HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1950-10-05, Page 2M . .. _ r .., . 1 F FASHION NOTE FOR JUNIORS THEFARMFENT � fled Advertising i " � _lass AGENT$ IVA,N.X'.EI) _ hrOR SATE PI/ S1XB1T� 1 ie � ,� "'• ITTLS C 61E1AS1f9Sr TIMPS, Batteries, I T 6. T.1), isT.1), 18 INTOR.RATIONAL diesel tractor Bucyrus hydraulic s ,Q • - •`--L-;:_.....- """:. Nillnts, Eleotrlo hlotal•s,ulaves, Radios, Refrigerators, Fast Freozers and Will with -Brie nngledozer, steel winter cab, 11 ft, 'Y -type snow plow, , Coolers, hoof Coatings, l atonnnent Anti- Will sell reasonable, hielvllle Davison, llfearord, (int. ; M. R heree's an old adage •--we don't ;. Ii'reeze, etc. Dealers wanted, Write: War- co Granas and an Ltd., Toronto. -�- LATIOA Okr],Rarli just recall the exact wording—that :.' . Now I hope that after reading IIA1iY u1i1U1lhJ LAI?UUltlalt ]t,:tY ba acorea noxa smJng. n, is addressed to folks oil, the make, this you won't rush madly to sell PROOF that. Our aperint broiler chicks Apply nolo find have one for next spring, It is t0 the ef#ect that when you're all your live stock, together with aatlsfy the most exacting broJler special- or sooner. LRA, P.O. Box ass, Ottawa, Ontario, climbing up the Hill of Success It " most of your harvesting machinery ist !s that they conlo here for more• Also chlcks for ]aging. Tweddlo chicle - SAN"' 51EUiCAI. is advisable to mind your manglers `' ' and so forth, in order to mance a Halohertea Lim)ted. lrergns, Ontnrlo -- , DIXON'S REMEDY—Por Neuri- I and not chuck your weight around `. clean illi by putting all your acres PULLETS, 12 wOclts to laying, heavy breeds, Cud- tis and Rheumatic Pains. Thou - too much. Wh ?"Because she . .:: rig;: under ,grass. Still, if the following prompt shipment, Edgar more, Xensalt, Ont. sands satisfied. ll. folks you pass on your way to the r. .,::.': • ` .v"'�::':.:" `<:: ` information is true—and I have no "— -- uYzotNp ' . , MUNRO S DRUG STORE top are the very ones you'll pass . i ?l;'. �•• :•� ' $+�, "`�:i�Y'i reason to doubt it—there ilia come t y AND CT.LrANING FTAvI] You anything needs dyeing or clean- 335 Elgin, Ottawa r t when you come tumblingdown ".:I: t :..:,.::.. :.,.:.; ;a: �.;'' , a day when ,well all .be growing g g m ? t g unite to us for Information• we $1.25 Express Prepaid.i „ • :. .. ,.:; '' ] : ��• grass, not as a filler for cattle, but ,are glad to answer your questions, De• CRESS BUNION 9A1,�'li;—tor amazing again. '< as a food for h 1 ei 1 Str n er partment H, ParkplOa Dye works Limited. relief, Sour druggist sells CRESS. a, �K :K We have often thought of this adage when certain individuals. came tumbling down—millionaires, commercial tycoons and the like who didn't hesitate to throw their weight around when they were up there. They always seemed so sur- prised that other folks didn't take such a mournful view of the tumble as they did themselves. Expecting sympathy, the best they got was advice to go and look under the letter "S" in the dictionary. Now that same adage comes to mind when we.consider the present plight of a couple of football outfits who, just about ten months ago, were the two top teams in Canada —to wit, the Ottawa Rough Riders and the Calgary Stampeders. It is hardly a secret that neither the Riders or the Stampeders had to be told they were good. They would freely admit that they were, if you asked them. Or even if you didn't. In fact, over a fairly lengthy stretch of watching athletes in the process of winning or losing, we can'recall few teams who created a more unfriendly feeling among the general public by their actions off the field; although, in all fairness, it must be said that a generous measure of that ill feeling play have been due to a horde of loud- mouthed supporters who carried e,nthp5i4.sm to the point of obi` noxiousness. to # Anyway, while the Calgary and Ottawa teams may have been high- ly popular in their own back yards, they were far from that among the neighbors. And now look at thenll Ottawa, of course, at present writing are not definitely out of it. But anyonee who witnessed the pushing around they took from the Argos—the team all the experts picked to finish either third or fouth—the other Saturday would be loath to wager more than a picayune on their chance's of winning the Big Four again. (A picayune, if you must know, was a coin they used to have down New Orleans way, worth around six and a quarter cents.) As for the Stampeders—well, for them the ship has definitely sailed. About all that is left for them is to borrow the line managements of losing baseball clubs feed to the fans and say, "Next year we're go- ing to have a HUSTLING ball team." Yes, indeed, that old adage we alluded to at the start isn't such a bad one for teams, as well as indi- viduals, to take to heart "Always remember that the folks you pass on your way to the top are the same ones you'll pass oil the way down." And we Hope that the Calgary Stampeders and the Ottawa Rough Riders are feeling plenty sorry for themselves —sorry enough to t, c ter all their mental aches and y� bruises. Yes, they'd better, because A welfare officer was interview - outside of their own supporters, ing a mother of thirteen children. nobody else appears to be, "It's incredible," she said. "How on earth do you find time to look Nor slid those same Ottawa after -so many by yourself?" Rough Riders do anything to in- The mother replied without hesi- crease their general popularity by tation. "When I had only one child F their actions in regard to a couple it took all my time, so what more of deeply-taniled members of the can thirteen take?" r BY HAROLDow ' ARNETT 791 Ponge Street, Toronto, Ontario, • things than that have happened.NBW, 3-nrsy wonder tablets bunds Mood, DOOR1CItEPING tones nerves fast, Great for simple Why, just the other day, beleive it ACCovNTING anemia, fl'elps clear pllnples, bolls, clears " ] or not, I saw a.teen-a ed lad et u the blood stream. Makes tired fonts alive g g p BUQIiKEEPING and Accounting Service, with lisp, vim, vigor. hush 1 for trial Irving N, Shoop, 20 Nasntitll Street, and offer his Scat t0 a lady 011 a package. Large economy 1a] size, $s. Money ? onto, back guarantee. Imperial Industries. P,O. crowded street -car. Tm ?F BULIIS AND I'LOl{'LR.S Box 001, Winnipeg, Dent. X. t... UNWA TED HAIR Argonauts. With Negroes starring on Big League baseball teams, and on College football elevens, south of the Border — with a United States Negro just receiving a Nobel Prize that proclaimed hien as one of the world's outstanding citizens —such treatment of the race here in Canada is sickening, to put it very mildly. It is a fact that Ulysses Curtis, one of the colored gentlemen in question, has a rather reprehensible habit of shaking his large dogs around after he has been tackled. But his Big Four playmates could have been trusted to cure him of that. Other footballists, in the past, have had the 'saline habit—and wound up by being carried off the field with a badly twisted knee. But if Ulysses Cutiswas, the dirtiest player who ever stepped on a.gCanadian gridiorn—which he was a great many miles from being— even that wouldn't excuse the kind of filthy abuse that was hurled at tum by one, at least, of the Rough Riders. What was even worse was the action of a member of the Ottawa management in backing up —instead of repudiating—what his players had done, If that's what professional sport in Canada is coming to, the sooner we're rid of it the better. r ,K qe But maybe there was a reason, although not an excuse. As poor old Jack Johnson once said in our hear- ing, "It's funny how they never worried about my bad morals till after I'd copped the champ ion ship." Maybe, if Ulysses Curtis ]lad been just an ordinary ruin -of -the -mill player, instead of an outstanding star, those proud Ottawa's wouldn't have cared whether his skin was black, white, or skyblue pink s. t � - a.� I t i � w � �Il�y Ili �y? � �ii� ii n') � ilnitl••II iii, rte"I� >`k:::a„>::>:;::::. : ''•"•1i�;ih°i j';:� ji';_I I��;'�'f�!!h� (Ii;i�I�I�i'r'��('I:`iE II'i).,n.]L,.uili,I,II�,u.tlllhh�!IIL�itiH.it,u.i��u..,.lt!E HANDY BRUSH O KSEP WWITE WASH BRUSH CONVEN IENTL`( AT N ANp ON THS BUCKET BY SENDII46 SAIL So IT \N1 LL kEST 6N TOP 0P 1 HE SUCIt5T RIM �.. r - Most people laughed when a London grass -eating enthusiast re- commended fine golf course tips garnished with lawn cuttings, and rissoles cooled with dried grass. Yet today scientists agree the grass may prove a panacea for the world's pressing food problems. During the war British Govern- ment chemists investigated the,food possibilities of fresh young grass and, at the height of the U-boat menace, actually set up a shadow factory for potential production. . Desert troops in Libya and else- where Who munched sustaining candy bars never realized they were eating experimental' grass nougat. Sausages can be made from grass protein, and researchers at the Rothamsted soil science station have experimented with a dehy- drated clover -like lucerne ,crass ing ent , it this 'Ice the ass ng'. ren ins ,ild -is, ex - S, ar so of sp fol Is 011 op BE O' "X`. off to est Ot chi ma fn tail to ure pla age siz( BIl is c lain is ( flec to i flec filan ano nee flasl 5,00 PL, F idea pret ber eral trat the port CatC tltllf. Ice )re 1a - re. -o. tS. . • ce it, es he 11- ld :11 is )s :s is t. is e !t g d d f e s .1 I TULIP BULBS 50c DOZEN Eradicated from any part of the nods 25 bulbs $1; 100 bulbs, $4; of mixed shades, will give large flowered bloom In with Saca-Polo, a remarkable discovery spring Lilv of Valley roots: 12 good sized of the age. Snea-Pete contains no hn7'nn- roots, $1,50; this is a real buy,- O. E. fill ing'.redient. and will destros the hall, Obst, Bulb Gardens, 13 Ellen East, Islt- root. chener, Ontario. 1,1113-nEER LAle liltreet.t1IS: Oi!) Granville StrM•l. t FARMS FOR SALE Vaneouver, B.C. EXCELLENT farms available, va•fous GAINING tv@IGHT'.' Slendex Tea helps sizes, In prat class dairying and mixed you retain slender tlgul'e, turns food in - farming district, convenient to Ottawa, to energy instead of fat; guaranteed hlrrm- alsO. commercial properties, 4V. C. Use. less, composed pleasant herbs• no exercise Donald, Winchester. Ont.. or drastic diet. Uonth's supply $1, Phil. ONE ACRE in grapes and fruit, three more Sales Reg'd., Dept 111, Box 60, Sta. room cottage, drilled well, hydro Large tion "N". 717nnt•enl. garage, ehlekenhouse Ad hens seven miles POST'S ECZEMA SALVE east of Hamilton on flighway. Thirty-six BANISH the torment of dry eczema rnahes hundred, terms. Apply John. McLaren, and weeping skit troubles. Past's Eeze- Jones Sideroad, Fruitland. ma Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling, burning eczema, none, FOR SALE ringworm, pimples and athlete's foot will CORN EQUIPMENT respond readily to the stainless, odorless ointment, regardless of haw stubborn or ONE 24 International Mounted Corn Picker hopeless they seem, in good condition. J. C. Jai -via, R. 1, T'RIC'E $1.00 PER JAIL Freemen, Ont. Phone Burlington 5914. Sent Post Free an Receipt of Price MOTORCYCLES, Harley Davidson. New POST'S REMEDIES and used, bought, sold, exchanged. Large 880 Queen St E., Corner of Log'itn; 'Toronto stock of guaranteed used motorcycles. Re OUR I''URE VEGETABLE TABLETS pairs by factory -trained mechanics. Bi- GIVE WONDERFUL RELIEF cycles, and complete line of wheel goods, B- I For Catarrh of Stomach, Spinal In. also Guns, . Boats and Johnson Outboard flammation. Motors 'Open evenings until nine except B- 2 For Rheumatic Pains. Wednesday. Strand Cycle & Sports, Ring B- 3 For Spinal Exhaustion, Backache, at Sanford, Hamilton, B- 4 For Piles. ALUMINUM'R0011ING B- 5 For Liver and Xldney, Gall-Blndder. Immediate shipment—.016' thick In 6, 7, B- 6 For Bile, 8, 9; 10 foot lengths, Prices delivered to B- 7 For Palpitating Heart. Ontario points on application. For estim- 13- 3 For Stnmaeh and Intestinal Clean• ates, samples; literature, etc., write: — ing. A. 0. LESLIE & CO., LI311TED B- 9 For Ileartburn, flnier-acidity, 180 COMMISSiONERS STREET B-10 For Nervous Condition due to RearT TORONTO 2, Il\TAR10 frregularlty. will ease Pains anJ Promote Sleep. Not narcotic. ASPHALT SHINGLES $3.35 B-11 For General Nervous Condition, These interlocking shingles are Just one One bottle of our 200 selected pills of our many roofing and asphalt bargains, will be sent to you, postage free, directly 210 ib. Butt Shingles $6.25; 166 Titeloc from our laboratories for $2.00• $4.80 per 100 square feet. MATOL RESEARCH LIMITED $" Thick Insulated siding; Brick or Ce- 2085 Dickson Street, dor Grain design, only $9.45 per sauare. SILLERY, P.Q. 60 lb. red or green Granite Roofing, $2.25. NDRSEIth S'rOCR Above prices F.O.B.• IIs t . HARDY NORTHERN Brown Letham, Many other bargains in these factory seconds, the doubt you can tell from first $5.00. Redeau Raspberry Plants $5.00 grado stock. per 100. Red Lake and Pioneer Black ALUMINUM CORRUGATED SHEETS, Currant Plants, 3 for $1 00 S. 171isley, only $8.69 per 100 sit. feet. Delivered Huntsville, Ont. Ontario, Quebec and Maritimes, RESERVE NOW for Pall planting. Past • All new stock, 26 gauge, various sizes crowing Chinese - Elm Hedge, 12-20 available for prompt shipment Send mea- Inches when shipped. Planted one. foot surements for free estimates. Get yours apart: 26 for $3.98. Giant Exhibition now. Stock limited. Paeonies, red, white or pink, 3 for $1,89. ROBERT JONES LUMBER CO. Geo'geous assorted colours, large Darwin Hamilton, Ontario Tulip Bulbs -26 for $1,79 or 100 for $6.95. 1—NEW Model 302-B Badger ball -trach Apple Trees. McIntosh. Spy, or Delicious Trencher complete. Lennox Equipment & 3 -ft, .high, 3 far $1.08. Free coloured Supply Company. Limited,. Selby, Ontario, Garden Guide with every order. Brockdale RAISE Rabbits for meat, Dents and wool.ool, —Jiingsway nurseries, Bowmanville. Illustrated booklet25c. Carter's Rab- `n" OPPORTUNITIES FOR ME . & IVO.11EN bitry, t;hilllimck. British Columbia, BE A HAIRDRESSER HI -POWERED JUIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn SPORTING RIFLES Hairdressing LARGE assortment and better values. Pleasant dignified profession, good wages Write for latest catalog listing various Thousands or successful Marvel graduates bargain prices. America's Greatest System SCOPE SALES CO., LTD. Illustrated Catalogue Free $26 Queen Street, - Ottawa, Ontario. Write or Call McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS—Two Models MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 25 and 49 pounds Attachment for digging 35S Bloor St. w•, Toronto post holes. C. MufPhy, 9 Cowan Avenue, Branches: Toronto. .44 King St., Hamilton "D” CASE TRACTOR, "S" Case tractor, 72 Rideau St., Ottawa "SC" Case tractor, "VAC" Case tractor, PATENTS "Oliver 1170" tractor, Bel John Deere trac- FETI•IERSTONRA'UGH & Company. Pa- tor, "V" Case tractor, "C" Case tractor, tent Solicitors, Established 1890, 350 Fordson tractor. Apply Elliott's Farm Bay Street, Toronto. Booklel of Informa• Equipment Limited, Phone 2190 Stirling, Limn on request. Ontario B:ILLOUNS, 50 for $1 postnakl. Variotta WANTED shapes, sizes, colors. Punt for all. Albert 31ECHANIC—Excellent opportunity. Ex - Lewin, 1705 Dahill Road, Dept. p., Peitenced man to work on trucks and Brooklyn 23, New York.. tractors. Steady employment, Advancement CARS- for right man. Covered by Sickness and Accident In 1946 Pontiac Sadnn Cote>e; 1930 Buick surance. Top Wages. Phone 4760, or writs IIA\\:l'S T\TTSR\ :'C10N- Sedan; 1936 Dodge Coaeh, AL SALES & SERVICE, GUEL1'II, TRUCES 1944 1i. 7 International Chassis and Cab, Wheel Base 170"; 1042 I.C.5 Internation- al ��6��� al Chassis and Cab, ng Platform; 1941 X -6Y SI F F E R P r 1j L E S .6 International, Long wheelbase nom- plete with platform and high racks; 1940 Crateful users prase quick results. Relief from Ford Two -Ton with stoat rack. Pain—and soothing comfort•—from 111ecca Pile FAIRBAIRN MOTORS Remedies. Two kinds—Number 1 for protrud- Ornngevi lle — Ontario ing Elm. Sold in tube withperforated pipe for ItThLh,S internal ap'plkatioa, 750. Ni tuber 2 for external it internal tall. British E111100Repeat- Piles. Sold in Jas, 95c. or r by number from ers, 26" barrel, Nitro -proofed and the- your Druggist. roughly • (,heeled. 17xpert ty reblued. 011 MECCA PILE REMEDIES finished walnut stock. Condition perfect. Appearance as new. A reliable hunting rifle for only $37,50 Also "lfodided" -- Britlsh l5nlield .303 cal. (26" barrel) Re. pastors in excellent condition $27.50. Salts- ttitii faction guaranteed or money refunded. ' Other types write fur list. with Purchase an of rifle box 48 cartridges $2.50. Eastern Sporting Enubnuent Co., 1320 Bank St" Ottawa, Ont. OME FEET CAF.I: CCR V IIINI)10R, two -wheel leader. ���;;�,,,777' Will ln sell aennrntely. 79ioa, L. Scott, MIS AY CrOrna ray, Out Rub in Minard's Liniment generously, Goud birds have laid 245 eggs a and feel the relief steal over the aching year, an increase of about '15. muscles and joints. For all muscle and k joint pains, aches and stiffness sprained Mhas otter,, methods enables 50 per beenefamousted for ov limrs60byears. Go d od cent of the moisture to be extracted for dandruff and skin disorders, too, from grass while retaining every Get a bottle today; keep it particle of food value. What is handy, more, one ounce of vitamin Bl ex- tracted frons grass is sufficient to supply 30,000 people with all they need for ;t (lay, s „ ,r 7 nm as vain] i Ill nmay ARDS 1err guises, grass ay yet t ' yield a new. foodstuff to fed the "' worlds starving peoples And create new levels of nutrition, ISSUE 40,E -- 1950