayfield Rector Moves,
In order ,to .obtain essential data on electrical appliances
for the change -over from 25 to 60 cycles, The Hydro -Electric
Power Commission of Ontario is currently conducting a P, ,y,-
y-of electrical equipment in approximately 10% of t1:ae, homes;
and co:irnnexcia. estsiblishments in Dashwood,, ,
Consumers ,hosen for this stirvW, ;will 'be notified by
Hydro .of the date the technicians will eaIl..
These men will carry credentials and it ist suggested that
aoonsumers request that their identification be satisfactorily
NOTE: consumers
COMPLETE inventory of the equipment of ALL
consumers will be taken just prior to, the change -
•over, tentatively scheduled for Dmember• 1951.
The lydro-Elect ric Power Commission of Ontario
Frequency Standardization Division
Rev. Laverne Morgan, rector of
Trinity Church, Bayfield, St. James, ,,;:. • K,.
Middleton, and St. John's, Varna, an- '
r1•ounce -his resignation t.o his cong- . ,a.
a ••,,:.
.i accepted call to
r h c -red a ll
reation and as ace
become Rector of St. 'Mark's E: Isco ,�.,,.;...,. .;.:• •,
pal Church Marine rt ,M
Mich., andd
will 313IONE there on Sept. 26th. illi.
Morgan came to Bayfield in March ....•?., ..���\:
1947 from Brantford where he was Tlie United Nations T sru teeship Council, now holding its seventh
assistant to the principar of the annual session at Lake Success will deal with such questions as.
Mohawk Institute. He was rector of progress in U.N. Trust Territories, proposals for an international
Trinity Church, 'Ba1,y,field, when they regime for Jerusalem, and protection of the Holy Places there,
celebrated their 10,Oth anniversary m Here, Dr. Victor Roo, U.N. Assistant Secretary-General, talks with,
Jun& of this ,year. Roger, Garreau of France, outgoing` President of the �Council.-
Tc Money Producers in Southern Ontario...
The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board has received a
request for the approval of a proposed marketing scheme under the
provisions of the Farm Products Marketing Act, 1946, to regulate
the marketing of honey sold in Southern Ontario.
A. mail vote by ballot of producers of honey has been arranged
so that thy; Board may determine whether a fairly representative
number of producers are in favour of the scheme. The ballot with
return envelope has been sent to all: producers.
If you are producing honey in Ontario from ten or more colonies
of bees, and are over 21 years of age, you are urgently requested
to mark your ballot for or against the scheme and' mail it at. once
in the return envelope provided.
Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto, A'ntorio.